Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 203: The Value of Miracles

Chapter 203: The Value of Miracles

Villkiss is the supreme masterpiece of Embryo. Unlike Unicorn, which is designed for fighting, it was designed as a dimensional exploration shuttle at the beginning. Falling into the Sea of Dirac may not be in its designer's expectations, but it turns out that even Void Space cannot cause effective damage to Villkiss.

Ange had driven Villkiss in this hellish place for an hour.

It was dark all around, nothing could be seen, and her cockpit was the only light source in the whole space. Coupled with the disruption of the gravity field caused by the raging negative energy flow, the vast majority of Ange's energy was wasted on controlling Villkiss.

"So this is what happens when you rush in without thinking" She tapped up the small screen directly in front of the cockpit in frustration, "IQ! I need IQ! Someone tell me what to do next oooh ah ah ah!"

Gravity suddenly reversed, and Villkiss was thrown far away by the energy flow, along with Ange in the cockpit. By the time she settled down and regained her balance, she didn't know where she was anymore.

"Don't talk as if I knew where I was before." She stretched her neck to look out into the black hole, "Nobody can't tell where is this place, right? It has nothing to do with IQ anymore, right? Aaahhhh, Ade has so many women, but none of them is NT. I'm just a Norma, how can I find him here?!"

Ange looked at the time again, there was already less than half an hour left. She was not sure if the people outside would really throw a nuclear bomb inside, but in case it is true, Villkiss will protect her, but how about Ade? Even if he's not dead yet, he'll be killed by the nuclear bomb!

"Bastard!" Villkiss flew left and right in the turbulence, "Where the hell is it?!"


"Come out a villain for me to fight!" Ange hissed in annoyance, "Big fish, big bird, whatever! Aren't angels all giant monsters? What the hell is this!"


"For the first time I found someone I like, for the first time I met someone who really loves me, why did it get into this state? I even allow him to have a harem, do you know how much I suffered? Why did it turn out this way?"


"Cheap dad, don't inherit your bad luck to me! If my man and I die here today, it's all your fault! I will not let you go even if I die!


"What are you shouting for, I'm here!" Ange suddenly realized, "Ugh?"

The sunset slanted in through the glass, and the afterglow spread over Ange's thighs, staining the hem of her pale white skirt with pale gold. She sat up from the seat and looked around blankly. The carriage was very quiet, and there was no sound of the train moving like in TV dramas.

Ange got up and walked to the corridor in the middle of the carriage and looked back and forth, finding no one in the carriage except for her. There was nothing written on the electronic screens above the ends of the carriage that were supposed to show the destination, nor was there any text on the backrests of the seats.

"Aren't I on Villkiss? Where is this?" Ange subconsciously touched her body before she suddenly realized that the clothes she was wearing had changed, "Eh? My skirt?!"

"This is on the high-speed train." A mature male's voice rang out not far behind Ange, "The clothes are chosen by your subconscious, as to why is this one, you have to ask yourself."

Ange took a defensive stance, turned around and stepped back sharply. In her field of vision appeared a middle-aged man with an oriental face, black hair, and black pupils. Without any reasoning or guessing, the correct answer came out of her mouth subconsciously, "Dad?"

"Yo, good girl." Yang smiled and nodded, "First time meeting, I'm your dad."

"Where is Ade? Have you met Ade? How am I going to find him? Do you know how to get out once I find him?" Ange asked a long list of questions in one breath before pausing, "By the way, aren't you dead? Why are you here with me?"

"Four out of five questions are about you man, well " Yang breathlessly held his forehead with one hand, "Your blonde hair is not like me, your beauty look is not like me, your impatient personality is not like me, and from the logic of your questions, your IQ is also not like me. So, what have you inherited from me"

"Cut the crap and answer the questions!" Ange unpleasantly waved her arm, "You have not done your duty as a father for a day, don't lecture here!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Not even a touching father-daughter reunion, only yelling for your man. What exactly does that guy have to make my daughter willingly to be a member of his harem I'm really puzzled." Yang smacked his lips, "I was full of gratitude to him just now, but why do I feel so unhappy now?"

