Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 267 The Merging Process...


>*Everything* that you need *to* know *about* the Clown Society<

-Chapter 9: Black Master Einstein's Powers<




-Chapter 10: Inside the Clown Society-

>Leader: Clown<

>Number of Black Masters: 3<

>Most common *attack* *mode*: Element Bombs<

>Location of hideouts in the Shelters: <

>Blue Scale Shelter: …<

>Tunic Shelter: …<

>Iron-Horn Shelter: …<

Christensen squinted his eyes as he read through the thick book, his eyes flashed in understanding. 'He mixed it with the common language to make it easier for me, while keeping enough English to prevent others from understanding it'.

Due to the fact that his master only started teaching him his made-up language only a few months ago, he didn't have the time to learn much yet.

At this moment, Christensen was still just a learner in English Language. This was why Legolas mixed the texts in the book with the common language, those written with asterisks were the common language and there was enough of them.

With these, Christensen was slowly able to piece the individual words into complete and coherent sentences. It was hard but he persevered.

With Geralt's help, Christensen had all the time and convenience that he needed to fully immerse himself in the book, trying to deduce the clues.

The more Christensen read, the more his awe for his master increased.

'Such a sophisticated language…'

'How was master able to come up with the idea to create this?'

The English language literally catered for every thinkable word, just the amount of brain power that his master needed to create every word was so humungous that just thinking about it gave Christensen a headache.

'How was a 16-year-old young man able to create this?' Christensen was completely amazed by what he was seeing.

'Damn, when I was 16, what was I doing? I really wasted my youth'. He wanted to really cry at this moment.

'Is master really a freak of nature?'

'Is he one of those once in a millennium geniuses?'

Amid his thoughts and as he continued reading and forming the complete sentences, something else awed him. 'How did master know so much?'

'I doubt even some Red Masters know this much about their organization'.

What he didn't know was that during his previous life, after the end of Version 1's storyline, before the long development time that followed to the launch of Version 2, the players got to farm the final battle arc through a dungeon crystal.

There, Legolas and literally every player got to fully explore the Clown Society, this was why Legolas knew so much about this organization.

Even as Christensen continued reading, from the shadows, the leader of the Crimson Blade Assassins observed the Grade D Summoner.

Despite knowing much about him already, the competence, intelligence, and adaptability of this Summoner still shocked him.

5 days ago, Christensen came to meet him with a proposal.

"I have a proposal for you".

"Help me uncover the clues left for me by my master, help me market them to the main organizations and the Grade C Superhuman alliance".

"Whatever the pay is, we'll share it 70/30 with you taking 30%".

At first, Geralt simply thought that Christensen was an incredibly gusty fool but having followed the achievements of their assassin unit, he gave in to his curiosity and agreed to the arrangement without haggling.

5 days later, he was already amazed by what Christensen achieved.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Not only was this Summoner right about the secret investigator and not only did he completely play Black Master Einstein, like he promised, he was now getting real information about the Clown Society.

His black predatory eyes narrowed. 'I hope this is not a scam'.

"Got it!" Christensen suddenly exclaimed.

After 3 full days of reading, he finally got the most crucial information.

>*Headquarters*: Hidden beneath the Hellfire Mountains<

He turned to face Geralt. "Their headquarters is hidden in the East close to the borders of the Blue Sea, beneath the Hellfire Mountains".

Geralt narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure?"

"100% certain!" Christensen answered confidently.

"So, what do we do?"

"We wait". Christensen smiled. "We wait until they recognize the need for information, then we throw our lot at them, they'll take the bait".


The space shifted as a familiar face teleported under the Hellfire Mountains.

After days of searching for more clues to no avail, frustrated, Black Master Einstein returned to his hideout. This Black Master did not return without a motive though, he directly stormed towards Clown's research lab.

Black Master Einstein broke through the Elementalist barrier that was around the lab. "Where is Legolas?"

Clown turned to look at him. "He's alive, why?"

"We need to get the truth from him!"

By now, his energy check already detected the human in the Abyss Hole. As he marched there, Clown stopped him. "He is my prime test subject, you can't…"

"Legolas is a threat to the success of our plan".

"…" Clown raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Einstein barging into his workshop, questioning him in such a tone, acting without his permission, these were things that this warrior had never done before, the sudden change surprised him.

Noticing his surprised gaze, Black Master Einstein calmed down. "After capturing him, my instincts pushed me and I decided to investigate him".

This Black Master's eyes gleamed. "Legolas is an anomaly, he knows too much, he knows things that he's not supposed to know".

Clown calmed down. "I know that he's special".

"You remember when the Hunter Union busted our hideouts? He sold the information to them". He raised the thick book up. "This is a book that he wrote and it contains detailed information about our organization".

"The main organizations don't have it yet because he intended to use it to get benefits, now his student took over his mission".

"How detailed?"

"I don't know, that's the problem".

Clown's eyes narrowed as he took the book, on looking through it, he frowned.

Black Master Einstein explained. "He created a new language that he taught to his student, only both of them can understand it".

"Do you have any idea what the book entails?"

"No, that's why we need to interrogate him". Black Master Einstein's eyes turned sharp. "We need to know if the information inside would place us in a vulnerable spot, we need to plan ahead and prepare countermeasures".

