Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Chapter ???:@$#%^!%^2

Chapter ???:@$#%^!%^2


A figure of blueish-white light is sitting in front of a large holographic screen, the screen is showing the sight of a burning castle. Sitting cross-legged with one hand supporting her head, she has a thin smile on her face.

"Another successful step closer to accomplishing your goal. Truly, even I am surprised how your plans keep coming to fruition, Star."

Leaning back on her chair made out of the finest fragrant wood, the figure is about to change the holographic display when she hears something.

"Ara~, it seems like I have a guest." She looks up past the roof of her house with a Chinese aesthetic. From above, the sound of a propeller spinning is heard, approaching closer and closer.

Then, suddenly, her roof is crashed through by a miniature aircraft. The aircraft breaks into bits and pieces, and alongside the wreck of her wooden roof, it creates a mess of dust and wood chips mere steps away from her. 

With a raised eyebrow, she waits for the dust to settle before doing anything. She has an inkling of what the hell just happened. Her guess is corrected when, from the pile of rubble, a familiar slime jumps out. She chuckles when the slime turns red before 'kicking' the wrecked airplane with its tentacle. Its kick makes the still slowly spinning propeller of the craft disconnect from the body.

"Well, that's one way to make an entrance, though I will have to clean that mess you made later. Do you have anything to say about that?" The figure said with a smirk. It amuses her to no end when the slime turns around, now colored blue while scratching its 'head' sheepishly.

"It's fine, no need to apologize. Since this is my personal space, I can fix it up in a jiffy. Look" The figure points out a hand, making a counter-clockwise motion. Then, the ruble sorts itself out, dividing it into two parts. One part flies up to fix the hole on the roof, and the other remakes itself into the miniature aircraft the slime used to get here.

"There you go." The figure said. "Your ride is fixed while my house is patched up. All is fine in the end. So, I presume that you suddenly got transported, here again, right little friend?"

The slime nods, before hopping over to a now materialized seat that the light figure made for it.  It settles down in the comfortable chair, before expressing its confusion.

The figure listens to it attentively, she too is befuddled by the slime's sudden teleportation to her domain. After hearing the slime retelling its tell, she comments. "So you're telling me that you've been working on your story per usual. While in the middle of researching aircraft branding for your new chapter, you got sucked into a strange vortex, again. Only this time, you somehow were in control of a miniature aircraft before crashing here. As expected, your tale managed to confuse even me."

She stops to ponder before saying. "Though I have a hypothesis on why you keep being sent here. It may have to do with the Void being unstable due for certain reasons, thus it creates vortexes that enable universal travel. It's unknown whether you're unlucky or lucky enough to encounter said vortex twice, all arrived at the same place that is my domain. Even so, the process usually doesn't end well for mortals. For you to make two trips here, safe and sound, is telling on you having a good affinity with the Void. I do wonder how it comes to be, however."

Listening to her hypothesis, the slime fells into deep thought with a tentacle on its 'chin'. Ultimately, it fails to come up with anything so the slime just shrugs.

"I guess our questions will be answered in due time." The figure concluded the topic. She and the slime agree that while the situation is strange, it's not important enough to warrant them searching for answers.

The time spent on a wild goose chase is better off being used to converse over some tea.

Waving a hand over a tea table, the light figure materializes a set of tea and sweets. "Cookie?" She asked, passing over a butter cookie for the slime.

Accepting the treat with both 'hands', the slime quivers its body up and down as thank you. "You're welcome, the cookie goes well with the mental cleansing tea I prepared. The tea should help freshen up your mind, enough for you to continue working on your story later."

The slime nods, taking a few bites out of the delectable cookie before gently, it picks up a teacup. Taking a sniff out of the crystal-clear liquid, the slime can feel its fatigue fade away. It can't help but take a sip of the warm tea the figure prepared. Instantly, its mind is cleared of confusion and tiredness.

Truly, it was a tea that authors and writers would kill for.

The figure chuckles when she sees the euphoric state the slime is in. "I take that as you enjoying my treats."

They then sit in pleasant silence for a few minutes, each taking pleasure in the tea and cookies. It's not until the slime takes its third cookie that it notices the holographic display. The figure still hasn't changed the view of the burning castle into something else yet. So, it points a tentacle at the screen, wondering what's that all about.

"Oh, that. I was watching one of Star's plans in action. You still remember Star that I talked about last time, right?

The slime bobs its body up and down as an affirmative. Seeing its action, the figure continues explaining. "So, Star is back though she is indisposed for now. Still, her plans are still being acted on by her trusted people. One of the plans involves the burning of the castle you're seeing here. One Castle Itter."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hearing that part, the slime questions why the castle must be burned down. From what it can see, the castle should have some historical significance.

