Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 266 The Clue

4 days ago…

After separating from his junior apprentice brother, Christensen set out on a mission, a mission to find the clue that his master left behind for them.

Unlike Blade who followed their master simply to get strength, like his master always tried to hammer into his head, Summoners were more than just brute force and power, they were much more than that.

Having been influenced by his master's ways and preferences, Christensen also started to see Summoners as existences more than just beast tamers.

The more he immersed himself in it, the more he wanted to learn.

During the months that he spent around his master, Christensen already learned so much about him that for a time, he could accurately impersonate his master. Like he once promised, he gave his all to learn and be better than Legolas.

This was why he understood their master much more than Blade.

After months of interaction, Christensen was positive that Legolas was mysterious. His intelligence and competence were simply abnormal for his age.

And most of all, his knowledge about the planet and the future.

Legolas seemed to know everything, he knew so much about the Clown Society while only having periphery contact with them, he knew so much about the main organizations in the planet while having few dealings with them.

'Who are you?'

'Where did you come from?' These were frequent questions that he asked himself whenever his master accomplished another freakish feat.

These and other reasons were why Christensen slowly grew to see him as invincible, not until he was captured by the 6 Ninja Assassins.

Legolas's capture opened the eyes of his 2 students to the harsh reality that he was no god.

After accepting reality, Christensen could finally accept a truth from his master. 'Nobody is perfect, we simply strive towards it'.

Once he arrived at this conclusion, he convinced himself that even someone as OP as his master needed help at times to get out of difficult situations.

Over the months, one thing that he learned was that Legolas rarely made jokes in serious situations. In his last moments against his captors, he was positive that every single word that Legolas said to Blade had meaning.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

This was how he easily caught up to the keyword 'Hell'.

This was when his meticulous planning started.

After that, Christensen did not hesitate to locate their previous hideout again as the Monster Triad assassin unit. With his assassin card as the key, he was able to enter the secret hideout of the Crimson Assassins.

This hideout was a fairly luxurious one.

It had a basic layout of a large sitting room, a strategy room, 2 bedrooms and a secret back door to escape in the case of an emergency.

Christensen did not directly go to the strategy room where Legolas mostly spent his time, he took his time to observe the sitting room.

He observed for any clues, any unusual element.

As the original owner of the Detective Talent, Christensen was a god-tier detective. It didn't take long for him to detect the unusual element.

There were 3 different tables in the living room, and 2 of them had drawers. At the extreme bottom of one of the drawers, there was a slight nick damage.

Others would not have noticed it or even paid attention to it if they did notice it, but Christensen was different. The small cut in the drawer was not natural, it was left by a beast, more specifically a wolf.

Christensen recognized the tiny claw imprint. "Daug?"

He still remembered Daug, one of Akela's Wind Wolf subordinates who usually accompanied them on missions, serving as Blade's mount.

His eyes narrowed. 'Why would Daug be in our hideout and why would he leave a cut here?'

'Unless…, he did it deliberately'.

'Why would he cut the drawer deliberately?' His eyes widened. 'Unless, he was ordered by someone to cut it'.

The questions and answers came to him naturally, this was another of the perks of his detective talent.

Christensen's eyes shone as he instantly got the clue. 'I am the only one perceptive enough to notice a clue like this, master deliberately left it for me'.

He no longer hesitated, he walked closer to the drawer and opened it only to see a paper. Written on it in bold were words in a strange language…, English!

Christensen's eyes shone in understanding.

Recently, as the tension of the Clown Society escalated, his master isolated him out to teach him a secret communication language that only 2 of them could use, he called it the English language.

Not even Blade knew of this language.

Though Christensen was still rudimentary at it, he could still understand what was written on this paper, he was amazed at his master's genius again.

'Even if someone else is smart enough to detect the clue here, the paper would be meaningless to them since they don't understand English'.

He picked the paper and carefully read its contents.

>Under the bed<

>Remember my teachings<

Christensen grinned. "I never forgot…"

He no longer hesitated, with this clue, everything was easier for him. He didn't need to search for a long time anymore, he directly went under the bed where he saw a special construct that was made out of wood.

The wooden construct seamlessly fused with the wooden ground that it was hard to detect it if you didn't know that it was there beforehand.

Christensen picked the wooden box construct and opened it only to see a large book inside it, he picked it and looked at the title.

Like he expected, it was written in English.


Christensen grinned, this was exactly what he needed.

As soon as he picked the book, he felt a hostile presence appear behind him. Christensen did not hesitate as he dashed for the exit but a powerful Elementalist barrier blocked him, trapping him in.

With anxiousness on his face, he looked up only to see a familiar face.

Black Master Einstein calmly looked at him. "After capturing him, just like you, I was able to deduce how much of an anomaly he was".

"He's never interacted with us before but he knows too much about us, since then, I've started investigating into his past but my progress has been slow".

He brought out a book that was similar to the one on Christensen's hand. "He dropped these in some of the other hideouts".

This Black Master's eyes narrowed. "You seemed to understand what was written inside it, tell me what it is!" His voice deepened in a threatening manner.

This Black Master's appearance was unexpected but Christensen's next reaction showed that he knew more than he previously showed.

Instead of shaking in fear, Christensen rather calmly smiled.

He took a deep breath and shrugged before dropping his shoulders. "Thanks, you helped me confirm some things that I needed".

Black Master Einstein's energy spiked. "You knew of my presence before?"

"No, but I knew that someone was investigating my master". He smiled. "You're a good detective, but not yet at my level". He smirked proudly.

"Once I detected your traces, I had a guess already but I still continued like I was oblivious. I delayed taking the book till now so you could catch up".

Black Master Einstein was shocked but he did not let it show, his power flared in a hostile manner. "You stand no chance against me".

"I know, that's why I negotiated with him".


The subtle shadows in this room twisted and turned before warping to allow the entrance of a sleek-figured man, Geralt of the Crimson Assassins.

Geralt smiled and turned to look at Christensen. "You were right".

Christensen nodded before turning to look at the Black Master one last time. "My Master once told me, always stay at least 2 steps ahead of your enemy".

He smiled. "He also told me that in everything, I should try to benefit".



Geralt teleported away with the Grade D Summoner.


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