Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Side Story 19: 8492nd (Part 13)

RM Side Story 19: 8492nd (Part 13)

"This is Super 6-4 to Magic, off-loading Team FN at LZ November. LZ is clear with no sign of contact." Said the female pilot of Team FN's Pave Hawk as it performed a smooth touchdown. A beat later, the voice of Gentiane comes over the radio wave. "Copy that, 6-4. Once Echelon 1 is on the prow, divert to support Echelon 3. They're bogged down by an old parking garage and are requesting for covering fire."

"Solid copy, Magic. Team FN is loose, heading over to support Echelon 3 now." Super 6-4 then lift off, flying to North-East, while Team FN crouches low to the ground, scanning the perimeter of the LZ. After making sure that there aren't any surprises waiting for them, SCAR-L motions for the team to move deeper into a nearby tree line. Taking cover by a creek, SCAR-L has the team stopped while she contacts the Angels above them.

"FN 1-1 to Avalon Squadron, do you read?" 

"This is Avalon 1-1, read you five-by-five. It's good to see you all arrived safely." Morgan replied and despite the electronic interference by Sangvis, her voice is loud and clear. "Give us a wave, won't you?"

Though Morgan said that jokingly, SCAR-L still sports a wry smile, looking up past the foilages, and waves. 

"Good, the camo capes are working wondrously. Had I not known where to look, you would pass as scenic objects." Morgan commented on the effectiveness of their thermoptic camouflage. "Team FN, scanning of your AO shows that the nearest enemy patrol is two klicks out, due West, and is oblivious to your presence. As a result of your low-altitude insertion and my interference, Sangvis has no idea that you girls are here. I suggest you make good use of this leeway and go further South to an abandoned village. No sign of Sangvis or scavengers, the place is clean. It should be a one-hour trek and is a good place to hunker down and assess your situation. After that, it's your call whether to move during the day or the night."

SCAR-L nods at that. "Good copy, 1-1. Proceeding as your suggestion. Happy hunting up there, over." SCAR-L then gives the pilots in the sky a half-salute before signaling her team to move out.

"Watch yourself down there, Team FN. We will be on station most of the time so just call us if you have a need for something. Avalon 1-1, out."


"While I trust them to be able to handle the lower rungs of Sangvis, what will happen when they cross paths with the Ringleaders?" Aria asked Morgan over comms as she was trailing to the right of Morgan. "From what we know about the Ringleaders, their capabilities are unknown but what we do know is that they're of much higher specs than the T-Dolls."

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"So you fear that they will have no choice but to engage one, or worse, multiple Ringleaders." Morgan commented while still keeping most of her attention on the scanner. "It will be worrisome if things are to head in that direction."

"They will be in the thick of it, possibly where we won't be able to support them... It's a bit odd, our time with them has been short, yet, I feel like I won't be able to stand by and watch them die, even if they can be revived later." Aria said in a confused tone, prompting Morgan to reply. "That's because they exist, not as machines, but as living, breathing beings, no matter how mechanical it may be. They have hobbies, they know how to enjoy delicious food, and they cry, laugh, and bond with others... In short, they have become our friends because of how human they are. It's why we are worrying over them right now." Morgan then chuckles. "And need I remind you that you SCAR-H has been gunning for you ever since she saw you in that gown?"

Though Morgan can't see it, she can feel that Aria is rolling her eyes playfully right now. "Said the one who is awfully chummy with SCAR-L and HiPer. HiPer is a sweet girl but SCAR-L, she has been eyeing you like you're her long-time crush. It's only a matter of time before she loses it and takes you into her arms."

Morgan laughs. "Well, what can I say? I am just adorable, girls love me!"

Though they joke around Morgan and Aria never lose their focus on the battles below. Noticing the IFF signature of one of Base 794's Pave Hawks, Morgan focuses on that as it's about to fly into a combat zone. 

"Super 6-4, this is Avalon 1-1, you're about to arrive in Echelon 3's AO, advises heading in from the East for your attack run. Enemies are gathered around the West, South-West of Echelon 3's parking garage. A cluster of them is setting up a fighting position in a broken-down building direct West of Echelon 3. Happy hunting, 6-4." Morgan informed the crew of the Pave Hawk.

"This is Super 6-4, we copy all and is ingressing from the East. Thanks for the heads-up, Avalon."

While circling high above, Morgan and Aria see Super 6-4 approach Echelon 3's garage from behind. And from their targeting pods, they see that Echelon 3 is still ferociously fighting back against an enemy three times their number. Headed by a veteran Doll, Kar98k, Echelon 3 is using everything they have at their disposal, even environmental elements, to cut down Sangvis left, right, and center. Though they're slowly losing ground, their savior arrives in the form of a Pave Hawk. Armed with two GAU-21 .50 cal machine guns, Super 6-4 flies their Pave Hawk in a circular pattern above Echelon 3's location while the door gunners start suppressing the Sangvis below with a combined 2200 rounds per minute cyclic rate of fire.

Through the camera, Morgan can see the port side gunner of Super 6-4 strafes the enemy building with impunity, no doubt shredding the Sangvis behind the deteriorating walls with ease. Knowing that the GAU-21 is using 12.7mm bullets, Morgan won't be surprised if they load it with armor-piercing incendiary instead of the standard ball. Whoever is on the receiving end of a GAU-21 will have a colorful way of dying, that's for sure.

Under the aerial coverage of Super 6-4, Kar98k's echelon successfully repels the Sangvis attack without losing a single girl. She then radios for evac, her echelon had already accomplished their raiding mission before Sangvis encircled them. "This is Kar98k, Super 6-4, you're clear to land on the rooftop. The building is stable enough to hold your weight."

