My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 59: Burning cultivation

Chapter 59: Burning cultivation

Yun Jhin did a few hand seals as he put his hand over the left part of his body and pushed his finger inside drawing a bit of blood, that blood started burning at a high speed as it evaporated into nothing, afterward his body started to burn with the same flame as the blood did.

Yun Jhin's cultivation ki started to burn as well as his power was quickly dwindling, but his already strong body started to inflate as he transformed into his true form, he grew to a length of 5 meters and his wings unfurled behind him.

His whole body had a flame aura engulfing it as his cultivation practically burned away, his blood was crystalizing at a fast pace and he knew he couldn't keep this up forever, he lounged directly at the other draconic being in front of him and went for a bite towards her neck.

Momo wasn't in the right mind anymore and she let him bite her neck but she bit on him immediately after, however, she couldn't bite through his tough skin, his body rank stood at a proud 8,000 which put him on top even amongst the upper body refining sects.

But she still drew blood from him, even though she didn't break through his tough skin her teeth ripped a little bit drawing blood, it wasn't a good thing for her, as she drank some of the blood it ignited inside her body and made her throw up a bunch of gas, some of her blood got vaporized.

She started screeching as she used her claws to slash at his body but Yun Jhin kept a tight grip on her neck as his maw pushed further trying to take her down in one fell swoop, he didn't have much time to waste so he went for the easiest and most accessible weak point that he could attack with his current battle power.

He started to drink her blood and used it as fuel to keep his 'powered-up' state for more time, the woman started to sway as her blood was being drained at quick speed by him, however, she wasn't done yet with Yun Jhin.

Her dark pupilless eyes glowed with energy as her claw went directly towards Yun Jhin's chest area, he wasn't sure how she identified his weak point so fast but if he didn't let go now, his heart would be pierced and he would die a gruesome death!

Yun Jhin gritted his teeth on her neck as he plunged one claw towards her incoming attack, in a head-on confrontation he wouldn't be able to defeat her even though he could resist, her last resort attack met head-on with his claw and a 'bang' was heard.

His claw moved in an awkward position as it was broken, however, he defended himself from certain death, his eyes started to shine as he injected the woman with the same type of energy he was currently using and her cultivation base started to dwindle from the combustion, her body wasn't as strong as his so her blood was crystalizing at a way faster pace, Momo started to sweat drops of crystal blood as her eyes started to regain reason.

She was near death that she knew, she wasn't sure how she ended up with another dragon-hybrid on her neck but she tried to struggle away only to realize that her body couldn't be controlled anymore.

She opened her mouth to cry only for nothing to come out, Yun Jhin looked up in her eyes and he realized that she regained her clarity but that meant she was very disoriented right now, Yun Jhin let her neck go for a second as he stopped his blood from burning, he almost fell, Momo was still burning as she didn't know how to stop the burning energy that took over her body.

Yun Jhin was using her body as support when suddenly his good claw went directly for her chest, as she was disoriented she didn't realize what happened until she looked down at her chest and saw his claw sticking through it, Yun Jhin retracted his claw as he transformed back into his humanoid form and opened his mouth, he ate the half crystalized heart with gusto as some of his hidden injuries started to heal.

Momo was slowly dying as she couldn't say anything anymore, even though a King realm had more vitality than the normal cultivation they couldn't live without a heart, her body was burning but Yun Jhin injected some frost energy to counteract the burning one stopping her berserk energy, her cultivation base regressed to the 1st stage of the Ki cultivating realm and 90% of her blood was crystalized.

Yun Jhin looked down at her fallen body and started eating it, due to his injuries he ate her body at a slower pace but after 20 minutes he finished, his body started to shake as if he had a seizure and he almost fell to his knees, there was one more cultivator at the second stage ready to attack Yun Jhin, he was supposed to go before Momo but in her craziness, she ignored the rules and attacked.

The cultivator licked his lips as he jumped onto the arena, he thought that the weakened and half-dead Yun Jhin would be an easy target, but even a cornered rat would bite, his cultivation also regressed to the 7th stage of the ki cultivating realm so he thought that Yun Jhin was almost dead.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He took a few steps towards Yun Jhin but he fell to the ground before he could make a few more steps, Yun Jhin's trembling hands were stopped in a hand seal position, he fell to the ground and used his good arm to drag himself towards the fallen man.

The man's eyes widened in terror as he saw Yun Jhin's gleaming teeth, his clothes ripped over and his hood was destroyed, Yun Jhin already left the baby dragon inside a spatial bag before he started the fight, the baby dragon could live in a spatial bag as he wasn't a true creature per se, he was an artificial dragon so he didn't need much to live, and he could be upgraded with flesh and blood, he was kind of like a sentient puppet but also different.

The man immediately patted the arena enough times for Kong Luo to realize that he didn't want to fight anymore, the gravity that bound him didn't cease though, Yun Jhin started to crawl faster towards him, he needed his flesh and blood to restore himself to a decent level!

