Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Epilogue: Aftereffect

Epilogue: Aftereffect


It's half past midnight, yet the city of Berlin can't seem to fall asleep. The city's populace is now in a sudden festive mood, owing to the impressive display during the day. After paying their respect at the Monument of the Unknown Soldiers, many citizens will set out to join the sea of people in the ongoing festival. Different kinds of stalls are set up all over the street, beers, food, games,... You name it, they have it.

Befitting of Belka's tradition that the dead shouldn't be mourned in grief but rather be remembered through a drink. Many adults can be seen moving about with a glass of cold beer in their hands while the children are allowed to enjoy the extremely low alcohol content ginger beer. Even foreign emissaries can't help but be caught up in the atmosphere, joining alongside the common citizens of Belka in tales of laughter and epic. For the moment, they seem to have set aside their differences and just enjoy the rare treat that is tonight. Thankfully, they can drink to their heart's content for the city has raised the security level to the max, subtly of course. None want the festivities to be ruined by some drunkards or people of much worse origins.

In the heart of Berlin, the courtyards of the Obsidian Castle are lit up by lanterns and decorative lights. The Reichguards open up the castle gates, letting children come in and play in the well-kept garden. Yet, unlike the liveliness of the exterior, the interior of the castle has a much more subdued atmosphere.

In one of the many Royal Quarters, off-limit to unauthorized personnel, Yuki's family is now having an impromptu gathering. Lounging around an ornated table with late-night snacks, the host for the night claps her hands together, addressing the women around her.

"Well then, after going through the reports, I can say that we, or more specifically, Yuki, has outdone herself this time." Lu said with a large grin on her face. To say that she is a proud mother would be an understatement. "It's projected that the festival can last for another day. After that, it's expected that we will have a sharp increase in manpower for both the civilian and military sectors."

Hel picks up on what Lu left unsaid. "On the spiritual side of things, many citizens have paid a visit to the Outer Sanctuary. That and many other churches from across the Reich. Of which the majority of the civilians have a keen interest in dwelling deeper into the mysticism of our teachings. It's expected that after the rush from the Victory Parade is over, we will be able to uplift the national identities of our citizens on a nationwide scale. Reinforcing their belief in our leadership and preventing further infiltration of foreign influences.

Elysia nods with a relieved smile. "You have no idea how much I want to hear those words, sisters. I really don't want a repeat of what happened last time." 

Lu chuckles, knowing that the younger girl is still getting over her trauma. "Don't worry too much, from what I've checked earlier, none has taken up a pitchfork to chase you or your brethren."

Hel reassures Elysia. "Please believe that our citizens aren't so narrow-minded. Even if that's the case, Yuki can safely steer them away from you."

Elysia nods. "I will. It's just that I can't quite believe that I'm sitting here with you all." She looks around to take in the lavishly decorated room. "Everything happens so fast."

"Umu," Lu concurs, yet, she offers her explanation. "even I and Hel feel the same. Yet, Yuki has vouched for you and even offered us a detailed analysis of you to convince us to accept you as her love interest."

Hel adds. "And after we cross-referenced the details from the paper and with the real person, we admit that you're one little gem." She smiles while saying. "A gem that fits perfectly well within our weird little family. We don't see any reason why you're not allowed to pursue Yuki. She deserves only the best partners."

Elysia plays with her hair, her cheeks a bit red from their direct answers. "Thanks, I guess? Knowing that I am accepted on an official level puts a weight off my shoulders. Speaking of Yuki, when will she and Bryn returns."

To that, both Lu and Hel sigh, shaking their heads. An action that Elysia also mimics, only this time she is massaging her temple also. Even though they know the reason why Yuki and Bryn are late to the gathering, they really don't want them to harm their health in doing so.

Nonetheless, speaks of the Devil and she will appear. The doors to the quarter are opened, softly, revealing Yuki and Bryn. The former is being carried by the latter.

