Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 28: A Small Cry

Chapter 28: A Small Cry

The people in the Spectators Room are currently watching the Xiao Siblings group in the fourth room.

They were all chatting happily until they hear the door behind them slam open.



They all heard a familiar voice.

They turned around to see the Sect Master walking towards them with a red face.

Greetings, Sect Master! They all bowed.

S-Sect Master! What are you doing here?

Do you need something from us?

Whos he?

The Elders were surprised at this sudden development.

Many weird things had happened today already, what else could possibly be next?

Where is he?! Where is Tian Yi? The Sect Master yells.

Tian Yi? Whos that? They thought.

Elder Zhou who was dragged back here looks back at the testing room.


WHAT?! Qiu Heng also runs right next to him to take a look.

YOURE RIGHT; HES GONE! He also cries.

WHAT?! The Sect Master also ran towards them.

He looks at the participants and did not see his face.

He snaps his head back and glares at the Elders, Where did he go?! The ordinary looking boy around 18 Years Old! He questions them.

The Elders mind could not process the question and could only stare back at him.

Are you talking about the young boy who was kicked out for calling himself a Spirit King? Chan Jingyi asked.

He disappeared out of nowhere during the second test

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! The Sect Master did not let her finish and screams.

Direct Sect Order! I dont care how you find him; you better find him by the end tomorrow! He takes out the Sects Order Medallion token.

If I dont see him standing in front of me by then THEN EVEN I CANT SAVE YOU FROM THE ANCESTORS RAMPAGE! He screams.

Both he and his Master had wished for him to join them but knew it was impossible.

Yet out of nowhere, he was told that he actually wanted to take the Entrance Exam?

He was so happy he wanted to punch someone in the face, but when he came to pick up the treasure, not only was he not here, they had even tried to kick him out!

Forget about how mad he was, if his Master finds out, the entire Sect will be flipped upside down!

Did none of you hear me?! Go! You too, Disciple Chan Jingyi! He yells at the frozen chickens.

Chan Jingyi had her eyes pop out when she heard him yell at her.

This is the first time someone in this Sect has ever yelled at me! Not to mention its the Sect Master! She felt wronged.

How the hell were they supposed to know who that young man was?

No only was he ordinary; he even dared to cheat in the Entrance Exam!

Yes Sect Master! All the Elders instantly ran out and went to order everyone else to look for this ordinary looking young man.

But when the servants and disciples hear the details, they almost coughed up a mouthful of blood.

They were to look for someone that Looks Ordinary, black long hair, black eyes, ordinary face, ordinary clothing and around 18 Years Old..

How the fuck are they suppose to look for someone with that kind of description?

They might as well say, Bring everybody in the streets to us!

Not only were they given an impossible description, they only had until the end of tomorrow to find this normal straw in a stack of hay!

But they can do nothing but bitterly look around in the streets for this ordinary looking young man.

Disciple Chan Jingyi, follow Qiu Heng and Elder Zhou to look for him! They know him better than anyone else in this Sect! The Sect Master told Chan Jingyi, who was the only one left in the room.

Lets go Junior Sister Jingyi, or else our Sect will never be the same again Qiu Heng sighs.

I shouldve stayed behind; its all my fault. Elder Zhou sighs.

Chan Jingyi was now extremely interested in this Tian Yi, who even the Sect Master will crawl through nails to find.

Okay, where do we start? She asks.

* * * *

Behind the Entrance Exam building, where there is nobody else but a kid leaning against a tree.

Meng Xiang was currently curled up into a ball.

*Sniff* *Sniff* She was currently crying.

She was born into a very poor family, and her parents died from overworking on the day she turned 8.

She had no other relatives and could only live in the streets as a beggar.

She had to beg for money, had to clean dirty bathrooms just to eat a plain piece of bread and was even bullied by the other kids.

She did not know what it felt like to have a full stomach because she has never eaten to that point since her birth.

Every day, she heard of people talking about how powerful and rich these Cultivators were.

So she swore to herself, that she would become a Cultivator and live a life where she could eat till her stomach was full.

But the reality was merciless.

