Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 52 Shatter!

52  Shatter!

Author's note: Hello everyone,

From now on there will be at least 2 chapters that will be posted at the same time, I will try to write 3 but I have other work so it might not happen, I want to cover the missing chapters as soon as possible so that the story can develop. And I have to go to college soon, so I won't have time to write more than 1 chapter a day then.

And thank you Darted_Table for the Magic castle! (i will be releasing extra chapters for all the gifts soon too!)

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!


Dragons are truly terrifying creatures because of the blinding cluster of different spells that were heading in my direction with the full aim of killing me.

As I caused wall after wall to materialize out of the ground one by one, the idea crossed my mind that if a normal human had been standing in my position at this point, they would have been dead by now given the ability to take full control of one's spells and then send them back.

After constructing the walls, I erected a few barriers, fully aware that they would collapse the moment they came into contact with the spells that were aimed in my direction. It was pointless to run away because the spells would continue to pursue me until they either reached their intended target or were thwarted in some way in the process.

In either case, I am aware that I would be compelled to face suffering.

When the different kinds of spells landed on the walls and the barriers, they collapsed one after the other, not even holding for a second. When I saw this, I tried to move out of the way of the spells that had decided to chase after me until the day I died. However, they were successful in their pursuit.

When I stared at the spells that were tearing up my barrier, a line came to my mind: "Tell death, parts us apart." What do you think, star? I asked him as I evaded the last of the spells and began to run towards the dragon while occasionally causing walls to emerge from the ground. As I got closer to the dragon, I continued to make walls appear.

I approached the dragon in a zigzag manner, and while I did so, I waited for Star to respond, but he did not. Is he attempting to avoid disturbing me? I gave it some consideration for a little period, but because I was pressed for time, I had to push the idea to the back of my mind for the time being.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As I got closer to the dragon, I activated my mana claws once more and targeted the creature's eyes.

Its eyes were as serene as a lake on a quiet night despite their powerful and menacing appearance as they peered at me.

They were peaceful, in fact, they were almost too peaceful. I didn't flinch or show any sign of doubt as I slashed down, but the dragon's claws were so strong that they pushed mine away as they came into contact.

During that time, my body was spinning, but then I felt a bang.

It was a successful slap as my two tails connected with the side of the dragon's face, as shown by the sound of metal hitting metal that emanated from them.

When I was working on raising walls from the ground, I used the bark of the night tree to cover both of my tails so that they wouldn't get noticed by the dragon. Now, both of my tails had a covering something back that was covering it.

I didn't feel the impact of my strike, even though it had gone on the other hand, I didn't have time to wait and look back since I could see that I had angered the dragon, and when I landed, the ground was still hot enough to burn my paws. I didn't have much of a chance to do either of those things. I dashed forward without looking back because I knew what was coming, and then out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blue ethereal flame following me. I was right, I thought as I once again started to run in a zigzag manner to make sure that the dragon won't predict my next move, and as I did so, I started to plan my next move.

When I looked back, I was bewildered as to what had occurred, but what I saw startled me there was blood, and it was streaming out of my shoulder blades. As I raced, I was thinking about it, but as I ran, the ground seemed to get closer and closer, and eventually, I tumbled down.

What? How? I questioned myself as the brightness from the blue flames dissipated, leaving me with nothing but the sight of two icy blue pairs of eyes staring back at me.

In those eyes, there was a ferocity and a want for blood that was beyond description.

When I stared into those icy blue eyes that were staring at me, I felt an overwhelming urge to flee nevertheless, my legs refused to move, and I didn't make any progress in my recovery.

'HAHAHAHAHA' as I saw that I had started to laugh, my laugh resonated in the surrounding as everything else had gone quiet, I looked back at the dragon, and I couldn't help but laughs,

As soon as the dragon spotted me laughing hysterically, the glare that had been directed at me increased.

'HAHAHAHA, ah, sorry sorry, it's just too hilarious it's just too funny I am going to die for the second time in one day how FUCKING funny is that, HAHAHAHAHA,' i said. ' People only die once in their entire lives, but look at me, I'm staring death in the face for the second time,' I remarked to the dragon. However, at this very moment, I was given the opportunity to stop and take a look at my surroundings.

As I continued to gaze about, I eventually saw something that I had overlooked previously; the colors in the surrounding area were somewhat dulled, and they seemed to blend into one another in some manner.

done playing with you lizard," my voice did not carry any emotion.


the thunder that caused flashes of light to appear now and then, with a thunderclap followed by a As soon as I saw that, I couldn't help but break out into another fit of laughter.

'HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH' this time the laugh carried a bit of madness that I couldn't contain, 'oh my fucking god, this is so fucking funny' I thought as I looked at my wound that had suddenly disappeared, I stood up on my four paws that were no longer burned, and soon the whole place that had been burned to a crisp started to go back to normal, 'hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

'You dragons are truly fascinating creatures,' I remarked as I stared at the dragon, who was looking at me in a calm and collected manner.

'So why are you in my territory?'  I asked it.

The gravity had increased in the area around me, and the aura that I had started to leak was visible even with the naked eye. The sky, which had been sunny just a moment ago, was now covered in clouds that were rotating in a circle. When I asked, "you have ten seconds to answer, become I am done playing with you lizard," my voice did not carry any emotion.

the thunder that caused flashes of light to appear now and then, with a thunderclap followed by a slight gap, the area around me that had been covered in the grass once more started to become red, however, it was different from earlier in that it was not red from the heat, but rather the blood, that had covered the whole ground, there the trees surrounding us started to transform, turning into mountain of corpses that were wearing uniforms, some in civilization cloths, some something other, there were man, women, children, there were guns, grenades, and army knives that were sticking on their bodies and the ground around me covered in layer blood.

The crisp air carried with it a heavy aroma of iron throughout its entirety.

The mound of dead bodies that were off to the side, many of them were missing limbs or other parts of their bodies, suddenly all opened their eyes at the same time, revealing golden pupils that were looking straight at the dragon.

As I casually stared at the dragon, all of the dead people asked  in unison, "Now then tell me why are you here?"

It was clear that the dragon had put up its guard for the first time, as I could see worry and a little bit of fear in its eyes. Different voices asked at the same time, and as the voice echoed throughout the area, the dragon, which had a calm look up until now, looked shocked.

The eyes that had been cold up until this point had transformed they were no longer the same as they had been before. The black dragon, which is significantly larger than I am, was standing guard over a young mare kitten.

After a period of patiently looking, I eventually muttered to It, 'Your time is up, lizard,' as a crack developed in the air and soon the sound of something smashing could be heard.


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