My Wives Are Too Overpowered

Chapter 132 Events Would Repeat

Chapter 132 Events Would Repeat

This time around, Alex had no plans to slack off.

The second regression had given him a great deal of trauma and he didn't have any plans to repeat them again.

Once Nicole handed him the data, he kissed her forehead lovingly and left to go make plans to save those guys.

Natasha was saved already by his wives and was in the hospital while Jagan and Samuel were by her side.

Carl was sent by Alex to get some company work done. In the future, the world would be invaded and everyone would be forced to get stronger and survive. There was no use attending college and Carl might as well learn some good skills prior to the apocalypse.

In the second regression turn, Carl had anyway not gotten anything done in college. He was as average as one could be and there was not even a girl he scored there.

Carl ended up marrying a girl from the company instead when he was the CEO and successful. Their relationship was good and she was a perfect match, so it was pointless for him to struggle in college unnecessarily.

As for Alex's wives, they were the biggest variables and he had no idea how they could change things while being in the equation.

One thing was for sure though and it was that, no matter what, things were not going to go wrong in this life.

Not because Alex had the knowledge of the future and whatnot, but because he won't be on the defensive side anymore and would attack and orchestrate the whole chaos himself!

The fuckers from Church of the Curseds were the reason for the demons to take notice of this world and eventually attack.

Not just the demons, there were many species that attacked this world in the apocalypse and everyone was thoroughly and spectacularly fucked in every way possible.

The humans were not dominant anymore because of being weak and even though they tried their best, nothing worked in their favour and they lost their own homes and became co-habitants.

Will this thing repeat again? Yes.

Yes, it would repeat itself and if it didn't, Alex would make sure that it did. There was no point trying to fend off the demons or anything since the entire realm was in big trouble.

It would be better for the demons to invade and the only thing that could be done differently when they arrive… Well, that was a talk of the future and now was not the time to think about useless things.

Firstly, Volkov took priority.

That dude had lost his mother and was in the worst state of his life. Even his girlfriend wasn't with him and there was nobody to share the pain with for him.

He probably had turned half psychotic already and Alex had to figure out what he could do to save him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Other than him and Natasha, only Hazel, Samuel and Jagan knew him well, but it was pointless to ask those guys to help comfort Volkov.

Jagan and Samuel's response would be to inject vodka in Volkov's veins and see the Russian magic to occur. This was really a stupid suggestion but he knew those two nutheads might end up doing it as well.

Hazel was out of picture since he was a quiet kid and didn't know how to manage his own emotions, let alone comfort someone else.

Alex's only hope was himself and he was trying his level best.

From the data Nicole provided, Alex incurred the potential people or organizations Volkov had come into contact with.

His goal was to find the members of the Cursed Church and beat the shit out of them.

There was the thirteenth floor property in the LCB building that could lead to them, but that would put Lucielle in slight danger.

Alex mentioned 'slight' because Lucielle was not to be trifled with. She was a damn strong woman, despite not looking like one.

If possible, Alex wanted to keep her away and thus went after the clues Volkov had sent forth. Who knows, maybe Alex might end up finding people other than the Church of Curseds?

At present, Alex was on his way to Denver. He got on the earliest flight he could find and should reach that place by 4 pm.

There was some delay and not 4 pm, but Alex reached by 5:30 pm.

He then went to check up on the spots Volkov had been to and find the people with whom he may have gotten in contact with.


Alex's House, Austin.

"Husband is acting weird," said Fate while looking outside the window.

Currently, the ladies were in Alex's bedroom. Some were lying down on the bed, some lay on top of the ones already lying down, while some lay half on the bed and half on the floor.

Only a select few were properly sitting on the floor and it was just Fate and Nefaria who were by the window and looking outside.

Fate's words rang in everyone's ears and Nefaria, right in front of her, couldn't help but say, "I think so too. He seems to have changed a bit after that incident. I wonder what happened."

"Me too."

"Me too!"

"Me too."

Everyone said the same thing one by one and Nefaria couldn't help but scrunch her nose and say, "Just nod your head when you're agreeing on something. No need to speak every time."

Nefaria was one of the mature ones in the group and someone who had really little interactions with everyone due to her circumstances.

Still, her authority was there as a big sister and everyone listened to her and also loved her. They were aware of how many sad things she had to go through everyday and respected her for being so strong.

"What could've caused the change?" Melissa asked. She was currently leaning on the bed's backrest and had the young Order on her lap. She was patting her head as she spoke.

Scarlett, pressing down Ava's back by her upper body as she lay on her, said, "Nobody here did anything and everything just happened on its own. If none of us did anything and if none of us are even aware of what had transpired, then this means…"

Ava turned her head to the side and asked, "Means…?"

Scarlett looked at her and said while pressing her down, "It just means that it might be husband's doing. There's no other explanation."

"Hmm…" Melissa got to thinking.

Meanwhile, Aqua, sitting on the floor, turned to Scarlett and asked, "But why would husband do something we aren't aware of?"

Scarlett shrugged and said, "Maybe he has plans that if we were to know about, they'd be ruined?"

"Could be the reason…" Aqua said softly while thinking about it. Scarlett wasn't wrong when she said this and it really could be the reason.

"Why are we even having this conversation? We might as well just go help him, that'll be much better." Lumina said while half sliding down from the bed.

"We can help, but can we even do? Now that we all descended down at an early stage, there's nothing to do," said Fate from the side.

"Meh. We'll just use our backgrounds and help husband. We have descended down with her real selves, we might as well just start with the procedures and all and be in the bodies we were supposed to." Lumina said something that made sense for once.

Ember, currently stuffed under a green-haired and a brown-haired girl, chimed in and said, "Won't we lose our powers and not be of help to husband?"

"That's a possibility…" Lumina said softly. She then turned to the white-haired Athena sitting on the floor and asked, "What to do, Athy sis?"

Athena turned to Lumina and said calmly, "It depends. Do you want to officially belong to this realm and experience it or do you want to stay as Gods of Elysium and experience it?"

"What sort of question is that?" Lumina didn't understand and asked.

Athena knew Lumina wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, and thus elaborated by saying, "The two things are really different. Like look at Mel sis and Nixie, you'll understand."

Melissa didn't have any connection with anyone in this world as she had descended down in her Goddess body. She naturally had really less attachment to this world and saw it much differently than an ordinary mortal living in it.

As for Nix, she was born here after reincarnation and her perspective was much different. She liked this place, her parents, and there was so much appreciation she had for everything present in this world.

In both cases they loved Alex and were with him, but the world around them was totally different.

Athena was asking them to see the life of these two and then make the decision. They could go with either thing and it was fine.

The ladies thus got to thinking and the room eventually fell silent.

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