Clown turned to look at him. "I've worked on Legolas for over a week, he's a strong-willed individual, he won't break, he won't speak".

"If he won't speak, then we force him".

"He's strong-willed…"

"I know, but he's not immune to brainwashing".


Even Clown was taken aback by his partner's craziness today.

On any other day, he was usually the craziest but today, Einstein simply radiated a crazy enthusiasm that he had not seen before.

Clown narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure you can pull it off?"


"Without damaging him?"

"What do you need him intact for?"

"He's my prime test subject". Clown's eyes gleamed. "My mind tells me that he is special, he has the potential of being my first perfect test subject that would break the limits of the Grade B realm".

"He's not even a Grade C superhuman yet!"

The 2 strongest leaders of the Clown Society arguing was a rare sight.

All the scientists in this room were as silent as mutes, if they could, they would have preferred turning into stone statues already as the atmosphere turned tenser by the second as Einstein insisted on brainwashing Legolas.

While both powerful Elementalists bickered, underneath them in the Abyss Hole, Legolas was as quiet as a mouse as he listened to everything.

Legolas literally had to listen as his end was argued by his captors.

He felt the pressure as sweat ran down his body, but he kept his hopes alive. After over a dozen hours since it started, the progress already increased a lot and its speed was increasing, he checked his virtual interface again.

Legolas didn't know what would happen after, he simply hoped that the complete merge with the Magic Rune would give him the capital to escape.

That was the best that he could do, hope.


[Complete Merging process with Magic Runes still in progress…]

[Current Progress Rate: 89%!]


Legolas closed his eyes. "Please, progress faster".

A few minutes later, he checked again.


[Complete Merging process with Magic Runes still in progress…]

[Current Progress Rate: 90%!]



Legolas felt his heart leap out of his throat, he did not resist as the bunch of psychopaths in protective clothing came to haul him away.

About 3 minutes later, the ominous eyes of Black Master Einstein pinned him for death as he was strapped to a white bed.

This Black Master's eyes gleamed. "Today, one way or another, I will learn your secret".

"Commence the brainwashing procedures".

"Yes sir".

Legolas held his breath and steeled his mind for the coming torture.

While the procedures started, at another side, Christensen was finally contacted by the leaders of the Grade C Superhuman alliance.

"These are my terms".

"Term Number 1, when the battle starts, the priority of the alliance should be on rescuing my master and nothing else".

"My master must be rescued before you commence any other plan".

"Term Number 2, 200,000,000 Darvis Credits".

"Term Number 2, any gains and loot from the ruins of the Clown Society will be divided between you and me 50/50". Christensen smiled.

"Outrageous!" One of the Grade C Superhumans exploded.

"The Clown Society is rich in resources, rare resources and technology. How can only you take 50% while the rest of us share the remaining scraps?"

With Geralt behind him, Christensen did not waver.

"I am the only one who understands the contents of this book, it's either you take my offer or you go in blind against the Clown Society and suffer".

"My offer is not changing".

"Also, if you accept my offer, after toppling their headquarters, I am willing to also sell information about all their hideouts to enable you root them out of the planet completely at the fastest time possible".

Core Protector Shanks calmly looked at this Summoner. "You know your master is in danger right? Do you think you have the luxury to be doing this?''

"I do". Christensen smiled at this old legend.

"My master's creed is to always benefit from every situation, he'll be proud of me when he hears of my exploits. Any additional suffering that he faces during this time, he'll endure it, he's a strong man".


The Grade C Superhumans had mixed reactions to this.

Most of them were shrewd, they saw themselves superior to this Summoner, they tried to intimidate him but Christensen was not so easily intimidated.

In the end, after wasting 20 minutes, they relented.

Christensen smiled. "60/40 it is".

"Tell us where their headquarters is". Hunter Master Lydia's eyes flashed.

"Underneath the Hellfire Mountains".

"Another thing, I'm tagging along".

With that, Christensen came to an accord with the Grade C Superhumans. Without hesitation, they started planning even as he took time to meet and speak with his junior brother who surprisingly already broke through.


"Who are you?"

"I am Legolas!"

"You are not Legolas, tell us who you are!"



"Arggghh…, f*ck you!"

Legolas was suffering.

His body suffered no injuries but Einstein was a chemist. With his potions and drugs, they kept him in a state of extreme pain and stimulation, Legolas was finding it hard to hold on to his memories.

Amid the suffering, the only thing that kept him sane was the constant virtual interface notifications.


[Complete Merging process with Magic Runes still in progress…]

[Current Progress Rate: 98%!]


He laughed. "Hahaha…, it's not long now".

"What's not long now?"


For 20 minutes, Legolas suffered but it was not without merit.

After 20 minutes, it finally happened.


[Complete Merging process with Magic Runes still in progress…]

[Current Progress Rate: 100%!]

[Merging Process Complete!]

Congratulations! Your Contracted Beast, Predator has fulfilled the requirements to evolve to the Grade C realm!

Commencing evolution…!


Legolas received 2 successive messages amid his suffering, then the next moment, he exploded with power even as his eyes turned white.


For the beast illustrations, go to my discord server through this link

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