"Ah, that's because the castle hid one of, if not, the cruelest crime against sentience beings. It will be faster for me to show you, rather than putting it into words, only if you can stomach it though." The figure waits for the slime's answer while sipping her tea.

Putting on a thinker pose, the slime admits that it's interested in the topic. Being an author means you have to dig up materials for your story whenever possible. The slime sees this opportunity as a chance to learn more about this strange world. And perhaps, it can take inspiration from this world to jot it down into its story.

So, the slime expresses its interest in finding out more, steeling it resolves before the revelation. The figure lets out a smile seeing the slime hyping itself up for the inevitable reveal. Not letting it wait for too long, she changes the holographic display to show the crimes the wood elves committed beneath Castle Itter. Not just that, but also the plotting they made behind Star's, no, Yuki's back.

Soon, the dozen minutes slideshow comes to an end. The slime after watching everything fell into silence. After a couple of minutes to digest the information, the slime cups two tentacles in front of it, offering a prayer to the poor children. None are deserving of the cruel fate that befell them.

The figure lets the slime prays in a solemn atmosphere. After a minute of silence, the slime turns to the figure, thanking her for the display. It also asks, concerned, about Star's well-being.

Letting out a warm smile, the figure answers. "Star-, no, she goes by the name Yuki now, will be fine. It was her plan to receive a traumatic injury, after all. Only by that could she spurs her mothers into taking action against the deep-rooted wood elves. From then, they would learn of Itter's secret and promptly purge its stains from the annal of history."

The figure stops before saying. "The public only needs to know that the elves plotted a revolt, not the murdering of thousands of children. Only a select few will be privy to the bloodied truth uncovered today."

The slime nods, understanding that some secrets are better left undiscovered by the populace. It then pours another cup of tea for itself and the figure. It watches as the figure operates the holographic display, changing it for them to view something else.

Curiously, it sees the display shows a dark elf in formal attire.


Port city of Arash.

In one of the lavishly decorated rooms of the La Riverie hotel, now commandeered by Alexa for officer duty, she is saluted by the just arrived Sergeant Quellec.

"Take a seat, Sergeant, wait a minute, and let me find your documents first." Quellec sits down on a chair across the table stacked with paperwork. After a minute of rifling through folders after folders, Brigadier Alexa finally finds what she's looking for. "Ah! There we go!"

Alexa pulls out a stack of documents with Quellec's name on it. "Ok, I'm not gonna beat around the bush, no time for that anyway as I still have a lot of work to do. Anyway, you will be promoted to the rank of Captain with a pending Iron Cross. With your contribution to the war effort, it will just be a matter of time before it gets approved."

Alexa hands him the documents on his rank and assignment. Quellec scans through it before standing up to salute. "Thank you, Brigadier, for entrusting me with this position."

Alexa nods. "You should head report to the quarter of the 75th, the Colonel there will explain more on your tasking. That will be all, Captain Quellec."

'Yes, ma'am!"

Though curious to know more about the man's feats that allowed him to be promoted, the slime lets the light figure changes the display. After all, the figure doesn't seem to be interested in the man.

Now, the display is showing a grey-haired, blue eye, kitsune. She's busy putting on some light makeup.


In an apartment complex in Paris.

"Dana, are you done yet?" The inquiry belongs to Dana's female friend, a human. The girl is concerned that her female friend will be late for the interview.

Knowing that her friend is just outside the door, Dana Elvidge hides her kitsune ears with magic. Though she trusts the gal, it's better to be safe than sorry.

"I'm coming Lilianna!" Dana takes her purse before checking her jacket and skirt for any creases. Seeing that nothing's amiss, Dana moves to open the door, greeting her friend. "Hi, Lili! Thanks for introducing me to the job."

Her long-time friend that shares the same apartment room as her, smiles. "It's no big deal, the job is a bit too much for me to handle nowadays. With me retiring from said job, referring you for the position isn't that hard. Though, are you sure you want to be a secretary to the Prime Minister? What about your dream of being a teacher?"

Dana shakes her head, she explains while they make way to public transport. "Well, you know how it is lately, being a teacher couldn't cut it anymore. I need to be realistic here and aim for something stable. That secretary job should help me tide through some economic hassle."

Her friend nods, acknowledging the sentiment. "That's true, huh? Truthfully, while the job is taxing, the Minister pays well and he isn't one to harass a lady. You should be fine working there till our society is stable enough for you to resume your dream." Patting Dana's shoulder, her friend encourages. "Soldiers on, girl. I'm rooting for you!"

Smiling, Dana says. "Thanks, Lili. I will strive to be a good secretary."

And a good spy too, Dana adds mentally.