With a bit of a forced smile, Bryn greets the occupants of the room. "Hi girls, you have a place I can lay our treasure down?" She has been princess-carrying Yuki ever since the girl wobbled at the steps of the castle.

Unknowingly, the moment Bryn picked her up, Yuki fell asleep instantly.

Lu makes room on the sofa for Yuki while Elysia helps her tidy it up. Hel stands up and moves to Bryn to help her check on Yuki. They all have concerned expressions on their faces.

After they situate Yuki comfortably on the sofa, they watch as the girl chest's lifts up and down slowly.

"How is she?" Elysia asked the golden question.

With a hand softly patting Yuki's hair, Hel has the caring expression of a mother taking care of her child after a job well done. The grayish-blue hair woman answers Elysia's query after a few seconds of silence. 

"She is fine, just very tired. For a 15-year-old girl, even though she is blessed by the Mother Goddess, her body can't keep up with the recent workload. Hence, she is now in a deep sleep, I've made sure of that."

Bryn, who has just taken a seat, nods. "Then it's a good thing that you did. Goddess knows how much downtime the girl needs."

Elysia tilts her head, not yet familiar to the workaholic that is Yuki. "Has she always worked this hard?" She then moves to pour a cup of tea for Bryn.

Lu chuckles in response. "You just joined us so you probably still haven't seen her working from 5 to 12, sometimes even pulling an all-nighter!"

Bryn adds while pulling a few strands of her white hair away from her face. "During the campaign, very rarely did she get a full sleep. The situation didn't allow her to do so. Rather, she was content with just a massage and a cup of coffee before heading back to command the battlefield." She stops to accept the warm tea that Elysia hands over with both hands. "Thank you, Elysia."

The pink hair girl just smiles and nods before heading back to her seat. Elysia has a pondering look on her face while saying. "Knowing her working her life off like that, I can't help but feel very useless. Is there really nothing I can do to help?"

Bryn stays silent for she is also feeling inadequate herself, her face says it all. Lu and Hel are about to say something when another voice interjects. 

"As you are right now, you won't be able to help much."

The voice, though melodious to the ears, contains an air of aloofness as if the person is leagues above them all. Well, it's not a wrong description for she is Yggdrasil, the Mother Goddess herself.

They all turn to look at the new arrival, now the most beautiful woman in the room, as she strides to where they are sitting. To her right is a black-haired girl with a sleepy expression, who else but Yuki's sister Ningyo. 

"During my walk here, I notice the little girl is having a hard time sleeping alone." Yggdra said while leading Ningyo to Yuki's sofa. "Hence, I bring her here to join her sister. Maybe with that, she will have a comfortable sleep."

Yet, no one is able to say anything, for they are in a state of disbelief. Every fiber of their beings is screaming out to bow down before the holy presence that's in front of them. Hel, being the Pope of the Yggdrasil Pantheon, is hit the hardest. She forgets to breathe when Yggdra strolls past her to tuck Ningyo next to Yuki, her hands gently rearranging the blanket for both sisters to be covered carefully.

With the deed admirably, Yggdra diverts her sapphire eyes to scan the women in the room, her lips curving into an amused smirk. It seems like she has subconsciously asserted her dominance as the Queen in this little gathering. While she can feel smug about it, it won't be good if they develop a sense of inferiority because of it. So, with a snap of her fingers, Yggdra swaps out her Goddess attire, the one she used to wear when Yuki first woke up, to something more... Homely. Yggdra opts for a one-piece dark blue dress with a starry finish at the hemp while her crown is swapped over for a small white tiara.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Feeling satisfied with her choice, Yggdra picks an unoccupied chair to rest her legs there. She dials back her presence, causing others to sigh in relief. Knowing full well that they won't be the first to talk, Yggdra breaks the ice by continuing with the previous discussion.

