My King System

Chapter 163 - Ruthless

"Thanks for that. I remember why I was so ruthless before," said Yuki as he grabbed the nearest goblin to him by the face and slammed him into another goblin before sending them both to the ground. Once he had done that, Yuki then grabbed both of them by the foot and spun them in different directions around him so that the rest of the goblins would give Yuki some space.

After creating the space which Yuki had wanted, he sent the two goblins which he held with his palms in the air. However, before they could land back down, Yuki leaped in the air and kicked them both at the crowd of goblins. 

"Now I feel alive," said Yuki. 

Yuki charged into the crowd and attacked as many of them at once as possible. He had no technique or planned movement. All he cared about was if his attacks landed or not. Even with his endless stream of attacks, it seemed as if Yuki wasn't even making a dent in the numbers of goblins which were left. As such, it was time for him to get serious. 

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"Activate ability: Fire Control"

"Fire Fists"

Yuki had come up with a new named attack while on his expedition in the 3rd dungeon of the new world. He had wanted a move which allowed him to make direct contact with his opponents but also allowed him to launch long ranged attacks. So, in the end "Fire Fists' ' was born. Using his ability, Yuki covered his hands with flames and clenched his palms to form fists. With this, he would be able to land more potent attacks on his enemies but would also be able to extend his flames if they were to move away in an attempt to create more distance between them and Yuki. It was the perfect balanced move which Yuki could rely on from here on out. 

Without wasting a moment, Yuki charged once again toward the swamp of goblins which were left standing as he continually mowed them down. No matter how many of them tried to fight back, Yuki would pass through them as if they were a child's toy. It didn't matter to Yuki anymore. He didn't need to perfect his skills and techniques because in truth, he never had that. He had always relied on his rough fighting style which usually involved him thinking on his feet as he tried to come up with anyway he could survive and even defeat his opponents. As such, a strategic attack would most likely not work for him anyway. 

After continuously hunting and killing any goblin which got in his way, Yuki was only left with a couple dozen goblins. He had begun to get a hang of the method which he used to defeat the goblins which just consisted of him quickly sprinting towards the goblins and punching them lightly and they would just die from the sheer impact alone. 

Although this was what Yuki was doing initially, he had begun to get tired of running at such speeds to kill the goblins, as such, he just began to walk towards the goblins instead. To eliminate the possibility that they would run away from him, Yuki focused his presence to make sure that they would be too scared to move away let alone run. Well, it wasn't technically Yuki since he asked One to switch with him every time he needed to kill a goblin. 

While repeating this process, Yuki continued to walk until he was met with a smaller goblin. The light green skin of the monster along with the fear in its eyes made Yuki feel pity for it. 

"This will be over soon," said Yuki as he slightly leaned his fist on the small goblin's chest. Within a mere second, the goblin's heart stopped beating as fire spread behind the monster in a shock effect. The odd part about this occurrence was that there was no fire on the goblin itself. 

Yuki had leaned his fist on the monster's chest so he could infuse the goblin's body with fire and in turn cut off all the circuitry which was connected to the monster's heart. The fire which appeared behind the goblin was all the excess fire which escaped from the pores on the goblin's skin. As such, to observers from the outside, the goblin looked to still be alive; however, in truth, it was most definitely dead. 

"Only a few to go. I think it's time to finish this job. I'm pretty sure I've been here for quite a while and should start heading back to the kingdom now anyway," Yuki said to himself as he looked around at all the goblins which remained standing in front of him. 

"Activate ability: Fire Control"

"Fire Wall"

Yuki used his ability to create a cylindrical wall around all the remaining goblins which continued to shrink as he forced all the remaining goblins into a small area so Yuki could finish everything with one final attack which would conclude his journey in the first stage of the 3rd dungeon. 

"Heaven's Sun"

Yuki used his ability to create a large ball which towered over all the goblins which were remaining. They all stared into it with fear in their eyes as they awaited their impending doom. It was inevitable that they were going to all die in a few moments. 

Unlike every other time he had used "Heaven's Sun", Yuki didn't make himself fly in the air using his ability so he could see all the remaining opponents burn from a distance. Instead, Yuki allowed the ball of fire to fall on top of him along with the goblins as he was going to stand there and watch as the goblins burned to dust. 

In a final attempt to leave with their lives, all the goblins began to rush towards Yuki as they tried to kill him before the fire constructed ball could get to them. Their theory was that if they managed to kill Yuki in time, the fire ball would die with him. That theory would be correct however there was one big problem. Their theory would only be proven if they managed to kill Yuki. To them, killing "Heaven's Sun" would've been an easier task. As such, they would die before they could even reach Yuki as the fire call fell on top of them before they could reach Yuki. 


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