The view then changes to a city surrounded by mountainous terrain. There, a fire is raging in the Southern part, near a school. Something is causing a major ruckus, and that thing isn't humanoid by any stretch of your imagination. In the middle of that burning complex, a huge figure jumps out and onto the street. Its action caused the total collapse of what used to be an apartment complex, now are burning pile of ruin.

Now free of the burning confinement, the beast of white and pink stripes roars. Its visage with two front arms in the air, each the size of a person, roaring, has caused pandemonium in the midst of the curious onlookers. What they thought was just a standard apartment fire has turned into something out of their nightmare. A nightmare in the shape of a Demon.

It's a good time to run while the beast is still busy being imposing, so, that they did. Parents hastily pick up their children, dashing away as far as possible from the beast. The fire department officers hastily guide the escapees, leaving the police to contain the threat. Thankfully, no one was trampled in the evacuation.

Loosely forming a containment circle with their service vehicles, the paled-face officers are praying their hearts out. Knowing that their puny pistols and revolvers will be hard-pressed to do any meaningful damage to the four meters tall Demon. They almost piss their pants when the beast directs its angular head with a glowing pink eyeball at them.

"O-Open fire!" It's unknown who gave the order, nonetheless, a dozen policemen complied. Regretfully, aside from leaving behind some small nicks on the silicone-like body, the pistol cartridges fail to even flinch the Demon.

The Demon, a beast, whatever you would like to call it, scoffs at the mortals' attempt. It crouches down, gathering strength on its non-existent rear legs before it jumps forward. The action leaves behind a cracking pavement while it crushes a police car as its lands. The officers around it are pushed to the ground by the shockwave, fearfully, they scurried away on their backs to another cover. At least, they still haven't run away yet, dreading the potential loss of civilians' lives.

"Where the fuck are the Inquisitors!?" A police Sergeant screamed the question that was on everyone's mind. He's about to reload his service pistol when the beast jumps, again. "Incoming!"

The Sergeant and his group of three scatter, barely in time before his treasured police van is reduced to scrap metals. Only this time, the white beast swipe its arms, hitting an officer squarely in the body. 

"Lucas!" The Sergeant screamed the name of the poor sod. He watches as the lad is launched ten meters away before crashing through a restaurant's window. It's unknown whether the man is alive or not.

As for the Demon, it rears back its head, overlooking the despair in the officers' faces. The bastard is enjoying it, they can clearly see the smug expression on its face.

Suddenly, the sound of screeching tires is heard by everyone, including the beast. They turn to the source to see a pair of black Fords drifting to a stop behind the Demon, some twenty meters away. Stepping off from the cars are armed men, dressed in black with accompanying fedoras to boot. 

The Sergeant, knowing the allegiance of the new arrivals, sighs in relief. "We're saved!"

The men in black walk toward the beast with a calm gait, they stop fifteen meters away from the thing. The Demon watches curiously at the group, it wonders why are they so calm in front of its presence. One of them, presumably the leader even takes a swig of a cigar before saying. "You're one ugly motherfucker, aren't you."

He, ready his 1921 Tommy Gun in a hip-fire position, and so are the rest of the men in black. Only a few of them are handling Lewis machine guns instead of the 100-round Typewriters. "Anyway, allow us to introduce ourselves. We're the Spanish Inquisition, and my friend, you are already dead."

Then they start blasting, a combination of .45 caliber and .303 Erusea shred the haughty Demon's armor, riddling its body with holes. Unlike the pistols from before, these automatic guns offer much more in terms of firepower. The Demon couldn't even register that it was in deep trouble before dying to a .303 piercing its head. Thus its body falls heavily onto the wreck of the police van, marking the end of its short reign of terror.

The man, a proud descendant of the men and women from Africa, scoffs. "Truly, I wasted good bullets on a single Chariot. Though I guess we arrived just on time before collateral damage was incurred."

He motions to the rest of his cohorts. "Oi! Make sure the casualties are cared for and set up a perimeter! There may be those zombies running around due to the corruption from the Chariot!"

"Yes, sir!" The squad, dressing no different than gangsters, disperses. One of them, a fat man that's holding a Lewis says.

"CJ, High Inquisitor Camati called in, saying you'll be needed at his office once the mess here is over."

"Old man Ricardo? Did he say anything else on why he needs me, Big Smoke?"

The fat man, Big Smoke shrugs before fixing his fedora. "Beats me, that's your problem to deal with. I just want to finish up fast and grab myself some food."

CJ shakes his head at Smoke's dismissal. "You and your obsession over food, man."

Offended by his remarks, Smoke retorts. "I'm telling you, brother, a good dish is all you can ask for in your life. It embraces you, and heals your soul and body, allowing you to achieve Nirvana! And most important of all, it never betrays you!"


