Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Side Story 13: 8492nd (Part 7)

RM Side Story 13: 8492nd (Part 7)

Arriving at Base 794's cafeteria, the group of T-Dolls and humans with a singular non-human immediately picks their seats at a large dining table, though Bren has excused herself to go support her battle sisters. Fortunately for Gentiane and Kalina, the dining area doesn't need many touch-ups as they only need to replace a few cracked windows. It's why Morgan will soon be able to flex her craft in an attempt to awe the plebeians.

Going behind the counter, Morgan takes stock of what's available in the cabinets before turning around, asking.

"Say, you girls have any preference? But of course, alcohol is out of the question." Kalina instantly and SCAR-H instantly deflate at that, earning stern gazes from SCAR-L and Helian. "Don't be shy, I am confident in my skill in handling drinks."

Gentiane turns to Aria, raising an eyebrow. Her unvoiced question earns a soft chuckle from Aria. "Trust me, you will be impressed by Morgan's ability. Morgan is responsible for cooking and mixing drinks for our family back home whenever she's free of her duty."

P90 whistles. "Wow, is there anything she can't do?" That question reflected what's on everyone's mind currently. Even Helian mutters something about learning to cook to impress somebody at a mixer... To each their own, I guess.

"Dying, apparently. I have my dance with Lady Death more than enough time that I have known her on a personal level." Though Morgan said that in a joking manner, they couldn't help but think that there must be a semblance of truth in it.

"Anyway," Morgan grins. "Order up, girls!"


Were a third party intruded into the cafeteria, the first smells that would assault their nose are that of coffee and tea. Though Morgan has brewed her drinks in haste to serve her newfound guests, she totally didn't skimp on the quality. Hence, not even Helian is spared from moaning aloud after sipping a cup of brown coffee before hastily covering her mouth. Thankfully, the others aren't faring any better after tasting their respective drinks so what happened to Helian has gone unnoticed. Well, aside from Morgan and Aria, that is. The pair of pilots are sporting knowing smirks directed at Helian, making the mature lady blush before trying to pass it away by finishing the rest of her cup as calmly as she can. Though she is falling at that task miserably.

It's only after around ten minutes after all of their cups are empty that they recover from their trance. T-Dolls and humans alike can only gaze confusedly at Morgan, wondering what the hell she put in those drinks.

SCAR-H raises a finger. "Forgive me for my bluntness and correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think even Springfield can make a T-Doll orgasm by just drinking."

Gentiane peers at her empty cup, shaking her head. "I forgive you and you're not wrong. Though that comparison is a bit too specific, don't you think?" Everyone gives SCAR-H odd stares at that. The girl in question though, just smirked. "You don't need a Wombforce to feel that rush of pure bliss, no? Had I not checked the content before drinking, I would have thought that Morgan spiked the drinks or something. No offense, Morgan."

Morgan just chuckles, fully understanding her reasoning. Though she can't help but wonder what the Hell is a Wombforce and why everyone aside from Aria is giving SCAR-H a dirty look. "None taken. I take it that all of you have enjoyed your respective drinks?"

SCAR-SC shakes her head with a bit of pity. "Saying that will be an understatement of the century! And I am not one for coffee in the first place!"

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HiPer nods, chiming in. "The tea was splendid, thank you, Morgan."

"Say, can I hire you to be my personal barista?" SCAR-L jested. "I think even G36 and Springfield will have to wave the white flag at this."

"Sorry, but I don't think you can afford my salary." Morgan went along with the joke. The group then proceeds to have a light chat to ease them off the drinks.

"Ms. Helianthus, is it possible for you to produce additional munitions for our warplanes? While we're no slouch on the ground, we would still prefer to have additional firepower to support the girl." Aria asked, prompting Helian to ponder for a few moments.

"... It's not impossible to supply you with ordnances through a back channel we have. However, are they even compatible with your airframes? Not to mention the issue of maintenance parts."

Morgan interjects with a smile. "I designed the Arias with modularity in mind. I can easily outfit our planes to accommodate your weapons with the right tools which you can help me procure. As for maintenance, it can't be helped but the Arias will have to fly with minimum servicing for the time being. Though I doubt we will be staying here long enough for it to matter."

Helian nods in understanding. "I see, I will see what I can do when I talk to Mr. Kryuger. Kalina will notify you when the supplies are ready."

"Just leave it to me! I'm the one in charge of logistics around here so you can rest assured that I won't fail any order you placed!" Kalina reassured with a big grin and a V-sign. "But Chief Helian, is it ok for them to fly around fully armed? Won't the government interfere with them? When it comes to that, it will be hard to explain their origin."