"As I was saying, right now you're a bit immature in your ability, little Elysia." Yggdra notices Elysia flinches, yet her ears are perking up in an attentive way. The other women in the room also listen with interest, they've moved past their initial awe. Yggdra does a mental nod at their mentality, they can't be shocked by her whenever she visits Yuki. "By now, Yuki should have explained to you what the Archive is. Yet, she has significantly downplayed matter very much."

Yggdra stops to pick her words carefully, in an attempt to not cause any misunderstanding. "Yuki doesn't attach much importance to the Archive since she can pretty much accomplish anything the Archive can teach, given enough time. Hence, she has neglected that the Archive, while its knowledge can be unlocked over time, slowly. You can also speed up the process by nurturing your body, mind, and soul with some training."

Looking at Elysia deep in the eye, Yggdra offers. "I can teach you the ways to train. After all, the Archive is of the same origin as me, so I am perhaps the only person in the world that can show you how to use it safely. Are you interested, little one?"

Elysia and the rest are shocked to hear that the Archive is hailed from the same origin as Yggdra. Meaning, Avera had been lugging a very, very ancient relic right under their noses. They feel dumb not noticing it sooner. Shaking their heads out of their stupor, it's Elysia who frantically speaks up first, waving her hands around.

"Wait, wait, wait! Mother Goddess, why!? How!? What!?" The poor high elf is in full panic mode. So much so that her response is incomprehensible.

Yggdra chuckles at her antic as the rest watch on, not knowing what to say. 

"You can say that it's me watching out for a fellow sister of mine, for we" Yggdra gestures to everyone in the room. "are the people that care and love Yuki, a lot. Suffices to say that we must also help each other to lighten the loads on Yuki's small shoulders, am I right?"

Yggdra's stance on the matter, ease up their tensions. If, at first, they didn't know how to treat this Goddess. Now they can rest at ease that Yggdra is another sister-in-love, just like they are.

Though they have no doubt that the position of Queen or Alpha in Yuki's harem will belong to Yggdra now, after the entrance she made. Perhaps only Lu feels a bit regrettable that she won't be the dominant one, for she is the Devil, after all.

It's Hel that speaks up first.


"Please, just call me Yggdra like how Yuki is. We're all family now, aren't we." Yggdra interjected with an encouraging smile. It's a bit off-putting when Yggdra looks as young as them but she treats them like her daughters. Goes to say that the title of Mother Goddess is very deserving that is what's on everyone's mind.

"...Yggdra, it gladdened me to see you at our family gathering. Though Yuki had mentioned that you will be visiting us soon, we didn't expect you will arrive on such short notice. Please excuse our lack of courtesy." Hel bowed down with Elysia, Bryn and Lu mimicking the action. It's a given for Hel to do that since she's Yggdra's Pope while Elysia, Bryn and Lu did it out of respect.

"Apology accepted." Yggdra said to push the discussion forward. She really doesn't care about much decorum, just the basic of respect is fine for her.

With that out of the way, the moment has come for Elysia to decide whether to say yes, or not. Hel decides to offer the girl a piece of advice.

"Elysia, listen and choose your answer wisely. With what I've come to know about the Archive according to our previous discussion, I know that the Archive is rooted in your soul. Matters of the soul must be treated very carefully based on my experience as Goddess of Life and Death. Right now, you have two choices. One is to wait and as you grow older, your soul will become stronger naturally and with that, you can slowly unravel the Archive. This offers the least risk, yet it will take up a large portion of your life for it to bear fruits. On the other hand, you can take up on Yggdra's offer, training yourself in a controlled environment. The result will be your very existence that grows stronger while reducing the time required to unlock the Archive by a large margin at the very least. This, however, will require you to pour in a ceaseless amount of effort, blood, and tears."

Looking at Elysia in the eyes, Hel adds. "Strengthening your mind and body would be an easy task for any of us, yet, the soul would require you to complete many trials. Ones that may even result in your untimely death. I do not need to warn you how that may affect Yuki now, do I? Not to mention the fact that a large portion of your time will be spent away from Yuki."