The slime watches with interest knowing that it just witnessed the impossible, there exists this world's version of the Grove Street Families! From the look of it, they aren't too shabby at all with the suits and fedoras and all that.

Still, the light figure changes the display, once again. It's as if she's an old woman trying to find a TV channel that piques her interest.

"You just thought of something rude, did you?" The figure questioned with a frown. Sweating bullets, the slime refutes the claim by waving its 'hands'.

Though unconvinced, the figure moves on to switch the display. Finally, she settles for the view of a bustling dock. There, ships of all shapes and sizes are offloading their cargo and passengers. One notable location has a gathering of Jewish people that are warmingly receiving their new brothers and sisters.

A Jews, just disembarked from his freighter, takes in the smoky smell of capitalism with vigor. "Sweet home America! I've arrived at last!" He sang in joy, causing the others to chuckle.

"It's gratifying to see you in high spirits, brother." A middle-aged man with a well-kept beard moves to pat the young lad on the shoulders. "I hope the journey across the ocean has treated you well. Oh, where are my manners? My name is Rosh Hashana, you may call my Rosh, brother."

Hugging the man in greeting, the lad introduces himself. "The ship provided by Lady Elysia has been most welcoming in its service, I barely notice any trouble at all! And I've chosen my name to be Jeffrey Iverson, brother Rosh. I've elected to discard my old one, the past should stay behind in Russia."

With an understanding smile, Rosh says. "It's understandable, after all, the regime over there is very stifling for us Jews. Though don't you worry, we can help set you up with a new life in no time. The land of America is free to all, so long as they strive to be the better person of society."

Jeffrey replies with a nod. "I've received a second chance in life by Lady Elysia, I will be an ungrateful prick if I fail to live up to it."

Rosh gives him another pat, yet, his face has a look of worry when Jeffrey mentioned Lady Elysia. Curious, Jeffrey questions. "What happens? Is there something wrong with the Lady?"

Rosh ponders whether to share the news or not but ultimately, he let young Jeffrey knows. "News came from the Belkan Reich, Lady Elysia's family is in deep trouble."

Shocked, Jeffrey interjects, he is careful not to raise his voice, however. "Why!? Was it because of us?"

"None of the sort, no." Rosh waved off the concern. "It has nothing to do with helping us. It's the Lady's family who committed high treason against the governing body of Belka, and they failed, hard. Almost the entire family and its subordinates were wiped out, and cleansed from the Earth after their crimes were revealed. Thankfully, Heaven has blessed Lady Elysia so that she didn't get caught in the crossfire. She, alongside her father and a servant, is alive and well with no charges pressed against them. Nevertheless, she's no doubt under deep scrutiny by the Belkan government."

Jeffrey heaves a sigh of relief, it would pain him to no end if his benefactor was caught in that mess.

"Come, let us move to the dorm. There, you can rest and learn more about America." Rosh pulls Jeffrey to a car. "You can't build a castle with a weary body."

Jeffrey complies, knowing the wisdom behind the words. Truly, he has high hope of achieving his dream here.

A dream of building a true sanctuary for his people.


Letting out a bored sigh, the figure complains to the slime. "This is boring~"

Turning to look at the figure, the slime expresses its confusion at her words. She explains. "Well, that's because there's nothing wrong with the world! No Yuki to mess it up as she's still sleeping!"

"The world lost its colors without her running around, trying her best to accomplish something." She added.

The slime, understanding her feeling, nods. It then begins to think up ways that can alleviate the boredom of the figure. Finally, it settles on pestering the figure with questions.

Tapping a 'hand' on the figure, the slime grasps her attention when it creates a circle and a question mark.

Raising an eyebrow, she queries. "So you want to learn more about this world? I see you're more curious after learning of Yuki's circumstance." Shrugging, the figure says. "Well, I guess it's a good way to kill time as any. It will take some time to explain everything though, anything you want to do before I teach you?"

Scratching its 'head', the slime ponders. Suddenly, as if a lightbulb is lit on the top of its head, the slime makes a fist bump.

The figure chuckles at the meaning behind its action. "Fine, fine. I will help you advertise your work."

Turning to look at the reader, the figure says with a smile and a tilt of the head. "Just like before, our cute little slime author is facing trouble, jobless, and all that. To help them tide through the pitfalls life has prepared for them, you best show them some encouragement. They can be in the form of a good comment, a great review, or a heart for the story, and if you are capable, support them via financial aid through their Patreon. The link is Oh, and before I forget, give it power stones if you're reading the story on Webnovel."

Raising her cup as a toast, she says. "Cheers!"

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