My King System

Chapter 83 - The Strongest Demon Soldier

Yuki finally entered the seventh stage of the dungeon. He knew that he would have to face only 1 mini boss but it would be an extremely challenging fight. The stage in itself was a bit bland. It was an empty dry field with cracks scattered all around. Inside those cracks were hot magma which added a glowing effect to the stage. What was special to this stage of the dungeon was that there were small pillars scattered all around. Each one, only large enough to allow one person to stand on them. Unlike the previous stage, Yuki wouldn't get snuck up on as his opponent stood right in front of him.

Proudly standing in front of Yuki was his opponent. A large demon man which had fangs larger than a wolf. This chest was naked, all that stuck to it was an orange fur pelt around his neck. His hair was a light black which in the stage light made it look a rusty brown. His hand held a falchion sword which looked to be made of titanium steel. He laid the back of his sword on his back, awaiting Yuki to finally cross out of the gateway tunnel.

"The logical decision here would be to drink potions and then cross the tunnel," Yuki thought to himself.

Getting exhausted from having to drink multiple potions at each stage, Yuki sighed.

"No point in debating this," said Yuki.

[Open inventory]

Yuki pulled out "Fallen angel of hell" from his inventory and nothing else. This would be a horrible decision to make. Not because Yuki didn't stand a chance in a fight. When Yuki begins to make reckless decisions, it usually means that he's about to allow himself to let go of his limitations. He would gracefully accept any amount of pain and will resort to any method to win. However, when he does reach the point where he is winning the battle, Yuki will torment his opponent. That was his true nature.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Yuki began to sprint towards his enemy. Right as he exited the gateway tunnel, Yuki leaped as high as he possibly could. Both his hands grasping on "Fallen angle of hell", Yuki prepared to strike down his opponent from the head. However, that plan of his would backfire. Yuki had left the rest of his body open for any attacks.

Instead of blocking Yuki's attack, the man-demon aimed for Yuki's waist and swung his sword at him. Seeing the demon's movements, Yuki let go of his sword from his right arm. Now carrying "Fallen angel of hell" with his left hand only, Yuki flicked the handle of his sword using his right palm so it would face downwards. Even then it wouldn't block the demon's attack in time. Within those milliseconds, Yuki's brain was put in a state of hyperactivity due to the fear of death. Thanks to that, he was able to instinctively hit the bottom of his sword with his right hand once more, accelerating the speed which it went down at and allowing Yuki to block the man-demon's sword swing.

While Yuki did manage to block the attack, in turn saving his life. Yuki was still knocked back a few meters. Now barely able to stand on his feet properly, Yuki looked more excited than ever. His true self enjoyed the thrill of putting his life on the line. It made the victory all the more sweeter.

Not wanting to allow a chance for Yuki to recover, the man-demon began to fall from the sky. Yuki hadn't seen him jump into the air so he was quite surprised by it. There were only a few seconds before the demon would land right in front of Yuki. Within those few seconds, Yuki put his sword in front of himself to block the incoming attack. Right above the demon was his tag.

[The Strongest Demon Soldier Mini Boss: Martyn]

"I should've figured someone this strong would have a crazy title like that," Yuki said to himself.

Right as he thought that, Martyn slammed into the ground. He quickly struck at Yuki's sword with his own blade, causing Yuki's balance to become unstable. Not wasting a moment, Martyn kicked at Yuki's chest, causing Yuki to be knocked back even further.

Even after that, Yuki didn't fall.

"Why do you stand?" Martyn asked.

"You can talk?" Yuki replied.

"Answer my question," Martyn replied.

[Open inventory]

Yuki pulled out "Niflheim's holy treasure" from his inventory and held both his treasured blades.

"Because it's fun," Yuki grinned.

This angered Martyn. The demon began to rush towards Yuki with the intent to kill with a single blow. Martyn swung his sword at Yuki so fast that his sword almost became invisible.

"If I can't see his sword, I'll just focus on his body movements," Yuki thought to himself.

Seeing the direction in which the demon moved his blade, Yuki intercepted the attack with "Fallen angel of hell" and counterattacked with "Niflheim's holy treasure. Although it was a direct hit, Yuki's attack didn't do much damage.

Martyn pushed away Yuki's blade and began to bombard him with a barrage of attacks. Yuki was barely able to keep up even with two blades in hand. Martyn somehow managed to find an opening and kick Yuki in the face.

Now on the ground, Yuki tried to refocus his vision so he could see what was going on. Right as he looked up at Martyn, there was a blade right in front of his face. Before his face could be cut in half, Yuki rolled out of the way and stood up on his feet.

"I can't go on like this. My heart can't stop beating rapidly in fear," Yuki said to himself.

In an attempt to unnerve himself, Yuki whacked the bottom of his swords' hilt on his arms.

"Now the only thing I have to focus on is the pain in my arms," Yuki thought.

While a dumb strategy, it helped Yuki regain control over his body. Yuki charged towards Martyn at top speeds and began to go on the offensive. Constantly attacking with either his blades and not allowing his enemy to regain control of the battle. Every opportunity he got, Yuki landed a clean attack on Martyn.

"Come on, just a little left," Yuki said as he continued to give everything into his attacks.

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