My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 236 Blackhole Ingestion

[0998... Click... Error]

[0999... Click... Error]

[1000... Click... Success!]

Satoshi's mouth hung open in shock as the guessing game finally came to a conclusion. He was actually expecting to idle by for a couple more minutes when suddenly, the door clicked and now he could enter the treasure trove that will most likely exist  on the other side of the door. After all, where else could the treasures be except behind this door which Satoshi worked so hard to open?

"It worked! I can't believe that worked!" Satoshi celebrated within, giving himself a nice pat on the back since he had the patience to brute force his way through the straightforward passcode lock.

With that out of the way, Satoshi then pushed at the huge door, relying on his pure strength to inch it open. For a huge door that could fit the entire statue of liberty right side up, it was extremely light. For a moment back there, Satoshi thought of integrating once again with one of his familiars just so he could push it. But it was unnecessary since his teenage self alone could take care of all the pushing.

"This sure is weird for a Dungeon..." Satoshi commented as he went inside the room.

Despite being dimly lit, Satoshi could tell tha the room was spacious. As he walked deeper into the room, he could feel a bone-chilling, spine-tingling feeling as if someone was staring at him, monitoring his every move. He shivered, still proceeding deeper and deeper.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


What if this is another Boss Room?!

A lump formed on Satoshi's throat as he tried to keep his composure. Right now, nothing has happened yet but the sinister aura just continued to grow.

[Be careful, Satoshi, there's a strong beast lurking nearby]

Dex's warning just made Satoshi feel uneasy as he went deeper. Even the Cloak of Invisibility which was enwrapped on Satoshi was shaking and he could tell that even Dex was having the heebie-jeebies. In any case, whatever it was, there was a good reason why some of Satoshi's familiar was afraid of it.

Right then and there, Satoshi could've summoned his familiar Lighter to provide lighting for the room. However, Satoshi didn't want to make a  flashy move since whatever it was that was in the room might take it as a threat. Even if he wanted to, he didn't have any choice but to continue through the room, and hopefully, he'll get to somewhere safe.

'Still, it's awfully quiet in here.' Satoshi said to himself.

Cold musty air blew against Satoshi's face, making him flinch since he assumed that someone just breathed in front of him.

Feeling like he was about to get cornered, Satoshi decided to make a move by integrating with his fire familiar, Lighter, instead of summoning him. That way, he'd be the one to light the place up and he'll have more options if someone or something were to attack him by surprise.

Satoshi waited, making himself the bait for whatever it was that was about to prey upon him. He  couldn't tell whether he should be scared or confident right now since he had no idea what the beast in question was. Nevertheless, he braced himself for what was to come.

Nothing came.

Even though there was an intimidating aura that revolved around the place, nothing pounced on Satoshi. He already waited for a good two minutes but nothing unusual transpired.

With nothing left to do, Satoshi decided to continuously shoot a spire of flames upward to light up the entire room. The glow from the flames illuminated the whole room, enabling Satoshi to see everything.

Expecting to see a room devoid of anything, Satoshi was astonished to see that the room was actually filled with a lot of artifacts and treasures. While he didn't know what to do with all of them, he decided to just keep all of them so he won't have to worry about money later on in life. These treasures are actually enough to keep the economy of a country prospering or recovering if they were hit by a disaster. That's a lot of money, and Satoshi wasn't going to leave a single cent in the dungeon.

Now that there weren't any threats lingering about, Satoshi then summoned his most used familiar, Orb Oboros the storage familiar, and have him activate one of his recently-learned exclusive skills. "Orb Oboros, Blackhole Ingestion!" Satoshi ordered.

Orb Oboros then transformed into a huge snake-like monster with a huge mouth. Its mouth gaped open and stretched. It stretched as far as the four corners of the room before it swallowed everything. With this, everything in the dungeon is stored within Orb Oboros, just like all the other familiars who were with Satoshi right now.

"Thank you, Orb Oboros," Satoshi said as he called Orb Oboros back, returning to his usual shape of a bag that was slung on Satoshi's shoulder.

However, there was one item left in the room. For some odd reason, Orb Oboros didn't store it despite Satoshi's clear instructions to swallow up everything. It left the item there for good.

Satoshi walked towards the left item and realized that it was actually an egg— a huge egg that was as tall as him with a nice shade of pitch black on its shell. Now that Satoshi was actually in front of the egg, he realized that that was where the intimidating aura was coming from. The cold and chilling atmosphere that lingered around the room was emanating from the egg.

Since Orb Oboros didn't want anything to do with the egg, Satoshi decided to grab it and carry it out of there. Although it was a counter-productive decision, Satoshi knew that he couldn't just leave such a terrifying egg behind. What if it was an egg of a strong beast? He'd have to hold onto it and tame it if that were the case.

[Lev, I'll hold onto the egg for now even if it's scary... you have another thing to do, right?] Dex asked as metallic arms grew on his bottom part, grabbing the egg like a stuffed toy from a crane game.

"That's right, the Dungeon Boss. I'd have to tame it."

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