Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Chapter 33: Victory Parade

Chapter 33: Victory Parade

Today is the day.

We're now standing on the eve of a grand celebration, a national wide one. This means that the great me, despite my reluctance to do so, must dress up, quite heavily.

Looking at my reflection in the full-bodied mirror, my eye right eye can't help but twitch in annoyance, seeing that the pair behind me still haven't done my hair... And it has been a goddamn half an hour ever since they started! Just how long do I have to sit in this chair?

Yet, even though I want to stand up and shout out my grievance, I've learned the hard way the result of doing just that. Had I stayed put back then, I wouldn't be sitting here still after half an hour has passed. 

Noticing my struggle, the women behind me can't stop a smile from appearing on their lips. Adding the finishing touch to their work, officially ending my torture, they have a look of pride on their faces for a job well done.

"Truly marvelous." The older of the two, who else but Bryn, crosses her arms, nodding at my reflection.

"I told you right? Yuki would be so beautiful if we did her hair like that." This time it's Elysia, my self-proclaimed fashionista.

"That's true, a semi-crown hairstyle suits her the best. Especially on this occasion. Though I would wish for her attire to be less militaristic." Bryn put a finger under her chin, mourning for a lost opportunity to dress the girl up.

My mouth twitches at her action though I won't comment on it. That's a whole different can of worms to open. I then watch as Elysia leans down to my level, her hands on my shoulder while her head is next to mine. We both look at my reflection, seemingly to check for anything out of place. 

Elysia lets out a bright smile, one that makes my heart flutter, before urging me to stand up to do the last check on my attire.

"I understand your feeling, sister Bryn, I can't wait to have Yuki tries on some dresses I've been keeping an eye on later." Elysia said.

...There's a later?

Ignoring my dread, Elysia continues. "Though for  this occasion, the parade, Yuki picking the ceremonial military attire is the best choice."

Now sporting an acceptance smile, Bryn nods. "That's true, it signifies well her position in the country right now. A bonafide hero and competent leader, no doubt this will inspire many of our citizens. She has that grand presence that compels loyalty from all, even though she is still young."

"My point exactly." Elysia agreed to her words.

Well, they're not wrong. I look very regal and authoritative. My current attire is a formal military one, reserved for the highest-ranking officer of the state. It's of obsidian black as the main color with the accessories and linings made from gold. On my left breast lies an elaborate gold insignia of an eagle clasping a medieval sword, pointing it downward. Below are many of my medals from the short campaign I led. On my right shoulder is a crimson cape, bearing the same insignia as the one on my chest, only it's embroidered in black on the outside. The cape drape over my right, hiding my pistol holder while on my left is a visible ceremonial rapier, sheathed of course. The rapier's handle and the sheath are, once again, obsidian black. The engravings on the sheath and the blade, Iron and Blood, are carved in an esoteric language, and the words softly glow in crimson. The blade itself is silver in color, the same as the elaborate handguard that runs along the handle. They are handcrafted with a combination of the best materials, workmanship, and blessing from the Mother Goddess Yggdrasil herself. On a side note, the words carved on the rapier are symmetrical when you read it horizontally or vertically. No matter the viewing angle, the meaning of the words stays the same.

Last but not least, my eyepatch. I've traded the usual medical eyepatch for a strapless black one. On the eyepatch is a Knight's Cross that should have been clasped on my chest. But who cares, it's cooler this way. 

Oh, and before I forget, my pistol is a silver C96E. Perfect for the occasion.

Seeing that nothing is amiss, Bryn and Elysia give me the green light to show myself to my mothers, to which I sigh in relief. Even though I've lived for two lives, one being ridiculously long, I  will never get used to playing dress up.

Bryn moves first, opening the door to a waiting room in the castle. Inside are my mothers, both also dress up in their imperial regalias. On a different note, Bryn is sticking with the formal officer wear, color in white, while Elysia picks a white dress. Only this time, Elysia won't be presented on the stage, she will only appear in the Grand Banquet after the parade.

Mama, who has been conversing with our Prime Minister, mostly in charge of internal affairs, turns to look at me. A bright smile blooms on her face and I know for a fact that she's stopping herself from pouncing on me with a hug.

"Yuki, oh my, oh my~ You look gorgeous!" She said, her eyes giving me a lookover and I can see mom is doing the same thing. Minister Hartmann, father to Erika my trusty bodyguard, bows at me

I go at them with a smile on my face. "Mothers, Minister Hartmann. It seems that everything is ready."