Elysia falls into a contemplative mood. Her head lowered to weigh the pros and cons carefully. 

Lu chooses this moment to speak up, albeit a bit cryptically. "Elysia, this offer, by itself, is already a trial. Think of it like that." Without waiting for a response, Lu joins Bryn in partaking in the refreshments on the table. Bryn herself knows what she will do when faced with an offer like that. She just hope that Elysia will have the gut to do the same.

Yggdra let the pink-haired girl ponders in relative peace, opting to discuss fine details in the working of the Reich with the three other women. She is relieved to hear that everything is in working order after the trip she made to complete the task Yuki handed over. As the talk gradually dials down to discuss the daily life of young Yuki, Elysia has already decided on her answer.

Noticing the shift in her demeanor, Yggdra awaits Elysia's response with an expectant smile. 

"I... will take up on your offer, Yggdra." Elysia bowed down, conviction filled her voice. "Please take care of me."

With a smile, Yggdra helps Elysia up. Bryn, having watched the interaction, comments about her decision. "You have picked the right choice, Elysia. For if you don't have the heart to stand trials by fire, taking the easy way out, I don't think you will be suitable to stand alongside Yuki as her wife."

Lu, Hel, and even Yggdra nod, with Yggdra saying. "Bryn said correctly, we would have been very disappointed if your love for Yuki only amounted to that much. Though as Yuki has already accepted you, we probably won't do anything against you." 

Yggdra pats the girl on the head, pleased that Elysia has the backbone of a strong lady. "To reassure you even more of your choice, I will use all of my power to make sure that you become stronger, safely."

Knowing that this has been a test, all along, Elysia slumps down on her chair in relief. Yet, she has a big smile on her face, for she knows that the biggest hurdle, earning the respect of Yuki's family, has been crossed successfully. 

Looking over at the pair of sleeping sisters, an action that the older ladies detected, Elysia vows to work hard to be able to support the pair of thin shoulders.

The older women in the room share a look with each other, smiling that Yuki, at last, has found a love interest of similar age. For they all are lacking in one thing, in particular, the youth to be adventurous like Elysia and Yuki.


POV: Dana Elvidge.

It's been a few days since I picked up the secretary job for the Prime Minister. The man is an odd one, to say the least.

Always arrive at work at 6:30 sharp in the morning. His first sentence when he arrives at the secretary's desk will be.

"Get me a glass of milk, will you?"

I answer with a nod of my head. "I will have one ready for you, sir. Do you want it warm or cold today?" The man has a habit of drinking either warm or cold milk. This depends entirely on his mood for the day.

"A cold one." And with that, I know that he is pissed.

Nodding at his answer, I move to the kitchen area to request the chief for a cold glass. The burly man ignores my action as he pushes open the door to his office. Unlike most people, he tends to do the minor stuff on his own, lightening my workload. Probably also the reason why he isn't a fat lecherous bastard.

Minutes later, I am now knocking on his door, asking for permission to come in with his order.

"It's unlocked!" Came the gruff voice.

I open it up, stepping into the carpeted room with a tray in my hands. Picking up the chilled glass of milk before placing it down on the table's cup holder, I then await further orders. I may or may have not used the chance to scan for any possible information, again.

The Prime Minister acknowledges my action with a muffled grunt, his right-hand moves to take a hold of the glass while his left is holding up today's newspaper. Oddly enough, the newspaper is from the publisher La Revolution Nationale, one that is now a firm supporter of the Ustian Reformists.

I watch as he takes a large gulp from the glass before laying it down, his hands turning another page of the paper. I hand him a handkerchief for him to wipe his beard.

"Thank you, Miss Elvidge." The man is also very polite to the fairer sex. Reading along the neatly printed lines and surprisingly high-quality pictures, the Minister comments. "Even though La Revolution is an enemy propaganda tool, the contents it publishes daily are the truth and nothing but the truth. Surprisingly informative for people of higher learning, I suggest you also pick up the habit of reading from this publisher. For they aren't brain dead and reflect the true struggle in Ustio, from both sides of the conflict."