"Yang! Wen! Li!" Ange's trembling hands showed that her anger was about to get out of control, "Don't think that just because you're my father so I don't dare to beat you up!"

"I'm a soul now, I just ran into him." Ange calmed down as soon as Yang opened his mouth, "Simply put, he forced me into the world of souls through his almighty and unscientific NT ability, and I'm in the process of sneaking into the Sea of Dirac."

"And where is this train?" Ange pursued, "Why am I on it too?"

"This high speed train probably symbolizes the journey of my heart home, heh, and I've deceived myself enough for the rest of my life." Yang chuckled softly to himself, "And you? Probably you were not far away and thinking similar things like me, so our consciousness was rolled into the same soul space. Too much of a coincidence indeed, a miracle if you must comment it, right?"

"Ade is nearby!" That's all Ange understood, "Get me out of here!"

"This is my soul space and his mind domain, and I don't know how to get you out." Yang thought for a moment, "Although I'm not an NT, from a purely theoretical point of view, you'll naturally get off when you arrive at the station."

"So when is the stop?" Under Ange's angry gaze, Yang shrugged helplessly, "Ahhhhhhh! I'm in a hurry! You don't know this, and you don't know that, and you even have to rely on Ade after your death, can't you be a little bit good, Dad!"

Yang casually found a seat, put down the plate on the seat in front of him, and frowned with his hand on his face, "My life is already a failure, listening to your words, I feel more frustrated"

"Hey, dad, how about this." Ange sat down to the opposite side of Yang, "Do you have any awesome technology, the kind that even I can understand, that I can bring back to Ade? You see, the world is in danger, why don't you help your daughter before going to that world? Isn't that very good?"

"The married daughter helps her husband to ask her own father for benefits, that's" Yang sighed, "In this world exists the Sea of Dirac, and TurnA is able to be made by humans. These two facts are already priceless information. It's just a matter of time for him to make Gunbuster, before that, my unsystematic knowledge will only be harmful to him."

"Trying to fool me again with something I can't understand." Ange puffed out her cheeks unhappily, "Just won't say anything useful? Tsk, niggard."

"I can't feel any pleasure from being this father-in-law" Yang tapped his fingertips on the dinner plate, "By the way, do you know Villkiss's password? He seems to keep forgetting to ask, and I keep forgetting to say."

Ange's big eyes lit up abruptly, "Father!"

"Don't, just call me dad." Yang uncomfortably touched his neck, "The password is too shameful, I will read it once. Even if you can't remember, I am determined not to read it a second time."

"It's okay, I have a very good memory." Ange squeezed her fist, "If I really can't remember it, I'll figure it out. Anyway, Dad, you're already dead, it's impossible to die a second time, right?"

A few minutes later.

"That's it, you have a good memory, daughter." Yang's face awkwardly turned red, "Just shout out to the cockpit, I also ahem, I also set the prompt with the BGM. If there is music when you are shouting, it means that you are shouting the right password."

"Too, too shameful!" Ange's face also turned red, "You let me shout this in front of Ade? It's even worse than that old pervert's original singing!"

"You can just regard it as the chant before using magic." Yang pulled his throat and coughed dryly twice, "Well, almost to the station, you still have time to ask one question."

Hearing these words violently, Ange somehow felt a little inexplicable sense of loss and frozen in place.

"What are you dumbfounded about? Your husband is still waiting for you." Yang looked at Ange, "If you have someone you like, you need to seize him at all costs. The regret medicine doesn't exist in this world, this is your unlucky father's lifetime wisdom. That guy is honest on the outside, but he's really amorous on the inside, so keep an eye on him, daughter!"

"I don't need you to remind me!" Ange glared back, but after a glance, she looked away sheepishly, "Well, the last question. I was originally a princess, but because of you, I became an illegitimate child. My father distanced me, and my brother and sister hated me. But I don't blame you, because, without you, there would be no me, and there would be no Ade. But you would not have known of my existence, and now that, um, after knowing, will you feel, uh, regret, or disappointment, or "

"Regret what? Disappointed in what? It's not like I spent a penny to raise you." Yang laughed in Ange's stunned gaze, he was laughing so hard that tears popped out, "My daughter is really too beautiful, simply a waste to let her marry anyone. Only by marrying Ade, another myself can give me slightly less heartache."