Mom nods at my words. "All is set, we only await you to lead the parade." Mom stops before asking. "I hope you aren't nervous, you're a bit young for the upcoming task."

I shake my head, smiling in assurance. "I am fine, mom. I've been waiting for this opportunity. It's now time for Belka to show the world that our country is a sleeping dragon," I put on a cruel smile. "and they've just woken it up."

With a proud face, mama repeatedly nods at my assertion. "That my girl alright." She then turns to Minister Hartmann. 'Well then, Prime Minister, it's high time we get the ball rolling."

The Minister bows at my mothers before turning towards me, showing his hand out in a direction. "This way please your Highness, Ms. Brynhyldr."

We both nod before following the Minister out of the room, heading for the staging area for our division. Elysia stays with mama and mom, they have been bonding over the last few days so the younger lady treats my moms like her big sisters. She will be presented in the seat of honor next to my moms. Bryn will be with me, leading the Night Witches.

As for me in particular, you will see soon enough.


Belkan capital city, Berlin. Right now, the city of 4.3 million souls is in absolute silence. Even the birds in the sky feel like today is so important that they keep their chirping at a minimal level. They're not wrong, for today is Victory Parade day. A first of its kind national event brought to them by the recent astounding success in the ongoing war. For the first time in history, the parade is broadcast live, in color and full sound, to all corners of Belka via the usage of magic. Citizens from every city and town of Belka are now gathering at the squares where large screens are set up, waiting for the start of the parade. While the people of Berlin stand in attention around the Obsidian Castle and Yggdrasil's tree, eagerly looking around for the one-in-a-lifetime spectacle. 

Hosting this event on a nationwide scale puts no small of a dent in Belka's coffer, yet, it's a necessary investment for the future. Princess Yuki and Minister Hartmann extrapolate that the profitable returns after the parade will be many times greater than the initial cost. Both the military and civilian sectors will have a great increase in productivity. Of course, to ensure the stability of the event, Yuki pulls out all the stops for her Einherjar to guarantee the background security of the nation. Effectively stopping all undercurrent plots in their tracks. This, of course, goes unknown by most people. After all, Yuki is the one that planned this parade from the ground up, she can't have anything goes wrong at the last second.

Leaving that aside, the clock is ticking. The populace watches on as the leadership of Belka walks out of the castle with an air of authority. Their calm gaits and smiles inspire confidence in the people. They can't wait for the main show to start.

Moving up a grand stage, built before the parade. The top brass of the country receives respectful bows from the lower nobility and officers in charge of helping them run the state. It surprises many of them when instead of giving a speech to address the people right away, the Empresses move to their thrones after a short meet and greet. Still, the people watch on with interest. Clearly, this parade is different than the ones before, judging from the already presented military soldiers, neatly lined up in square formations in front of the grand stage. Behind them lays something that has been covered with a black tarp. The object is resting on a platform being pulled by half-tracks. The only one missing here is the Crown Princess of Belka.

With all the VIPs situated, the atmosphere falls into pleasant silence until the clock tower struck 10 am sharp. Then, the sonorous sound of multiple bells rings out from across the entire nation of Belka, creating a never seen mood. The promised time has arrived.

The bells ring for exactly one minute before stopping, letting a melodious, yet solemn, female voice take its place. For the majority of people, this is the first time they hear the voice of their Crown Princess.

"Today, we stand at Berlin, the proud capital of our Reich, the land of our Holy Mother Goddess. For the grace and lives that have been bestowed upon us... Salute!" It's unknown where is the Princess currently, yet, per her words, all the military officers present stamp their feet once. The sound echoes straight into the heart of the people as they watch a simultaneous splendid salute being performed by hundreds of officers. Right after that, the military bands begin playing the music conceived during the founding period of Belka, titled: The Sacred War.

With the start of the music, a squad hoisting up the Belkan national banner and the flag of the Yggdrasil Pantheon moves down in front of the military formations from the left. Back straight and head held high, the officer in the front moves with deliberate steps and a salute. He is followed by members of his squad only this time, their arms swinging forward and backward with each step they make. Two of them are responsible for carrying the flags representing two integral parts of Belka.