"You raised a reasonable argument, Kalina. But the Arias are stealth aircraft, they will be unlikely to detect without them getting a radar site near our AO. And if any inspection arrives, it's not something a little magic can't help. In fact, if any party dares to cause trouble for you, allow us to intervene with our... Magical means." Morgan offered with a smile, earning wry smiles from the G&K officers.

Helian sighs. "I will keep that in mind, Morgan."

SCAR-SC suddenly harrumphs. "Enough with the business talk, geez! Can't you all take a break for a moment?!" This earns her a knock on the head by SCAR-L, but she does get her point across. 

"While I would like for my sister to word it in a better way, I understand what she meant. Let's have a proper R&R before we go back to our duty, what say you all?" SCAR-L asked the group, earning nods and smiles.

So, doing away with the formal talks, the girls exchange a variety of topics. Morgan and Aria regale tales of battle and anecdotes from their world while Gentiane and the others help the pilots familiarize themselves with the Earth of 2061. Understandably, the group is shocked to know that Morgan is only 18 years old and that she took command of the frontline at the tender age of 15.

Of course, both Helian and Gentiane can't stop themselves from giving Aria sideglances at the mention of Morgan's age. Noticing that Morgan is quick to offer an explanation.

"I know what you two are thinking right now and I will say that you have been mistaken. The Reich does not condone child soldiers, however, I am an exception. I was a cadet that studied beyond her grades at the time. During one of the Academy's field excursions, the flight that was carrying me was shot down and we crashed in the middle of an active warzone. With no other choice and to avoid the total collapse of our frontline, Aria and I had to take command of the situation using my status as a Princess. After all, the commanding officers of the particular company that rescued us were killed by artillery shells. After that, well, I accrued enough achievements until I was declared Reich Marshal."

SCAR-H deadpans while the T-Dolls and Kalina just give them the look. "That's a damn short version of what happened, no?"

Morgan chuckles while Aria smiles lightly. "Please, if I tell everything by mouth, it will last an entire day. It will be faster for you to peruse the data package which I already sent over to Gentiane's tablet, later."

Gentiane gives them a nod as she really did receive the information package, placating their curiosity for now. P90 suddenly leads the conversation by asking a question. "Hey, Morgan. If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your eye?"

The moment that question dropped, Helian, Gentiane, SCAR-L, and HiPer are about to reprimand P90's lack of tact when Morgan answers, not seeing anything wrong with it. "Ah, this eyepatch is a dead giveaway, huh? And I don't mind answering your curiosity." Though Morgan is fine with it, Aria herself can't help but tense up and pulls Morgan closer. Such action doesn't escape the other's notice.

SCAR-SC comments on this. "I smell a story the moment I see that." 

Morgan giggles, seeing their interest piqued. "Before I took the seat of Marshal, I led an ambitious operation behind enemy line and captured a major port city with one division. I was injured during the time but it was a necessary sacrifice in my opinion. Aria here though, still hasn't quite gotten over that just yet." Morgan pokes Aria in the cheek a few times.

Rolling her eyes playfully, Aria responds. "Said the one that gave me the scare of my life." Aria then messes up Morgan's hair by ruffling her head. "The next time you decided to put me in charge, don't do that by getting yourself shot up. I've had enough of putting your skull back together."

"Hey! Not my hair, you!" Morgan duck away from the mischievous hand. Although their banter is laced with obvious amusement, the others can't help but have their eyes twitched.

Kalina cleans her ear with a finger, saying with an unsure tone. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but are they joking about Morgan almost having her brain plastered?"

Gentiane then shows a wry smile. "Apparently so, Kalin. In any case, if they're in the mood to joke about it then it's fine?"

P90 chuckles. "I'm not sure about you but having your head being shot up is similar to T-Doll's core being hit, even I won't be joking about that though."

The other T-Dolls nod in agreement with Helian massaging the bridge of her nose. Morgan and Aria laugh, seeing their reactions. "I can assure you it's not as bad as it seems. When I transferred back home, Yggdra has given my left eye an upgrade. Even if I am wearing an eyepatch currently, my vision isn't impaired whatsoever. We basically made peace with it a long time ago."

"I will just take your word for it then, considering that you're able to pilot an aircraft and all." Helian says before checking her pocket watch. "Although it was fun, I must go and make my report to my employer, Mr. Kryuger."

Helian then stands up, giving Morgan and Aria a nod before turning to Gentiane. "For the time being, please accommodate them, Commander."

