Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Chapter ???:@$#%^!%^3

Chapter ???:@$#%^!%^3

A long time ago, eons even, there was the Infinite Void, a singular entity in the unlimited nothingness. The being, Void, held an omnipotent power in the endless expanse, yet, it found itself lacking something crucial to all beings.


Ever since its conception, Void had always been along with not even a speck of dust to befriend itself with. Saying that it was boring would be an understatement. No, it was the crippling loneliness that was killing it from the inside. It sought companionship in the eternal silence, yet after eons of waiting, no other being came into existence as it had. Overwhelming with sadness, Void decided that its patience had run dry. It would move on to take matters into its own hand.

Pulling on the endless reservoir of its energy, later dubbed Void Ether, the Void concentrated the formless mass into a spot, forming five spheres. Void kept on injecting and condensing the Void Ether for thousands of millennials, up until the point when the first sphere started cracking. Only then, Void stopped and waited. It had spent countless years in eternal silence so it matters not for Void to wait centuries more. 

While waiting, Void projected and cared for the spheres like how one would treat their children. Void knew that it had accomplished a monumental feat, it would cherish the lives that would soon be birthed with everything it had.

One day, while gently hugging the spheres with their formless body, the first sphere cracked even more. The time had come for the firstborn to give its first cry. In a burst of purplish light, a color Void never seen before, a small figure of purplish energy broke free from the sphere. Its action of stretching its body looks no different than making a yawn. Then, it moved to the side where the presence of its 'mother' was thicker.

After the firstborn, the other spheres, eggs, also started cracking. The next to appear before Void is a tall figure, its energy is blue in color. The blue figure performed a cursory scan of its body before proceeding to the side also. Only this time, it moved behind the purple figure, opting to hug Purple from behind. Though confused, Purple let it be when it felt comfortable in doing so.

Up next is a figure of golden energy, shorter than Blue though it's taller than Purple. Yellow spun in place, darting its head left and right to express its curiosity. It then waved at Void and the rest before skipping over. This time, Yellow stood to the left of Purple while grasping its hand.

The last two were born at the same time. One had the same small stature as Purple while the other had a height similar to Blue. They had the color White and Red respectively. Their first action, however, was to express their rivalry toward each other. Not looking at each other in the eyes, they moved to pick their places before Void. White stood to the right of Purple, taking a hold of its right hand. While Red moved behind White, next to Green. Much to the annoyance of Purple and White, Red utilized its height to pat them both on the heads. Regardless, they did not dislike the care Red showed them.

It warmed Void's bodiless heart to see its children get along with each other. Expressing its joy, Void then told the children to go and have fun. It watched as its children started frolicking around.

White discharged an unlimited amount of Void Ether, much like Void itself, not knowing what to do with such power.

Yellow, with a tilt of her head, grasped White's hand while outstretching its own. It tapped into White's reservoir before using it to give light to the never-ending void.

Blue, learning from Yellow, also asked White for its permission. One that little White was quick to agree on, it then shared its Ether with everyone. With unlimited power at her disposal, Blue created the first universe. They then watched in awe at the grand display of celestial bodies unfolding before their eyes.

With giddiness, Purple jumped into the fray, suddenly blasting away a Saturn-sized planet with a punch. Purple giggled in glee as it watched the planet fly away into the far-reaching void. Legends say that you can still see the planet with a fist-shaped crater traveling the Universal Gap to this day.

Suddenly, Purple was bopped on the head by Blue, annoyed by having one of her creations yeeted out of view. Blue sighed when Purple had a teary expression, in an attempt to soothe its pain, Blue switched gears to pat its head. An action Purple relished by nuzzling against the comforting hand.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After seeing Purple's antic, Red shook its head. Then along with Yellow, who was laughing at the absurd sight of yeeting a planet, made a Universal Boundary to avoid situations like that. A Universal Boundary is a set of laws that allow one universe to expand unlimitedly while not infringing upon other universes that were soon to come.

Void watched as its kids played around in good fun, creating and destroying universes left, right, and center. There was a time when they staged an Omniversal war with Yellow at the referee while the others were divided into two teams. Void witnessed the glorious sight of universes duking it out, slamming against each other in an attempt to destroy the opposition. In the end, nobody won the contest, yet, they shared an everlasting joy with Void in their fun. Truly, Void was very proud of her children, having learned of their respective powers. So, it was high time to name its kids.

Purple, the oldest, represents Time, Destruction, and Death. Void named it Star, after its feat of yeeting the Saturn-sized planet. Void and the rest watched with interest when Star's body suddenly changed from being an energy lifeform to a female human. Star now sported short purple hair, purple eyes with a tinge of gold, and a curvaceous body, she was still on the short side, however.

