My King System

Chapter 164 - Role Reverse

[+130000 exp]

[Player: Yuki Kaito]

[Level 21: 788500/10 million]

After killing all the goblins using his most infamous attack, Yuki began to walk towards the gate which would lead him to the next stage of the dungeon. He had become so absorbed in his battle that he thought he could simply stay in the dungeon forever. As he kept walking towards the gate, Yuki was hit in the head by an object which fell to the ground after bouncing off his head. 

[Item drop: Goblin's Trumpet]

Yuki double tapped on the smooth wooden Trumpet due to him being curious as to what it was capable of.

[Rank: C]

[Attack: 0]

[Description: Power: An item capable of summoning 20 ordinary goblins to the user's rescue so they can either act as decoy or battle for their master. Goblins used to live in the outside world. Well that was way before the human race began to develop. Once humans gained the power to overtake the goblins, humans exiled the goblins due to their different skin and physique. Due to that event, most of the goblins were forced to either live in the dungeons where they would eventually be hunted by the humans or live in the deep forests where they would also be hunted by humans. If only the goblins had a higher level of intellect, maybe they could've stood a chance against the humans. Although most goblins lack the brain capacity to process the basic concepts in life, there is rumoured to be one goblin capable of thought. Not just that, but he is said to process more intellect than even most humans.]

"Why do these objects keep mentioning humans? Humans have only been brought to this world about a year ago. This is just lazy plot writing on Zero's part. Secondly, I want to see if that rumored intelligent goblin is real and what he is capable of," Yuki thought to himself as he continued to walk towards the gate to the next stage of the dungeon. However, right before he passed through the gate, he stopped himself as his heart was almost sent into a shock.

"I almost forgot, I need to get back to the kingdom. It's probably almost daytime by now," Yuki said to himself as he walked into the gateway tunnel to set his save point. 

[Stage one: Complete]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Save point reached]

[If you would like to move to the 2nd stage of the dungeon, please step forward]

[Stage 2 difficulty: level 11-12]

"A raid party member would like to exit the dungeon!" Yuki said out loud.

"Which party member would like to exit?" the system asked.

"Player: Yuki Kaito," Yuki replied.

"Save point has been reached, exp will not be taken away once the player exits. Press 'Confirm' to finish the process," the system said.

In front of Yuki was a large rectangular blue projection which said "Confirm", beside it was a red projection button which could be pressed to cancel the transitional process. 

Yuki pressed the "Confirm button" and was teleported outside the dungeon with a blink of an eye. Seeing as he was outside the dungeon, Yuki thought he would ask Zero to take him back to the kingdom since the sun was beginning to rise. 

"Hey, Zero. Take me back to the kingdom. I've finished my  business here for today," said Yuki before letting out a yawn in exhaustion. 

A moment later, Yuki was back in the comfort of his new home. Zero had taken the liberty of teleporting Yuki exactly where his couch was so that he could go straight to resting once he had been teleported back to the kingdom. As such, the moment Yuki got teleported, he collapsed on the couch from exhaustion. 

"I better take the sleep curing potion before I pass out," said Yuki as he sat up straight so he could open his inventory to take out his desired potion. 

[Open inventory]

Yuki took out the potion which he was looking for and drank it while his arm shook from the exhausting battle. It would've been less work if he had just simply wiped them out from the start. On the other hand, he managed to return to his original mindset which while it was a horrible thought process, it helped him clear dungeons a lot faster than he would've if he didn't have that exact mindset. 

Right after drinking the sleep deprivation potion, looking eyes opened wide awake as he felt like he didn't need the slightest bit of rest. He looked to be completely energized. However, he still was slightly tired because of the battle. While his need for sleep was cured, he still needed to get a bit of rest to recover the stamina he had used up during his adventure in the first stage of the 3rd dungeon. 

"I should seriously look for something to do here. This place is one of the most boring places I've seen yet. I mean, I could go and take a look at the gang which secretly runs this kingdom but that would just cause me more problems. But, what else is there for me to do? It's not like I can leave this place and explore the wilderness on my own. The people who sent me here really did want me to die from boredom," Yuki said sarcastically as he left his house so he could explore the kingdom some more. Of course, he remembered to lock the door, especially since he was in a kingdom where almost no one could be trusted. 

As Yuki walked outside his house, a large red screen which was visible across the entire kingdom spread out of nowhere and made an announcement. 

[Upcoming Event: Goblin King's Parade]





With each second, the timer continued to tic as his decreased in number. It was most definitely a timer which was set until the arrival of whatever "Goblin King's Parade" meant.

"From the sound of it, it is going to be a raid on humans. Instead of the monsters being the ones who were hunted and the humans being those who were the hunters, the roles would be reversed. The real question was if the parade would occur outside the kingdom or inside it. Even if it were to start outside which would be more logical, there would still be the remaining possibility that they could break into the kingdom by force. Either way, I should probably stay out of this mess. When I'm in this kingdom, I'm just a humble and weak level 1 player who is scared for his life," Yuki told himself as he continued to walk around the kingdom in hope that he would at least find 1 person which he could trust. 

As he kept walking, Yuki cam across a poster which caught his attention. It said "work available for anyone interested". While Yuki couldn't care less about helping other people or doing manual labour in exchange for money, he wanted to take the job because he had nothing else to do all day. 

"Maybe I should look into this job. How do I contact them though?" Yuki asked himself. 

As he continued to look for some way to contact the person who had placed the poster there, someone tapped on the back of his shoulder which had startled Yuki. 

"Hey kid. Maybe that job isn't for you. It takes quite a lot of manual labour and would probably cause you to hate yourself at the end of every single day. You should look for another option if you're seeking to get a job," the man behind Yuki explained. 

"Who is this guy? Do I know him? Whatever or whoever he his, he's got a lot of nerve. If I didn't have this stupid necklace on my neck right now, I would've created. a couple hundred "Heaven's Sun"s and burned him along with the other people of this kingdom to the ground," Yuki thought to himself before actually confronting the tall man in front of him in full farmer's gear. 

"Ya, you're probably right. Although, I would prefer to test it for myself and see if it's actually as hard as you say it is. By the way, do you happen to be the one who's offering this job?" Yuki asked. 

"Yes I am. However, I cannot allow such a young child to partake in such tedious labour. It simply wouldn't sit right with me," the tall man said back to Yuki.

"Listen here. I know there aren't many people in this kingdom who are willing to work. Secondly, this world isn't the same as the previous one. You're getting hung up on morals which make no sense. So just let me work for you. I can't believe an employee has to beg an employer who actually needs as many workers as possible," Yuki replied to the man who was trying to push Yuki away from taking the job. 

"You know what. Sure. I'll let you get the job. However, I better not hear you complain a single time while you're working for me. Any pain you endure is your own fault" the man replied. 

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