Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 29: Curses

Chapter 29: Curses

After ten minutes of waiting, the waitress finally comes back with a tray of food and a pot of green tea.

Here you go, enjoy. She bows and leaves the room.

Meng Xiang stares at the food in front of her.

. Was this food worth a few gold?

There are only a few pieces!

She will never understand the world that rich people live in.

She picks up a fork and starts eating.

The moment she puts it in her mouth, she felt like she went to Heaven.

What deliciousness! She thought.

She shoves it all in her mouth within seconds.


She looks at the empty plate in front of her.

??? How is it gone already!?! That was faster than me eating a slice of bread! She cries in her heart.

Tian Yi watches her gobble down the plate of food in less than a few seconds.

When he sees her sad face after finishing it, he laughs. Hahahaha, want more?

She looks at him with a weird face.

She wants to eat more, yet she did not want to spend so much money on it!

N She tried to reject but

You know Meng Xiang. Tian Yi starts to talk.

Its alright to be a bit greedy; you deserve it.

Dont worry about money in front of me. If I can make someone like you happy with it, I wont hesitate to spend it all.

Youre no longer a beggar in the streets, but my personal servant. He looks at her with a gentle face.

Although you might not understand what it means to be my personal servant at the moment You will learn in the future.

And when you do Hehe He giggles.

So with that said, eat all you want. Youve had it hard until now so its alright to be a bit selfish


Meng Xiang starts to cry again, but she did not want to ruin her new dress.

He looks at her and smiles.

Come. He opens his arms wide open and nods at her.


She cries and runs into his arms.

He hugs her, and she cries even more.

He pats her silky black hair, whispering in a soft voice, Thats right, let it all out.

* * * *

A few minutes later, Meng Xiang still had red eyes.

Tian Yi looks at her and then looks at his chest, filled with tears and snots.

Hahaha So this is what it feels like to be a mother He remembers when he would use to cry to his mother because his father would not let him out to play.

Done? Hungry again? He makes fun of her rumbling stomach.

Un She nods with a red face.

Good, let me clean this up. He waves his hand, and Pure Spirit Power covers them, washing away the dirty snots and tears.

Okay, lets order more food.

He calls the waiter back in.

What else would you like? She asks him.

Although she had heard Meng Xiang crying, she did not bother them.

Everything on the menu. He said.

. Really? She looks at the little girl sitting on his lap

But this time she did not say anything and nods.

Good! Ill be right back! She ran off to tell the chefs, afraid she would change her mind.

An hour later, she comes back with many other waitresses carrying plates.

Five minutes later, the entire room was filled with food.

Meng Xiang starts drooling at the smell and display in front of her.

Heres the payment, keep the change. Tian Yi pays her a handful of Spirit Stones.

Thank you, Young Master! All the workers bowed to him and left the room.

Go eat. We have all day. He smiles at Meng Xiang.

Un! She hugs him tightly before running off to the food paradise.

After another 30 minutes, Meng Xiang was sitting down on the balcony, with her hands on her stomach.

T-this is what it feels like to be full She cries in her heart.

She looks at Tian Yi, and her eyes turn watery.

He noticed it and looked at her, What is it?

Nothing Oh, Big Brother Did you also fail the Entrance Exam? She asked him.


He coughs at that question.

You see, although I did fail, I did not really fail either He laughs.

He felt embarrassed, but he did not want her to know that he failed because of her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Although he did have many other ways to pass, he couldnt ignore her crying out there any longer.

The moment he saw her leave with that face, he had his Divine Sense on her the whole time.

He felt his heart turn heavy after he sees the pain she was hiding in her soul.

Aiya, mother, you spoiled me too much. Look at me now. I also have a weak spot for crying Children He blamed his mother.

Although his father was strict with him, he knows why and does not blame him for it.

As for his mother Lets just say she spoils him more than any grandfather does to his grandkids!

He looks at the little girl in front of him patting her expanded stomach.

Hahahaha. He laughs.

? Meng Xiang looks at him with a questioning face.

Nothing, nothing. Ah, I almost forgot. Somewhere in the future, Ill let you meet my other funny Servant; his name is Lao Bai. He mentions about Lao Bai to her.

Lao Bai? Where is he now? She asks.

I gave him a little job to do. He might be gone for a bit, but youll see him later. He giggles after reminiscing what he said to Lao Bai.

Okay. Big Brother, what do we do now? She asks him about their future.

We just wait, theyre probably looking for me right now. He laughs.

Whos they?

Ah, you know, the place that we tried to enter.

Ah, the place we failed to go? She replied innocently.




He coughs off his embarrassment.

Lets just sit here and relax for awhile. I want to read this book too.. He takes out an old book.

What book is that? She asks.

An interesting book.

Here, let me read a few pages to you. He turns the pages and starts reading to her.

* * * *

On the first floor at the Dragons Den restaurant.

A group of young figures enters the restaurant.

Welcome to the Dragons Den, how many people will it be? The waitress welcomes them.

39, give me the largest room. The male in the lead said.

The waitresss face pales.

She knew what this group coming here means.

T-the largest room is currently taken. She said with a worried face.

Hah? Taken? By who? He was surprised.

By two customers She said.

Are they Seniors? He frowns.

No, its two nobles. She didnt dare to lie.

Hahaha, its only two nobles. Kick them out. Today we are celebrating Fairy Yings acceptance to the number one Sect in Jin Long Continent, the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect!

Shes already an Inner Disciple too! Someone else adds.

Please wait a moment; Ill go and talk to the two nobles. She ran upstairs and into Tian Yis room.

