My King System

Chapter 182 - Battle

Without turning his eyes away from the goblin. Yuki smashed the bat and the goblins were carried into pieces with his bare fist.

"I'm alone, so what? I'll make up for not having comrades by pure strength. I don't care if you have weapons. I'll break those weapons then I'll break you!" Yuki yelled out as he used his bare fists to battle against what remained of the goblins which carried bats as their weapons. 

Even though Yuki was getting hit in the arms and legs with the bats, he didn't feel pain any longer. All he did was turn his attention towards his prey and attack with unrelenting force. Once Yuki had set his sights on his target, their chance of survival was non-existent. 

After fighting for so long, there was only a single goblin left. Even so, it looked more confident than all the others. After witnessing its kind being wiped out one by one, that goblin still believed that it stood a chance at winning against the demon called Yuki Kaito. 

[Hoodlum Goblin: Gunnar]

"I guess you're all that's left of this stage," said Yuki as he grabbed hold of a baseball bat which laid on the ground. Yuki didn't look for the quality of it as he would only need one hit to finish things off. 

As both the goblin and Yuki walked to each other while they both carried their bats and stood in a stand still, only one thought remained in both their heads. 


The first to attack was the goblin which swung it's bat as hard as it could in hopes of knocking off Yuki's head out of his body with that single attack. Unfortunately for him, Yuki didn't even move an inch. While he bled from his nose and head, Yuki acted as if he wasn't even scratched. That was when things became clear. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"It doesn't matter if the system gives you the same strength which I hold. At the end of the day, I'll always be the victor!" Yuki said before swinging his own bat with all his might. This time, Yuki was the one to knock off his opponent's head with a single strike. 

Yuki spit on the ground to clear his mouth before heading towards the stage gate to set its save point and move on to the next stage right away. Yuki had no intention of using potions anymore. At least for the duration of his stay in the 3rd dungeon. 

[+150000 exp]

[Player: Yuki Kaito]

[Level 21: 1078500/10 million]

While walking towards the stage tunnel, an item fell from the stage ceiling just as it had done so in every previous stage. 

[Item drop: Goblin's Bat]

[Rank: C]

[Attack: 200-500]

[Description: Power: A bat which is capable of changing the amount of damage it does depending on who the user is. Just as human society houses those who are unable to be enveloped into societal standards of life, goblins also have those kinds amongst them. Those who don't do as they are told and choose the life of crime are looked down upon by all as they cannot understand why someone would opt for such a life. Freedom? Money? Fame? It is none of that. Those who choose a life of crime are never given a choice. They're instead forced into it by either physical force or being manipulated into it. A sane creature would never pick a life of danger over that of a stable one as all a creature naturally seeks is peace within oneself.]

"Cool! I got a bat. I like using you so you're not going into my inventory. I'm going to use you as my main weapon for this dungeon then we'll see about it once I leave this place," said Yuki as he headed for the stage tunnel so he could move on to the next stage, 

[Stage three: Complete]

[Save point reached]

[If you would like to move to the 4th stage of the dungeon, please step forward]

[Stage 4 difficulty: level 12-13]

Yuki stepped forwards without hesitation as he prepared to bring hell itself to the monsters which awaited him in the 4th stage of the 3rd dungeon. 


Back at the kingdom which he was supposed to be held prisoner in, Yuki's clone began to head towards the construction site for another day of hard work. Once he arrived at the construction site, he began to take orders from Garth along with the other workers as he tried to help around. Since he was still basically a newbie compared to all of the others, all he could do was help out with mundane tasks. He wasn't allowed to deal with any of the large or even small equipment. Yuki, or more specifically, Yuki's clone was just a choir boy.

However, his status would change when the night came in. 

Once the day at work was finished and the sun began to set, everyone began to grab their things and head out to either their homes or other activities which they decided on their own free will. 

Just as he expected, Yuki's clone began to get followed by Elmer and his two friends as they began to head for the meeting place where Yuki would officially join the gang. Everything would work out in the end. 

"Are you finally ready to join us Yuki?" Elmer asked in an excited voice.

"Yes I am. I can't wait to be part of a criminal organization which plagues the people of this poor kingdom," said Yuki in a sarcastic tone. 

"I'm just kidding. I don't have a sense of justice so as long as I get some money, I'm fine with doing anything you want," said Yuki as they finally walked into a shady bar in which almost everyone was quiet. 

Right as they entered, Elmer along with his two friends bowed to the man who was sitting in the centre of the room. Of course, Yuki didn't follow suit as he didn't see a need to bow to someone. 

"You imbecile! Bow down to the king!" Elmer told Yuki's clone. 

"It's fine. Let him be. I'll make him respect me so much that he'll have to bow down to me," said the bearded man as he stood up from his chair. Once he did that, everyone moved away in fear as they realized what was about to go down. 

"How about me and you have a little sparring match?'' The person who looked to be the leader of the gang told Yuki's clone. 

"He probably knows that I'm around a level 3-4 player and just wants to humiliate me. I don't have access to One or Zero so it'll be tough but I think there's a way for me to come out on top," Yuki's clone said to himself. 

"That's fine by me but I want to set a couple rules," Yuki's clone said. 

"Sure, go on. Do whatever you need to do to ensure that you won't die here," the leader mocked Yuki. While he was attempting to make Yuki's clone lose composure, that wouldn't work since Yuki had already faced an opponent that was already good at that. That opponent being hades from the last stage of the 2nd dungeon. 

"Thank you for your generosity. I assume you'll be using a weapon?" Yuki's clone asked the leader of the gang. 

"Of course. I'll be using these brass knuckles. You can use whatever weapon you would like as well. Or if you're too scared, we can just use our fists," the leader offered. 

"Thank you for the information. I would prefer to use a weapon. I don't have the weapon I would like to use though. Could some allow me to borrow their dagger if they have one?" Yuki's clone asked. 

While at first people hesitated, once their leader gave them a glare of confidence, one of them happily gave their dagger to Yuki's clone as they assumed that he would die. Some people even looked as if they were trying to hold back a laugh as they were so sure that Yuki's clone would be humiliated in a few moments. 

"So how do we decide the winner of the battle?" Yuki's clone asked. 

"Whoever says that they give up first loses," the leader said before quickly rushing towards Yuki's clone. 

The leader went in with a strong right hook which looked to be strong enough to kill a lion. However, his own weakness would be his downfall. Right before the leader's punch landed, Yuki's clone lightly kicked the man's feet which forced him to fall over. However before the leader's head could even touch the ground, Yuki's clone lightly cut the skin under the leader's eye before pointing his dagger at his eye. 

No one could believe what they had just seen. If a person had blinked within the moment, they had basically missed the entire fight. 

The one weakness the leader had was that he lacked experience. Even though Yuki didn't have a lot of it himself, he had at least managed to attain over double the amount the leader of the gang had. 

"I.. give.. up," the leader said as he breathed heavily. 

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