My King System

Chapter 181 - I No Longer Have Fear

[Set ability: Clone]

[Specifications: A single clone will be constructed to replicate the behaviours of the user]

[Draw back: Only a single clone can be constructed]

"Hey, Zero. Can you make it so that when I make my clone, the necklace transfers on to it from me?" Yuki asked. 

"Yes, that is possible for me to do," Zero replied. 

"Great! Now all that's left is to go with the plan," said Yuki before activating his ability.

"Activate ability: Clone," said Yuki before summoning the perfect clone. It really was another version of him which looked the exact same way. Of course, just as Zero promised, the moment the clone was summoned, the necklace was transferred onto the clone from Yuki. 

"Umm hello?" Yuki said as he looked at the clone which was standing still.

"Yes I know that you want to test if I'm real. I am, so get going. I have all your memories so I'll be fine here," said the clone. 

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"Well, it's a bit weird to be talked to by myself. Nevertheless, I'll leave right now, I've already wasted enough time in this place," said Yuki before speaking to Zero once more. 

"I've finished what I wanted now. Zero, teleport me back to the dungeon gate now, I need to start getting stronger as soon as possible," said Yuki. 

Without having to reply, Zero instantly teleported Yuki back to the dungeon which he walked straight into without a moment of hesitation. 

As for Yuki's clone, he had his own adventures to go on back in the kingdom. The first of which was to deal with which would take place the next day after work. Until then, he would simply wait it out until it was time for him to make his move. 

While Yuki was heading towards the save point which he left off at, he quickly remembered one last thing he needed to finish off before completely shutting himself in the dungeon where he would be in constant battle. 

"Last thing, Zero, I need you to give my clone the stats of a level 2 player with slightly increased strength. If he's going to join them, he needs to also make up for the strength he's rumoured to have. I can't let him be too strong for them either so level 2 is perfect for him," said Yuki. 

"Got it," said Zero before forcibly increasing the clone's stats. In doing so, even the clone felt himself getting stronger. 

[If you would like to move to the 3rd stage of the dungeon, please step forward]

[Stage 3 difficulty: level 12]

This was obviously a lie since the stage was optimized for Yuki so the monster would have similar strength to him. As such, the fight would be much more difficult than if he were fighting an actual group of level 12 monsters. 

Just as he walked through the white light, indicating that he was going to challenge the stage, Yuki saw who his opponents would be. It was a group of about 50-70 goblins who were each holding a wooden bat. Some of them were even in a gangster-like position which was them squatting with their baseball bat looking weapon held over their shoulders. 

While it was funny to look at first, Yuki realized that he would have to face those goblins which is when the fear started to set in. While it wouldn't cut him, the baseball bats looked to be able to break at least a bone or two with a single hit. Seeing that there were anywhere from 50 to 70 goblins, it would be inevitable that Yuki would get hit. 

Even so, Yuki charged straight into battle as he was going to wage war as a one man army. He quickly leaped into the air as he gained the height advantage before landing on the shoulders of one of the goblins. Yuki quickly kicked the goblin to the ground before taking his bat and beginning to fight the real battle at hand. 

Without even blinking, Yuki swung the bat in his hand as hard as he possibly could at another goblin which was attempting to attack Yuki. Just as the two clashed, Yuki's bat ended up breaking off. Even so, Yuki wouldn't give up as he let go of what was left of his bat and reached out to the bat of the goblin which he was facing. Once Yuki grabbed hold of the head of the bat, he pulled it closer to him which forced the goblin to be pulled as well. Just then, Yuki brought his foot to the chest of the goblin before kicking him away which forced the monster to let go of his weapon. Once again, Yuki had another bat to defend himself with. 

Right as he turned around, Yuki realized that behind him were 5 goblins each about to land a devastating blow to Yuki's head. In that moment, Yuki's instincts kicked in which made him leap backwards, in turn avoiding the attack. 

Yuki quickly flipped the bat in his hand so he could hold it properly using the hilt instead of the head before charging once again to face the goblins. With a devastating swing, Yuki managed to make a direct hit at the heads of 4 of the 5 goblins which attempted to simultaneously attack him. However, as the bat reached the 4th head, it broke off after landing a hit at it's head. Even so, Yuki let go of his second bat and reached for the weapons of the first 2 goblins he had hit which had taken the most amount of damage. Since they were barely conscious, this task was easy. 

Now that Yuki was dual wielding baseball bats. He no longer needed to watch out for attack as he would be the only one doing the attacking. It would no longer be a war, instead, it would turn into a massacre. 

With a grin on his face, Yuki charged towards all the goblins with both bats in hand as he quickly cleaned through the swarms of goblins which each looked to be formidable monsters on their own. After making so many attacks and making contact with his enemies, Yuki's bats finally broke and it was time for him to find a new pair. That would be a deadly mistake as he had already let down his guard but now that he was distracted as well, he was asking to get murdered. 

As Yuki looked around in search of a good pair of baseball bats to clear up what was left of the goblins, one of the remaining bravely sprinted towards Yuki before hitting a critical direct hit on Yuki's head. 

Without even realizing what had happened, Yuki fell to his knees as he bled from his head. Just the headache which came in a few moments later was enough for Yuki to wish for death right in that moment. 

"Damn it, I can't be reckless here. That's what even caused me to fall so behind everyone who's striving for the title of the first level 100 player. I can't continue to live like this. I need to get more serious," said Yuki as his eyes changed along with expression. 

While Yuki was still on the ground, a couple baseball bat hits managed to make contact which hurt like hell. What Yuki felt wasn't exaggerated. All he wanted to do was die at that moment. Even though Yuki thought about using a potion for a moment, he remembered what Zero had told him. The more he works for his goal, the more he'll enjoy his reward. 

"Why can't I move?" Yuki asked himself as he began to lose consciousness. At that moment, he noticed that his legs along with the rest of his body were shaking. 

"No... Am I scared?" Yuki asked himself in disbelief. 

Even though he had believed that he would never fear death due to having Zero by his side. There was no reason for him to be scared of death since there was a being which was above all logic which protected him. However, as he laid on the ground while getting beaten, Yuki recognized his true feelings. 

"I don't want to die," said Yuki with tears in his eyes as he looked around for a miracle to help him stay alive. Just a little bit of hope would've been enough. However, as he looked around, Yuki realized the cold truth. He didn't have anyone to help him. He was all alone. 

"I get it now. So this is why people choose to have comrades. I'm happy for them," Yuki said as he wiped away his tears from his eyes. He acknowledged that no one would care if he cried or died, he was all alone. 

Yuki stood up even while getting constantly attacked by bats which had the strength of trucks. 

With determination in his eyes, Yuki looked directly in the eyes of one of the goblins which was attacking him. Without turning his eyes away from the goblin. Yuki smashed the bat and the goblins were carried into pieces with his bare fist.

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