Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 128 [Un]Just Betrayal

Veronica walked from her mansion with a conspicuous neon purple backpack and a bitter expression.

Kaze took her through a spatial rift to her room to ensure people didn't see her exit the amphitheater back room. Her role required absolute secrecy.

"Hyperthymesic memory?" She laughed, "What a joke. I never realized how much I relied upon search engines until a highly competent, psychopathic serial killer teleported into my room, telling me he knew where everyone's room was because of a disorder no one's heard of.

Now, I can't look up the fancy word to verify his excuse's strength."

The black-haired woman strode near a group of nine other members to the skycruiser docking station, a massive 300-foot hanger with twenty black, private-jet-like crafts waiting.

"No...." Veronica laughed as she walked into the boarding line, "If it's true he doesn't forget anything, that's worse... so much worse."

She shuddered in line, walking up to Marilyn, who assigned everyone to one of the crafts, where pilots awaited.

Each skycruiser could seat twenty, allowing the 127 members on the [field trip] to take the ride in one shot.

Another 739 members signed up on the pre-sale list, allowing them to take flights in the next two days unless canceled.

"Name?" Marilyn asked out, ignoring Veronica as she did with everyone.

"Veronica Stone." Veronica replied, amazed by the beautiful brunette's acting skills, unaware of her [acting] position before joining Immortal Skye.

"You're on cruiser one." Marilyn said professionally, pointing to her far left, "Please get seated. I wish you and your loved ones the best."

"Thank you." The black-haired pixie replied solemnly, "I wish you the best as well."

She walked away, moving to the skycruiser on the farthest left, where the pilot held out a sign with the number 1 on it.

"Welcome, miss." The pilot said with a pitying gaze, "Please get seated. We'll take off shortly."

Veronica nodded and entered the hatch door. When she did, her eyes narrowed murderously. "Either the future's bleak, or that man's intentionally cruel."

Inside the transport were two of the [jesters] and many of the troublemakers from the party.

Omar, the Hispanic man who tried to punch Kaze was in the back. He was unstable after suffering horrifying humiliation, so the pandemic stressed him to the breaking point.

Tanya, the redhead who snapped at the emperor during the altercation, was also there.

The rest were people who got the Red Eye technique. They were in the same boat.

"You've put us in the sacrifice transport." Veronica chuckled, "We're seeing the worse.

You act like Jake needs a gruesome demonstration to feel the full impact."

Veronica sat in the back, wearing a genuinely disgruntled expression that blended perfectly with her environment.

Most present were loud, obnoxious people when they showed up at Immortal Skye. Now, everyone in the cruiser was shaking and quiet.

It made her realize something profound.

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While most people broke down in the face of trauma and stress, Jake was the opposite.

The words he said to Linus the day prior resounded in her head.


"No, I'll remove you from this room like a child. I'll do it so effortlessly and without resistance that it will damage your ego.

Even a dog like me doesn't have to hurt you because you're harmless and hurt yourself."


"He's been so bold." Veronica whispered, "It seems you were right, Kaze. He was always this amazing and only needed confidence.

And, hah. I've been coddling him. But... was I wrong to accept the emperor's ask?

Was it wrong... no. I didn't make the wrong decision and shouldn't regret it. It was for the best."

--June 24th, 2032 | Lockheed Mansion | The Day Kaze Crushed The Dissident Faction--

While the Lockheed students explored the Qi for the first time, Kaze pulled Veronica to the back and made a request.

The ask left her feeling twisted and salty.

"I understand your reasoning, emp-er-or." Veronica scoffed breathlessly, "But you're sick if you think I'll help you test my lover's unwillingness to betray you by betraying him."

"Veronica, love is an action, not an emotion." The emperor replied coldly, sending shivers down her spine, "You haven't proved yourself a lover.

You're just a college crush pumped up on oxytocin because you slept together. You know nothing about each other--I doubt you know his favorite color.

So do not claim yourself one when you cannot see the meaning of betrayal."

Veronica shut down when she heard his scathing rebuke. "You don't know him either."

"Correct." Kaze affirmed without hesitation, "Yet I'm presiding over thousands of people and offering him power--tangible long-term value.

It's a life-changing opportunity, yet your whims could make him throw everything despite the high statistical likelihood you'll break up soon like most college relationships."

The woman took a sharp breath, averting her gaze. She couldn't argue anything he had said.

"Veronica, you're smart enough to know there's a serious situation outside." The emperor asserted coldly, "If I become your leader for life, power bears true responsibility.

A petty betrayal from Jake has little meaning right now. He will get fired, and you both can go on a honeymoon.

Once he obtains power, that will change. His mistakes will impact thousands, threaten or take lives, and the consequences of betrayal will increase proportionately."

Veronica narrowed her eyes murderously. "Do you mean to imply that you'd exact criminal punishment on Jake for a betrayal?"

"If the situation warrants it, yes." Kaze replied bluntly, "If Jake or anyone else betrays me and causes harm to myself and my people, I will execute them if it's warranted.

Immortal Skye is a nation-state unbound by Malta's laws. So I'm not exaggerating."

Her eyes widened, her mouth agape in disbelief. "How serious are things outside to warrant killing a friend?"

"The situation outside will not change the impact of my words." Kaze scoffed, "No one who betrays me obtains absolution; they can only pray for clemency. That's what's important.

Right now, clemency for Jake is guaranteed. A week from now that will change.

