Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Side Story 12: 8492nd (Part 6)

RM Side Story 12: 8492nd (Part 6)

Debriefing Echelon 1 was quick thanks to them sharing their combat footage and Gentiane was lucky enough to have an intact UAF overseeing the area at that time. Thanks to that, Helian and the members of Avalon Squadron are able to understand the events earlier today. Having learned of the required detail, Helian is quick to question SCAR-L and Gentiane.

"And throughout the entire engagement, you never did see a Sangvis Ringleader?"

SCAR-L shakes her head. "No sign of them, ma'am Helianthus. If there's any, they must have been staying in the shadow or are not presented in the AO."

Gentiane does add something, however. "Oh, there's at least one of them alright. Here, take a look at this clip."

Gentiane then operates a tablet, bringing a cut of the drone footage up on the big screen. The clip hence shows the biped railguns that had been giving Aria a bit of trouble.

Watching that, Helian raises an eyebrow at the way they were employed. "They used the Nemeums as anti-air units?" She then turns to look at the pilots that experienced their attack first-handed.

Morgan and Aria nod, with Morgan saying. "In the event of them not having any dedicated AA unit, a railgun can be used against low-flying aircraft. After all, just a nick from the shockwave of the hypersonic dart traveling, much less the dart itself, can severely damage an aircraft. Thankfully, our planes have built-in energy-warning receivers. It's why we were able to detect the energy build-up of the railguns beforehand and maneuvered out of their line of fire."

"And here's the kicker," Gentiane interjected. "I highly doubt the Nemeums have enough processing power or the codings to calculate a firing solution to engage a jet."

Helian finishes it for her. "This means that a Ringleader must have been nearby to fill in the required calculations. If that's the case, then it's safe to say that Base 794 will have it rough in the coming days."

Hearing that, Gentiane and Kalina sigh. The harrowing experience from before is still very vivid, after all. 

"Alright, I will see to it that 794 and the rest of Sector 9 will be reinforced. After all, this is the QRF sector with Base 794 serving as the air-assault base. We can't have either fall under Sangvis' siege or the frontline will collapse." Helian's words brought about smiles in the 794 personnel.

"Thank you, Chief." Gentiane mouthed her appreciation, earning herself a nod from Helian. "Having said that, that lurking Sangvis Ringleader presented us with a pressing issue. If she sticks in the dark and keeps sending dispensable units to us, we will break eventually. We must track her down and neutralize her."

Gentiane frown, placing a finger under her chin. "But Chief, Echelon 1 has been on overwatch all the time and they couldn't find anything amiss. So where do we even start?"

Morgan raises a hand. "Perhaps we can help you with that."

Everybody turns at Morgan, prompting her to explain. "While we were flying over the AO, our sensors pick up major clusters of activity. Perhaps once the talk is over, I can send over the data and have you all comb over it. After all, you should know what you're looking for and it may help you out."

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Helian and Gentiane nod at Morgan, grateful for her offer. "That would be much appreciated, Miss Morgan. It's hard for us to scout Sangvis territory and your data may fill in the missing intelligence."

"Don't sweat it, and please, just call me Morgan." Helian can only nod at the request before they proceed with the discussion.

It's time for the 8492nd Squadron to talk. 

"I guess it's our turn?" Morgan posed a rhetorical question, to which both Helian and Gentiane acknowledge while the rest perked up, visibly interested. "Ok then Gentiane, can you show us the world map and the current time of day?"

Without saying anything, Gentiane operates the tablet and puts the map, with a few descriptions, and a digital clock on the big screen. The map shows the current habitable living zones and the Collapse Zones while the timer shows that they're just shy of a month away from welcoming the year 2062. Seeing the state of this Earth, having been scarred by Collapse Fluid and Radiation, Morgan can't help but sport a frown. Aria too, is also uncomfortable seeing the state of this planet with half of the world being wasted.

The G&K members note their reactions but opt to not comment on them. Sighing, Morgan pulls out her own tablet before swiftly hacking a connection into the big screen, much to the stupor of Helian and Gentiane. The pilot then brings up her version of the world map, in 3D, and timer, complemented by a list of active wars and conflicts that are being fought all over the world. Understandably, everyone aside from Morgan and Aria are shocked at just how different their version of Earth is.

"Wow, this is cracked up, huh?" P90 was the first to exclaim, sweating with a forced smile at Morgan's and Aria's Earth.

