Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 127 The Confused College Club Fair

—5:53 a.m. | July 1st, 2032 | Strategy Meeting | 6 Days Until the Rapture—

"About breaking the news to the masses." Kaze said, looking at Kylie, "Should we show the same footage and give an identical presentation?"

"You don't know what you want to do?" Kylie asked with slightly narrowed eyes.

"I do." He smiled, "However, as my voice, I expect you to act on your own and to represent me well."

"I'd recommend a heavily edited video that removes the attempted assaults and murders." She replied cautiously, "We cannot contain this many people if they panic. What is your plan?"

"Correct." The emperor nodded, "We don't have trust and no calming mechanism.

Therefore, our announcement must be short and decisive without any proof.

We'll let demonstrations and examples speak for us."

"Demonstrations and examples?" Evalyn asked with a grave tone, making everyone else shiver.

"Facing rioting, murder, sexual assault, and arson, the preferable option for compliance is always trauma." Kaze replied apathetically.

The cabinet members took sharp breaths at his serious assertion.

"Instead of telling them they shouldn't go home, we'll let them." He continued chillingly.

Everyone but Evalyn and Crux froze in disbelief, unbelieving that he'd allow that.

"We're bringing them back, of course." Kaze smiled ominously, "They wouldn't be much use if they died, and it'd be a waste when they can solve half of our problems."

The cabinet members felt his declaration to bring them back was worse somehow. It chilled them to the bones.

"Our demonstration will occur directly after the speech." He continued, "At that point, we need to keep everyone preoccupied for two hours.

I'll use my calming technique, but it's only a stopgap, and you only have a half hour before you all have to leave."

"Where are we going?" Sage asked with slightly narrowed eyes.

"You'll be joining the members who wish to leave on a [field trip]." Kaze replied seriously, "We'll come back to that.

n the meantime, let's talk about roles.

Evalyn and Crux, you two will be on physical crowd control.

Kylie, you're with me presenting.

Sage and Daniel organize people to hand out Skye.

Jake, you're in charge of introducing group building and managing the elites in charge of it.

Veronica, you'll be an infiltrator, so you must hide your relationship with us.

Kiera, you will be our mascot of vigilante justice.

You will stop fights and other crimes with authority and discretion—it's your role."

Everyone looked at her, expecting her to look fearful, but she just nodded in assent.

"Now, let's talk about the details." The emperor said with a cold glint in his eyes.

—July 2nd, 2032 | 9:18 am | Immortal Skye Amphitheater | 5 Days Remain—

The day after the strategy meeting, the new cabinet members stood together on the amphitheater stage.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Over two thousand faction members sat before them, shocked into dead silence.

"That is the state of the pandemic at present." Kylie announced gravely.

"It's projected to double in impact in the coming weeks. While we cannot get Qi Sickness, the afflicted are dangerous.

Therefore, Immortal Skye is in quarantine, and no one offsite will be allowed inside the walls."

A tidal wave of negative emotions crashed into the audience, multiplying them through connected synesthesia.

Anxiety and dread grid-locked everyone from thinking or listening to what Kylie was saying.

,m The emperor waved his hand, and Kiera, sitting in the dead center of the seating, radiated with green light.

Like a water droplet, the green around her pulsed outward like rippling water, calming everyone in a chain reaction.

The atmosphere reversed abruptly as the green aura spread over the audience and lingered, feeding off everyone's emotions.

Due to the panic, it would last for at least ten minutes.

"However, everyone can leave Immortal Skye." Kaze clarified gravely, capturing everyone's calmed attention, "We're giving you 125 Skye after this announcement.

For 100 Skye, you can buy a mortal and earth technique and a ticket to your city."

Subtle relief washed over the audience, pushing deeper than the tranquility technique.

"Today, we're only taking people to Meridian City, but we'll open up other cities for the next two days.

Anyone who leaves may return as long as they do not get off the skycruiser.

However, you can never return to Immortal Skye the second you get off it."

Waves of crushing dread crashed against Forced Tranquility, warring over everyone's emotions.

Luckily, the technique won because they were weak cultivators without Spirit Qi resistance.

"If you plan to leave for any reason, the ticket and techniques are free." Sage explained.

"It will cost millions to transport hundreds of people around the country. However, it's the least we can do for you."

Tension eased up lightly, hearing a positive message from their communications director.

"If you're not certain of leaving, we recommend you not leave." The redhead continued, "Due to the high transport costs, all members will pay 100 Skye for the ticket.

To keep your current room and lifestyle, you'll need to pay 100 Skye.

That means anyone who leaves but decides to return, depleting resources unnecessarily, will be moved into tents until they do extra paid tasks or get their next paycheck."

Many were stunned, even through Forced Tranquility, which didn't change someone's perception of an event.

No one could believe that the redhead was talking about money during the crisis.

"Remember, everyone." The emperor said authoritatively, drawing everyone's attention to him, "Immortal Skye had no entrance fee.

There isn't tuition.

You do not pay for books or housing with Malta's currency.

Living here is genuinely free."

His reminder relieved many people's concerns instantly. It was a great point that drove everyone back to earth.

"The only thing that Immortal Skye expects of you is to do your share of work to keep it running." Kaze continued.

"Our currency ensures members work and do not squander resources needlessly.

With this cost, members will not get onto a skycruiser just to see things for themselves and return.

That's the value of a currency system.

We're also providing a billion-dollar technique and a private ride to your city for free and giving you the option to return.

