Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Side Story 20: 8492nd (Part 14)

RM Side Story 20: 8492nd (Part 14)



An explosion knocks Kar98k backward as her cover is blown up by a mortar shell from a Jaguar. Thankfully, instead of tumbling down the steps of the stadium, Kar98k is pulled to safety by a hand. Her timely helper is none other than Contender. "Are you alright, leader?"

Nodding while fixing her cap, Kar98k racks her namesake's bolt backward before taking out five 8mm Mauser rounds into her palm. "Seeing that I am still alive, then yes." Loading the rounds into the internal magazine one by one, Kar98k then brings the bolt home, readying herself for action. "What's your ammo situation?"

Contender shrugs before loading a single .45-70 Government into her breach-loading pistol. Then, she swiftly peaks out of her cover, firing down a single, hefty shot at a Ripper rushing their defense line. The powerful, supersonic bullet, shatters the torso of the lightly protected Ripper, thus destroying her core. Contender then returns to her former position, pulling out another bullet to load her namesake. "After that shot, I'm down to exactly half."

"Then that means the other must have less than half by now." Due to her pistol being single-shot only, Contender is very frugal with her shot, opting for maximum effectiveness per bullet instead. If even she has already expended half of her ammo, Kar98k expects the others to not do so hot on their ammo supplies. "One thing at a time, then."

Kar98k then braces her rifle atop the concrete railing of the stadium, aiming down the sight picture of her PM 5-25x56 scope, Kar98k acquires her target which is a Guard, holding a big metallic shield. Breathing out calmly, Kar98k squeezes her trigger.


With a loud report, an 8mm Mauser is delivered straight into the skull of the Guard despite the shield covering most of her body. Keyword being most here. Quickly cycling her bolt for a new round, Kar98k then aims at another target, a Vespid that is engaging her teammates from behind an old BTR wreckage. With practiced ease, she pops out another shot at the target, the bullet travels through the small gaps of the old BTR and plunges into the skull of the Vespid, sending her careening onto the floor. Before Kar98k can chamber a new round in, however, she notices strange movements in the corner of her eyes. Trusting her years of experience, Kar98k immediately ducks down while racking her bolt, narrowly dodging a particle beam that was aiming for her head. It doesn't have to say that Kar98k is royally pissed that her beautiful, well-kept hair is singed by the edge.

Having learned of the enemy Jaeger's location by triangulating the direction of the beam earlier, Kar98k peaks above her cover, aims, and pulls the trigger, all in 1.5 seconds. As for the bullet, it penetrates through the Jaeger's scope before traveling all the way through her head, making her body lifelessly slumps onto the floor. Taking cover once again, Kar98k turns to Contender who has just killed off another Ripper. "We can't keep on being stationary like this, their Jaguars will be replaced any moment now and we will lose our cover advantage."

Opening her breech and loading another .45-70 bullet in, Contender asks. "You have a plan, leader?"

Kar98k turns to the wreckage of the Pave Hawk in the center of the football field. Using the Zener Network, Kar98k communicates with her teammates. "6P62, SITREP."

A grunt is heard through their comms network while sounds of metals scraping against one another echo through the comms. "I got good news and bad news." 6P62 replied, trying to sound nonchalant. "Of the crew of four, the co-pilot is dead while the door gunners survived with a few bruises and bumps. Laura the pilot, however, is critical and needs immediate assistance. I am trying to stabilize her but no promise."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Keeping her voice level at, Kar98k then asks. "And the good news?"

"That was the good news." 6P62 answered immediately. "The bad news is, Laura is punctured through her belly by metal debris. If we move her without proper toolings, which I don't have on hand, she will bleed out and die. And I need not say that this crash site is a mortar team's wet dream. Luckily enough, Super 6-4 dumps all of their fuel prior to the crash landing, meaning we won't have to worry about things being set alight."

"Oh, well that's still bad news at the end of the day." Contender, who is by Kar98k's side, commented dryly on their situation.

"You don't say." Kar98k deadpanned before continuing on. "6P62, is the machine gun on the Pave Hawk still operational?"