Though I nod, I still can't help but ask. "But sir isn't this publisher blacklisted by the government? I don't think I want to risk my job to just take a look at this."

The Prime Minister waves my concern off, his lips curving up in amusement. "Bah! Those pig-like police officers won't be out and about to stop any vendor from selling the papers unless one is stupid enough to show it in broad daylight. And besides, you're my secretary, whoever crosses you mean crossing me."

Letting out a small smile, I say. "Then perhaps I will do so, starting tomorrow. I'm a bit curious about our countrymen on the other side of that trench."

The Minister explains, turning over another page. "Better than the common rabbles here, that's for sure. We have been lacking young men to work on the heavier side of our industry, ever since I sent most of them to the frontline. Now, we have a shortage of many daily necessities, a majority of things must be rationed across our territories. If not for my iron grip on the nation, major rebellions would be the least of my concern."

Pondering his words, I ask. "Do you regret it, sir? Plunging the state into this mess?"

If it was any other Minister that I asked this, I would have landed myself a firing notice. But this one is not like them.

With his face showing no remorse, he replies matter-of-factly. "No, I do not. At the end of the day, I am paid to do this job. I do what needs to be done and I accept the consequence of doing so. For if not me right now holding this seat, another will take place and that person may be even worse than me. Trust me, I've met my fair share of replacements." Turning to look at me, the Minister shrugs. "Didn't end well."

Some words are better left unsaid.

The Minister then shows me one of the pictures in the newspaper, it's one from the recent Victory Parade over Belka. "You see how advance they are in terms of military might?" Pointing at a modified Panzer III, he then says. "Though I'm not one the cleverest of the military head, I can say for sure that entire Europe is lacking behind the technological department of Belka for ten years. See this paper, fine inks and details, such intricacy can only come from a nation that's more advance than ours. A common fact that the leaderships of Ustio, Eurusea, and Sardegna fail to comprehend."

He stops, mulling his words. "For if even a paper they make can be like this, just how much do they trump us in terms of military quality? Food for thoughts."

I nod at his words, commenting. "Then it does look like the prospect for us is grim. Though, don't we have time to catch up with them, sir?"

Shaking his head, the Minister explains. "Currently, Ustio has been brought down to its knee, from both mine and Eurusea's doings. To revitalize the country, we need outside resources. Yet, the colonies have taken the stance of neutrality, waiting for the victor in our ongoing power struggle. That leaves only Erusea for us to call in some aid, which no doubt will cost us an arm and a leg later down the line."

The minister suddenly sports a cruel smirk on his face, albeit only for a few seconds. I, however, noted it down.

"Regardless, they can only ask for payment when we finally seize the ultimate victory. Mind you, that prospect is very slim."

"If you don't mind me asking, sir. Why are you doing this? Why go so far?"

The Minister lets out a sarcastic remark. "What, have you fallen so deep for that you're now caring, lass?"

Shaking my head at the jest, I calmly reply. "While you may be a cool gentleman, I don't think I've ever found you attractive, sir."

Faking a hurt expression, the Minister then clutches his chest, saying. "Your words feel like a thousand stabs to the heart." He suddenly switches gears, moving back to the calm facade from before. "As for your questions, I'm afraid my reasoning is on a need-to-know basis."

The man then finishes up his glass of milk, handing it over to me. "Clean it up for me will you, I have an inkling that today will be a long day at work."

Nodding in response, I excuse myself from the room.

The Prime Minister is right. After what occurred in Belka, every department is swarmed with work as a response. I would have to compile the information I've gathered at a later time.


POV: Jeffrey Iverson

Finishing up the last batch of pita and matzo, I and my assistant put them into the ovens, baking them in advance of the morning rush hour. Clapping my hands a few times together, sending off a cloud of flour in the air, I turn to address brother Ross who has just ringed the bell of our bakery.

