Redo! Last Chance for a Dying World!

Chapter 77: Eagle Eye

Chapter 77: Eagle Eye

The party was currently walking along the riverbank silently. Geth had his fingers wrapped around Zolis' hand as they walked. Filthy was walking on his other side. The tracks the large group had left were easy to follow, he mostly had his mind on the upcoming battle.

'So based on what I gathered from the Leaderboard both Blade and Thorn are higher in experience than the rest of our party. They could even Level up again by the time we reach them.' Geth thought.

That wasn't really a big deal. According to the information Alise had given him, Blade's group had another Level 25 and multiple Level 24's. If they didn't catch up soon enough, they may have to face off against multiple enemies with Classes.

Geth racked his brain to think of a way to take them out. He had a plan... but it would be dangerous for everyone involved.

At this point, using cores to get everyone to Level 30 was out of the question. If he had estimated properly, they should have close to 1.5 million experience worth of cores.

Not only was that not enough to push everyone to Level 30, he felt it would be better used in upgrading Valhalla. He also felt that once things started to settle down, cores would end up being used as currency.

Proper planning would be the better way to proceed. Geth thought about the current advantages that they had over their enemy.

'Every one of our members already has their Classes. I'm willing to use cores to power level Alise, it will take less than 50,000 experience to bring her to 25. Still, it's seven against twenty or more.'

"Filthy?" Geth looked over at him.

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"Do you mind sharing what Class you ended up choosing?" He asked.

"Sure, I went with a Rogue class. It was between Rogue or Thief." Filthy answered. "They both offered Agility as the main Attribute, the only difference was that Rogue offered Wisdom and Intelligence while Thief offered Strength and Intelligence."

Geth stroked his beard thoughtfully, "In games, both were adept at tracking and sneaking. Do you have any sneaking Skills?"

"Well, I have a Tracking Talent and Sneak Skill."

"Good. That's going to be important for what I've got planned." Geth then proceeded to inform Filthy and Zolis of his idea for the upcoming fight.


About six hours later, the sun was just breaking over the horizon. Filthy was hiding in some branches looking towards the Dungeon entrance. There were two guards posted, and he'd been waiting there for about an hour now.

He'd been holding his position with an arrow nocked and bow drawn for close to ten minutes now, sweat was starting to run from his brow. As the sun began to crest, he saw his chance. Both men raised their hands and squinted to block the incoming sunlight.

Filthy gently released his grip on the bowstring, the arrow whistled through the air and struck his first target through the back of the neck. With no hesitation, he snagged another arrow from his quiver, firing it quickly.

Again, it was a clean shot. He waited for a few moments, making sure that no other guards were posted inside of the entrance where he couldn't see. His worries were for naught, as no one came rushing out to check on their companions.

Filthy jumped out from the branches, gingerly landing without a sound. He crept forward and looted the bodies of the two men. One of them had a nicer Inventory item than he did, he quickly kept it while stripping them of their other belongings.

Once he was finished, he pushed their bodies into the river, making sure that there was no splashing sound. With all of that done, he turned and looked into the cave entrance. From what he could tell, he should be able to proceed safely.

The Talent that he'd picked up on receiving his class was quite useful. It was a passive ability that was always active, but he was still somewhat struggling to get used to the effects.

:Eagle Eye- Grants User the ability to see further and clearer than normal human eyesight will allow. As Talent Level increases, so do the distance and the clarity of User's vision:

He currently had the Talent upgraded to Level 3 and was able to clearly see small insects crawling on branches from 20 yards away. It took him quite a bit of training to get used to firing his bow again, but now he was more accurate than ever.

Even more so since Geth had designed a new arrow for him. It was based on the old carbon arrows that he'd used to fire when shooting targets. Geth had made it of earth, but the shaft was hollowed for lighter weight.

It was properly balanced and Filthy had used the feathers from a wild dove-like creature for the fletching. Luckily, he only had to have one well-made arrow and his quiver would constantly produce more.

Filthy decided to save his Mana for now and ducked into the shadows as he slowly made his way into the cave. The walk was long and grueling due to him being cautious, but it eventually paid off.

This Team Dungeon was much more straightforward than the last one they had taken on. There were Goblin corpses strewn here and there along the way. Unlike their Dungeon, which had many rooms going out of a central room, this one was a straight line with multiple caverns on the route.

He crept forward, he was now in the third cavernous room where he found the corpse of a strange Goblin. Upon inspection, he found that it had been a Sub-Boss creature. The blood was still fresh and had yet to coagulate on the body.

'I must be getting close.' He thought.

He activated his Sneak Skill, which began consuming 1.5 Mana per 5 seconds. At its current Level, it muffled the noise of his movements by 60% and created a type of haze around him that made him more difficult to see. It wasn't perfect, but it was a Skill he wanted to develop much further.

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