Redo! Last Chance for a Dying World!

Chapter 78: Strategy

Chapter 78: Strategy

He crept into the next tunnel, his movements unnaturally quiet. After traveling for almost 30 yards he began to hear voices. Another 25 yards and he could hear what they were saying.

"Alright, there are currently ten of those Level 30 Hobgoblin creatures, and the boss is Level 40. We need to split up and spread them apart.

It will be best if the fifteen of you run in first and lure away the larger ones, The four of us will go straight for the Boss and hold it down long enough for you to cut them down. Make sure not to dick around, this Boss is a mage, no one can tank it for long."

Filthy could hear a bit of nervous shuffling.

"B... But Blade... Only a few of us have managed to get Classes since we've entered the cave. Wouldn't it be safer if we get the rest of the grou...."


Filthy heard a loud and crisp smacking sound as a stray tooth flew through the clattered on the ground by his feet. The bloodied tooth continued rolling for another yard before stopping.

"You will not question my orders."

"Y... Y... Yesh shir" A muffled voice sounded, almost as if the speaker's cheeks were swollen.

"Hahaha... That's what you get you little shit."

"Thorn shut the hell up. I've already had to deal with your woman kink, don't make me regret working with you further."

The laughing stopped, but not before Thorn had made a loud scoff and grumbled some.

"All right." The voice belonging to Blade continued. "You fifteen file in, remember that even though you can enter the Barrier after it pops up, there is no leaving.

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Don't make any mistakes, as soon as you pull the aggro of the majority, we will follow in behind you. As usual, loot will be separated based on hierarchy. If you perform exceptionally well, you'll move up in our ranks."

Filthy could hear the stomping of many pairs of feet marching forward quickly. He used the cover of that noise to back out and run back to Geth and the others.

They were sitting in a clearing less than two minutes sprint from the Dungeon. Geth looked up as Filthy entered the clearing.

"They just entered the Boss chamber. You were right about the Barrier, anyone can enter it once it's in place. They have nineteen men total, I took out the two guards at the entrance.

The Boss is a Mage-type Goblin at Level 40, it had ten Level 30 Hobgoblins as its guards. The enemies are currently split up amongst the creatures."

Geth nodded as he assessed the information and then looked around at the group of people with him. He took in a deep breath.

"It's time."

The sound of the Goblin's roaring could be heard resonating throughout the tunnels. Geth and his party rushed ahead until they could hear the clashing of weapons and the sound of men struggling.

As they approached the semi-transparent Barrier, Geth held up his hand signaling everyone to stop. He and Filthy proceeded forward to watch the ongoing battle.

Inside of the chamber, they could witness a ferocious battle unfolding. Seven enormous creatures were facing off against twelve men.

It looked as if each party had lost some members, blood was splattering the floor around three smaller crushed figures. The bodies of the three dead Hobgoblins were constantly spilling blood from the multitude of wounds they had sustained.

On the opposite side of the battlefield was a smaller group of four men fighting against a smaller Goblin. The Boss was short, just under 5' tall. Its size didn't equate to its ferociousness.

The small beast was extremely nimble, dashing from side to side while dodging the men's attacks. A multitude of bright colors was flashing as it would cast lightning or fire-based spells at the men surrounding it.

That wasn't to say that it still didn't receive damage occasionally. One of the men was constantly closing in and making a swipe towards one of the monster's vitals. Another was always trying to stay behind the beast and keep it from gaining any distance.

The other two men were standing a bit away, casting freezing spells and trying to slow the creature down. It was a bit of a mess, but they managed to keep it contained.

"What do you think?" Filthy asked, drawing Geth's attention away from the ensuing fights.

He thought for a moment, looking at the disarray amongst the group of men fighting the Hobgoblins.

"I believe that if they were more coordinated, we would probably find ourselves losing this battle. As it stands, however, we should be able to pick them off and still handle the mobs."

He and Filthy headed back around the bend just a bit to talk it over with the others.

"Alright, this will probably be one of the most dangerous things we've done so far. Even so, it will probably be the most rewarding." He told them.

"We've seen what these guys are willing to do when their lives aren't on the line. This time, they will have their backs against the wall. Make sure that you take them out quickly as soon as you get into range."

Filthy stepped forward slightly, "Hulk, Harris, Farris, I think it will be best if you guys sneak in before they push the Hobgoblins too far. Mingle in with their larger group and try to cause some... "accidents" while also taking out the creatures."

The three of them nodded, grinning mischievously. Geth did not doubt that they could handle their mission so he spoke to the two women.

"Zolis, you will hang back, and as soon as there are less than five Hobgoblins left I want you to jump in and use Earthquake, Ring of Fire, or both. Guys, make sure you are prepared to block, jump, or just be out of range." He told them, making sure they nodded before continuing.

"Alise will follow behind Filthy and I. Filthy, your goal is to pick off the two guys casting spells. Alise, assist with this as best you can, your Thief class and knife throwing Skills will help there. I will be responsible for the two up close to the Boss."

Zolis sucked in a sharp breath. "Are you going to be able to tank both of them with the Boss attacking you as well?"

"I'll be fine. Our group won't be moving in until you have caused a distraction. When they lose focus due to your Ring of Fire, we will begin our assault."

Geth then turned and looked meaningfully at Alise.

"I know that you've been through a lot. Even so, do not step forward until we've received our signal. We have to play this safe so that everyone can make it out alive."

Geth then lowered his voice and his tone became icy. "If you get antsy and risk any of our lives, I promise that you won't even make it beyond the Barrier. You can forget about your revenge."

Alise clammed up a bit, she knew that he wasn't exaggerating. Either way, she steeled her resolve and looked into his eyes. "I understand."

Geth stared at her for a moment before nodding. "All right then, you four take off, Zolis don't let them see you until it's time."

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