"Brother Rosh, as early as ever, I see!"

The middle-aged uncle with a nice set of beards laughs in response. "Not as early as you! Tell me, how is business lately?"

I nod at him, gesturing to head inside my small office while saying. "Better than I expected for an up-and-coming shop. People like our pita, using them as a replacement for a sandwich, while matzo is hunted to be eaten with jam and butter." I turn to look at brother Ross, offering a chair for him to sit on. "Business is booming."

With a pleased smile on his face, brother Ross sit down while putting his briefcase on a nearby table. "That's great to hear! You will need not just the money but also the people's support. What better than to gain the former by worming your way inside their stomach!"

Agreeing with his words with a nod, I ask the question of the day, an anxious tone in my voice. "Brother, have my ideas been accepted by our people?"

Putting on a serious face, brother Ross nods. He then opens up the briefcase, taking out a stack of documents before handing it over to me.

"Not just accepted but they even pledge to sponsor your campaign!" He said with a big grin on with that long beard of his.

Shakingly accepting the document, and checking its authenticity, I struggle to form words once everything checks out. Noticing my lack of response, brother Ross speaks up with a hand on my shoulder. 

"Jeffrey, my boy, you're a young man with a grand dream. From the short while, we have known you, you've proven yourself to have the backbone to achieve that dream. The best we can do as old-timers are to support you in your journey. We have lost Jerusalem to Sardegna, we can now only carve a piece of our own in this world then." Brother Ross suddenly stops, faking a serious expression. "Boy, I invest I helluva lot in this endeavor so don't fuck this up! Else I will force you to supply my nine generations with your matzo, for free!"

That wakes me up from my stupor, deciding to go along with the joke, I shake off his hand. "Sod off, old man! You either pay it in full or leave it!"

We both look at each other for a bit before laughing out loud wholeheartedly. Truly, it feels good to have a friend you can rely on in a foreign land.

"Oh! Before I forget!" Brother Ross suddenly pulls out a newspaper. He flips the page until it shows me a black-and-white picture. 

"Belka's majestic Victory Parade... Heard it's all the rage right now." I commented, not knowing why he show the picture to me.

"Are you blind?" He points a finger at a spot on the stage, where the VIPs were seated. "That here is Lady Elysia you baboon!"

My eyes shot up in surprise, double-checking the lady in the picture to make sure. "Seriously!? Thanks the Heaven that she is alright!"

Nodding his head, brother Ross says. "Now that's a load off our shoulders, knowing that our benefactor is alright. What will you do next?" He then folds the newspaper, having no more use for it.

"Aye, I can now think clearly. My plan is to create a sanctuary for our people, the Jews. However, to do that we need support from not just our people, but also the world at large." I open a drawer and inside are documents about the local gangs of African descent. "My plan is to get the backing of ethnic minorities, those that are discriminated upon. Together, we will band up and create a political movement in the USA, seizing the rights of equality and freedom. It will be hard but given enough time, even the white people will support us if we play our cards right."

I stop before adding. "That and a load of money."

Brother Ross nods. "True that."

We then continue our discussion until it is time to open up my bakery.


POV: 3rd person

Captain Quellec is now standing in front of Brigadier Alexa's office, once again. Though this time, he knows for sure it's not about promotion, but more of a transfer order.

"Come in!"

With permission granted by the occupant, Quellec opens the door and heading, saluting the Brigadier right after. The woman in question dismisses his salute, promptly saying.

"Captain, you've shown impressive valor during the Division's campaign, for that, I commend you once again. Regardless, you're also known for your talent in acts of subtlety and off-the-book operations. With the upcoming changes to our intelligence agency, the Major General has seen fit to offer you and your team a slot in it. Mainly, you will be in charge of espionage, counter-intelligence, extraction of valuable assets, removal of HVTs, and so on... Everything that fits a nondescript field operation, will be your duty. That is if you will accept the transfer."