Amidst the slow yet awe-inspiring music, the flagbearers march down the parade avenue as an announcer begins to speak in a solemn tone.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"29 years ago, in 1906, we first arrived in the strange new world with hesitant steps. From the ruins of the past, we've banded together, building up the great Belkan Reich that we have right now. During the most tumultuous period of our Reich, we've shed blood and tears to protect our people and our sovereignty from an unjust war, the Great War. Since then we have founded peaceful coexistence between races, and have achieved prosperity for our nation. Yet, once again war has reached our doorstep, once again, our ways of life are spat upon by the world at large." Letting his words sink for a few seconds, the speaker then takes on a more spirited voice. "But fret naught and fear naught! For our nation is blessed by the Mother Goddess! For our nation is home to her brave children! For our nation is the bastion of our stalwart heroes! The Belkan Reich will stand! The Reich will never succumb, never falter under the test of time. Glory to the Reich and those who serve her!"

As if on cue, his inspiring speech prompted the civilians watching to subconsciously salute in pride. The touching words have stroked their love for their nation, their home, and most important of all, their brothers and sisters living under the same banners. Unknown to most of them, the speech was designed by Yuki and had been given to a Väinämöinen, a demigod that possessed a potent, magical singing voice. It's no wonder why the people are so enraptured by the speech.

The flagbearers proceed to march to the other end of the formations before spinning on their heels, looking at the path that they just walked. With a few more steps, they are now at the forefront of the military formations, right when the Sacred War is at the last few notes. 

"At ease!" Väinämöinen said, letting the officers and people stop the salute. With that, the square now falls into another lull.

Then, from the gate of the Obsidian Castle, an open-top Mercedes drives out. Standing tall in the rear compartment is no one else than Yuki, Crown Princess of Belka. As the vehicle drives slowly to the assembling soldiers, Yuki and the female driver, Lieutenant Erika Hartmann, puts on their officer caps.

With the arrival of Yuki, Väinämöinen announces. "Her Highness Yukia Rosetta de Venusian, Princess of Iron and Blood, Crown Princess of the Belkan Reich has arrived. To her, we salute!"

Once again, with a stomp of their feet, they salute the Princess. Only this time, it's the entire military that greets the Princess. An action to which Yuki also does a salute of her own.

The music picks up again in a slow marching song, titled 25 years of the Belkan Army. The song most noticeable played when the Ghost Division was marching on Ustian soil.

Under the ongoing salutes, Yuki arrives at the forefront of the military formations. With a cursory scan of the assembly, no doubt you will notice that the majority of the soldiers and officers there are of the 404th Division. Standing in the middle, Yuki pivots in place, looking at the grand stage where the Belkan Empresses are. Of course, she is still saluting.

When the music stops, Yuki speaks up in a calm yet strong voice. "Major General Yukia Rosetta, reporting for active duty, Your Majesties!"

For the people watching on live television, the camera is now pointing at the Empresses who nod at Yuki's words in silence. On their face are proud smiles when they witnessed Yuki present herself not as a Princess but as an accomplished General.

Yuki returns to her former position and the bands resume their performance. Lieutenant Erika drives the Mercedes to the end of the assembly before turning the vehicle around, now in front of the flag bearers from before. During the short drive, members of the Ghost Division sing.

"Hail! Hail! Hail!"

When the car stops, so does the music. Yuki now turns to her troops. 

"Who are we!?"

Just like one single organism, the thousands of soldiers under her chant with overwhelming spirits. The display encourages the Belkans while in different a corner of the square, the foreign dignitaries receive a rush of chill to their back.

"First in the line of fire!"

Picking up the intensity, Yuki shouts the question again.

"Who are we!?"

Another synchronous chant.

"First into hostile land!"

And again.

"Who are we!?"

This time, the troops chant the moniker the Ustians gave them.


Yuki asks again, this time her lips curve into a proud smile.

"Who are we!?"

In response, the soldiers said their Wehrmacht designation with heads held high.

"The Panzer Elite!" 

"Who are we!?"

"404th!" Came their Division number.

With one final deep breath, Yuki asks for the last time, her zeal beats the ones before. And the answer comes with much stronger intensity.



Such morale! Such present! Such zeal! The force in their response, their belief, has knocked the hats off many people! Their aura shocks even their own comrades in the viewing seats not to mention the foreign dignitaries. A few diplomats have to excuse themselves, scared witless from the Ghost Division's powerful oppression. It will take some time for them to regain their spirits, many thanks to the bathrooms.