An immediate racking of a heavy bolt is heard from the other end. 6P62 then replies. "Surprisingly, all two machine guns are. The gunners volunteer to man the weapons for us if need be."

Kar98k nods, mostly to herself, as it's an actual piece of good news. "My my, give them my thanks, and 6P62? I want you to form a makeshift barricade around the Pave Hawk, leaving just enough room for us and the gunner to engage the enemy trying to breach into the stadium. We will have to pull back soon and they will be storming us by then."

6P62 replies affirmatively. "I will see what I can do, leader."

"Good." Kar98k then looks down in the direction of the main entrance into their deserted stadium. "You girls caught that?"

A subdued voice replies, accompanied by the tearing sound of a .338 Norma Magnum belt being fired to suppress and even kill the Sangvis behind their covers. "We heard all of it, leader. Just tell us when to relocate." Said LWMMG, otherwise addressed as Lam. "FMG, I'm almost out of this belt!"

"Just tuck down and reload, I won't let them get close!" Answered FMG-9 before short, controlled bursts were heard from her pair of 9mm SMGs.

It's at this time that Contender chimes in. "Leader, even if we can funnel Sangvis into one location, we still risk ourselves being opened to indirect artillery."

Rather than answering her, Kar98k looks upward. "Avalon 1-1, Morgan, do you have eyes on the enemy mortars?"

Without missing a beat, a strangely charming voice amidst the battlefield replies. "I have eyes on the Jaguars sitting far behind the encirclement. They're moving to a firing position, right now. When they're done gathering, I will get in and destroy them in one run."

Sighing in relief at that assertion, Kar98k replies. "I will have to trouble you then. Do we have an ETA on the rescue convoy, Morgan?"

This time, the reply comes only after a couple of seconds. "I've just checked, they're speeding through the suburban terrain now. ETA ten minutes, more if they're blocked by Sangvis. And you better relocate now as I am seeing them sending out Strikers and Nemeums to obliterate your high ground."

Despite the tense situation, Kar98k still finds herself smiling confidently. "Fufu, thank you for the tip, Morgan. You heard the lady, start retreating, Lam, FMG-9! We will cover you!"

"Copy that, leader!" Answered both LWMMG and FMG while Kar98k and Contender took turns and killed off the approaching Sangvis troops, one by one. Though without the whittling fire from LWMMG and FMG-9, Kar98k and Contender take increased return fires, forcing them to relocate constantly.

Fortunately for them, they don't have to hold the location for long as 6P62 reports back. "We're set, fall back, you two!"

Morgan also interjects over the local Zener Network. "I got eyes on their siege position, going for a gun run."

Patting Contender on her shoulder as she fires one last shot, Kar98k says. "Come on, they're waiting for us down there."

Returning a nod, Contender and Kar98k then run down the spectators' stairs and straight into the crash site, now covered by scavenged steel plates and dirt walls. The makeshift fighting position is no doubt the handiwork of 6P62 and her powerful-than-normal exoskeleton. While running, both Kar98k and Contender can hear the echoes of multiple explosions outside the stadium. After that, the reverbing of an Aria's 30mm rotary cannon firing is drowned out by the supersonic booming of the low-flying jet.

"This is Morgan, confirmed the destruction of the enemy mortar group. Will-!"

Suddenly, both members of Echelon 3 hear a warning coming off from Morgan's end "Caution! E-Warning! Caution! E-Warning!" Running up and taking position behind the makeshift cover, Kar98k looks up at the sky as trails left behind by hypersonic projectiles cut across the air. Then comes Morgan's replies, accompanied by a whistling sound. "Sangvis sure don't like their heavy equipment destroyed, huh? They're using railguns to target me again which might have gotten me already if I didn't have the Aria's sensor suite. And I highly doubt that's the end of that as I'm seeing new units on the radar."

"Thank goodness you're ok." Kar98k lets out a sigh that she hasn't noticed she has been holding. "And new units?"

"Looks like it's using the same chassis as those Jaguar and Prowler, though I'm picking up something which is damn similar to missile tubes on its back." Though Kar98k can't see what Morgan is seeing right now, she can confirm that the new units aren't anything good as Morgan goes on to warn. "Well, what did you know? Those are heat-seeking missiles! Deploying chaffs and flares!"

