Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 53 Dragon Egg!

53  Dragon Egg!

Author's note: one more chapter coming out in few hours!

The illusory cracking sound lingered, and I could sense that there had been some sort of shift in the place. The pungent odor of iron had dissipated from the atmosphere, the mountain of rotting corpses had changed back into a forest of tall trees, and the lush ground that had been stained with blood had regained its vibrantly green sheen.

The weapons, including guns, knives, and grenades, were no longer present. I opened my eyes and glanced at the barrier that I had previously broken through at that point, I was in a state similar to dreaming.

'For how long has this been going on?'  I asked Star, maintaining a tone that was devoid of any trace of emotions.

[5 minutes] Star stated it very simply.

'I see' I said,

The previous jolt of mana had thrown me into a dreamlike state, during which I had fought the dragon. The only thing that I was able to discern was that the fight that had taken place was not a total dream I had never penetrated the barrier, nor had I broken it rather, it was all in my head.

That black dragon had put me to sleep without me even realizing it.

[the moment you entered that state, your vitality began to drain away from your body] star said,

As soon as I processed what he had said, I glanced at the vitality bar on my system, As soon as I processed what he had said, I glanced at the vitality bar on my system, which read [Vitality: 90,000/10,10,000].

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Dragons are truly fascinating creatures, as evidenced by the fact that so much of my vitality had been taken from me in just five minutes. I had the notion as I looked around that there was still a change that was the same as in the dreams. The sky had turned dark as clouds covered it, whirling in a circle with a steady flash of lightning, and a thunderclap after a few seconds. I thought this as I looked around.

After taking a brief glance at the sky, I turned my attention to the obstruction in front of me and thought to myself, "I don't have time to play games this time." I spoke as black wines, or more like roots, started to come out of the ground and wrap themselves around the barrier. In a zigzag pattern, the bitch black roots of the night tree had covered the barrier, and shortly after the embrace of roots tightened, slowly the sound of cracks resided in the surroundings the barrier which had put me to sleep had started to show small cracks which gradually started to spread all of the surfaces of the dome.

Shortly after that, the dome fell apart entirely, this time in a permanent manner. As the dark roots that had emerged from the ground withdrew back into the ground, they disappeared from other lines of sight. As the roots disappeared, I took a step in and calmly started walking towards the black dragon, the flashes and the thunderclap increasing in number as I walked, as I took steps the grass under my paws started to wither, as the brown ground full of life turned black, all the life being sucked out of it, with only a paw mark remaining, where I stepped.

The once-calm black dragon with blue vertical eyes was no longer so.

My attention was drawn to the dragon as soon as it stood up, and it has been in that position ever since. When I looked at it,  the force of gravity in the region where it was standing had increased by a magnitude of 10.

"Gregg," a low growl escaped the dragon's mouth, or was it a grunt of pain? Not knowing, I calmly walked forwards, and as I did this time I raised the ground where the nest was. I intended on crushing the whole nest and turning it into a ball, but as the ground started to rise, 'You have invaded my territory, and made you....nest.'  Before mentioning the nest, I paused and took a closer look at the bundled-up trees.

 as I looked at the dragon one more time, as the nest that it had grown, started to slowly condense, the trees that were woven into each other started to crack, and the splinters started to fly everywhere. 'I gave you a chance to explain yourself,' I finally said, as the leaves of the trees swayed from the wind, and the air became cold.   As it turned its gaze in my direction, the dragon let out a low, rhythmic growl.

I continued to turn its nest into a ball of earth and tree while paying it no mind. As the dragon looked at this, finally, a hit of worry showed up in its eyes. As it let out a roar that sounded more like a cry. it dashed towards me, there was fear in its eyes. As it came closer, I looked at the black dragon who looked at me with the emotion of rage and fear.

'Does this patch of land and these trees hold that much important for you?'  I asked it again, not expecting an answer, but all I heard was a rhythmic roar.

The dragon that had launched itself towards me was now close enough to me that it could use its claws to slice down at me. However, as it came closer, I used my full speed to spin around, using my tail's to strike. Two booming sounds came as the speed at which my tail's spun broke the sound barrier and successfully hit the dragon, right at its chest. Just in a moment, the dragon that had been coming at me in neck braking speed had been launched away, at the same speed.

Cracks spread at the point where the dragon had landed, and even some water was slowly making its way out of the cracks, indicating that an underground water source had made its way to the surface. The ground had stopped it from sliding any further as it landed on it, and the ground had also prevented it from sliding any further in any direction.

As it landed, I began to roll the nest into a ball, but this time it happened much more slowly than it had in the past. As the nest began to take on the shape of a ball, the dragon that had just landed let out a frantic rhythmic roar, and there were two cuts on its chest that had begun to bleed profusely. As the nest began to take on the shape of a ball, the dragon let out another desperate rhythmic roar.

'Why not simply speak? Why are you just roaring like a beast there is no need for it. ' I said,  As blood leaked out of its chest and into the cracks that had formed under it in the ground, I said to it, 'If it's that important to you, then speak.' I watched as the ground cracked beneath it where the blood seeped into.

During this time, the nest that I had been forming into a ball had begun to take shape however, I had slowed down the process in order to provide the dragon with one final opportunity to explain itself and provide an answer.

I heaved a sigh and told it, 'If you can't speak, then so be it.' At that point, I had already decided to roll the nest into a ball and toss it away from the jungle.

[NOVA Stop!] When I was on the verge of destroying the nest, Star yelled, 'What is it?'  I asked.

[the language that was written on the barrier, I was able to decipher it. The dragon is speaking draconian] star said in a hurry, 'put it on the automated translation list.' I remarked as the dragon let out another rhythmic scream, however this time I could understand what it was saying,

"STTTTTOOPPP PLEASE, MY BROTHER WILL DIE" As I heard the female voice, which had now been translated, I could understand what she had been roaring about all this time. As I heard her words, I set the nest back down on the ground. Although it was still slightly elevated in comparison to the other sections of the surrounding area, the nest had been placed back where it had been before.

"You should learn to speak other languages, "  I said to the dragon,  This time the sound was emanating from my mouth it was a combination of roars and growls, the so-called draconian language of dragons. "Your so-called 'brother' would have been turned into a ball of flesh and blood if I hadn't deciphered your language in time," I scolded the dragon.

She managed to mumble, "T-thank you for sparing my bother," as she was too shaken up to communicate properly.

"Why are you roaming around my territory?" When I asked her about it, she answered with some hesitance, "I-I am hiding,"

"And who is after you?" I asked her,

"my kin," she said.

Oh, so her kind is after her, I thought as I glanced at the dragon who was still bleeding. I moved closer to where she was, and as I did so, she attempted to stand up and take a step backward, but she was unsuccessful and collapsed after taking only one step.

As I approached the dragon in front of me, I placed one paw on its wound and then healed it in the blink of an eye. "What a clumsy dragon," I murmured to myself as I gazed at the dragon in front of me.

"Get out of my territory, I don't want any trouble," I said to the black dragon as I turned around to leave. "Ah-ahm if it's alright with you if  I stay here until my brother hatches?" she asked me. As soon as I heard the words hatches, I looked over towards the nest using my cat eyes. I directly looked inside to see a red and black egg covered with complicated magic circles on its shell. These circles were woven into each other, just like a tapestry.


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