So it's not unreasonable for you to get temporarily penalized for wasting our resources."

The faction members took deep breaths, understanding his logic and unwilling to let him down.

"We requested thirty-five military counselors." Evalyn announced, surprising everyone.

They had never heard her say anything aside from announcing a merciless punishment during the party. So everyone feared her but didn't know her.

"Counseling does not cost Skye." The blonde continued, "It's a free service we're offering.

We recommend signing up before or after getting your Skye, as their schedules will fill up fast.

Immortal Skye will protect and support anyone who works, protects, and supports their fellow members."

The faction members were stunned by her simple yet kind words. Her beauty and heart aligned in their minds, creating balance.

Jake stepped forward nervously, dry-swallowing. "Hi… my name is Jacob Hays, the Director of Faction affairs."

Kaze took a deep breath, watching his regent's awkward public introduction.

"I'm… not really good with people." Jake chuckled bitterly, "That's why being in a fraternity, sorority, club, or support group is incredible.

You don't have to make plans with people, text anyone, or feel anxious if people will stand you up. It happens every week, and people want to come.

It's also great because everyone has something in common, so there isn't a need to make small talk or be charming.

It removes the anxiety from social interaction."

Many people were stunned by the simple yet effective method of making friendships, which are increasingly difficult to make in modern society.

Anxiety was at a fever pitch in Malta in 2032, so hearing it removed worry was almost unbelievable and very attractive.

"Being in a group is powerful; it's how a nervous person like me befriended a charismatic guy like Kaze." Jake chuckled awkwardly, "It's pretty wild."

Kaze grinned when the crowd gasped and looked back and forth between the two.

The regent intentionally stumbled to provide sharper contrast between himself and the emperor.

That way, members would see more value in clubs because weak people could befriend strong, talented, attractive people that could take them places.

The emperor was increasingly adept by his ego-detached adroitness.

"There are Immortal Skye-sponsored clubs and societies already set up." Jake continued, "We'll also provide resources to any group with over ten members who want to start one."

Kaze touched the regent on his shoulder, nodded at him in appreciation, and walked forward. "Everyone, please get into line to get your Skye.

Consider signing up for counseling and getting into a club, society, or support group.

If you have already decided to go home for personal reasons, please pick up your Skye and pay for it at the ticketing center. The first skycruiser leaves in an hour.

Everyone else, we'll be in the amphitheater for the next few hours for group support.

We'll serve lunch in a few hours. You may begin."

Kaze's Forced Tranquility only had a few minutes left before it wore off.

Thankfully, the organization system worked from the beginning.

Lockheed elites handed out 125 Skye to faction members in four lines. As a result, there were five hundred people for each line.

As soon as everyone lined up, the tension in the atmosphere returned.

Anxious conversations sprung up and spread like wildfire through the crowd.

However, no one could do anything without Skye, and the lines were so long that they couldn't roam around, meet up with friends, or organize.

They were trapped.

During that process, the reality of [thirty-five] counselors sunk in. There were over sixty regular faction members for each person, driving in the importance of signing up early.

Moreover, they found that people that signed up couldn't leave.

That was natural, as signing up and leaving was a declaration that someone was wasting resources without a real intention of leaving.

The clubs had a similar story.

There was a club starter program where founding members were paid reputation points and Skye.

It was only available to people who didn't leave and was time-sensitive.

Before people knew what happened, they were moving from line to line, signing up for counseling and clubs, making commitments, each removing their option to leave.

Brad set up a male fraternity on campus, and Sammy set up a sorority. Worked with other elites to sign up members.

Kiera watched the scene from the Skye line. "That man's got hive-mind down stat.

Somehow he announced the apocalypse, and people ended up at a college club fair."

Unfortunately, it wasn't perfect by any stretch.

"Mostly." The pink-haired woman cringed, looking at the line of people buying tickets with Skye. There were about thirty of them, sweating and panicking frantically.

Members in line were anxious to join, and a large group watched the area like hawks, deciding whether to go.

"Ya'll have three days to do this." Kiera winced, "You have time to think it through, collect info, and get ready. But you're not."

She frowned, looking at them with a conflicted gaze.

Each person had a family, siblings, lovers, pets, or dreams back home. That wasn't something she understood, so she couldn't judge.

Still, Kaze told them that a mass pandemic causing a government shutdown was sweeping through Malta, yet they got in line blindly.

He told them that bills cost Skye, yet they gave it away as if it had no value.

"This is front-grade noobicide." Kiera sighed, "I'm sure he's right.

If there's anyone who deserves to go through mental trauma, it's the idiots.

And if they leave to their deaths after what they see, they high-key deserve it."

"Hmmm? What are you muttering about?" A nervous woman asked, hearing the word death whispered.

"Nothing." Kiera replied, "Just glibbin' to myself."

Once the elites took control of the lines and operations, the emperor called his cabinet members to the amphitheater's prep room.

"Jake, Veronica, Sage, and Kylie." Kaze called out, "It's time for you to go on the field trip with the fools and dreamers."

All four dry-swallowed nervously, with cold sweat dripping down their backs.

"You need to see the situation on the ground." The emperor declared, "You're leaders—your duty is to protect and lead your subjects through perilous times.

You're intrinsically incompatible with leadership if you cannot face what you protect your people from.

So if you do not go or return traumatized despite knowing what's to expect, you have no place in Immortal Skye management."

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