A portion of the sky is lit up by not just the countermeasures Morgan deployed, but also AA missiles and additional railgun projectiles from the Sangvis below. Echelon 3 then watches on with bated breath as their guardian angel is dancing with Lady Death above them. For a period of time, the entire battlezone is focused entirely on the Aria gracefully flying in the air, unimpeded by whatever munition launches at its way.

"Woohoo~! That was fun!" Said Morgan when Sangvis's AA fire died down, presumably to reload or out of ammo. "Now listen here, Kar98k. I won't be able to support you much unless I take out those triple-As. Until then, you will have to hold off against incoming Guards, Rippers, Strikers, and even a few Dragoons. I will try to limit their access route to the main entrance only but after that, it's a ground game for you."

"Whatever comes next, we are very grateful that you've been able to direct us thus far. Thank you, Morgan." Kar98k offered their gratitude.

"Don't sweat it. Better hang on to your cap, milady." Warned Morgan as both T-Dolls and humans alike crouch down low. A moment later, precise gun runs are conducted, thus collapsing the two secondary entrances to the center of the stadium. "Good luck, ladies. Will be off-station until the AA is cleared."

"Roger that. Stay safe up there." Kar98k gave her well-wish before the long-range Zener Network went inactive for now. Kar98k then turns to her teammates. "Ok, lads and lassies. Check your ammo and weapons. There's a storm incoming and I will like for us to make it out in one piece."

Everyone nods at her words. The human gunners go to recheck their GAU-21s while the T-Dolls count their mags and rack the bolts of their guns. Finally, 6P62 and LWMMG set up their heavy weapons at the corners of their barrier while Contender and Kar98k set up in the middle. FMG-9, being the swiftest Doll around, will be the firefighter to cover whoever is reloading. As for the humans, they are tasked with selectively taking out swaths of armored units. Their hail of .50 caliber rounds will be a godsend in the absence of additional support.

Their final preparation is done just in time for the first set of Sangvis Dolls to appear. Unsurprisingly, they send out the shield-equipped Guards first to cover the rest's advance. Unfortunately for the Guards, armed with only an energy pistol, they're woefully underequipped against the API belt that is fired from a GAU-21. Even with the shields protecting most of their bodies, the Guards still find themselves losing limbs and torsos under the punishment of a .50 caliber machine gun on steroids.

Sangvis is fast to respond, however, sending out Dolls riding on bipedal walkers. These units, Dragoons, are heavily armed and have impressive protection and mobility to boot. They're deadly adversaries should they're allowed to bring their high-power, assault energy machine gun to bear. It's why the gunner of the GAU-21 immediately swivels the turret to engage a Dragoon, leaving the others Sangvis for the T-Dolls to deal with.

Due to their role as heavy gunners, both 6P62 and LWMMG focus on larger packs of Sangvis units like Guards, Rippers, and Vespids. Occasionally, robots and drones like Prowler and Scouts also rush in front of their muzzles. Fortunately for the team, their heavy gunners pack enough firepower to deal with them in a timely manner. In this case, LWMMG has her belt of .338 Norma Magnum while 6P62 has her 14-round of 12.7x108mm magazine. The latter, in particular, is a monster of a weapon when firing on full-auto. Even for a T-Doll, the recoil impulse of 6P62's assault rifle is too much. Hence, the girl has a stabilizer module mounted behind her exoskeleton, significantly aiding her in controlling her elegant but monstrous namesake.

While their heavy weapons are tasked with thinning out the Sangvis herds, Kar98k and Contender precisely snipe out high-risk targets. These included the pilots of the Dragoons and the occasional Guards or Strikers with their tower shields and machine guns. And if the heavy gunners are reloading, FMG-9 will sure to step in with her dual-wielding her namesake. Pouring out an unhealthy amount of precise 9x19 Parabellum, FMG-9 deters any Sangvis from approaching anywhere near their location.

