My Little Sunshine

Chapter 210: Stella Levinson (2)

Chapter 210: Stella Levinson (2)

She jumped out of the bed and grabbed her phone straight away. Putting in the password, she unlocked it and look for a certain someone's contact info. Her eyes lit up once she found what she was looking for. She hit the dial option on the screen and put the phone next to her ear, waiting for the person on the other end to pick it up. 

A couple of rings later, the call was finally connected. A concerned groggy voice came through her phone's speaker. "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah! I actually need a favor from you." She asked him in a sweet voice. 

"Anything for you my child." She heard his reply and smiled widely before telling him the reason for calling this early in the morning. 

"I can arrange that." Liam replied to her after listening to her.

"Thank you so much, Uncle Liam." She thanked him right away and disconnected the call. 

With a jump in her step, she sprinted towards the bathroom to freshen up. 


At the company's meeting room, all of the main stockholders were sitting around a long rectangular table. Their eyes were fixed on the empty head chair which belonged to their CEO, Adam Levinson. 

These old men were waiting for some kind of announcement, hoping that it would save the downfall of their stocks as they were too eager to sell theirs if it didn't happen. They were more curious than an infant who was seeing a balloon for the first time. They wanted to know the reason as to why this sudden meeting was called. 

"I think we have to decide on the new CEO. Where is Liam?" One of them spoke up as he tried to fix his coat which was barely covering his round belly. 

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"He will be here soon. We still have fifteen minutes left in the said time. Let's just hope whoever the new CEO is or will be is someone smart like Adam." Someone else spoke up and their were a few nods as the remaining people agreed with him. The site incident had already caused the company to face some monetary losses, but the news about Adam was making these old almost bald men lose further money as the value of the company's stocks was dropping down. 

Their attention shifted towards the door which flew open as a woman who was dressed in a dark gray professional attire, entered the room, followed by Liam and Bella. 

Liam walked past her and settled on his own seat which was on the right side of the head chair while Bella continued to stand on her left side with a bunch of files in her hand. 

"Good morning everyone. Sorry to disturb your precious sleep. Stella began to speak up as she walked towards the head chair and settled down with grace. "I'm the one who called for this urgent meeting." She added with a faint smile on her face.

Except for Liam, the men continued to stare at her in confusion as they could comprehend the meaning behind her words. 

"What's the meaning of this?" The man with his round belly bulging out, questioned as he stared at Liam who just shrugged his shoulders in response. 

"I will answer your question." She added before turning her face towards Bella, silently asking her to distribute the files around the table. Bella nodded her head and complied with her request. 

"As you can see, I am the new CEO of the Levinson's Corp." Stella continued to speak once the files were distributed. 

"What atrocity is this? How can you be the CEO? You aren't related to the Levinsons by blood. If the CEO can be anyone outside the family, then why not someone from us or someone who's name we suggest." Another man spoke as he sat up straight. 

"Aren't you that personal assistant of Adam's?" Someone else spoke up as he tried to recognize her. 

"What?" A few eyebrows were raised in question as every man except for Liam stared at her. 

Stella looked around the table at those baffled faces with a calm mind and smirked before answering them. "I was, but not anymore. And why would I need your permission?"

"Because we invest our money in the company? Even Adam was supposed to listen to us no matter how proud that brat acted." One of the men spoke up as he smacked his hand on the table with much force. 

"Who do think you are to talk about my husband as if he's no more in this world?" Stella glared at him, sending shivers down his spine. "And all of you" She looked around the table. "Keep your ears open and listen to me clearly because I won't be repeating it again. I may not be blood related to the Levinsons, but I have every single right to sit here and run this company as I please. And if anyone of you have a problem with that, they are more than welcome to sell their shares to me. I don't mind buying them at the stock market's price."

She took a pause before continuing. "And moreover, you guys only care about the money as to how much profit you make so that you can continue giving your wives and mistresses a luxurious life. I will ensure that you can continue with it."

"You can not do that." The same man from earlier spoke up again. 

"Oh really?" Stella gave him a smug look. "But my surname says otherwise." 

"What do you mean?" The man's voice turned a couple of notches down as he questioned her. 

"If you bother opening the files placed before each of you, you guys can see a copy of Adam and my marriage certificate along with a copy of the some other documents which clearly states that I have every single right over the Levinson's Corp. Just like he does, which automatically makes me the fill-in CEO of the company in his absence." 

The men looked at each other in shock before turning their attention towards the file. 

The sound of pages being turned filled the entire meeting room while Stella continued to sit in a relaxed manner. She knew that no matter what these old geezers did or said, wouldn't change the fact that she was their new CEO. 

"And as for the voting thing is concerned, I think the majority counts, right?" She looked around the table once again. "Since I own the majority of the shares, I don't mind being the CEO of the company." She smiled politely at them.

"I don't mind it either." Liam who was sitting quietly all this time, finally spoke up as he looked at Stella with a proud expression.

"I have something else for you." She motioned Bella to turn on the LED. 

Soon the blank screen of the LED was lit and a video call came through.

"Well, sorry for not being there with you guys, I am currently out of the city. Coming back to the main point, I don't own much of the shares of the company, but I think combined with the shares of Uncle Liam and my dear Sister-in-law's shares, my opinion does matter. I don't have a problem with her being the CEO." Blake smiled brightly at the camera.


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