Tell me, Veronica Mi-tra Stone. Are your faux emotions worth threatening his life over?

Or would you rather protect him from grievous mistakes threatening his life?"

Veronica felt an icy chill crawl down her spine when she heard his warning. "W-Wait, first, why does it sound like you'll execute Jake over a mistake? Are you insane?"

"Grievous mistakes and betrayal are two different things, Veronica." The emperor scoff-laughed, "One is an opportunity for growth.

The second is a malicious breach of trust. Once a person breaks your trust with betrayal, the damage is irreversible.

I will never entrust power over the lives of others to someone who has proven themselves willing to harm me. Evalyn will; I will not."

Veronica turned away bitterly. "You say that betrayal is irreversible, yet you ask me to damage my relationship permanently?"

"What betrayal?" Kaze scoffed, rolling his eyes, "Have you not listened, or are you refusing to?

Betrayal is a malicious action for personal gain or revenge; it's not a misperceived breach of trust.

You'll betray him if you deprive him of training to prevent him from risking his life."

She dry-swallowed with trembling eyes, understanding his meaning.

"You're a true psychopath." Veronica laughed, "You wish me to break his trust to protect him from yourself. Unbelievable.

The true breach of trust would be not to advise him against accepting your role."

"That would be ideal." Kaze scoffed breathlessly, "Then he'll genuinely have to choose between us."

Her eyes trembled in crazed disbelief, understanding she was trapped.

Moreover, she may find that Kaze was the best option after all.

The black-haired woman had no choice but to accept. It was only a matter of negotiating and asking for concessions.

"I'll do it on a few conditions." Veronica announced, "First, I want a recording of what we've discussed so he can hear it from your mouth.

He deserves to know the danger you pose to him."

Kaze removed a black device from his belt buckle and threw it to her. "Here's our entire conversation on a tape recorder--treat it with the utmost discretion.

I'm not hiding who I am. However, I do not want fear to drive Jake's initial loyalty, so do not release this until you complete my request."

"Condition... two." Veronica continued, still in shock he recorded everything, "You'll let Jake leave your service whenever he wishes."

"Three months' notice with the training and grooming of a successor." Kaze replied bluntly, making her eyes widen in astonishment. "I do not chain people my service."

She dry-swallowed, finding herself cornered by his reasonableness. "Third, I want to expose my deception the moment I've achieved absolute victory."

"So long as you don't implicate me, you're free to do what you wish." He replied frankly, "However, I'd advise you to think of your life before you carelessly proclaim such information."

Veronica gave him a wry smile, understanding the nature of the job. "Lastly, I want enough power to [help] protect him.

He may not be weak, but I refuse to be a burden or let him fight alone. Assuming he forgives me."

"Done." Kaze nodded, "You'll obtain physical and institution power. Is there anything else?"

"Why aren't you negotiating?" Veronica asked in disbelief, truly dumbfounded.

"You act like your petty asks are equal or greater than the safety and stability of thousands of people." The scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Just because you do not understand the gravity of what you've accepted doesn't change its weight."


Veronica placed her head onto her knees, joining the others in the skycruiser. "Kaze was right on all fronts and also proved he was dangerous, and willing...."

The black-haired pixie stopped talking before she could say [murdering people] aloud, referring to the full police footage and confirming he was able and willing to kill without reservation.

"He's dangerous." She groaned, "So I did what was necessary to protect him from a life-threatening mistake. Assuming it played out in reverse.

But... I can't release the recording now. It'd sound like I was damaging Kaze's reputation after Jake proved himself loyal. That'll put the nail in the coffin. Gah!"

She buried her head deeper into her lap.

"He's strong but lacks the social skills to pull off things... and Jake has strong ethics... so he does need help in some actions... maybe." Veronica tried reasoning, "Maybe not."

The black-haired woman ran her fingers through her hair, uncharacteristically unconcerned about her appearance.

"God, Kaze is right. I don't know anything about him!" Veronica groaned, "We've only talked for four days in total.

Maybe it's all a lie, I was a clout chaser, and now I'm just hormonal. That's depressingly likely."

She snapped out of her mental prison when she heard a loud clap.

"Hey, everyone." A male voice said, "Hopefully you all know who I am."

Light chuckles rang out in the skycruiser, leading her to raise her head.

Veronica stared at Jake in surprise, standing tall despite his obvious discomfort.

Neither knew Kaze put the two in the same skycruiser until he showed up.

"We're taking off for Meridian City." Jake announced, "When we get there, we will survey the entire area.

No one at Immortal Skye has been there, so we need to check the safety and give people time to process before asking to get dropped off.

There are three ground rules.

First, you will [not] ask us to make decisions on your behalf; we will not drop you off where you want or fulfill requests to help your loved ones.

Second, you will stay orderly and not spread panic. Panic is dangerous, and I will not let anyone threaten the lives of others when they have been informed of what's coming.

Lastly, you will not cause trouble, fight people, try assaulting people, disrespect me, or accuse Immortal Skye of misconduct. That's self-explanatory."

He dry-swallowed, fighting against his body's desire to tremble.

"If you do any of these things, I will expel you immediately, and we will drop you off at a random location." Jake declared, "Thus, you'll lose the right to return and will have to travel home.

I highly recommend you stay silent at all costs and keep your emotions under control."

As he finished his words, a wall of double-sided glass folded down, separating the seating from the cockpit.

The windows on all sides closed simultaneously, and a wave of vertigo hit everyone as the skycruiser took flight.

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