Tapping into their comms, Morgan and Aria can hear 6-4's pilot quips back. "Hey lass, is that your way of telling me that I'm fat? Do you really want me to leave you hanging for another wave? I won't mind if that's the case."

Through the targeting pod, Morgan can see Kar98k appear on the rooftop, shrugging. "I didn't say anything. It's you who jumps to a conclusion, 6-4." The rest of her echelon soon appears behind her.

"But you implied! That's literally the same thing!" Super 6-4's pilot deadpanned while bringing her aircraft over. "Watch your head girls, coming in for a pick-up. We will continue this conversation back at home base."

A sonorous chuckle can be heard from Kar98k, and while Echelon 3 is gathering for exfil. Morgan and Aria both notice something amiss from Sangvis' blips on the sensors. "This is...? Morgan!"

"I see it!" Morgan replied in haste before contacting Super 6-4 and Echelon 3. "LZ is hot, 6-4! Wave off! Wave off!" 

Though the sudden warning came out of nowhere, Super 6-4 decides to bank on their training and immediately pull away from the building, narrowly escaping a particle beam with their cockpit as its address. However, they're still a tad too slow as another beam strikes the tail rotor of the Pave Hawk, causing significant damage to the stability of the helicopter as the rotor is knocked halfway out of its gears.

"Damn it, I'm hit!" Announced Super 6-4 as the tail end of the helicopter starts spewing smoke. Even with the rotor still somehow attached to the airframe and spinning despite the damage, the Pave Hawk starts exhibiting uncontrollable yaw. "We're losing anti-torque! Damn it, we can't land anymore, 98! I think we'll be needing an extraction instead!" The Pave Hawk then tries its best to head away from Echelon 3, trying to find a suitable clearing. The last thing they need is for it to crash onto the Dolls.

"6-4! Head North if you can! There's a small football stadium there and it will be your LZ!" Morgan informed Super 6-4 before contacting Kar98k. "6-4 was engaged by hidden Jaegers to your South, more than 1.5 km away, and that is now the least of your worry. They've alerted that 6-4 is going down and a major cluster is moving in to finish you off! Reconvene with 6-4 and I will see what I can do to help!" Morgan advised Kar-98k of the new development.

Her warning prompts Kar98k to say. "I understand, we're relocating to the stadium. Can you keep feeding us with intel on enemy movements, Avalon 1-1?"

"I can. Now move, 6-4 is at her last leg." Morgan said.

"Roger. Negev, pack up, we're leaving!"

Morgan then contacts Aria. "Aria, I want you to take up my place and organize the rest of this operation. I will be overseeing the rescue effort for Echelon 3 and Super 6-4. Gentiane, are you fine with this arrangement?"

"Copy that, Morgan. We're scrambling for a ground team to recover them. Please, help them hold out for twenty minutes!" Gentiane replied in a frantic voice.

"You can count on us. From now on, Aria will be fulfilling my role. Contact me only when something important comes up." Morgan then turns to Aria's aircraft. "I will be heading to cover them. See you soon."

"Yeah... You stay safe, Morgan. Remember, I am but a call away." Aria implored Morgan to be careful.

"Yes, you too, love."

The pair then part way for now, with Morgan soon arriving above the stadium. By now, Super 6-4 is barely limping, ferrying itself slowly above the stadium when all of a sudden, its tail rotor flies off somewhere, causing the Pave Hawk to descend in a spiraling manner. "Mayday! Mayday! Super 6-4 is going down! We are going down!"

The Pave Hawk crashes heavily into the ground, kicking up dust and debris everywhere. Its main rotor, which still spins wildly, carves deep into the ground, throwing up metallic fragments everywhere and destroying what's left of the football field. The heavy crash must have knocked out either the radio or the crew themselves for Morgan can't pick up any response from Super 6-4.

"Super 6-4, this is Avalon 1-1, do you read?" Morgan tried hailing the crew. "Super 6-4, this is Morgan, do you read me? 6-4, response!"

With all she gets in the return being static, Morgan expects the worst from that crash. "Kar98k, you better double time or we will be too late. They landed hard and have been unresponsive so far. The last thing we need is for something to catch fire."

"We're on it, Morgan! ETA on enemy foot mobiles?" Kar98k responded. Morgan can see the friendly IDs zipping around the ruined streets with impressive speed.

"Eight to ten minutes. There will be not much time for you to get them out so it's your call on how to proceed." Morgan replied.

"Copy that, give us thirty seconds to get to the stadium."

"This is Gentiane to Morgan, CSAR group is prepping to move by ground convoy. We will be sending three reserve echelons alongside humvees. They will be fifteen to twenty minutes out from the crash site. Be advised, the map for the area is not updated. You will have to guide them in manually when the time comes."

"I understand. Tell them to make it quick because Sangvis is probably desperate for a win for I am seeing at least a company of units being funneled their way." Morgan announced for both Kar98k and Gentiane to hear.

"Damn it...!" Gentiane cursed at the sudden conundrum that befell them.

Reaching the stadium, Kar98k finds herself asking. "I don't suppose you have any ordnance that can blunt the incoming storm for us?"

Morgan chuckles wryly. "Unfortunately, you can only call in gun runs. We expended all the others during our first day here."

Kar98k just laughs slightly. "Worth a shot! My dear Commander, once this is over, I think we really need to outfit them with something better."

Gentiane can only shake her head at this. "Already working on it, Kar98k."


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