My King System

Chapter 140 - Unexpected Blade

"Hey Zero," Yuki called out. 

"Yes, master. How may I be of service to you?" Zero asked. 

"Could you teleport Chares to a kingdom far away from him in about 1 minute," said Yuki. 

"I understand," Zero replied before going quiet. 

Once Yuki had done this, he turned his attention towards Chares who breathed heavily due to the injuries he had received. He could've chosen to fight back against his so-called previous comrade however, Chares felt that it was only right that his friend got revenge on him for leaving them to join the enemy. 

[Open inventory]

Yuki opened his inventory and pulled out a full status recovery potion. Unlike Marcell, Chares wasn't surprised that Yuki had that item due to him making so much money from being part of the human trafficking gang/crime syndicate. The money used to buy the potion was like pocket change to them. 

Seeing as how Chares was basically immobilized, Yuki had to open his mouth and force feed the potion to Chares. Just as the potion had done so many times, it allowed Chares to recover from the beating he had received from both Yuki and the henchman like it was nothing. His face which was bleeding a lot was as good as new and his arm was working perfectly once again. 

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"Thanks for that," said Chares as he got up from the ground and began to stretch to see if he really had completely recovered. 

"Now we can-" Chares began to speak but was abruptly cut off when he was teleported. He had completely vanished from Yuki's sight. As he began to look around his surroundings, he understood what had just happened. 

"So this was your plan? I don't know how you did this... but thank you," said Chares as he walked through the streets of the new kingdom which Yuki had teleported him to in hopes that he would start a new and better life. 

As for Yuki, he used his ability to make himself fly towards the entrance of the kingdom which IV(4) was supposed to be waiting for him. However, to Yuki's surprise, he wasn't there. Along with most of his henchmen and the caravans. IV(4) had gathered all their victims and taken them away before Yuki could come back. 

"So that's how you want to play?" Yuki said in excitement. This was exactly what he was hoping for. 

"One, switch with me and use your presence to search the area for where they are," said Yuki. 

"Sounds like a plan," One said. 

Within an instant, One expanded his presence. Unlike the previous times, he didn't place any malicious intent into it as he was trying to search but not kill. The reason Yuki chooses to switch with One is because of how a person's presence works. The more emotion a person has, the more powerful their presence gets although someone's presence can't overpower a person who is clearly stronger than them. As One let his presence flow outwards, an invisible circular line shot across the area in a ripple effect starting from Yuki's body as it searched for where IV(4) and the caravans would be. 

As for IV(4) himself, he was busy celebrating the success of his plan. He had managed to not only trick Yuki into giving him time to escape but also managed to succeed in the mission. Sure they had left some members along with 2 of the numbers behind however, it wasn't his fault. The situation was dire and he needed to make a harsh decision. As such, Mr. Y would most likely not get angry at him. 

"Found them," said One as he opened his eyes wide in excitement. 

"Stop," said One, which caused only the horses which carried the burden of moving the caravans to stop. 

"What's happening? Why did we stop?" IV(4) asked as he began to imagine the worst. 

"We don't know boss, these damn horses won't move an inch," one of his henchmen who was responsible for driving the caravan replied. 

"No! No! No!" IV(4) began to yell in distress. 

IV, who was sitting in the back of the closed caravan which carried the victims of the operation, decided to stand up and see for himself what was going on with the horses. As he gazed at him, he could see that they were on the brink of going insane as if they had seen Satan himself. Just as he tried to calm the horses down, a bright light appeared in the gloomy sky. 

"Heaven's Sun"

Yuki was floating in the air as he carried his signature move which was a sun like ball which burned everything it touched to ashes. IV(4) couldn't help but be amazed at the sight in front of him while at the same time regretting the choices he had made. If he had only listened to Yuki and let their victims go, they wouldn't be in this situation. However, IV(4) wouldn't be allowed to experience a peaceful and easy death. 

Yuki began to make "Heaven's Sun" shrink in size which made the members of the crime syndicate believe that he would let them live. Unfortunately for them, Yuki was making a weapon that was much more dangerous than "Heaven's Sun". Yuki had made a tiny ball which when detonated would completely erase everything within the area which it struck. 

With everything he needed prepared, Yuki descended from the sky as he prepared to confront IV(4) about the lie he had told. Once on the ground, Yuki began to speed walk towards IV(5) to make it seem like he was angry when in reality, Yuki just wanted to intimidate his enemy. 

"So what happened to the compromise you promised me? Not only did you lie about that but you also took the people you kidnapped even though I specifically warned you. So tell me, what made you decide to go along with your stupid plan?" said Yuki as he grabbed on of the henchmen which had surrounded him in hopes of bringing him down and gaining glory.

"Might I add. If you lie, I'll make your own henchman kill you. However, if you tell the truth, you along with everyone here can escape with your lives," Yuki proposed. 

"I-" before IV(4) could even say a single sentence, Yuki pushed the henchman with the blade onto the unsuspecting IV(4), in turn killing him. 

"I forgot to say. If you can't give me an explanation, you also die. Next time, pick the wiser option. 

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