Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 255: Everlasting Art and Undying Art

Chapter 255: Everlasting Art and Undying Art

Every man Jiang Sheng bit changed. They gained increased strength, thirsted blood, mindless, and bit any man they saw

Jiang Sheng was shocked and fearful when he found out.

He knew the cultivation method he restored had a problem.

Despite the side effects, Jiang Shengs power still grew at an alarming rate and, two thousand years later, he broke through again, becoming a God Emperor.

Only allowed on

On that day, the whole universe sensed his power and all living creatures bowed.

But even after becoming a God Emperor, the side effects only became more pronounced. At night, hed lose all control, gorging himself on flesh and blood.

To rid himself of this problem, Jiang Sheng entered seclusion and amend the jade stone cultivation method.

Another thousand years passed in which Jiang Sheng went mad countless times. If not for sheer will, he wouldve long blown Earth to smithereens. 

How can this be? I do not age, so why do I feel death around me?

One day, when his mind was clear, Jiang Sheng came to a shocking conclusion.

He never achieved everlasting life, only his appearance maintained. Tearing himself from death was impossible.

As a God Emperor, he could feel the limit of his life, knowing hed have around a thousand years to live.

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Taking nine millennia to become a God Emperor may very well make him the fastest in the universe. He didnt know that, and only focused on knowing he would die soon.

In his final millennium, he did everything he could think of, even refine his own body into an imperial weapon. But his situation only deteriorated, with the chance of losing control only increasing.

To avoid anything bad from happening to his body after death, he sealed himself in Coiling Dragon Mountain. He wasnt thinking of coming back from the dead at that point, but as he couldnt destroy his imperial body, his only choice was to seal himself as to not bring harm to others.

All this time Ive been wrong. No God Emperor refined his body into a weapon, yet I went as far as using my sole creation

This is not a fortune, but a disaster. Such a pity I am at my limit and ca go no further.

Before his death, Jiang Sheng took the restored Everlasting Undying Art and destroyed it

This cultivation method strayed from the straight and narrow and can no longer be called an immortal art. It couldnt be allowed to exist!

Jiang Shengs long life flashed before Li Mos eyes. He couldnt help but sigh at seeing Jiang Sheng destroy the cultivation method on the jade stone.


In Jiang Shengs time of dying, however, a sudden thought struck him. He used his divine power to restore the amended cultivation method he just destroyed.

This book may have been improperly restored making me stray, but future generations may not walk the same path as I. I cannot see immortality, but someone may come, with far greater talent, that through my cultivation book will discern its truth!

It shall remain

Jiang Sheng sighed, changing his mind and letting his art written on the jade survive.

But he did this by splitting it in two, the Everlasting Art and the Undying Art.

I, Jiang Sheng, had been good throughout my life, never wanting to do evil. I pass onto you my cultivation method in hope you will do the same. Apart from this, you can do what you will. Do you understand?

I do.

Many things clicked in Li Mo now that he saw the young Yao Changsheng taking the Undying Art from Jiang Sheng.

Yao Changsheng was a descendant from one of Jiang Shengs ten disciples. His Undying Art was passed on from a God Emperor!

As for the Everlasting Art, Jiang Sheng didnt impart, choosing to leave it in a cave for the one destined to have it. 

Is there immortality? Is there true immortality in this world?

Jiang Sheng had only this thought, even on his deathbed.

Everlasting Undying Art

Li Mo closed his eyes. He didnt need to work hard in committing this to memory. He witnessed God Emperor Jiangs life, witnessed him comprehend the art on the jade. He could say that no one in this world knew the Everlasting Undying Art better than him.

This art may not be a true immortality art, but just being everlasting and undying makes it stand above countless other arts.

Li Mo bowed three times to Jiang Shengs sarcophagus and left the time-space rupture. 


The time-space rupture crumbled behind him.

Li Mo hadnt gotten anything out of the time-space rupture this time.

This time-space rupture must have appeared to impart God Emperor Jiangs Everlasting Undying Art.

Li Mo bowed at the mushroom three more times.

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Every God Emperor in history of unequal power left behind a time-space rupture in their death. Such a mater could hardly be called difficult with their power.

God Emperor Jiang, I will take your body for now. But I am unable to destroy it as I am, and I can only offend you by keeping you in my Star Ring.

No wonder Yao Changsheng lived for so long. He has God Emperor Jiangs inheritance. Then the other person must be

Zhou Mengxian.

Li Mo never saw Zhou Mengxian in person but the elegance and refined manner with which he conducted himself on TV, as well as his twenty years old appearance despite this Grandmaster Zhou being far above this age.

Such appearance and achievements could only be attained through cultivating the Everlasting Art.

Li Mo went home through a Gate.

Li Mo, come on out!

Li Mo, show yourself if you have the balls!

Li Mo, are you scared to face me?

The instant Li Mo arrived, his ears were grated by the noise outside.

Yang Jinlian was by herself, and her book. She was so absorbed that the clamor at her ears went over her. As for the snow people, they ducked in their rooms. 

Li Mo walked out to see Luo Yingying making a scene.

He jumped upon seeing Li Mo, but soon calmed down.

Y-youre out? Great, come then!

I didnt come for revenge. My master, the 1st on the Heaven Board, sends his word!

Luo Yingying threw a letter and left.

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