Standing up to give Helian a salute, Gentiane replies. "We will treat them well, Chief."

Giving a nod, Helian says. "I know you will. You stay here with them, I will see myself out." Looking at the rest of the girls, Helian adds. "Ladies."

Kalina and the T-Dolls either stand and salute or wave Helian goodbye. Aria pays a nod of respect at Helian while Morgan smiles, saying. "Have a nice afternoon, Ms. Helianthus."

With Helian excusing herself, the others also deem it a good time to pack up and reassume their duties. Gentiane is quick to delegate Kalina with a task. "Kalin, please take them to the storage and have them choose their necessities. As for lodgings, I hope you two don't mind staying in the officers' quarter of our dorm. Understanding the relationship you guys are having, I think it will suit you best." Gentiane said while looking at the possessive way Aria is holding Morgan with an amusing glint. If she can notice that then the T-Dolls sure as Hell can, judging from the interesting looks they're sporting.

Aria is the one to answer while Morgan can only wryly smile. "That will be much appreciated, thank you very much."

Everyone is just about to stand up and disperse when HiPer hastily speaks up in a meek tone. "H-Hey, Morgan!"

Turning around while being hugged by Bryn, Morgan responds with a tilt of her head. "Yes? Anything you need of me, HiPer?"

Twirling her fingers with a bit of blush on her face, HiPer voices her request with puppy eyes. "Uhm... You're leaving after the anomaly is taken care of, right?"

That brings about a pause to everyone, it's only now that they register that Morgan and Aria staying here are only temporarily. Returning a smile, Morgan answers. "That would be correct. We have unfinished businesses in our world, it will be unwise to stay here longer than we should."

SCAR-H pats HiPer on the shoulder. "Morgan is basically the equivalent of a Vice-President, she has a country to run. Why, do you want them to stay or something?"

Waving her hands frantically, HiPer replies. "O-Oh no! It's not that I want them to stay here permanently and discard their duties! I-I'm just curious about their aircraft and I wish to inspect them a lot closer with their blessings!"

SCAR-L facepalms. "Damn it, HiPer. That's their military secrets you asking to get a hold of!"

The rest of team FN chuckles at this though. "Should have known that HiPer will be asking for access, she is basically the mechanic and inventor of our team. Which is why she is unable to contain her curiosity in the face of your aircraft."

Morgan laughs with even Aria letting out a small smile at the when face with HiPer's desire for knowledge. "How about this," Morgan turns to HiPer. "We will conduct a trade. You can gather data about our Arias while we inspect how T-Dolls work, how does that sound? Of course, it won't be anything invasive or cause you discomfort. That I can give you my word."

Though HiPer wants to agree immediately to the exchange, she knows that it's not her decision to make. Turning to look at SCAR-L and Gentiane who both have pondering expressions on their faces, HiPer awaits their response.

In a way, G&K doesn't benefit from this deal whatsoever. After all, what use is the data they gather from an otherwordly aircraft as a PMC group? That said, there's also no drawback in taking it. If it can earn brownies points from Morgan and Aria so that they can help them later on, Gentiane doesn't see a reason to refuse. SCAR-L also reaches the same conclusion from the look of it, giving Gentiane the signal to accept the offer.

"I can permit it as long as the Dolls you inspect are in agreement with whatever procedure you perform. G&K treats the T-Dolls as friends and family so it's their calls to make at the end of the day."

Morgan gives a nod of approval. "I can respect your company's work ethic, Gentiane. It's rare to see people like you, regardless of which world we're in. The deal will be kept transparent for you to supervise so I hope we have a fruitful collaboration."

"The sentiment is shared between us, Morgan." Gentiane responded with a smile and a nod before the group truly parted ways for the day.

Kalina, who has been silent for the most part, chimes in with a sunny smile. "Follow me, ladies! We have a lot of selections in stock so you will surely be able to pick whatever suits you the most!"

"Sorry to trouble you then, Kalina." Aria said politely with a smile.

Kalina waves the concern off, eager to show them around. "It's no trouble at all, Aria! This is just me doing my job and besides, I can't ever repay enough from saving our hides."

Without further words, Kalina then leads Morgan and Aria to the storage area. They are then helped by Kalina in picking out additional clothing, daily necessities, and even rations. Finally, they're then led to their room, a fully furnished quarter with comfort in mind.

"The girls also have their own living areas with a similar design at this." Kalina explained. "After all, they're our family and family is important."

Morgan chuckles, fully agreeing with that sentiment. "You're making it hard to hate G&K at this rate!" Morgan jested as they share a laugh before calling it a day.


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