Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 254: Jiang Zu

Chapter 254: Jiang Zu

Li Mo struck the sarcophagus without remorse.

It crumbled to reveal a green-haired corpse.

This wasnt your average corpse, mind you, but a dead God Emperor, an imperial corpse.

For the sake of a longer life, the God Emperor placed his hope on his corpse. He hoped his corpse would link with his soul and thus achieve rebirth, as well as eternal life. 

How many survived since ancient times till now? Regardless of how godlike a God Emperor was, it still could not break the natural law of life. Many methods existed to bend it, but at the end of it all, death took everyone. 

After death, even a God Emperors corpse would rot and waste away.

Regarding this cruel and sorrowful ending, every and all mighty heroes that had ever lived, yearned for one thing only.


The God Emperor, while alive, used a special means to refine his corpse into a weapon, his very own and personal imperial weapon.

Upon entering the God Emperor Stage, one could create a whole new ingredient out of thin air. But any God Emperor out there could only ever do it once. 

This made imperial ingredients unique. So the God Emperor refined his body into an imperial weapon, allowing him to preserve it until now. 

The imperial corpse was growing green hair, filling the Yin Dragon Mountain with yin qi.

The dragon protects and nourishes for ten thousand years, but even that cant bring one back.

Revival may be impossible, but awakening the corpse wasnt

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Dragon Protection was the array of the Yin Dragon Mountain. This God Emperor laid it out himself before death. It robbed the life of everyone in this area and nurture his corpse. His hope rested on nurturing his corpse with the endless vitality, so that he may one day revive.

Of course, it was only a hope. The God Emperor chose the path of a corpse, unprecedented before. This, in turn, offered no clue to how successful it may be.

In fact, his calculations were totally wrong. Even with the Dragon Protection nurturing his body for a hundred million years, it would still be impossible to revive him.

And there was no point to go to such extremes either. Ten thousand years were more than enough to reach the limit of nurturing.

With the Dragon Protection calculation wrong, the God Emperors dream of revival was laid to ruins. But had Li Mo not intervened today and destroyed the time-space rupture, the imperial corpse would come alive. 

Dragon Protection nurtured, but the dragon qi inside the time-space rupture would lead to Two Dragons Bauble and turning the imperial corpse into an undead. 

An undead imperial corpse had no memories of its previous life, but knew cruelty and savagery like second nature. When the undead appeared in his past life, the Xixiang Province was transformed into an undead kingdom.

Only allowed on

With no one able to stand in the imperial corpses way, the undead converted everyone it struck to ghouls, raising millions.

This danger was no less than the alien invasion. Then, a miracle happened. Celestial Master Abodes spiritual master intervened. At the price of his life, he awoke one minute of fragmented memories in the imperial corpse. The corpse then howled and disappeared into the sky 

Two centuries later, Li Mo met the same imperial corpse upon a planet filled with ghouls. It was still mad with slaughter, turning a once living planet into a place of death. 

Because that spiritual master and Li Mo were of the same path, he roused that same minute of broken memories in the corpse again. The imperial corpse was in so much anguish it wanted death. This immortality wasnt the one he sought, so he asked Li Mos group to put him to rest.

If not for his memories and because of his desire for rest, Li Mo and his team wouldve never succeeded to kill the imperial corpse.

His biggest regret was becoming a killing machine in death.

That time couldnt be averted, but in this life, Emperor Jiang Zu, youll have no regrets.

Li Mo placed the corpse in his ring.

The thick yin qi soon dispersed.

Li Mo sighed.

If only all crises can be averted like this.

What fame, what savior of the world? Li Mo could do without such fake reputation. He just did what he had too, nothing more nothing less.


But before he got to leave, below the stone mushroom appeared a time-space rupture!


Li Mo entered.


He appeared at the foot of enchanting scenery on a mountain.

Li Mo saw a kid in rags with a hoe in hand and a basket on his back, looking for herbs.

Jiang Sheng, come down, its getting dark!

A voice echoed in the distance.

Ill look for a bit more. Go without me. The kid replied. 

Dusk soon came as the child was absorbed in collecting herbs. Only when the basket was full did he realize he was in a strange place.

He didnt even remember the way back, wondering deeper into foreign lands. He panicked and broke into a run.


A wolf howl had Jiang Shen scared.

Li Mo didnt intervene. He was in spectator mode and would need to use the Staff of Origin if he wanted to do anything.

Li Mo saw the child fall into a cave where an immortal pill laid, as well as an incomplete scripture written on jade.

Jiang Sheng cultivated according to the damaged scripture and swiftly became the strongest in this area.

He grew so fast in power that in just three years reached the peak of fifth level.

Twenty years passed in a flash, but Jiang Shengs cultivation had long surpassed the fifth level. But with no way of leaving Earth, he had no way of knowing of his actual power.

Jiang Sheng was now the leader of a faction. He chose ten bright kids as his disciples. 

And it was then that something happened.

Five years later, Jiang Sheng broke through again. Although he was limited to the peak of fifth level on Earth, his ten peak fifth level disciples had no way of defeating him even after joining hands.

Seven centuries passed and Jiang Shengs cultivation reached the ninth level, witnessing the death of all his disciples from old age.

Friends and family, one by one, they all left this world. The pain they filled him with was indescribable. Until one day, when he found his hair was graying, his skin wrinkling.

These were signs of old age.

Jiang Sheng was not about to give in to fate. He entered seclusion in Dragon Mountain where he worked tirelessly in restoring the damaged jade scripture.

A thousand years passed and Jiang Sheng was hanging by a thread. Any breath could be his last. Suddenly, his old skin rejuvenated, his hair went black, and his body was restored to peak condition, in his twenties. 

Jiang Sheng named the restored jade scripture as the Everlasting Undying Art.

He came out of seclusion as a tenth level being!

Jiang Sheng was quite normal by day, yet turned savage and wrathful at night. He thirsted blood, gorged on flesh, and one night he even lost his reasoning, attacking total strangers. 

With the last vestige of his mind still present, he stopped just before killing them. What he didnt know, however, was the bodies of those he bit changed after he left.

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