She had no Cultivation Techniques and did not know how to Cultivate.

It was like she wanted to get rich, but did not know where to start.

She could only try to do something she has no idea about.

Day after day, she did not succeed.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She was about to give up until she heard people talking about this Entrance Exam and how they will teach you to Cultivate and become strong Cultivators.

She finally had some hope left in her and decided to go.

She was very happy when she passed the first test.

However, not even a moment later, her already dim hopes were shattered into pieces and were instantly kicked out.

She did not want to cry in front of so many people and could only hold it in until she was alone.


She cries out loud for the first time since the last time her parents had died.


She kept on crying and crying until she hears something moving beside her.

She looks up, but because of her tears, she could only see a blurry figure next to her.

She wipes away her tears with her dirty clothes and sees an ordinary young man sitting right next to her, with his back leaning against the tree.

She remembers seeing him at the Entrance Exam, did he fail too?

He was looking at her dirty face filled with tears and snots.

It must have been hard for you, huh? The young man said in a gentle voice.

She did not know why, but when she heard that gentle voice and sentence, she began crying even louder.


He lets her cry until she finally stops.

Little girl, whats your name? He asks.


M-meng Xiang. She managed to choke out these two words.

Meng Xiang To Dream What a lovely name. He smiles.

She blushed when he said that. This is her first time hearing someone say that to her.

Meng Xiang, what is your dream? He asked her.

M-my dream is to live a life where I can eat until my belly is full She said in a low voice.

But I can no longer do that because I can not become a Cultivator.

Tears start to flow down her eyes again.

Is that so Then do you have to become a Cultivator to fulfill your dreams? He asks her.

I dont know She answers.

Then if there was another way to fulfill your dreams, would you do it? He asks.

She looked at him and had this feeling she used to have when her parents were alive.

It was that feeling she had when her parents would use to hug her whenever she was sad.

She felt warmth in the bottom of her heart.

I will! She trusted this young man in front of her.

Good, then are you willing to become my personal Servant? I have always wanted a female Servant by my side to serve me tea.

You do not have to Cultivate to fulfill that dream of yours; I will personally make sure that you will never have to feel hungry again.

How about it? He asks her with a gentle smile.

Really? Her eyes started to brighten up.

Really. I, Tian Yi, will promise you. He smiles.

Okay! I will be your personal servant and serve you tea forever! I promise too! She jumps up and smiles.

Good. Then let me introduce myself again.

He reaches his hand out like he wanted to have a handshake, Nice to meet you, Meng Xiang, I am called Tian Yi.

Meng Xiang also reached out both of her small hands out and shook his warm hand. Nice to meet you Big Brother Yi, I am called Meng Xiang, 11 Years Old. She smiles, showing her white teeth.

Hahaha, good. Lets get you clean up and get something to eat! He said and waved his hand.

A gust of Pure Spirit Power dances around Meng Xiangs body.

Meng Xiang felt an exquisite sensation in her body like she was taking a hot bath back in her old home.

A few seconds later, she looks like she had a complete makeover.

Her dirty and tangled hair is now silky black, with two pigtails coming down her shoulders.

Her dirty and muddy brown face turns milky white and her skin, smooth like a babys.

Her stinky smell was no longer there, and she even smelled like she uses the same soap as Tian Yi.

Who used to be a dirty and smelly beggar that everyone avoided, is now a very cute little girl that most people would want to hug.

Not bad. Now lets go buy you some new clothes before we go and eat all you want. Tian Yi nods in approval.

Yay! She starts jumping with joy.

Lets go. He starts walking but felt his hand being pulled back.

He looks back at Meng Xiang.

She had a shy face and asked, Big Brother Yi, can we hold hands?

Sure, here. He grabs her little hand and walks towards the market area, where they sell clothing and food.

* * * *

An hour later, Tian Yi walks out of a clothing store with Meng Xiang holding his hand.

. Meng Xiang was currently wearing a very cute traditional Chinese dress.

It is red and white, with a red rose on her right pigtail and a white one on the left.

. However, she was not smiling. Instead, she had cold sweats on her forehead.

