My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 235 Statue Of Captivity

A couple of minutes ago...



"Dex? Is that you?"

[No, Satoshi, that's the Cloak of Invisibility. He wishes to speak with you,] Dex responded.

"I see. Do you need anything, Cloak of Invisibility?" Satoshi asked, pondering whether he should change its nickname since it was too long.

[I have an idea. Would you like to hear it, master?]

"Sure, go on," Satoshi responded.

The Cloak of Invisibility then started talking about his plan, assuring Satoshi of its effectiveness and efficiency which Satoshi needed at that moment. Since there was nothing he could do but brute force his way through the Dungeon, it's only a matter of time before his inevitable exhaustion would catch up to him. And by then, Satoshi would be left vulnerable to the monsters that lurked within Dungeon Spire.

Somehow, the Cloak of Invisibility's plan removed all those factors in Satoshi's speed run. With this plan, Satoshi won't have to worry about the monsters. He won't have to worry about the time constraints that shackled him, and adding to that, he also didn't have to worry about not clearing the dungeon. All these three were included in the Cloak of Invisibility's simple yet effective plan. Even Satoshi was surprised that he didn't think of it.

Then again, it was a question of whether the foolproof plan would work or not. If it didn't, then Satoshi won't have any choice but to try to clear as many floors as he could before he resurfaced.

"Good job, Cloak, now it's time to implement this plan. If this works then we have an effective run ahead of us." Satoshi smacked his lips in satisfaction as he wore his familiar, the Cloak of Invisibility.

Just like all the other familiars that Satoshi owned, the Cloak of Invisibility also received a power up along with everyone else, turning it into an S-Grade Familiar with exclusive skills. And yes, the plan that the Cloak of Invisibility suggested heavily revolved around one of these exclusive skills that it has in its arsenal.

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"Yoshi~ I'm ready." Satoshi muttered, covering his entire body with the oversized Cloak.


Total Erase.



Total Erase, one of the Cloak of Invisibility's exclusive skills, allows it to totally erase the presence of the wearer. From their energy output to their material body, everything would be erased to the point where no one would detect the wearer. This was the ultimate form of the Cloak of Invisibility's Skill. And if their assumption is correct, then this skill would enable Satoshi to go to the hundredth floor without the dungeon monsters detecting him.

"All right, here we go." Satoshi pulled the hood over his head before he proceeded deeper into the dungeon.

It didn't take long before he reached the ninety-ninth floor. As expected, the Cloak of Invisibility really did erase his presence.

Even without Satoshi engaging, he could feel the sheer amount of pressure that emanated from the boss on the ninety-ninth floor.

Judging by its appearance, it bears a close resemblance to the Statue of Liberty in America. Towering over ninety-nine meters, the Dungeon Boss stood in the middle of the room, his hand extended towards the sky as he held a torch in hand. It wasn't actually a torch, but a staff that looked like a torch. Motionless, the Dungeon Boss stayed in the middle of the room.

As soon as Satoshi stepped inside the room, however, he tilted his head to the general direction of the entrance, totally sensing a little bit of Satoshi's presence even though no one's supposed to sense him. This made Hajime gulp as nervousness kicked in. He wanted to panic, but he knew that doing so would just give away his location to the Dungeon Boss.

"I thought we wouldn't be seen? Why is that Dungeon Boss looking over here?" Satoshi couldn't help but ask under his breath.

[Dungeon Boss— Statue of Captivity.

Height— Ninety-Nine Meters

Grade— SSS-Grade

Skills: ???, ???, ???, ???

Note— Unlock additional information after defeating the Dungeon Boss and then taming the Dungeon Boss.]

The window that popped up in front of Satoshi surprised him for a split second, causing him to flinch and almost lose his balance. What surprised Satoshi even better wasn't the window suddenly appearing in front of him though, but the fact that he could actually tame the wild beast and make it his own familiar.

"Dex, is this really true? I can turn this Dungeon Boss into my familiar?" Satoshi asked.

[Yes, Satoshi,]

Satoshi couldn't help but wear a smile on his face at the possibility of owning such a powerful familiar but still, he didn't want to underestimate it. Right now, his goal was to clear the Dungeon Spire as fast as possible and if he were to fight with the Dungeon Boss, it would take longer than that.

"Relax, Satoshi, right now let's just go clear this Dungeon first and then attempt to tame the Dungeon Boss." Putting the Dungeon Boss at the back of his mind, Satoshi decided to walk towards the other end of the room wherein a huge gate could be seen. It was a gate with a height of one hundred meters.

"Here goes," Satoshi muttered, grabbing one side of the door and trying to push it. With such a huge door, of course, it wouldn't even budge no matter how much strength Satoshi exerted. Still, he wanted to try whether it would work or not.

And apparently, luck was not on his side and the door was locked, shut tight.

[I'm afraid you have to deal with the Dungeon Boss first, Satoshi— that or you can try brute forcing your way through the passcode on the panel over there. It contains four digits and it may very well be the lock to the huge doors.] Dex suggested.

Satoshi walked towards the other side of the doors and just like what Dex said, there really was a passcode lock propped on the wall there. It needs four digits. "This is easy, just like counting to a thousand, nine times," Satoshi said to himself as he input the first digit onto the passcode.

[0001... Click... Error]

[0002... Click... Error]

[0003... Click... Error]

[0004... Click... Error]

Little did Satoshi know that it would take exactly one thousand tries for the passcode lock to open.

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