My Wives Are Too Overpowered

Chapter 133 Reincarnation Bodies

Chapter 133 Reincarnation Bodies

After a bit of thinking, the ladies in the room finally came to a conclusion.

A bright green-haired, cute looking young lady, on whom Ember was laying on, said in a gentle tone while looking at Athena, "I think I'll have a reincarnation body."

Athena looked at the green-haired young lady and replied, "El sis, that'll cause quite some problems, you know? I think you're better off being your normal self."

"Why?" The young lady's cute face had confusion written all over.

Athena firstly stared at her for a few seconds, wondering if her older sister really didn't know or if she knew, but still wanted to hear it from her.

In her moments of silence, Melissa turned to the green-haired young lady and said in Athena's stead, "Ellyn-chan, you do know what life means to everybody, right?"

Ellyn nodded. Of course she knew. After all, how couldn't she? She was the very concept of Life itself!

Melissa continued, "A single life has an impact on tens of thousands of people around it. So let's say if you…"

Melissa began with her lecture on life. It was a bit funny as to how she was teaching about life to the very concept of Life itself, but of course, it didn't seem funny to anyone in the room as this silver-haired beauty was their eldest sister.

Melissa and Scarlett were the oldest in the group, with their age being the same. The two's words were taken quite seriously by everybody, even though half the time they weren't serious when doing their things.

It was due to this that when Melissa spoke, everyone stayed silent, including Scarlett.

Scarlett only interrupted when she felt the situation was too tense and people needed to loosen up. Currently, Mel was saying something important so there was no reason for her to interrupt her.

Interrupting her would just mean that she would need to explain in her stead, which she was too lazy to do so.

Even Athena, who was Wisdom herself, didn't interrupt and listened intently. Even though she was the pinnacle of wisdom, Alex, Melissa, and Scarlett's words mattered a lot to her.

Melissa was currently lecturing to everybody on how life had an impact on everybody around it.

When a child is born, the parents would totally be affected firstly. They would go through a big emotional change and then the same would be the case with the people around the child, such as its siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and so on.

As the child grows, it meets more people and thus further changes occur in the lives of others.

In such a manner, if the girls here choose to have a reincarnation body, meaning, have a body that has been born and has a background attached to it, then they would have to bear the consequences of it.

It won't be sunshine and rainbows as a lot of trouble would arise. Firstly, depending on the realm, their bodies would be restricted and they wouldn't be able to use their powers, which would make them weak.

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They are the very concepts and their powers can't be sealed, but they of course cannot use it as doing so would make their reincarnation body explode, breaking all the strings attached to it.

This would cause some major problems and thus, reincarnating and having multiple bodies was not feasible.

They were the pinnacle of everything, but even they didn't want the people they made to suffer unnecessarily.

Thus, everybody would get only one reincarnation and they had to make a proper use of it.

Melissa was lecturing on this and at the end, asked whether they'd be able to truly live with 99% of their power being restricted.

At this current realm, they couldn't even take 0.0001% of their actual power and this just goes on to show how powerful they actually are.

Melissa's words made everyone rethink their decisions and after a while of thinking, Ellyn said, "Big sis, I think I'll still choose to have the reincarnation body. Because you know…"

With the reincarnation body came a background. This background was really great to have as with more people came more drama and with more drama, there was more entertainment.

These old beings loved entertainment quite a lot and wouldn't let go of any opportunity to experience it.

Thus, to have more source, Ellyn said that.

There was also the fact that if she decided to even flick someone's head playfully, she might end up destroying the whole realm due to her prowess. With a body involved, it would be the body that would be destroyed first, so there was a safety factor in place.

Melissa nodded her head at Ellyn's response and then turned to the rest of the girls. She didn't state whether what Ellyn had chosen was right or wrong, for there was no such thing as a good or bad.

The rest of the girls eventually stated their opinions and the majority had thought that it was better to have a reincarnation body. There were various reasons for it with the most common being that they could help their husband.

With the body came a background and with a strong background, they could help Alex properly in different realms.

The small minority that was against this, their thinking was that, why hurt someone just for their own selfish reasons?

A life was a life and not a toy, to whom you could throw away when not in use. A lot goes into a life and they asked the other girls to carefully think about it.

With the loss of one reincarnation body, there could occur a loss in the life of multiple people. This thing was something the Elysian Gods had to see through and decide.

After a careful debate… half an hourlater, it was decided that they'll use their reincarnation bodies.

Melissa was included in this as well and there was a clause added in this that they could forgo their bodies and attack someone if they find that person far too displeasing.

Also, the fact that their reincarnation bodies would be mortal and progress as they venture higher in the realms was something to look forward to.

The girls could get sick and diseased, plus they could also feel whatever emotions normal mortals feel.

This was a big thing for them. Their husband was a doctor and in case they had any problems, they could simply go to him and get fixed—ahem, treated, and then become healthy.

The hormonal changes would also act as mood changers and all in all, it was quite a good package and something which they couldn't say no to.

After this thing was decided, the girls relaxed for a while together and talked about useless things for a day while watching Alex do his stuff.

They had decided to have their reincarnation bodies in a while, probably after Alex returned, and until then, they had a lot of time to relax and rethink their decisions.

Meanwhile, on Alex's side, he was in Denver and searching through one place after another.

The search had continued for a while and he did find some suspicious people that may have been in contact with Volkov.

Finding them was really difficult though as this city was too big and one couldn't search everywhere. Still, with Nicole's help and the police department involved, Alex found a few suspicious places and went to check them.

These places were smartly located in a variety of places. One such place was present in the most popular church of Denver.

Alex was currently in that very place and was trying to find a way to sneak to the room where the suspicious people or organization was present.

From sources, he had learnt that they were probably in an underground room where the church's important stuff was locked up.

To go there was not allowed as only the pastor or high ranking officials had the authority.

Alex would need to find or impersonate a pastor and with his help, go down to find the people.

Who knows whether they were really down there or hiding out in the open.

To find that, he was currently in a queue to get inside the big church.

Alex's eyes were scanning through everything among the crowd and after almost an hour, he finally got in and sat on one of the benches.

To Alex's dismay, as soon as he sat down, the choir began singing as it was prayer time right now.

Alex could do nothing but listen to them sing and the prayer hall was so jam-packed that he couldn't even see past the row ahead and behind him.

Even if he could somehow shift himself and see, he still wasn't able to, properly. There were far too many people and he couldn't simply get up and move around as prayer was going on.

After fifteen minutes of struggle, when the prayers ended, the people began dispersing and Alex was finally able to have a clear view.

He looked at the choir and then turned to the pastor. He found nothing of note there and just as he was about to avert his gaze, a man in a suit walked up to the pastor.

This man was wearing gloves and this thing made Alex stop and stare at him.

'He's wearing gloves. Is it to hide…'

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