My King System

Chapter 82 - The New King

"This might be a bit sudden but we just killed your previous king. A new king will come to rule over you. Don't fret as he is kind and will not abuse his power. That's all I have to say, bye now," the tank of the squad said.

Scar was expecting the entire city to go on a rampage. He expected swarms of people going towards the castle to protest and complain. However, he was let down. Not a single person seemed to care. In fact, the people seemed overjoyed more than anything.

"Is this supposed to happen?" Scar asked Jing.

"Ya, don't worry about it. The king was a jerk that didn't do anything other than occasionally order civilians around," Jing replied to the question.

Not wanting to waste any more of his time, Scar began to head towards the castle to proclaim himself as the new king of Lyanna. Jing followed behind him like he usually does.

Elsewhere in the new world, the crime syndicate continue to prepare their revenge plan against Yuki.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I presume you're the one they call Mr. Y," said a lady wearing a red long shirt and wrap bust shirt. At her hip, a sword which looked to be a katana was tied. Her dark silky hair was tied in a bun to allow her to see more clearly.

"Yes, that would be me," the figure sitting in the chair answered.

"Have my subordinates informed you of the mission that I wish for you to carry out?" Mr. Y asked.

"Yes, we're fully aware of it. We agree to take on the mission however, you must know that we'll need to be compensated quite heavily with silver.

Behind the woman were 3 other people.

"Don't worry about the money. Believe me, we have more than enough money to compensate you for your hard work. All we need is the head of Yuki Kaito. The moment you present his head to me, you'll be rewarded with the desired amount you would believe to be befitting of the task," Mr. Y reassured them .

"If I may ask, what level are each of you and what do you specialize in?" Mr. Y asked.

"Sure, I don't mind that. Each of us have reached level 4. We have 1 attacker, 1 speed booster, 1 debuffer and 1 healer. I happen to be the attacker but my role doesn't come into play until both the speed booster and debuffer have cast their spells. You should've guessed by now but they're both mages. After they finish casting their spells, I come in and attack. In most cases, the enemy would have been taken care of; however if they aren't dead by this point, our healer replenishes our stamina and we redo the process until we've defeated the enemy," the woman explained.

"Sound like a foolproof plan. I'll intrust you with this mission. Do not fail me. There should be a guide waiting outside for you. His ability is to find the location of Yuki Kaito. Follow him and dispose of your target," Mr. Y explained.

Hearing this, the squad agreed and began to leave the mansion which was located in the middle of nowhere. Just outside the mansion doors, an average looking man in a suit was waiting for them.

"Good afternoon. I am your guide today. Please follow me to Yuki Kaito's location," without wasting a single moment of breath, Mr. Y's subordinate established what he was there for. It was as if he was forced to act like a machine.

Hearing his words, the squad agreed and began to follow him. It was a bit awkward but they were only there to accomplish their mission so they didn't bother asking any questions about the way he addressed them.

"Say... how were you able to create such a large building in the middle of nowhere in such a short amount of time? I mean it hasn't been that long since we were all suddenly brought into this world," the debuffer asked the guide. The debuffer's attire was more casual than most. He was a male which stood a bit shorter than the attacker. He carried a large staff and nothing more. He wore a grey hoodie and black sweatpants. He looked to be going for a run in autumn rather than going to battle one of if not the strongest person on the planet at the moment.

"It's really nothing special. It's just someone's ability. The boss has so many workers that he often just ends up using them to accomplish mundane tasks. For example creating a base of operations or finding the location of a single person," the guide said as he was referring to himself.

"At least it pays well right?" the healer asked. The healer of the squad was a much shorter female compared to everyone else. Her clothing was much more different than everyone else's. She decided to wear a witch's hat. As for the rest of her clothing, it was much similar to the traditional clothing of magical elves.

"Ya I guess, but it's still quite boring. The worst part of it is when the boss gets angry. It's best to stay away from him at those times. Getting in his way when he's like that could mean an instant death sentence," the guide let out a little laugh.

"Do you ever think about leaving this job and doing something else with your life?" the speed booster of the squad asked the guide. The speedbooster was by far the most cautious one of the squad. He was wearing a full body armour set. His headgear alone was the only part of the armour set he could move when he needed to speak.

"Well of course I want to. I plan to leave within a year or so. It would be best to leave before any major government has been established. Once I gather enough money to live a comfortable life, I think I'll try to find someone to spend the rest of my life with," the guide replied with a slight smile on his face.

"I apologize, I ramble too much. Please forgive me," the guide said.

"Don't worry, we don't mind at all. It's better than being quiet the entire time," replied the attacker.

"I guess everyone is truly caught up in their own dreams," the attacker of the squad thought to herself.

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