Void and the rest inferred that a name was of much significance to them as it could change their existence at a base level. Excited by their findings, Yellow begged Void to continue naming them, if only to see what they would become. Agreeing with Yellow's suggestion, Void moved on to naming Blue.

Majoring over Space, Creation, and Life, Blue was named Yggdrasil. She was then turned into a mature female figure with long light blue hair and sapphire eyes. Happily skipping over to Star, Yggdrasil pulled her into her bountiful bosom. Yggdrasil sported a major blush on her face, they wondered what would happen to Star once the gathering ended. On the other hand, Star gave up struggling against her younger sister.

Next to be named was Yellow, one that held control over Order and Chaos. Void gifted her the name of Yahweh in hope that she would help her sisters manage the Omniverse. They then watched on as Yahweh was changed into a girl with golden hair, reaching past her shoulders, while her blue eyes shone a mischievous glint.

Last, but not least, were the twin. Void called Red, who was in charge of Natural Balance, Nature for short, to ste[ forward. Granting her the name Akari, they witnessed her transforming into a busty figure with red hair, pointy ears, and black eyes. Witnessing her glorious assets, Akari directed her smug face at White. Void expressed a chuckle once it saw White's envy. Not letting its cute child wait long, it gently pulled White closer.

White was special, it's the only one to inherit Void's authority over Void Ether. While others had limited control over it, White had unlimited access to the Ether that created them. And after figuring out her strength, White was the smartest of them all, many a time White had surprised them with her soft-spoken input.  Void decided to name her last child Ophis. She would be the holder of Infinity and Wisdom.

The last transformation took place, and once it was done, they reveled in the sight of a cute Ophis. Much like her twin Akari, Ophis had pointy ears and black eyes with the main difference being her obsidian hair and smaller stature. Begrudgingly, Ophis accepted the fact that her assets lost out to even Star's.

After that, the family gathered around for a celebration of their own. Well, let's just that many universes were snuffed out once again. Thankfully, the universes were devoided of sentience life. A fact that Void would change soon.

Seeing that its children were mature and handling their new responsibilities very well, Void gifted them the knowledge of creating sentience life. Void knew that they were excited to create new lifeforms, especially Yggdrasil and Star. Regardless, it must remind them to treat the newborns with care like they had treasured them. They all agreed to the reminder, not knowing it would cause them pain and losses in the future.

Nevertheless, they all banded together to create a system of Life and Death, Creation and Destruction. Then, they populate the Omniverse with life, starting from the first universe, the Prime Universe. It took no time at all for them to see the budding civilizations starting to take shape.

Lives of different shapes and forms, different cultures, and different knowledge,... were springing up everywhere, never stop amazing them. At some point, they even offered pointers and tips to the lifeforms across the Omniverse. Their actions prompted them to be worshipped in many ways.

After witnessing such a colorful world the mortals had been living in, Void's children expressed their desire to move down there. They wanted to experience truly living a cycle in the flesh, in fact, they would very much like it for Void to be with them in their new lives. 

Void considered the proposal, not seeing any detriment to it. So, Void agreed, much to the happiness of its family. Its child descended to the mortal world of the Prime Universe first, clearing the way for Void. Then, after a period of intimate skinship between Yggdrasil and Star, a suitable vessel to hold Void's spirit was born. With bated breath, the children waited for Void to descend into the female infant and then...

The entire Omniverse shook as for the first time ever since its conception, Void had been given life. The Origin of All had descended.

Alongside her family, Void had been living a long good life. Though she said it was a long life, Void only acted maturely for the last five years of her life. The previous millennia were her acting spoiled and living a happy childhood with her children-turned-mothers-and-aunties.

And as you would have known by now, all good things must come to an end.


During the time period that Void and her family descended upon, the Omniverse was in turmoil. Believe it or not, it was the denizens of the Prime Universe that ushered in an age of darkness and strife for the entire Omniverse. Their influence, as the oldest living beings, stretched through many worlds. Their greed for absolute authority and power knew no bounds.

As such, a few ambitious Gods banded together, scheming to attain the epitome of power and might. Their end goal, achieving true immortality. And to do that, they must be untouchable by the Cycle of Life and Dead.

In a stroke of insanity, they devised a heinous plan. One entailing the capture and usurping of the powers that Star, whom they called Primordial Goddess. Utilizing a trusted friend of Star, they tricked her into coming to a magic formation, capable of harming even her. Interestingly, Star knew what was about to happen since she held control over Time itself. Yet, she still let them obtain her power at the cost of her life.

After uncountable years of witnessing the atrocity these lower lifeforms committed, Star and the rest knew that it was time to clean the slate. Her sacrifice would mark the end of the old era, not by her or any of her sisters, but by the hands of a very enraged Void. Her only wish would be that her mother, now her daughter, would find peace after everything was over. Thankfully, Yahweh would make sure of that.


