My Little Sunshine

Chapter 209: Stella Levinson (1)

Chapter 209: Stella Levinson (1)

Stella looked at his retreating back in confusion which soon disappeared from her line of sight. She shifted her gaze towards the table and picked up the files and envelopes from it before heading back to her room.

Sitting down in the center of the long sized bed with her legs crossed, she picked up the two envelopes. She shifted her eyes from the small brown one to the large white one, as she decided which one to open first since both of the envelopes were sealed. She focused her eyes on the top left corner of the envelopes and saw a number written in black on both of them. 

'1...2!' She trailed her line of sight from one envelope to the other and then back to the first one as she observed the single number written on each. It was obvious that someone had clearly added those to the envelopes. Shrugging her shoulders, she decided to look at the contents of the envelope which was labeled as '1'. She grabbed the top of the brown envelope and ripped the seal carefully as she didn't want to ruin whatever it had inside it. 

Stella looked inside only to find a single paper which was neatly folded in a rectangular shape as to fit inside the envelope. Pulling it out, she undid the foldings and as soon as she did, her eyes landed on the handwritten note. Well, it was more of a proper letter than a note as it covered almost the entire length of the paper. 

Her eyes teared up as she looked at the familiar handwriting. Blinking her tears away, she began to read it. 

'Hey, My Sunshine!

If you are reading this letter then congratulations, Mrs. Adam Levinson. Oh! How much I wish to call you that myself instead of writing these words. But never mind, there will be a day that I will be able to do that, hopefully. My lawyer must have already explained about the papers to you, he's a man whom you can trust blindly. No one besides you can understand better why I did what I did. I needed to make sure that you are fine when I am gone.

Now, coming to us, I am sorry my baby girl. But I give you my word that I will find my way back to you, always. It may take me some time, but I will. I don't know myself for what reason, this letter may find its way to you. But you need to keep your shit together. And stop with the crying already. You don't look good with those puffy, red eyes. I would always prefer a smile on that beautiful face of yours. And don't forget to look after yourself, please, for me.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I love you Mrs. Adam Levinson, and I will always love you with all of me. xoxo

P.S. That ring is my promise to you, don't you forget that.'

Stella continued to look at the letter as tears rolled down her face. After a while she neatly folded the letter again along the previous creases and put it back inside the envelope. With her tear stained face, she picked up the white envelope. 

After ripping it's seal she opened it and emptied it's contents on the sky colored satin sheets. Looking through the contents, she realized it was their marriage certificates and her renewed documents, including her driving license and identity card, stating Adam as her husband. She looked at her own name and found it weird, 'Stella Levinson.' It would definitely take her some time to get used to it. 

She wiped her tears and began to arrange the documents but stopped in her tracks when her gaze fell on a greeting card. It had congratulations written on the front. She picked it up and opened it only for eyes to tear up again. 

A platinum ring having a large oval shaped diamond in it's center, was securely placed in the centre of the card with the help of a red ribbon. She untied the knot and brought it close to her face as she observed it. Her eyes shifted to the other side of the card which had something written on it in the same familiar writing. 

'You didn't think that I meant the ring which is already resting on your dainty ring finger? I am not that stingy.' 

His words made a smile bloom over her tear stained face. She couldn't help the hearty laugh which escaped her lips which resonated through the silence of the room. 

"This man is definitely something." She muttered to herself as she slid on the ring on her ring finger, making it rest right next to the ring which Adam had proposed to her with. 

She looked around her and heaved out a tired sigh as her eyes landed on the number of papers and files surrounding her. "Let's put you guys somewhere safe." She murmured under her breath and began to pick them up, arranging them in order at the same time. 

Once was sure that she wasn't leaving anything behind, she headed out of the room and made her way straight to his study. After stepping inside the room, she looked for the picture frame which had a picture of a lone lily flower and made her way towards it. There frame was actually hung over a secret safe which was camouflaged with the rest of the wall. Only Adam's and her thumb print can unlock it. 

After placing the files and documents securely inside the secret safe, she headed back to her room. She surely needed some rest after straining her mind so much to process today's event. 

She changed into her night wear which consisted of a wide legged, white pajamas with black stripes running along its length and a white full sleeved t-shirt which was too big for her.

As soon as she buried herself inside two layers of woolen comforters, a yawn escaped her lips. She thought through the day's event again, thinking about the future at the same time. She knew that she couldn't continue to stay back at home, she had to do something. Something for their future. With these thoughts running through her mind, she soon drifted off to her dreamland as her tired body couldn't take it anymore. 


The next morning, 

A slender figure moved under the comforters as the bright rays of the Sun landed on the lady's pretty face, bringing her out of her wonderful dreamland and back to the cruel world. Groaning in frustration, Stella threw the covers away as she sat up straight. Her sleepy eyes shifted to the wall clock and her face brightened up instantly. An evil smile crept on her lips as the gears of her devilish mind began to run. 

She jumped out of the bed and grabbed her phone straight away. Putting in the password, she unlocked it and look for a certain someone's contact info. Her eyes lit up once she found what she was looking for. She hit the dial option on the screen and put the phone next to her ear, waiting for the person on the other end to pick it up. 


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