SCAR-H whistles at the images on the screen while SCAR-SC deadpans. "Good lord, that's a whole lot of wars being fought. And the date? It's literally an earlier World War II!"

Kalina chimes in. "The hell? Polan is named Polania while Soviet Russia is Rusviet Union!? Germany is now the Belkan Reich and French is the Kingdom of Ustio?! What's with the naming sense?"

FN HiPer adds with a curious glint and a tinge of excitement in her voice. "As a matter of fact, most major superpowers in the world have a name and regime change. Even the geographical depiction of the map is weird. It's like an alternate Earth altogether!"

"That's because it is." SCAR-L sighs, crossing her arms as she scans the map. "This is not the map of Earth, am I right, Morgan?"

Nodding, Morgan replies. "That's right, where we came from, our planet is not called Earth, rather, it's Gaia. HiPer's correct that this is an alternate version of your Earth, one where history has taken a different turn than yours. Granted, there are still a few similarities between the USA and Japan."

SCAR-H comments. "I see, the dead giveaway would be the tree that's poking the stratosphere."

Smiling, Morgan says. "Yup, the Tree of Life, Yggdrasil. The World Tree's a major reason why our history is so different. After all, she did come in hot as a large meteorite that almost destroyed Gaia if she didn't slow down at the last second."

"Wait, she?" SCAR-L couldn't help but interject.

"Yup. Long story short, the personification of the World Tree is a she. Though we should leave this for later if you want to learn more about our history. I can send over a data package for you all to peruse after this meeting."

"Uh... Ok? To be honest, I am now both damn curious and scared at the same time." SCAR-L said that with a wry smile. It's not just SCAR-L but rather everyone else is showing the same expression as her. It's like Pandora's Box, in a way.

"Now then, if there's doubt about us being literal aliens," Morgan said with a giggle. "Then now is a good time to voice it."

"Say!" Understandably, P90 jumped at the opportunity to query the so-called 'aliens' in front of her. "Any otherwordly trick you can do?"

SCAR-SC nods repeatedly at that. "Yup, yup! Just that map won't be enough to convince us!"

Kalina rolls her eyes at the pair. "You do remember that they have a pair of aircraft that is years ahead of us, right?"

Gentiane just laugh. "Come on, Kalina, don't tell me you aren't curious. Besides, SCAR-SC has a point, even if they don't have any reason to lie to us in such a ridiculous way, we still need more concrete proof."

"Trust, but verify," Helian added with a nod. "I hope you understand our reasoning."

Morgan lightly smiles, responding. "Don't fret it, it will be a piece of cake for us to prove that we are otherworlders. However, I must request that you all keep the knowledge that you will soon learn on a need-to-know basis."

Helian nods in affirmation. "That is a given. Though I highly doubt anybody will trust us if what you said turns out to be real."

Gentiane raises an eyebrow at that. "Chief, you do realize that Collapse Technology is still an enigma to us, being actual alien relics and all that.  What will stop us from discovering more about the world if the scientists keep poking at the relics?"

"...Fair point." Helian relented. Morgan also interjects. "Say, I think we should do an information trade later. An equivalent exchange, if you catch my drift."

"But of course." Helian agreed easily to that.

"Ok then!" Morgan then clapped her hands, turning to Aria. "Aria, would you kindly perform the opening act?"

"With pleasure, Morgan." Standing up and stepping behind Morgan, Aria unfolds her Valkyrie wings, much to the shock of everyone in the room. Aria's majestic white wings mesmerized the people present as she pulls Morgan into a protective embrace. The warm hug created by the pair of wings earns Aria a soft giggle from Morgan. The shorter girl clearly enjoyed being cuddled while basking under the astonishing gazes of everyone.

Bren, who has been staying silent for most of the time, moves to secure herself a cup of water before using it to wash her eyes, hoping what she is seeing right now is an optical illusion. Much to her dismay, it isn't. "... Well I'll be damned."

Gentiane gulps, watching the living proof of an angel in front of her. "No wonder you have such a mystifying beauty to you, Aria. You're literally an Angel." Even Helian finds herself nodding along at that assessment, her logical side decided to just give up and watch the situation unfolds.

Morgan just laugh at their stunned response. "To be exact, Aria is a Valkyrie, a warrior of Norse Mythology. Her combat prowess is not to be trifled with and I can confidently say that she can solo all the T-Dolls without breaking a sweat currently."

Gentiane sweatdrops at that. "Morgan, a Valkyrie is a magical war machine according to the myths, I highly doubt she will find my echelons to be a challenge."