As for the Empresses and Elysia, the girl is sitting behind the thrones next to her father. They all have the proudest smiles they can muster.

With their affiliation made clear to all, the music returns. Erika drives forward once again, moving closer to the first infantries formation of the assembly. Turning to salute the officer at the forefront, surprisingly it's Bryn and her Night Witches behind her, Yuki asks.

"Comrades, who are you?"

As expected, it's Bryn who responds with calm and confidence. "We're the Special Operations Group, Night Witches!"

With a nod, Yuki gives her speech. "Your actions of performing recons, sabotage, and battlefield support deep behind the enemy line have granted us unmatched strategic advantages over the course of our campaign. Usually operating at the spearhead for any and all operations, you have sacrificed many things to ensure our operational integrity. For your service, I offer you my gratitude as your General and as the Crown Princess of the Reich."

With her concluding words, Yuki faces forward again. With that cue, Erika steps on the throttle gently and the bands resume playing. As the car moves forward, the Night Witches, arms holding Kar 98s and Mp-25s close to their chest, chant: "Hail! Hail! Hail!" while looking at their commander-in-chief.

Under the cheering, Yuki arrives in front of the next group. "Comrades, who are you?"

The dark elves, Captain Quellec, represent his fellow troopers and answers. "We're the Special Operations Group, Storm Troopers!"

Nodding in response, Yuki says. "The Storm Troopers, renowned for immense courage and resourcefulness in face of overwhelming odds. Unbreakable under the most atrocious of situations, your stalwartness has given us the strength to stand strong in front of any adversity. Your valiant was unmatched and for that, you have my thanks."

Just like before, Yuki moves forward under the constant cheering from the Storm Troopers who are holding Mp-25s. By now, you should have noticed the theme and pattern of this parade.

Arriving in front of a group that consisted of the majority of the 404th, Yuki addresses them.

"Comrades, who are you?" Same words as before with the differences being the answers and responses.

Major Aleph Morrick, standing in black ceremonial attire with medals pinned to his chest, exclaims his answer. "We are the Panzer Grenadiers Group, the mainstay of the Division!"

To his words, Yuki says. "Riding in beasts of steel and breathing out fiery breaths. The Grenadiers are indispensable for any and all operations then, now, and in the future. Without you, there would be no division, no army. It's thanks to your unquenchable fire that we have achieved everything that we stand for. My gratitude goes to you all, Panzer Grenadiers."

With a multitude of different armaments and equipment in the Belkan arsenal. The Panzer Grenadiers Group is a combination of Grenadiers, scouts, pioneers, anti-tank units, field replacement soldiers, medics, and communication troops.

Moving forward under even more intense cheering from the Panzer Grenadier group. Yuki arrives at the last major foot-mobile group in her division. "Comrades, who are you?"

This time, a Colonel, one Ganer Spiele, steps up. He's a familiar face, being the one to hype up the C96E for her soldiers from a long time ago. Though it feels like yesterday in Yuki's memory.

"We are the Logistics Group of the 404th! Well fed, well stocked, well prepared, and well fought! That is what we help the Division achieve! That is our motto!"

"Well said from the unsung heroes! The Witches roam the night sky, the Troopers storm hardened trenches, the Grenadiers charge with mighty force... None of them are possible without your uninterrupted aid! With you around, we can and will fight with unconquerable spirit for we trust no one else to support us but you!" 

Yuki's assertion, even though she didn't say thanks like before, prompts the loudest cheering yet. The entire Logistics Group has never felt so invigorated before. For the first time in history, logistics finally has the respect it deserved.

Yuki's speech, though short, has successfully changed not a small number of the Belkan military cadre's view on the importance of logistics. All thanks to the current atmosphere and prior battlefield reports on the 404th's unprecedented feats. One of them is General Belladonna who has received a crash course on proper logistics management from the time she rushed her army to Arash. In the future, she will be of great help to Yuki's campaigns thanks to her view.

Moving on, Yuki finally arrived at the last group, perhaps the most important one in the assembly. Unlike the previous ones, this is the only infantry group to have motorized vehicles in the mix. It's a requirement, after all, for the soldiers here are those that paid the price in blood for the 404th's cause. 

