Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 204: Lingus, Never Comes Back

Chapter 204: Lingus, Never Comes Back

Chapter 204: Lingus, Never Comes Back

"It's time." Ayanami Rei slowly moved her eyes from her watch to Bright, "Commander Noa, please give your instructions."

"I will not allow it, no one can drop nuclear weapons inside the Twelfth Angel Leliel before Ade and Ange come out." C.C.'s face was as cold as frost, "Bright Noa, I now officially declare you kidnapped by me. Do not act rashly, I assure you I will move faster than you."

"Crazy woman." Ayanami Rei rubbed her forehead with her hand, "Don't forget you are a major shareholder of Anaheim, think about yourself and the moon's position before you speak."

"The majority shareholder of Anaheim?" C.C. sneered, "Ade is gone, you think I would care about such things? Good, then I will now return all the shares to Loran, and cut off all relations with the moon. Alice"

"The communication in this room has been hijacked by me." Alice replied quickly, "I can forge all the external communications, it is useless to scream your throat."

In fact, Alice was also hacking the nuclear launcher, but C.C. wasn't stupid enough to let Alice speak such words in public as well. The encryption protection of nuclear weapons is a bit troublesome, even with Alice's technology, it will take some time to decipher it.

"That's the truth, Commander Noa." C.C. gazed at Bright, "I don't mind if you retaliate afterward, but Ade is my only, my all, and I'll do anything for him."

"I can see your determination, Ms. C.C." Bright unhurriedly found a seat and sat down, "In fact, to be sincere, I also hope that Lingus can be saved, he is a rare and excellent ally for me. But it's been three days, Miss Ayanami's original advice was to give up now, since you have a different opinion, then please allow me to ask, when do we have to wait?"

"I don't know." C.C. said without changing her expression, "Just wait."

Bright tried the communication device and found that it was not working, and grimaced in disbelief.

Seeing that the tense atmosphere had eased a little, Loran said, "Well, Commander Noa, I'll take responsibility for C.C.'s comments"

"Loran! "C.C. unpleasantly interrupted him, "Are you deaf? I have said that we have been cut off all relations, I don't need you to care about me."

" I will be responsible for C.C.'s remarks." Loran said to himself, "Threatening a high-ranking military official is an extremely bad behavior and a serious fault of the moon government, we will provide compensation to your satisfaction, and please don't start reciprocal retaliation against her."

"Loran!" protested C.C. loudly, "This is the Lingus family's business, who wants you to meddle in it?!"

Loran shook his head firmly: "There is no relationship with the shares of Anaheim, you are Ade's woman, and Ade is my person, there is no such thing as severing ties."

"Okay, don't make yourself look like Lingus' righteous partners, if I retaliate later, won't I become a villain?" Bright sighed self-deprecatingly, "It seems that I am indeed not suitable to be any military big shot, I can't be as cruel as Scirocco."

Loran's eyes slightly opened and his eyebrows raised, "Then the thing C.C. said?"

"The Twelfth Angel Leliel didn't move further, maybe there are other changes inside, maybe her judgment is correct, let's wait." Bright coughed, "Compensation is still needed, well, it's still needed."

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"That's natural." Loran hastily agreed, "The compensation will bypass the Federation and go directly to A-Laws' accounts, to your satisfaction."

Bright nodded and looked at C.C. in a complicated mood without speaking again.

C.C. looked out of breath at the Twelfth Angel Leliel. She had probably never had such a moment in her long life when she longed for incomprehensible miracles as much as she did now.

Time just passed by in an embarrassing silence, second by second, the black and white spherical projection still suspended on a black circular surface six hundred and eighty meters in diameter, quiet and eerie.

Then, in the second hour after it was completely dark, there was a sudden flash of light in the distance. C.C. rushed to the window with a single bound and opened her eyes wide in desperation, her golden eyes staring in the sky at the sphere.

"I saw it." She murmured, "I really saw it."

Before anyone else could ask a question, as if to confirm what she said, more seven-colored light glowed from the dark sphere above the Twelfth Angel Leliel. Because the distance was too far away, more details were not too clear to the naked eye.

"Disable communication control immediately." Bright said in a deep voice, "The matter is too important, I immediately want communication links and screen transmissions from the front line."

"Yes!" Before the C.C. agreed, Alice took the initiative to lift the restrictions on Bright, and projected the video signal intercepted in the front to the large screen in the room. Bright stared at the screen, while began to contact the soldiers under his command ready to take action at any moment.

"Impossible!" Ayanami Rei watched and exclaimed, "This is not scientific!"

On the surface of the sphere, like a dry riverbed appeared a large crack, bright red blood from which gushed out more than wildly, and soon converged into a trickle downward flow, and was instantly swallowed by the bottomless abyss. The dazzling seven-colored light from the open cracks vaguely transmitted out, and with time, it become brighter and brighter. The sphere also became more and more broken as the light became more and more dazzling.