"My life, the first half is like a funny cartoon, and the second half is like a tragedy. I'm probably a pathetic plaything of some screenwriter who was high on drugs." Yang continued with a tearful smile and said, "Only now did I realize that the only two fortunes for me are you and him. So you must be happy with him, got it?"

"Hmm." Ange huffed, "Got it."

"Oh, I should go to the station now, this time, I will really never come back. So " Yang smiled and nodded to Ange, "Farewell."

Before Ange could say the last word, her vision suddenly went black. When the light came on again, she found herself sitting in the cockpit intact in her pilot's suit.

"Farewell," Ange whispered to the empty cockpit with her head down.

When she looked up, she was just in time to see a silvery-white, watermelon-sized spherical object floating less than two meters from Villkiss' cockpit. Instinctively, she understood that this was what she was looking for.

There was no time to dwell on it, no time to feel emotional, grateful, or sad. I must catch it, no, catch him, before the next change in the direction of gravity!


Almost at the same time as Villkiss accelerated, the turbulence of negative energy hit again, and Villkiss instantly rushed too away by the gravity field. The silver-white sphere was left behind in the blink of an eye.

"Ade!" Villkiss made a magnificent one hundred and eighty degree turn under Ade's manipulation, "This time for sure!"

Villkiss accelerated violently towards the silver-white sphere. Ange held the joystick with a tight grip and kept fine-tuning the position. The energy turbulence relentlessly pounded the fuselage from all sides, trying to deflect it from its course, while Villkiss kept the angle right on the silver-white sphere.

Twenty meters to go, ten meters, five meters, four meters, three meters, two meters, one meter now!

The moment Villkiss was about to hit the sphere, Ange quickly turned off the protective shield outside the cockpit, a silver stream of light accompanied by a violent gravity field crashed into her arms. The next instant, the protective shield reopened.

Ange spat a mouthful of blood on the surface of the sphere, and the silver-white shell glowed with a bloody luster. But she didn't have time to pay attention to what bones she had just broken under the distorted strong gravity field and impact, she just held the sphere in her arms tightly and happily pressed her face to the surface of the sphere, chanting incessantly, "Found you I finally found you "

It was like this for several minutes before Ange slowly let go of the sphere in her arms. Her left hand was completely incapacitated, and the mere slightest movement would cause a solid pain. She struggled to reach out her right hand to open the storage space in the cockpit and rummage through the first aid kit Ade had prepared for her.

"Painkillers, painkillers have it." Ange poured a handful of painkillers into her mouth, took out a water bottle and sucked up a large mouthful of water, "Bandages, bandages oooh uh!"

Another mouthful of blood sprayed on the sphere, Ange assumed that her internal organs were injured. But now in the Sea of Dirac, she couldn't do anything.

"Stupid dad, ahem, do you have to set the password to some shouting? What if the pilot can not speak?" Ange gently stroked the silver sphere in her arms with her right hand, "Ade, let's, cough, go home."

She took another half minute to gather her breath, praying by the way that the lines given by her dead dad were okay.

"It's going on." Ange shouted, "!" (PS: the lines Ange shouted were from Mobile Fighter G Gundam, they are the lines of Domon Kasshu. I'm using the original Japanese text here. I haven't watched this anime and it would be too painful to try to find the English translation from the anime series, especially when almost all the videos of G Gundam on youtube don't have subtitles.)

Just as her words finished, a kind of dynamic music automatically blared in the cockpit. Ade might have recognized the tune if he were awake, but Ange didn't recognize or have the effort to care about it. It had taken all her strength to keep herself from coughing up blood.

"?! !"

The words "Space-Time Convergence Cannon" flashed on the display, and Villkiss' body began to glow with golden light.

" !!"

Both of the fuselage's shoulders morphed, each revealing a hideous golden cannon muzzle.

" !" (My hand burns like bright red fire, it shouts for me to seize victory!)

Seven-colored streams of light converged from the darkness toward the cannon's muzzle.


The streams of light were almost compressed into a mottled energy entity under the effect of the invisible stance.

"- -!!!"

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