With a voice, much more solemn and respectful than before, Yuki asks one last time. "Heroes of the Reich, may I ask for your names?"

Standing on the back of an open-top Opel Blitz, a grizzled veteran that's missing an arm answers. "We are the Iron of the tank that shed its skin for its crew to live. We are the Blood that was spilled to protect our comrades-in-arms so that they live to fight another day. We are the Fallen that watch with glee as our friends achieve what we can't accomplish. We are the Unknown Soldiers!"

With his words as a cue, the black tarp that has been covering the mysterious object is pulled away. This reveals a 1-to-1 size bronze statue that depicted an ongoing battlefield. To the astonishment of many, it's a recreation of a Panzer III blocking incoming attacks, covering the wounded and injured behind it as those still combat-capable return fire at the enemy. However, none of the soldiers depicted on the statue have a face. They remain featureless befitting of the name For the Unknown Soldiers, carved on the base of the statue.

With such a grand reveal, only now are the people reminded of the price of war. To protect their home, and their belief, many have paid the ultimate price. It's a sobering moment, yet this only serves to rouse the dormant patriotic spirits in many young men and women across the Reich. They now have a deeper sense of appreciation for the heroes that have been fighting for them all this time.

The foreign diplomats, particularly those from the Ustian Reformists faction, lament the fact that their country is such spirit after witnessing such a display.

Yuki knows that better to waste useless words and pleasantries in front of the true heroes of the Reich. Thus she expresses her deepest thanks. "In lieu of the entire Belkan Reich, I offer our deepest gratitude towards you all." She bows at the end, yet no one finds it strange for her to do so. 

The combat veterans in the group and even some of the spectators have tears in their eyes. They hail for the Princess as she moves past them and approaches the grand stage. Under the accompaniment of music, Yuki soon reaches the foot of the stage.

Stepping off the Mercedes, Yuki makes her way up the stage and to the front of the thrones. Pivoting in place, Yuki stops the salute before kneeling down in an expression of allegiance to the Belkan Empresses.

"Reporting to Your Majesties, the entirety of the 404th Division is presented before you and is awaiting your command."

Acknowledging Yuki's words with a nod, Lu gives her the motion to stand up. "You may rise."

Yuki rises, yet, still keeping a respectful stance to the Empresses. She awaits the next move from her mothers.

Seeing this, Lu represents the Royal family and rises to her feet. With a few deliberate steps, she soon arrives in front of Yuki. Putting a hand on her daughter's cheek, Lu says with a smile. "My daughter, I am so very proud of you as your mother."

Moving her hand to grasp Yuki's, Lu leads her daughter next to a podium. Letting Yuki stand to her side, Lu turns to address the crowd below.

"Citizen of Belka, it's I your Empress Lucifer."  With her hands on the podium, Lu basks under the watchful eyes of millions. Without using a script, she goes on to say the rest of her speech. "A long time ago, I stand here, announcing to you all my... Our adoption of my daughter, a human, and raising her as the Crown Princess of the Reich. At that time, to say people are skeptical about her ability is an understatement. But today! Here we are!"

With a hand pointing at Yuki, Lu says. "My daughter has proven her mettle through trials by fire. Her talent shone brightly like the Northern Star and through her, we have achieved a never seen before victory! My daughter, Yukia, has carved her name on the pages of history through sheer will and commitment to the Reich at large. Our enemies crumble beneath her feet while our soldiers wade forth with unwavering steps beneath her command. In one day, Yukia carved a deep wound into Ustian soil. In a week, White Rock fortress has fallen. And in a month, Arash is now ours. 

Hence, by my authority as the Empress, with the consent from the governmental body of Belka, and the blessing of the Mother Goddess herself. It's my honor to say that Major General and Crown Princess of Belka, Yukia Rosetta de Venusian will be bestowed the revered position of Reich Marshal. A position second in power only to the position of Empress in matters of warfare and military development! Long may her talent reign supreme on the battlefield and long may her ever-watchful gaze protect our lands!"

Lu's announcement comes like a storm to the citizens of Belka. Nonetheless, they're ecstatic when the news finally sinks in. They have long admired the heroic tale of Yuki's rise to power. Having her place on the pedestal that is the Reich Marshal, only further cements their belief of her being the invincible heroine that Belka needs. The crowd waves and cheers with unprecedented joy while the Ghost Division salutes. All mouthing the same words. "Hail the Reich Marshal! Long may she reigns!"