Kong Luo looked with uninterested eyes, he could care less about what happened to the 2nd stage King realm, however, his eye shone when they moved to Yun Jhin, such a ki technique to reverse the situation it was brilliant!

Everyone could do it but not everyone was brave enough to do it, burning your cultivation would mean throwing away a good time of your life, it would be easier to reach the same realm that you lost but it would still take time!

What did cultivators need the most? Most people would think that it would be talent or resources but what they needed the most would be time!

As long as a cultivator had enough time to cultivate he would be able to find enough resources, he would be able to find treasures that would enhance his talent, but if he didn't have time what could he do? Nothing!

Kong Luo watched as Yun Jhin finally got near enough the 2nd stage King Realm opponent and watched how he ate him alive. (...)

The sweet fresh blood of my enemies, the strips of flesh that I carve with my teeth, his soft skull breaking under my relentless mouth attack, his cries of pain and his shouts of mercy, they were sweet, oh so sweet, his body would be the main course and his cries the dessert.

I winced as my body started to heal, eating that poor fellow increased my healing factor by a bit and gave me enough ki to get back to the 8th stage of the ki cultivating realm, I stopped all the blood crystalization and ki evaporation after I ate that woman's body, but it wasn't enough, she was mostly empty in nutrients and ki after I was done with her.

My body was feeling weak, almost as weak as I was when I was born, I needed to regain my vigor, I lost a lot of blood and I needed something more to regain it...

I got up from the ground and with a sickening squelch, I put my arm back into its socket, even though it got dislodged in my true form it would be the same situation if I did in this one or the other.

I moved the arm a bit and winced, healing flesh injuries were easy but bones were a bit harder at this level. (...)

Kong Luo watched Yun Jhin fix his arm and move it around before he looked at Pei Fong and whispered:

"What do you think about this youth, old Pei?"

The man gave a big smile as he scratched his bald head and said:

"Very ruthless, both to himself and his enemies, reminds me of the Empress a bit, after all, it does seem he carries some of her bloodline, strange though, I haven't heard any of her children to escape the imperial palace, or be exiled out of the upper continents."

Even though the Empress had a hard time getting pregnant she did make a few children, not all of them were talented in cultivation but the Empress loved all of them dearly and gave them whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, they were true silk pants, young masters and mistresses, there were 2 men and 2 women, only one of them was talented enough to be considered 'decent' and that was her youngest daughter of the Werewhale tribe.

Pei Fong finished scratching his bald head and asked Kong Luo:

"I should go and write his name in the imperial logs now?"

Kong Luo nodded at him then said:

"Go and do it, I will take him away and we should be able to get to the imperial capital quickly, do you have the teleportation formation ready?"

Pei Fong shook his head and made a sign with his hand, Kong Luo smiled at him and said:

"Man, you didn't change at all Pei Fong, ok, here."

He threw him a white bar which the man took and smelled, he then put it into his pocket and said while smiling:

"Very good stuff, don't forget to bring more when you visit me!"

Kong Luo smiled but inside he was sneering, why would he give him more stuff from his special stash? And why would he leave the upper continents again? This was a special situation due to his daughter's death, he hated lowering himself to the 'commoners' level and visiting their cities, after all, he was a grand imperial army general!

Kong Luo dropped down to the arena as he grabbed Yun Jhin and slung him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, he walked towards the giant gate of the black wall as it opened, in there he met with Pei Fong who activated the teleportation formation.

Pei Fong made a mock salute as he said:

"Good work in recruiting another great disciple, great general Kong Luo."

Kong Luo chuckled as he waved to his entourage, telling them to leave for the capital, the teleportation formation was for him and Yun Jhin only, after all, Yun Jhin was injured and he needed some healing herbs that he had in his quarters.

Pei Fong watched as both Yun Jhin and Kong Luo disappeared into a blue ray of light meaning that the teleportation was successful, he took out the white bar that Kong Luo gave him and used a knife to mince it into tiny dust, then he ate it with a gold spoon.

He started to tremble a little bit then he coughed up a black sludge and laughed:

"Very strong purification medicine!"

His odd white eyes started to turn normal as they gained pupils that transformed into yellow slits, he looked at the teleportation formation again and he said:

"I hope I will meet this young Yun Jhin again, those eyes of his reminded me of him..."

Yun Jhin stood still as the teleportation formation took them to the capital, he didn't want to aggravate his injuries, he was using a deep meditation stance to seal them and heal them slowly but any healing medicine or herbs would be very welcomed right now.

Yun Jhin used his soul willpower to look around as his body was in the meditative trance, they were in the light 'room' of the teleportation formation, a few words were up in the room that indicated how much time was left before they reached their destination, after a few more seconds their surroundings changed.

They were now into a militaristic imperial building, 800,000 kilometers away from the wall, and in the middle of the true Imperial capital!

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