Rebirth: King to Superstar

Chapter 144 - Shoot (1)


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"Do you know why you are here?" 

The shop owner looked at the two police officers in front of him on the other side of the table. He was simply in his deserted shop looking at his favorite TV show and was disturbed by two officers, one of whom he saw a few days before, and was asked to come to the police station with no explanation. He didn't even get the time to ask what's happening as he was shoved into the police car and taken into the interrogation room. Now he was asked if he knew why he was there, but noticing the familiar female officer who asked about a kidnapping a few days ago, he knew it might be about that.

Just like before, he shook his head, placed both his hands on the table, and said, "I do not know why you brought me here, officer.. I was just doing my work calmly in my shop before you busted in and dragged me here as if I'm a criminal." He wanted nothing to do with the kidnapping he witnessed and just planned to deny knowing anything about it. He didn't want his life threatened and knew it would be if he said anything about that day.

The male officer on the right looked at the female officer before looking back at him and asking, "Well let me tell you then. It's about the same reason my colleague here came to your shop a few days ago. I don't think you're so forgetful to not remember what she asked, right? So now I'm asking you again, do you remember anything about the night when the kidnapping happened right across the road." 

Hearing the officer, the shop owner looked at him for a while and then at his female colleague before he took a deep breath and said, "I already told your friend here, that I do not know anything about the kidnapping you guys are talking about, officer. That place of town is dead all the time, with almost no people walking around, much less a black van. If there was a black van, I would have remembered the miracle. So, just leave me alone. I'm innocently detained and questioned."

The guy ignores the shop owner as he opens the file in front of him and reads out, "Han Hi, previously charged for drug dealing 3 times and stayed 2 years in prison for it. Got out of jail 3 years ago and is still highly suspected of drug dealing. So, tell us. How is life in prison? Want to experience it once again?" 

Hearing them stunned the shop owner. He didn't know how it got from them asking about the kidnapping and black van to his criminal history and time in prison. He knew what the officer said was true as he was indeed a former drug dealer, but he stopped it after coming out of jail and managed to pool up enough money to open the shop.

"Officer, that's all in the past. I stopped drug dealing after I spent my time in prison. You can't threaten me with my past like this. I changed and am now living clean. So stop with this bullshit. I already told you, I know nothing about the kidnapping you guys are talking about. So just leave me alone." As his voice quivered a little. He took his hands off the table before slowly placing them on his lap. He was very nervous about the idea of going to jail. The jail was not a fun place to be in and everyone in there were vicious people he could not live with.

The female officer looked at him and spoke for the first time with a sneer, "You are clean? Don't lie in this room. We searched your shop and found quite a bit of cocaine, enough to send you back to prison for a couple more years. They would also use this lie against you and add a few more months." 

It completely stunned the shop owner when he heard them and didn't know what to do. He knew that was a complete lie, but by the looks of it, even if it's a lie, the officers will make it a reality and book him for it. He didn't know what to do. One side was the police threatening him with another jail time while the other side was the kidnappers who gave him a deeply remembered warning. Either side was not good for him.

Clutching his hand tightly, he just begged, "Officers, please leave me alone. I said I know nothing. Just let me live properly. Why do you want to drag me into this mess? Please, just let me leave and I will completely erase this meeting from my memory." With sweat dripping down his forehead.

Just as he said that he could see the two officers fuming with anger, but before they could blast the anger off, he heard someone speak from the speaker, "Leave him alone now. If this gets out, it guarantees you a suspension." 

The shop owner relaxed a little, but the male officer seemed to have other plans as he took out a gun, shoved it against his head from the other side of the table, and said, "I swear to god. I know you know something important. Tell what you know or I'll blast your damn head like a watermelon. Now tell me, what did you see that night?" Pressing it harder and removing the safety lock on the gun.

Seeing the crazed look on the officer, the shop owner knew he would do anything and just cried out, "Please, leave me. I'll tell you guys everything I know. Just don't kill me, please. I don't want to die." Seeing the gun on his forehead, he just wanted to live and nothing seemed important to him.

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