As for the foreign representatives, many are sporting thoughtful looks on their faces. Some are wary that having Yuki in power only serves to further complicate the current political climate. While a few think that now is a good time to make a connection to this new power figure in Europe. They all tactfully agree that a time of change has come.

"Now, I present to you the Reich Marshal. She has a few words to say." Lu steps down, handing over the stage to Yuki. She encourages her daughter with a smile before stepping behind her.

Striding forward confidently, Yuki faces the crowd. Her face has an ever-present smile.

"People of Belka, soldiers on the frontline. Just as you have seen and heard, I am now the Reich Marshal of Belka. Now the supreme leader of the military, answering to the Empresses themselves." With one glance, Yuki scans the attentive crowd before her. "Many of you have heard, read, or even witnessed my stories firsthand. Hence, I won't be rehashing any of those. Yet, few properly know the actual reasoning behind my actions. After all, matters of the state can't be discussed clearly. Nonetheless, I am safe to tell you about my motives, the drive that presses me into doing what I did."

Yuki stops for a bit, setting up the atmosphere for what's coming next. "When I first woke up on that plane, an injury to the head, I realize that as a leader, I can't be the passive one. You can't take a punch and not retaliate, by not doing so, you're letting others trample upon you, ruining whatever thing that you're protecting. So, I gathered myself an army, my Ghost Division, and together, I stabilized the frontline and hit the Ustians back tenfold!"

Yuki emphasizes the last part by squeezing her fist together. "Yet, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. For a long time, we have been paying too much attention to the visible enemy that is Ustio, completely ignoring the festering corruption in our midst. In the heyday of the war, a part of the wood elves community, driven by greed and manipulation from a third party, had slowly moved against their compatriots, their fellow Belkans!"


Raising her hand, Yuki puts a finger on her eyepatch. Her action and words spark a moment of rage from the citizens while the wood elves presented hung their heads in shame. Putting forth a hand to stop the brewing commotion, making sure that the atmosphere won't go out of control, Yuki says.

"Citizens, please! Though it came at a cost, notably my injured to the eye, the Belkan government has successfully rooted out the unwanted part of our society! Those that are next to you are your friends, your fellow countrymen regardless of their race. Don't misjudge them for the action of the few! Soon, a wave of changes, directed by the Empresses and myself, will be rolled out. And with that, Belka will be revitalized and stronger than ever before! Nonetheless, for us to make our nation great again, we can't do so without your help! So, I hereby ask, citizens of Belka, are you with us!?"

Raising a fist in the air, Yuki's words cause a roar of excitement from below as they all raise their fists high. Though the speech is short, the build-up from the start to here is more than enough to garner the support of the nation as a whole. It needs another raise of hand from Yuki to cool down the atmosphere so that she can move on to the next subject.

"Previously, I said I won't rehash any of my feats of warfare, so I won't. But I will say what I and the Reich as a whole have gained from the campaign. Rather than us losing ground, we have gained 200 km of land starting from the old frontline! We captured numerous small towns and cities and most important of all, the economic hub that is Arash is under our control. Yet, to me, the most important gain of all is not those, but rather a friend of the same stature. I present to you, Princess Rosa Bonaparte, a member of the Royal Ustian family!"

From the VIP seat, Princess Rosa steps up, showing off her blue dress for the first time. Many are surprised by her presence, and they all wonder what is the deal with her and the Princess of Belka. It takes but a few seconds for the two princesses to stand side by side.

"It's my honor to be here, Princess Yukia." Rosa performs a proper royal curtsy while Yuki just chuckles.

"Please, I did say we are friends, don't be too regal and make me lose face in front of my people." Surprisingly, Yuki jests in front of millions.

For some, this rings warning bells in their heads. Yuki's action signifies a deeper political tie than what is suggested. Rosa just smiles and nods, letting Yuki call the shot. Meaning Yuki is the one to hold the upper end in their relationship.

"This here, is Rosa, a valiant princess and an admirable friend on a personal level. During my forays into Ustio, I've learned that Ustio too, has its fair share of corruption and unjustness. The upper echelon of their country committed many crimes against their own, not just us. They have turned their own king into their puppet while they, themselves, rob their people and wage an unjust war on us. Many of their crimes also include the enslavement of non-human races, an action that disgusts just us but also Rosa over here."