After about half a minute, the crumbling Twelfth Angel Leliel finally could not withstand the continuous bombardment from within. The fragile sphere completely disintegrated, scattering blood in all directions, and the black shadows on the ground followed, until they disappeared, revealing the smooth ground below.

"Gone." Ayanami Rei's mouth opened wide in disbelief, "The Twelfth Angel Leliel's induction disappeared."

After the dust settled, the bloody Villkiss stood quietly in the middle of the earth, looking hideous and peaceful. Once again, the zoomed-in image shows Ange lying bloodied in the cockpit, her left arm dangling helplessly, her right arm was clutching a silver and white sphere with a happy smile on her face.

"Ahem, hey, can you hear me? I brought Ade back." Her breathless voice rang out on the public channel, "I, cough, probably can't hold on, I need rest for a while. Talk to you later, that's all "

She said and passed out.

Ange was now lying on the infirmary bed unconsciously. Her pretty face was full of weakness and haggardness, her pretty blonde hair disheveled, and her sticky driving suit stained with blood. Momoka was sitting by the bed, looking at Ange with a painful look.

"First, we have to cut away the driving suit, then we have to do a full physical examination immediately." A middle-aged, dark-skinned man waved a tool that looked like a large pair of scissors, "Leave this kind of thing to me, and ask uninvolved people to wait outside."

"Who are you?" C.C. asked coldly.

"I am the special doctor who comes with Commander Noa, I have followed the Commander since he was still a captain, I'm trustworthy." The middle-aged man stroked the mustache above his lips, "Everyone calls me Dr. Hasan, and you can call me that too."

"Put the tools down, and you can get out." C.C. put up her right hand to stop the man from speaking further, "Please tell Commander Noa that we appreciate his kindness, but I will be responsible for Ange's treatment."

"This kind of serious injury needs a professional"

"I am the professional." C.C. answered coldly, "Get out, now."

Dr. Hassan dwelt in place for two seconds, muttered, and turned to leave.

"Won't you deal with Ade's problem first?" Ayanami Rei pointed to the silver-white sphere held in Alice's arms, "Alice has confirmed that it is LCL inside, but I, as an NT, can't sense his presence. Audrey can't sense it either, right?"

Mineva bit her lip and shook her head.

"One by one according to the priority, you don't give me trouble. If Ade finds Ange die after he wakes up, how am I going to explain it to him?" C.C. quickly looked around the infirmary, "Alice, hold Ade; Audrey, don't run around; Lacus where is Lacus?"

"Still in the room and not out." Alice replied, "She hasn't come out for two days, I don't know what she's doing."

"Missing at such a critical time, what is that woman thinking?!" C.C. gave an unpleasant "tsk", "Leave her alone, Ikari, come to help, Loran will take care of the military side."

"I'm a scholar, not a doctor, and I think Ade's problem is more serious." Ayanami Rei pretended to cock her head cutely, "And who is Ikari?"

"Don't pretend, hurry up to give me help." C.C. said, picking up the large scissors and walking towards Ange, "Momoka, come and give me a hand."

"Yes!" Momoka's spirits were lifted.

An hour later, Ange was still lying unconscious on the bed.

"Crushed fractures in most of her body, hemorrhaging from multiple ruptured arteries, internal bleeding from injuries to plural vital organs, and probably exposed herself directly to the turbulent gravity field in the Sea of Dirac." Ayanami Rei looked puzzled, "But the blood on her clothes and in the cockpit are all surprisingly hers, do you know how many milliliters of blood these add up to? Why is she still alive?"

"This idiot!" C.C. looked at Ange with distress and frowned, "It's good to be alive, why do you care so much!"

"The internal organs began to heal on their own without treatment, and the bleeding from the arteries stopped on their own in a highly unscientific way. As far as I know, Norma is not as immortal as you are." Ayanami Rei rested her fingers on Ange's neck, "Her heart rate is starting to settle back down too, what does she think she is? A humanoid angel?"

"Momoka?" C.C. looked to the maid lady, "Do you have any clue?"

"No, but if I may say something "Momoka picked up a broken piece of rope, "I found this around Her Highness Angelise's neck, but I'm sure it's not an item that belongs to Her Highness. The strange thing is that there is only one rope and there is nothing tied to it."

C.C. took it and looked left and right, but she didn't see anything special, so she returned it to Momoka.

"Although I'm still confused, anyway, her condition is stable, the rest we can do is to bring her back to the moon to receive better treatment." C.C. turned her head to look at the ball in Alice, "The rest is to save Ade."

Ayanami Rei sighed and shook her head, "I don't have a solution, and I guess the doctor won't either. His condition is beyond any human's ability, and unless the technology can reach Lilith's level, "

"I have a solution." Lacus pushed the door open and walked in, "You and Ange have done well enough, C.C., I'll take care of the rest."

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