Big Brother Yi You did not have to spend so much money on me She said with a bewildered face.

This one dress was already enough to feed her full for many years!

She could not bare to watch him waste so much money on a dress

Its fine; its just a few Spirit Stones. He said with a calm voice.

But She did not know how much a Spirit Stone was and she did not want to

I cant make you walk around with cheap clothes, or else people will curse at me for treating you bad. You look cute so be happier. He giggles.

!!! Meng Xiang felt her cheeks warm up.

Okay, lets go eat. Youre starving right? He can even hear her stomach rumbling.

Un! She nods with a smile.

He picks a random restaurant and walks in holding Meng Xiangs small hand.

* * * *

Welcome to the Dragons Den, how many will be dining with us today? The waitress at the front door welcomes them.

Two. He replies.

What size room would you like?

The largest. He replies with a calm face.

T-the largest? The waitress was a bit surprised.

She looks at the clothing they were wearing.

This little girl is definitely a noble and the young man is obviously her servant. She thought.

Yes, the only largest room we have happens to be open. Please follow me. She leads them to the second floor.

They walk to the end of the hall and into a huge room.

It was big enough to fit 50 people, and it even had a balcony.

Heres your room, please sit anywhere you like.

Tian Yi led Meng Xiang to the balcony and sat down at a small table for two.

Heres our menu. She only hands Meng Xiang a menu and did not give one to Tian Yi.

They are one of the biggest restaurants in town, would they even bother giving a servant the menu? Its not like he was the one paying for the food.

You can choose whatever you want. Tian Yi did not mind at all; he was only here to feed her.

The waitress had a weird facing after hearing that.

The fuck? What kind of servant talks to their master like that?

Un. Meng Xiang nods.

She opens the menu, and the moment she does, her eyes pops out.

These prices were crazy! One lobster here was enough to feed her for years!

The sweats on her forehead start to come out again

She looks at Tian Yi with a bitter face.

What? He asks her.

I-I dont mind eating meat buns She said in a low voice.

What?! The waitress was shocked.

Was the menu so bad that she rather have meat buns?!

Hahaha, like I said, dont worry about the prices. He laughs.

But She still hesitates.

It was extremely hard for someone who has always been poor to spend so much money at once!

Fine, waitress. I want everything on the menu. He said nonchalantly.

Both the waitress and Meng Xiang had a fright hearing that.

All on the Menu?! What is he feeding? A Dragon?!

A-are you sure? The waitress asks.

Yes. He replies.

. Thatll be at least a thousand gold She hesitates.

Will they even be able to afford that?

Meng Xiang felt her soul flying out of her, At least a thousand gold?!

This was already enough for her to use for many lifetimes!

But he was going to use it all for one meal? This is crazy!

Heres the money. Im paying upfront. He takes out a handful of Spirit Stones and puts it on the table.

Meng Xiang was confused; these little stones were worth a thousand gold?

Then didnt that mean her dress was at least a hundred gold?

When she thought about how she was currently wearing a dress made out of gold, her poor heart bled a bit.

. The waitress had her eyes pop out from shock.

My mother! He just pulled out a handful of Spirit Stones like it was pocket change! She thought.

Y-yes Sir, right away. But before she can even pick up the Spirit Stones, a small hand stops her.

Big Brother Yi, you cant be so wasteful! How are we going to finish all the food? Meng Xiang said.

Here, Ill pick this right here She points at the cheapest item on the menu.

She cried when she saw that even the cheapest was at least a few gold

Is that so? Okay, then well have that. He takes back the Spirit Stones.


So he was not a servant but the Big Brother! So misleading! The Spirit Stones!!! The waitress cries in her heart.

Yes, Sir How many would you like? She still asks.

How many can you eat? He looks at Meng Xiang.

O-one She said. She did not want to see any more money being spent.

Okay, one it is then. Ill also have green tea. He said the to Waitress.

Yes Sir, please wait a moment. She walks away with her head down.

Meng Xiang still had sweat coming out of her forehead.

I must teach Big Brother how to save money She promised herself.

Her little heart could not bare the pain of watching this money fly away faster than frightened birds.

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