At first, the people are visibly uncomfortable, yet they choose not to act out on their feelings. The Reich Marshal is not done.

Turning to look at the Princess of Ustio, Yuki says with a smile. "Rosa has been fighting against the darkness of her country, building her own faction from the ground up. She is the one who has been harboring our stranded brothers and sisters that have been treated like slaves under a yoke of tyranny! When we confronted each other at Arash, we soon reach a common ground due to our relatable circumstances. From foes, we turn to acquaintances. Over the course of the battle for Arash, we move on to become friends."

Yuki then steps to the side, letting Rosa says the final words. "And right here, we have decided to be the staunchest of allies!"

With a smile of her own, Yuki adds. "That's correct! From now on, the Belkan Reich is establishing a military alliance with the Ustian Reformist faction! The faction is headed by Princess Rosa herself and together, we will end this unjust war and bring peace to both our countries!"

Rosa speaks up. "Our resolution is that in the future, our two nations can look at each other, not as enemies, but as brothers and sisters, people that share the same Earth together! So please, citizens of Belka and Ustio, help us realize our dream!"

The sight of the two Princesses bowing toward the audience causes an eruption on a nationwide scale. An alliance between the two populace that has been waging war against each other was unthinkable. But now, the two populations hold high hope that maybe one day, they can stop this war and move on to become what their Princesses have been hoping for.

So, following the trends from before, the crowd cheers and hails for the Reich Marshal, the hope for a new era. "Hail! Hail! Hail!"

With smiles on their faces, the Princesses leave the podium. Yuki part ways, heading down for the Mercedes, while Rosa leaves for her seat. 

The bands resume playing, this time the national anthem for Belka is in full swing. During each climax of the song, the nearby artillery battery will fire. Causing the people's hearts to be pumped with adrenaline and excitement. It's not every day that you can be injected with such an experience, after all.

By the end of the anthem, Yuki is now back in front of the Ghost Division's assembly. Standing at the ready, Yuki shouts her orders.

"Ghost Division... Attention!" Heels are brought together and on the same line. Feet are turned out equally, forming a 45° angle with each other, knees straight but without stiffness. Chest up, shoulders back, and level. Eyes looking straight to the front. Their heels are brought together smartly and audibly.

"Present, arms!" Unarmed members render a hand salute. While armed members will render a rifle salute. Yuki, herself, performs a hand salute with her attention on the grand stage.

"Forward, march!" Per her command Erika drives forward at parade speed, followed by the Division's music band playing their marching song.

Coming up behind the band is the Unknown Soldiers formation. Their vehicles rumble down the avenue with a perfect formation, pulling along the bronze statue. 

Following after their tracks is the Logistics group with wide smiles on their faces. Though many aren't armed, as they aren't required to do so. They all maintain a strict marching formation befitting their military experience.

Not far away from the Logistics are the Panzer Grenadiers. This group, though the largest, moves down the lane like a well-oiled machine. Notable examples are the machine gunners hoisting around MG-34s without breaking a sweat.

Behind them is the Storm Troopers decking in their full gear with all of them painted their faces in camo. Even during a ceremonial march, they still carry themselves with a combat-ready atmosphere.

The last to move out is the Night Witches. Headed by Bryn herself, it's a given that the Witches move with grace and finesse. As battle-hardened maidens, they all carried themselves with confident smiles. Causing many of the male populace to observe with reverence while the females and children swoon over them with reverence.

Finally, with the infantries moving ahead, under the cheering of the nearby citizens. Only the bands are still in the square, still playing the music for the upcoming group.

This time, from the other end of the square, comes the rumblings of uncountable vehicles.

Rounding a corner is not one, nor two, but six Panzer IIs! Forming a perfect line, they roll down the parade avenue with their crew turning out to salute. Mere meters behind them are two rows of armed Kubelwagens and motorbikes with sidecars. The machine gunners on them train their MG-34s upward while they turn to salute the stage as they drive past, following the Panzer IIs. 

Coming up behind them are the armored vehicles, namely those of the 221 family armored cars and the 251 half-tracks. Some of the armored cars are armed with 20mm autocannons or machine guns. While the half-tracks can be divided into two groups, unmodified or modified. Unmodified are your bog-standard 251 with a pair of MG-34s. While the Ghost Division's homebrew half-tracks are armed with 37mm anti-tank cannons, flamethrowers, mortar, or anti-air 20mm autocannon. Regardless, they all formed a neat formation that drives forth with unmatched precision.