But of course, despite them holding off their enemy for now, the same can't be said for their cover. Due to its hastily constructed nature, their covers are falling and when that happens, they are sitting ducks. The situation is made worse by a Dragoon rushing directly at them, and despite concentrated fire from everyone, its pilot is still able to chuck a plasma grenade at them before going down. Landing only two meters short from their position, Kar98k can't help but move and tackle Contender onto the floor as the plasma grenade explodes, thus obliterating their cover in the process. A tinge of pain also assaults Kar98k as she quickly realizes that molten shrapnel has struck her in the back. Despite her ears ringing wildly like the beating of jungle drums, Kar98k is still able to ascertain that she has lost her mobility. The hot shrapnel seems to have severed the nerves that control her legs.

Contender, despite being shocked by Kar98k's sacrifice and the explosion itself, is quick to drag Kar98k behind 6P62, with the AR T-Doll using her more armored chassis to protect the two of them. "Leader! Leader! Say something!"

Though Kar98k's ears are not back at operational capacity just yet, she can read the words coming out of Contender's lips. "I'm fine, girl. Just help me up, I can't feel my legs."

Contender nods shakily with a pale face, propping Kar98k's body and her rifle next to 6P62. Without further words, Kar98k proceeds to reengage with her enemy. Contender, seeing that, also picks up her namesake once more. The pistol T-Doll swears that she will repay the favor one day.

But with their cover reduced, Echelon 3 is receiving more and more injuries. Even one of the Pave Hawk's gunners got hit in the shoulder by a stray kinetic projectile. Fortunately for him, it's not fatal and his post is taken up by the other gunner while he slowly bandaged himself. Nonetheless, they almost curse aloud when a rumbling of footfall reverberates across the battlefield. Not just that, Sangvis Dolls also retreat, leaving behind the bare amount of robots and drones to keep them occupied. Thanks to their powered scopes, Kar98k and LWMMG spot the new threat that's slowly approaching them. Identifying what that threat is, both of them can't help but chuckle wryly.

"Though this is unbecoming of a lady such as myself, allow me to say this just one." Kar98k suddenly takes a deep breath. "Motherfucker!"

It's not just Kar98k that wanted to curse out but rather, it's everyone. The new threat that is slowly closing the distance to the entrance of the stadium is none other than a heavily armored Manticore, the gleam of its optical sensor seems to cast a wave of chill on all of them. If that thing gets into its comfortable firing range, all of them will be screwed sideways.

But as if Heaven still favors them, which is literally the case if you think about it, the Manticore is assaulted by an incessant amount of high-explosive dual-purpose projectiles. Tracing the line of red tracers, Echelon 3 spots Morgan's aircraft strafing the Manticore's weak top armor, turning the towering walker into a heap of slag. And not just that, the screeching of tires can be heard outside the stadium. More helps have arrived in the form of armed Humvees with their M2HB machine guns mopping up what's left of Sangvis' presence in the area.

When Kar98k confirms that it's friendly T-Dolls dismounting the transport vehicles and rushing to secure the area, she allows herself to lay her rifle to rest. Finally, the battle is over. And for another day, her Echelon is allowed the sweet privilege of surviving another day without losing their precious memories. While 6P62 and Contender help Kar98k to sit down and lean on the crashed helicopter's side, the rifle T-Doll looks up into the sky. She searches for the barely visible figure of an Aria before spotting it and opening the previously inactive channel on the Zener Network.

"Morgan, are you there?" Despite her... less than pleasant dress code currently, Kar98k still maintains a level and calm voice, bereft of any exhaustion.

"I'm here, Kar98k. It's good to see you all still ok, well, somewhat. But at least most of you down there get to RTB and takes a well-deserved bath." Morgan replied, her upbeat voice bringing up the spirits of everyone. It's a good way to confirm that they're still alive, after all.

Kar98k is an elegant lady so she has many ways to show her gratitude to the person that just saved them. But in the end, she opts for short and concise words rather than flowery ones. "Truly, thank you for everything, Morgan. As a leader to another, you have my utmost respect."

Morgan giggles sonorously on the other end, pleased. "It will be impolite of me to not accept your gratitude then. So how about this, you treat me to something back at 794, surprise me."

"Challenge accepted." Kar98k smirked. It's been a long day so perhaps getting to know this angel of theirs won't be a bad way to end the day.

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