Rebirth: King to Superstar

Chapter 145 - Shoot (END)


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The shop owner was so terrified with the gun which was against his forehead so hard that it might even leave an imprint coupled with the fierce and crazed look on the officer's face. He knew this craze officer would not give a damn about the consequences of using his gun. 

Seeing her colleague use the gun and threaten the guy, the female officer was about to stand up and hold him back but stopped after hearing the shop owner's words. The shop owner knew something, and he agreed to tell them. So she quickly pulled the guy off and asked the shop owner, "Then come on, spit it out. What do you know about that night?"


The male officer slowly sat down after she pulled him a bit, but he did not store the gun at all. It was still in his hand, with the safety lock open, pointing at the guy while laying on the table. The shop owner looked at both of them before swallowing a mouthful of saliva. It looked like death either way and he just decided to tell them as this one seemed quicker. He could at least live and try to escape from the criminal gang after going out of the police station.

The female noticed him still being quiet and so banged the table before shouting, "Do you think we have all day for a guy like you? Spit it out quickly and get over it. Don't waste more of our time anymore." 

The shop owner jumped hearing her and just slowly nodded before slowly opening his mouth, "I actually didn't remember that day when you came to the store the other day but when you said about the kidnapping and black van, the memory jolted back immediately that moment." 

The female officer, who was a bit impatient, immediately cut him off and asked, "Then why did you not tell me about it at that time? Are you cooperating with them?" 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The shop owner looked at her and didn't know what to say. The officer was too fiery and jumped to conclusions too quickly. But lucky for him, he heard a person speak from the speaker once again, "Don't jump to conclusions. Let the man speak. Don't open your mouth until he ends. If not, get out of there and someone will take your place." 

After that, the female officer just folded her hands and remained silent as the voice continued, "Han Hi continue. What happened that day?" 

The shop owner nodded as he looked down and continued, "It was a quiet night like any other in that area. I was in the shop like always just doing my own thing until I heard a loud screeching sound from outside. I was naturally surprised to hear it and looked up to see a black van parked on the opposite side of the road." 

"The black van probably stopped very quickly as I noticed a few black tire marks on the road too. Anyway, after the van came to an abrupt stop, a few people jumped out from it, carrying guns before walking into the park. After they moved, the street became silent for a few seconds as I just stared at the van while hiding behind my counter. I got scared after seeing the guns and didn't want them to notice me." 

"I just stared at the van and after a few minutes the same guys who walked out came back, but this time, two of them were carrying a person with them. They shoved the person into the van. After that, I immediately just decided to hide under the counter until I heard the vehicle go away."

"But I never heard that sound and instead I heard the door of the shop open and looked up to see it was one of the masked men walking in. I didn't know what to do, but I noticed the gun in his hand as he slowly walked around the store and came towards the counter."

"He pointed the gun at me and gave me two choices. To shut up or die. I naturally complied with what they had to say and begged him to leave me alone. He said they would observe me and if I ever try to call the police or do anything stupid, the next day my body would be found in a car accident. After that, he walked away, and the van drove away." 

The shop owner finally looked up as he finished narrating the entire story of what happened that night. It was a very scary night. He looked at the two officers and saw they both just had no expression on their faces. 

The silence lasted for a minute as the male police officer asked him, "Did you see the face of the kidnapped person?" 

The shop owner immediately shook his head and replied slowly, "No, I didn't see the face. There are not many properly working lights on that road. I just saw her dress, and it was a woman. That's all I know." 

Then it was his colleague who asked the next question, "If we show you a picture of the dress, will you be able to point it out?" 

The shop owner just slowly shook his head and replied, "No, It's been too long and I didn't get a good look at the dress. I just know it's a woman's dress. I can't point out what color or what dress too?" 

The female officer seemed to want to say something but stopped as the sound from the speaker came. "Both of you come out at once. I want to speak with both of you." 

The two officers stood up and left. The shop owner was feeling very nervous. Every second that passed felt like an eternity, just made him feel much more nervous as he slowly looked around the place. 

After a few minutes, the two officers walked in once again and the female asked, "What about the van number? Did you get a look at the numbers? You could have from the van's rear lights." 

The shop owner shook his head and said, "It was dark and I can't see that far. My eyes aren't that good." 

The male officer then leaned onto the table and asked, "What about the guy who came to your store to threaten you? You should have seen how he looked, right? At least his physical features." 

The shop owner once again shook his face and slowly said, "The guy was wearing a black mask. I couldn't see his face. For his physical features, he was thin, just like you, sir." 

The male officer slapped the table and said, "What are you trying to say? You don't remember anything? Then what use are you?" 

The shop owner shrunk as he heard him and just remained silent. He just told them everything he knew and had nothing else to say. No matter how much he gets threatened, he could only say he knew nothing.

The room went into silence after that. Both the officers were in deep thoughts as the shop owner just looked down, hoping to go back home. He was already planning which city he had to go to next, to escape from all this.

But as he was thinking about the city, he remembered something and said, "Sir, even though I don't know the guy's face, there is one distinct thing I noticed."

The female officer immediately asked, "What is it?" 

"It was his hand. When he was pointing his gun at me, I noticed something strange. That guy only had 4 fingers. He didn't have his little finger. He caught the gun with only 4 fingers." 

The male officer seemed to as he remembered something as he stood up, looked at him, and asked seriously, "Are you sure? Did that guy really have only 4 fingers?"

The shop owner nodded and replied, "Yes, I am sure. He only had 4 fingers."

The male officer seemed to be excited as he stormed off the room as the female officer glanced at the shop owner and also ran off. Once again, the guy was left alone in the room. He looked around and didn't know what to do.

He looked at the speaker and asked with some hesitation, "Officer, Can I please leave now? I already told everything I know." 

After he said that, another police officer came in and said, "You are free to leave for now. But do not leave the town for now. We will call you back once again afterward. If you leave the town, you'll be a suspect for this case too. Also, there will be an officer to follow you, so don't think of doing stupid stuff. Just continue to live normally." 

The shop owner just nodded and walked out of the room slowly. 


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