Such skills shocked the foreign diplomats for they know that their countries may not be able to pull that off.

The next group unsurprisingly consists of Panzer IIIs and Panzer 35s. Only this time the Panzer IIIs receive a visible touch-up. Instead of the short and chubby 75mm cannon, they now sport an unidentifiable long barrel cannon and additional armored skirts in the side and the front. Such a tank model was unheard of, even by the top brass of the Belkan military. You can even see the evidence of confusion on their faces while looking at the new and improved Panzer IIIs. The Panzer IIIs and 35s also have their crews turned out. Their turrets are angled fifteen degrees to the right while their barrels are pointing twenty-five degrees upward.

Last but not least are the mechanized artillery group of the Ghost Division. Shockingly amongst their ranks are the presence of self-propelled artillery pieces! Of the first column of vehicles to appear, six of them are unknown tracked vehicles with each house an open-top turret with a large artillery piece. Those with more experience managed to extrapolate that the vehicle is of a Panzer II chassis with a 105mm howitzer as the armament. Thankfully, what comes next is more familiar to them. Mainly the 251s and Opel Blitzs that are dragging behind artillery pieces.

Thus they also roll off the last of the ground vehicle segment. But suddenly, the sky darkens when a shadow now blocks out a portion of the sky. Many citizens point their hands upward in shock, having witnessed the looming figure above their heads. Unbelievable to them, it's a Zeppelin!

Flying low to the cityscape, the Zeppelin sports the Belkan flag on its sides and are firing off steady streams of yellow acrobatic smoke. Behind it are flights of Bf-109s, Bf-110s, He-111s, and Ju-52s. Spreading evenly across the flanks of the airship, as if they're all in an escort formation with the airship as the center, the first two types of fighter aircraft drop black acrobatic smoke. While the latter types, flying in the middle of the formation, drop trails of yellow smoke. The colorful trails encourage other rounds of applause and cheering from citizens across the country. It's such an awe-inspiring sight.

Finally, when the airshow is over, the musical bands march forward to the stage. The chief conductor salutes the Empresses before directing the bands to march toward the end of the parade. There, the Reich Marshal is waiting.

Knowing that the square will be vacated, Berlin's populace moves orderly under the guidance of local law enforcement toward the next spot of activity. With that, the Reichguards also escort all the VIPs to the gathering for the finishing touch of today is almost upon them.

The location they're all heading to is a scenic lake in the heart of the capital, the Grand Sanctuary of Berlin. There, a major crowd is gathered around the lake, where the bronze statue of the Unknown Soldiers is flanked by a pair of cranes. Yuki is standing in front of the statue, surrounded by bouquets of flowers.

Without a word, the VIPs are directed to stand to the side, waiting for what's about to happen next. 

With the bands in place, Yuki turns around alongside many of her officers to salute the statue and the Belkan anthem starts playing once again. This time, the statue's base is carefully hooked to the cranes before being lifted off slowly from the transport platform and onto a pedestal near the lake. With the deed done, the transports and cranes swiftly vacate the area, leaving behind the newly propped-up monument.

A solemn minute of silence soon follows with the band's stop playing. Only when the minute end, does Yuki moves to pick up a bundle of white flowers from a nearby station and moves up to lay it down on the base of the monument. She then moves to the side, joining the line of Ghost Division officers.

The bands play a piece of somber music, titled 'The Silence' when many Belkan officers follow suit in Yuki's act. None dare says any word when they are useless in the end. Surprisingly, even the normal citizen is allowed to step up and give an offering of flowers at the monument. A simple act that touches the heart string of many watching the live television, now deeply regretting not being there in person.

Unsurprisingly, however, is that the act of giving tribute will go deeply into the night. Yet, Yuki and none of her officers move from the position next to the monument. Against words of advice from even the Empresses, Yuki and her subordinates opt to preside over the tribute ceremony till the very end.

Unknown to them at that time, such an act earned them the deepest respect from not just the Belkan people, but the whole military world at large. Though even if they knew about it, they would just laugh and say that they care more about respect for the dead than for themselves.

This marks the end of Belka's first national holiday known as Victory day. Undoubtedly, this day will continue to exist far longer into the future.



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