Void was holding the cold body of Star, her cute little face was shedding endless tears. Star, using the last bit of her fading strength, caresses Void's cheek. No words were exchanged between them, only a silent promise. A promise to reunite with each other in the future, no matter how long it would take them.

When Star breathed her last, Void's heart-wrenching cry shook the Omniverse once again. With mournful hearts, the family was forced to tear Void away, just so that Star could rejoin the Cycle. Yggdrasil swore that she would make sure Star would live a good life in the future. A fact that was barely enough to stabilize Void from lashing out. That and in an attempt to stop the evil-doers, Yahweh lost her physical body. 

In one short day, Void was forced to watch her dearests succumbing to their ailments. Star passed on to her next life, while Yahweh was forced to remain incorporeal after engaging a summoned being called Trihexa. To say that Void was furious, would be an understatement.

So, Void took matters into her own hands, crowning herself Ruler of the End. She would see to it that the corrupted Omniverse would be destroyed and a new one would be born. Void told her family to sit at the sideline, letting Yggdrasil construct a seed ship. When Void started rampaging, the seed ship would be a ticket to a haven for those worthy enough to be saved. 

Void, utilizing the weak Universal Boundary, courtesy of Trihexa, gathered an army from all corners of the Omniverse. Embers of resistance that were fighting the corrupted Gods pledged their swords under her banner. Odin, Loki, Gilgamesh, Scathach, Heracles, Izanami, and Morgan le Fay,... were but many names that served her Ragnarok army. Together, they marched to cleanse the Omniverse of the unrighteous, and while there were sacrifices, Void succeeded in her vengeance in the end. 

Standing on the crumbling fortress island of Asgard, Void took one last look at her comrades in arms. They shared a last meaningful smile of a job well done, a hope for a brighter future, before Void put her hand up.

And she snapped her fingers.

"Everything and anything just disappeared..." Her final words faded into eternal silence. 

-Be reborn.


Time is relative in the creation of the Omniverse. Although the Omniverse was reset, many Multiverses are already in the process of bearing lives. One such Multiverse is now the final destination for Yggdrasil's seed ship, a universe based on a piece of media that Star used to love and play. Based, because real life is often far away from fiction.

When the seed ship crashed landed and cause an almost apocalyptic event on an alternate Earth, the Spirit of Earth, Alaya was alarmed. Yet, it was the introduction of new energy, mana, from the seed ship that caused it to be worried, scared even. Earth's civilization wasn't supposed to be in contact with the supernatural for at least another century. With the mana from Yggdrasil slowly infusing Earth and will soon grant its inhabitants magical powers. Alaya dreaded the moment when even a child was capable of blowing up a building on a mere whim. So, Alaya struck a deal with the entity that resided in the seed, Yggdrasil herself.

In exchange for Alaya's help in rebuilding her civilization, Yggdrasil would allow her to enforce a hard limit on the amount of mana a lifeform can hold. The restriction would be lifted gradually as Earth's tolerance for mana increases after each passing Months of Demons. There's no limitation to utilizing technologies that use mana or Void Ether, as long as they did not adversely cause uncontainable mutations. On a side note, if a lifeform carried too much mana, way more than what the Earth can handle, it would mutate into Demonic Beast or humanoid zombie. 

A disclaimer would be that Months of Demons were regular intervals that Alaya commanded to happen. It's a period when she would allow Earth to take in more mana for it to gradually adapt. A side effect of that would be the unlucky few that may mutate uncontrollably into a Demon or zombie. Nonetheless, it's much better than widespread mutation without a break. Alaya also influenced the mortals to create an Adventurer Guild, knowing that it would help them deal with the Demons in return for special materials harvested from the bodies.

Anyway, once the deal was made, both sides were satisfied that their home would be safe to develop. Yggdrasil released the inhabitants of the seed ship while also planting Star's soul here for reincarnation. Alaya, on the other hand, actively helped Yggdrasil in her endeavor as the Spirit of Earth. She led the original non-human denizens of her Earth to Yggdrasil's newly built nation while also enriching its mineral deposit.

Though Yggdrasil said that the deal was fair for both sides, Alaya knew in her heart that it heavily favored her. After all, the Omniversal reset just happened a few eons ago, and Alaya could feel that Yggdrasil alone outclassed her. Not mentioning the rest of her sisters that were maintaining the Omniverse on a greater scale. Thankfully, Yggdrasil was open for discussion.

In fact, maybe she could turn this into a chance to grow into something greater. She knew for a fact that with Star's reincarnation running about right now, it wouldn't take long for her to unite the Earth under one banner. With that, she would be allowed to evolve into a cosmic entity, a notion that made Alaya giddy.

And for that to happen, maybe bending some rules for the girl name Yuki wouldn't be too bad. Earth is too small for her, Alaya would aim for infinity, and beyond!


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