My King System

Chapter 141 - Taken Aback

Being that Yuki didn't personally kill IV(4), he didn't gain any exp. Even if he wanted to gain it through exp share, that only applied in dungeons. As such, Yuki didn't gain any exp. Instead, the one that received the exp was the henchman who was forced to kill his own leader. Tears began to generate in his eyes as he couldn't believe what he had done. They weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of fear. Even if he was forced to kill one of his own, it was still a serious offence in the crime syndicate and as such, there would be punishment served which would equate to the crime he had committed. 

"Well, now that this business is finished, let everyone you kidnapped go and move along. I promise you, if even a single one of you decides to open your mouths and tries to negotiate with me, I'll burn you all the ground," Yuki warned them. 

Everyone knew that although he was only a teenager, Yuki was a threat to all their lives. As such, no one bothered to argue and they all followed the task they were given. That being to release all the people they had kidnapped which only consisted of women and children. As the henchmen opened the doors of the  caravans and let the people they had abducted free, the look of joy and happiness filled their eyes. However, as they saw Yuki, their facial expression changed to match that of anger and fear. Although Yuki would've liked to give them a chance to naturally forgive them, he wasn't in the mood to be so generous anymore.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Listen up here. I don't care if you hated me before because I killed the people you loved. I tried to warn them but they didn't listen. What matters now is that I just saved every single one of your lives from being slaves to some ill minded rich old guys. So y'all better be grateful because without me, you would've spent the rest of your miserable lives in this world's version of hell," Yuki yelled out to all the people who made faces at him before leaving to head for the final kingdom remaining. 

"Hey Zero, teleport me to the final kingdom," Yuki said in his head. 

"Understood," replied Zero. 

Within the blink of an eye, Yuki teleported from the scene. All the people who were there were left confused as to what had just happened along with what Yuki had said. He was right that he had saved them from an eternity of slavery, however, how were they expected to accept the person who caused them so much pain as their hero?

As for Yuki, for the third time that day, he was standing at the wall of a kingdom. However, this time, Yuki was teleported exactly at the merlon of one of the 6 guard towers which each kingdom had. The towers were all evenly spread to create a hexagonal shape which the perimeter was filled in by the kingdom walls. As Yuki stood on the embrasure of the tower, he gripped onto the merlon of the tower to avoid accidentally falling while he was still scouting the kingdom. 

As he looked down, Yuki spotted 3 figures, all standing in front of the kingdom gates just like how I(1), II(2), III(3) were in the first kingdom he had gone to. However, this time there were only 2 people wearing the squadron leader attire. The one in the middle was wearing a completely white suit with no tinted shades. His hair was combed back with gel and had a cigar in his hand which he smoked as he talked with his accomplices. 

"The one in white is either the vice captain of the organization or the actual leader. I might as well check it out," said Yuki as he leaped off the tower walls and did a flip in the air before crash landing right in front of them. 

Once Yuki  got up from the ground, each one of them had their gun pointed at him. Although they had been frightened by Yuki at first, once they realized who he was after the smoke cleared, they all put their weapons away. 

"How rude of me sir Yuki. I'm Mr. Y, it's so nice to finally meet with you," said Mr. Y. 

"Do I know you?" Yuki asked. 

"I don't think so. I believe that this is the first time we met. Would it be okay for me to have a little bit of your time?" Mr. Y asked. 

"Here we go again. He's going to ask me to join them in their evil plan or something stupid along those lines. His reasoning will be that I've committed more evil actions so I should be okay with helping them out and he'll ask for how much I want in exchange for my services. If I get this right, I'll reward myself with a little more time with Marcell and Elpis," Yuki said as he prepared to gamble with himself. 

"I actually don't. I have all the time I could need. Was there something you wanted to speak to me about?" Yuki played along with Mr. Y. 

"There actually was. I was hoping that we could come to an agreement. You see, we've heard a lot about your adventures and accomplishments, especially the recent news of your battle against the combined power of the 3 kingdoms. To put it simply, we would like to recruit you into our syndicate. In exchange, we can guarantee to get you anything which your heart desires along with an upfront payment of four hundred thousand silver and a 15% income bonus from what everyone in our syndicate makes. This is a lot for us to offer but we're willing to make an exception for you," Mr. Y with a smile on his face as if he had guaranteed that Yuki would join them. 

"How generous of you. This is truly a breathtaking offer, however, I'll have to decline," Yuki replied. 

"What?! Why?!" Mr. Y said as he couldn't believe what he had just heard. 

"Well you see, I have a lot more than you could ever offer me. To put it into perspective for you, I have over 10 million silver. You're in over your heads if you think I would give my services to you for such a small amount of silver," Yuki replied. 

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