Stopping to gauge Captain Quellec's action, Alexa is a bit amused that the man remains stoic. Though she knows that he is thinking things through. "I need not explain to you that most of your work will be a thankless one. Should you stumble and fail somewhere, a nameless grave will be your end. Those should have been explained by the Major General during the first days of Arash."

"So where do I sign up?" Undeterred, Quellec asks his superior.

Alexa just laughs at his choice of words. "There's no paper for you to sign, Captain. All are off the book." She then telepathically sends a set of instructions to Quellec. "Your new job starts now, Captain, best double time. And one more thing, pick a new name for you and your team. Further details will be explained on the spot."

Quellec just nods before excusing himself. From now, he's part of something greater than just the Ghost Division. All in the service of the Motherland.


POV: 3rd person. 

*Knock* *Knock*

"Honey! I'm home!" The man, one Colonel Ganer Spiele, announced loudly on the veranda of his cozy home.

Almost instantly, the door is swung open and a human-shaped rocket rams his abdomen. 

"Oof! You've grown stronger little one!" Ganer spoke with a visible grin on his face. He pats the head of the little girl before moving his hands to mess up the fur on the girl's cat ears.  The girl visibly relaxed under his care.

"Little Carla has been missing you." Appearing at the doorstep is a beast woman, one of the feline race. "Carry her inside, you've arrived just in time for our family dinner."

With a goofy smile on his face, Ganer says. "Won't miss it, honey."

They then head inside with the little catgirl on Ganer's shoulders, giggling playfully as she messes up his hair as payback. Already presented at the table is a 16 years old teen, also a beast man. The teen looks up, and a smile appears on his face when he sees Ganer alongside his family.

"Father! You've returned safely!" The teen is Ganer's adopted son, Gamer Spiele.

"Aye! Your neighborhood hero has returned safely with the appropriate awards!" Settling down little Carla at the dining table, he turns to address his son. "How have the family been, Gamer? Katherine still makes good food for you?"

His wife heads for the kitchen to prepare them their dinner, not before giving Ganer a smack on the head for the jab at her. The rest of the family laughs at Ganer who fakes a pained expression.

"We have been living very well, father. The neighbors here are also very friendly." Gamer suddenly stopped before mustering up his courage. "Father, I've discussed it with mother. I want to join the Air Force."

That puts a stop to Ganer's goofy acts with his adopted daughter. Putting the little lass down, much to her displeasure, Ganer's face shows a serious expression. "Since when have you decided on this?"

Without missing a beat, Gamer replies. "I've already thought of this when we knew you were at Arash. My conviction turned into a decision after the Victory Parade." Gamer stops, before bowing his head at Ganer. His grey cat ears stand up in attentiveness. "Father, I want to do my part for the country, for the land our family has decided to call it home. Please allow your unfilial son to sign up for the Air Force!"

Ganer just stares straight at the kid, a part of him is proud that this son of his has such a strong will, but a different part is afraid that the family he has now will fall apart with a wrong decision. Finally, after a minute of internal struggle, Ganer relents. 

"Sigh...What will I do with you now?" Ganer really wants a smoke right now but chooses not to for little Carla. "Fine, knowing that your mother has already agreed with your shenanigan, I will allow it. But! You must ace the Air Force Academy's entrance exam! If you miss a single point, I will pull you out and then force you to relearn everything you know in life, again! Do I make myself clear?"

Gamer shoots up, his ears and tails straighten like a stick. With a proper military salute, Gamer shouts. "Sir, yes sir!"

Ganer nods, pleased with his son's discipline. "Good lad! Now sit down, Katherine should be done with dinner. We can discuss your plan throughout the night."

The family of four then proceeds to have one of the liveliest dinners they have ever had. When Gamer looks back on this night, the Ace known as Antares is deeply grateful for having such a supportive family. He knows they must have made a very difficult choice to send their son into a war.


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