Hearing that, all the T-Dolls presented can only show their wry smiles.

"UmU. My Aria can be classified as the strongest in this world due to it lacking a few restrictions. As for me, while not nearly as strong as Aria, I can do this."

Still being hugged by Aria, Morgan holds out her hands and conjures a magical spell composed of varying elements. From the condensing light above her outstretched palm, multiple colorful butterflies are spawned, flying gently and slowly around the meeting room. "These are magical constructs with their elements being determined by their colors. A nifty little trick which can come in handy in a group fight." Morgan explained while a few butterflies landed on the table.

Unable to contain their curiosity, they slowly extend their fingers to touch the butterflies, only to showcase their shock soon after.

SCAR-H's jaws dropped. "No way, this one is solid and ice-cold to the touch! How the hell can it even fly?!"

"Eh?" Kalina expressed her surprise. "This one is warm though, so maybe what I'm holding is a fire elemental like in those fantasy games?"

HiPer, being one to show the most intense curiosity, scoop up a green butterfly. "Guys, I think I can even smell the aromas from these butterflies."

That prompts everyone to take a deep breath, only to be surprised once again. SCAR-L is the one to voice it out. "What the hell?! How come the room now smells like we're in a lush vineyard?!"

Morgan smiles at their dying curiosity. "Mind you, the butterflies don't have any smell on their own. Rather, I use illusions to trick your sense of smell, pretty neat no?"

Helian is quick to voice her doubt at the explanation. "Illusion is just illusion at the end of the day. Affecting humans, I can understand, but even T-Dolls?" She asked with a polite tone, really wanting to know the answer herself.

Not shying from the question, Morgan replies. "Normal illusion spells only work on living beings, not a digital construct like SCAR-L over here, is a correct assumption. However, employing the Concept of Illusion is a whole other ball game. As a concept, Illusion can affect anyone and everything, even rewriting reality if you can fulfill the prerequisites. Meaning, tricking the simulated sense of a T-Doll is easy enough for me."

"... I rest my case." Helian said with a sigh. While the others don't have anything else to add.

So, while the butterflies are still decorating the space, Morgan moves on to explain their purpose here.

"With you not doubting our identities, allow me to formally introduce ourselves. I am Morgan, the current Reich Marshal of Belka, meaning I am the second-in-command of the entire state. Aria here, is my adjutant and personal bodyguard for the duration of our stay here on Earth."

Gentiane folds her arms at the title drop. "No wonder you have that veteran aura around you. You're basically the head honcho of a military superpower from what I can see."

Morgan and Aria nod their head at that before the former continues. "As for how we got here and why, the former is classified but the latter we can explain. We have been entrusted to go to this world to identify an anomaly, secure, contain, and destroy it. Said anomaly is still an elusive subject to us but what we do know is that without dealing with it, this world will soon head to a bad end. As in apocalyptic bad end so you may take this information as you wish."

Stopping for a bit to let that piece of important news sink in, Morgan then says. "Whether you like it or not, we will be sticking around to remove this threat for you. However, it will be much appreciated if we can have your cooperation. I have a feeling G&K will be roped into this, willing participant or not."

After listening to Morgan's speech, all of them sport grave expressions. Dealing with a world-ending threat was the last thing they expected to come out of this conversation. And understandably, they're not taking such a matter easy.

As each member of G&K plays around with their own thought, Gentiane suddenly poses a question. "Hey, do you think that Sangvis' sudden ferocity has anything to do with this apocalyptic threat?"

Morgan ponders for a few seconds before replying. "It's possible, after all, world-enders come in all forms. It could be through a madman's action or the military build-up of a rogue-AI faction. It can also occur instantly or slowly over a period of years. Although I highly doubt it will take years for the threat to manifest. If that's the case, we wouldn't have been sent here expressly. But if you think that Sangvis has been acting out of the norm, then it's best we look into them first. It's entirely possible that they may have stumbled on a piece of Collapse Technology that you have been talking about."

Helian deeply frowned at that, for she, of all people, knows the pain and grief Collapse Technology has brought upon this world. She really can't rule that daunting possibility out now that their conjectures have come this far. "I will speak with a few people I trust. This matter has gone farther than what a singular base can handle."

Morgan nods, understanding Helian's reasoning. "Then I guess we can end this talk for now. If you have a need for us then just come and ask Gentiane, she should be the one to allocate our lodging. But before that," Morgan suddenly smirked. "Anyone here cares for a drink?"


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