She knocks and enters to see the two of them reading a book.

Sorry to inform you two, but a group of Disciples from the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect needs this room. Can you give them some face and leave? She apologized to them.

Tian Yi looked at her and did not speak.

She frowns and continues, Its for F

Xiao Yings group right? He interrupts her.

She was surprised and nods.

I see, tell them to wait a few more minutes. I want to finish this green tea. We will be on our way right after I am done. He said with a calm face.

B-but The waitress pales after hearing that.

Youre going to make them wait? She asks.

Of course, its just a few minutes. They can handle it. He said.

I see, Ill tell them that Although she didnt want to offend these two, the ones downstairs are way more important.

She ran back down and told them what he had said.

What?! Which bastard dares to make our Fairy Ying wait?

Thats right, he even knew it was her, yet he still dares to make her wait?

Lets all go up and beat his ass up!

They all turn angry and walks to the next floor with big strides.

The waitress watched them go up but did not say anything.

Hmph, thats what you get for being ignorant. She sneers.

Tian Yi was currently finishing up his tea.

Okay, I am done. Lets go and not hold up this room any longer. He said to Meng Xiang and prepared to leave.

But before he can even stand up, the door blasted open, and a group of people walks in with angry faces.

. He looks at them with a weird face.

What the hell are they doing? Are they going to pay for that?

I remember you! You are that idiot who blocked our paths the other day with that old man! The male in the lead points at him.

Hahaha, I hope you remember what I said last time right?

If I see you again, Ill tear your limbs off!

They started laughing.

What are you doing breaking peoples stuff? Are you going to pay for it? Tian Yi said with a calm face.

Eh? They did not expect this reply from him.

Ahahahaha! Hes definitely an idiot!

They laughed even harder.

. Xiao Ying looked at this clown in front of her.

Not wonder he was so shameless to fake his Cultivation as a Spirit King

Were going to leave now, so excuse us. Tian Yi walks towards them.

You think Fairy Ying is going to save you this time? Hahaha.

Naive! Fellow disciples beat him up! As for that little girl, beat her up too! The male lead orders.

Yeah! They all cheered.

They surrounded the two of them.

Meng Xiang was scared out of her wits.

She has been bullied and hit before, but not to this degree!

Tian Yi finally frowns.

Stop. What the hell are you doing? Youre shameless enough to beat a little girl like her?! He said in a cold voice.

Hmph, if you were smart enough to leave the moment you were told to, this might not have happened! Someone sneers.

So your reason for beating up a child is just because you monkeys could not stand still for a few minutes? Tian Yi sneers.

What did you just call us! The male lead screams.

You fucking bastard! Youre a monkey! Your mother is a monkey! Your entire 9 generation are monkeys! Someone cursed at his family.

Aiya! I would not curse my family if I were you or-


Lightning appears out of nowhere in the clear sky and strikes the roof of Dragons Den, piercing right through it and striking the one who cursed his family.

AAAHHHHHH He screams in agony, and the next second, his whole body was burnt black.

!!!! Everybody around him jumps back from fright.

What the fuck! He got struck by lightning?! What kind of thunder can turn a Cultivator into a burnt chicken?!

Aiya, I tried to warn him. You can only blame yourself for cursing my family Tian Yi sighs.

What did it mean to curse his family? It meant that he was cursing at the Heavens!

No matter who it was, to curse the Tian Imperial Family as a whole was a grave sin.

Enough to be struck by a Heavens Tribulation

Everybody stared at the burnt body on the floor with big eyes.

Meng Xiang felt like puking up her food after seeing that thing.

Then they looked at the young man currently surrounded by them.

Bullshit! I do not believe cursing your family will have lightning strike them! Someone yells.

Thats right! What kind of fucking bullshit is that?!

They all started cursing at him again, but nobody dared to curse at his family Fearing that what if.


But this one who did not believe in curses.

Fuck your mother! Fuck your father! Fuck your nine generations! He screams with a loud voice.

Everybody around him had a scare and instantly jumps away, fearing that they might get hit.

Hmph, look, nothing hap


Another lightning strikes the Dragons Den, piercing through the roof and right at the one who had just cursed.


He did not even get to a chance cry and was instantly burnt into a crispy burnt chicken.


Everybody including Xiao Ying gasps.

Heavens! It was real!

Everybody looks at Tian Yi like he was a monster.

Tian Yi shakes his head, I have already warned you. Dont blame me for your stupidity.

Anybody else wants to curse my family? He looks around.


Everybody felt their soul trying to escape their body.

W-we are sorry for bothering you Well be leaving now.. Xiao Ying said and took a step back.

Hold. Tian Yi stops them before they can even move a step.

W-what is it? She asked with a shivering voice.

Do you really think that you can just walk away right after cursing my family and attempting to beat my personal servant? He said in a calm voice and materialized something in his hand

Although you wont die, itll hurt a bit. You can only blame yourselves for not listening to your parents teaching Especially you, Xiao Ying

RUN! Xiao Ying accidentally pissed her pants when she heard him call her name specifically.

Everybody did an 180 turn and started running for the door; some even tried to jump out the window.

All they had in mind right now is to run away from this monster as fast as possible!

But before they could even take three steps, they all see an oval shaped object coming for their faces right before blacking out.


Everybody eating below could only hear deafening slapping sounds coming from the top.

Whats going on up there? A slapping contest?

Aiya, only the super rich people can sit on the upper floors, lets forget about their weird hobbies.

Right, lets just eat.

They continue eating while ignoring the slapping sounds coming from above.

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