Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Side Story 3: It’s a Date!

RM Side Story 3: It’s a Date!

Leaning back on my padded office chair with my right fist supporting my cheek while holding a cigarette and my left hand holding up a report, my perusal is interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in." I gently said, having felt a wave of caring aura wafting through the office door.

With my permission, the ebony door is gently pushed open, thus revealing Yggdra in all of her glorious sky-blue dress. With a sing-song voice, she asks as she steps closer to my side. "Am I a bother for your work?"

"Of course not, none of you will ever be a bother to me." I said, feeling a pair of arms hugging me, a surge of calming energy spreads across my body and alleviates my fatigue.

Feeling comfortable, I lean into Yggdra's bosom, knowing that my eternal lover would very much like it. Her soft chuckle proves my action was a correct one if that's anything to go by. With my head being smothered by her breasts and the fact that she is more than a head taller than me, it takes Yggdra no time at all to notice the still-burning cigarette that I'm holding.

"I see that you've reacquired your bad habit from your last life. Was the work that stressful lately?" Yggdra asked with gentle concern. Her hand then shifts to remove the nicotine product before, with a snap of her fingers, morphing the cigarette into a small enchanted ruby.

With a cursory glance, I easily deduce the magical scripts inlaid in the softly glowing ruby. Jokingly rolling my eye at her, I say. "You just have to waste that premium blend of a cigarette, don't you? It was also not harmful to the body, unlike the cheaper one."

With her left index finger, Yggdra lightly flicks Yuki on the forehead, saying. "Regardless, healthy or not, it will create a precedent for you to indulge in other activities that are unfit for a person of your stature. Though knowing you, having you get rid of smoking is a tall order so I enchanted this ruby with a minor health enchantment." Yggdra then proceed to graft the ruby onto my Iron Cross, nestling it nicely on my left chest.

"You do realize that my entire attire is enchanted with health and endurance enchantments and many already, right?" I couldn't stop myself from saying that since, in a way, the ruby will just be redundant.

Rolling her eyes, Yggdra replies with finality. "Mine is special."

Knowing better than to argue, I move on to explain what I was doing.

"Before your timely arrival, I was finishing up on the reports from overseas. The US's leadership is now welcoming in more progressive figures, albeit at the lower rung of things while Rusviet is gearing up for a modernization of their entire armed force according to Section Head Quellec. Japan is starting to send out their feelers to get a hold of the situation in Europe, especially Belka, while the Long Dynasty are ramping up their domestic industry to produce pretty much everything. Ustio, divided into two factions, is trying to contain an upsurge in Demons spawning all over the place. I've sent Section Zero there to investigate the cause and help around if needed. Turns out it's just a natural occurrence, albeit a hard-to-handle one, leading to Alina and Adeline stepping in to remove a Demon as big as a five-story building on Reformists' soil. As for Spain, the initial landing of Sardegna was rife with troubles and setbacks. They're now struggling to regroup and reform their invasion force but they're getting there, should be around a couple of months till they can make a major push."

Yggdra nods, taking in the rundown I gave. "What about us? Anything interesting?"

That question is more rhetorical, really, for Yggdra knows everything that has happened in Belkan territory but I still answer her without missing a beat.

"If you count that our military is now officially the most modern armed force in the entire world, then yes. That and the fact that Doctor von Braun has been greenlighted for his little space program. The man jumped around like a kid in a candy store once I gave him the signed documents personally. With his help, it shouldn't be a long time before the first satellite is launched, thus kickstarting us into the information era. But anyway, I doubt that you will want me to go on and on about things you already learned about. Anything on your mind, Yggdra?"

Hearing my question, Yggdra tilts her head and shows a charming smile that surely makes my heart flutter for a few seconds. Being that she is hugging me close, Yggdra giggles seductively as she can feel my thumping heart clearly. Leaning in to lay a kiss on my lips, making my face heats up in the process, Yggdra then goes on to say.

"Well, what's on my mind right now is to spirit you away." I raise an eyebrow at this. "For a date, of course."


Well, this should have happened sooner, to be honest.


Glancing down at my and Yggdra's attire, ones that are perhaps too modern for the time we were in, I couldn't help but comment with a twitching eyebrow.

"You know, while I did hear you say that you would spirit me away, I didn't think it will be quite literally."

Currently, I am wearing a black sundress and a similarly colored sun hat with a red bow. To my right lays a red purse with its button being a black miniatured Iron Cross. I still retain my eyepatch, albeit it's black and has a rosy pattern in design.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Sitting to my left is none other than Yggdra with an annoying smirk presented on her face for pulling a stunt I never thought would be possible... Scratch that, I know Yggdra can do it, it's just that I never thought she would do it just for a date.

Back to the point, if my wearing a sundress is making me all girlie and cuddly, then Yggdra with her form-fitting suit will be a fine lady killer. Donning her blue hair into a long ponytail, Yggdra complimented the tomboyish look by wearing a blue suit with a similarly colored tie and a white shirt beneath the unbuttoned outer vest. Coupled with her usual charming and confident smile, I would do my best to shield her from some annoying vultures.

As if hearing my thoughts, Yggdra giggles before snaking a hand over to my pearly white leg, sending a tinge of arousal across the length of my body. I blush at such a blatant act, protesting. "K-Knock it off, Yggdra! Watch the road!"

Chuckling, Yggdra says. "You need not worry your pretty head with jealously, dear. My deep affection is only reserved for my family, and right now, you're the one enrapturing its entirety." With her palm still inching closer and closer to my womanhood, teasing me for what's about to come, Yggdra continues. "Have I ever complimented you for being such a delightful sight with that dress?"

Though I keep putting on the weak struggle at her naughtiness for a while, I ultimately relent and let her hand roams around my body and dress. "Yes, yes you did for what seemed to be the tenth time already!" I said with a blushing face as Yggdra decided to cup my breast while she maneuvered our car around the highway. Oh, how glad I am for the car to have one-way windows.

Laughing sonorously at my expense, Yggdra then says. "Well, let's make this the eleventh then." Looking at me squarely and with a face full of honesty, Yggdra continues. "You're beautiful, my love." Her dashing getup serves to boost her gallantness off the chart.

"... It would be a lie if I say you didn't make my heart skip a beat. Very well, I will gladly accept your compliment, again." I could only raise a fake front, knowing full well that I'm now at the woman's mercy. "And it would be remiss of me not to say that you're very handsome also." That earned me a gentle pinch to my cheek as Yggdra's smile grows a bit wider at my words.

Yggdra has been and always will be the leading figure in this love life of ours. And with me being a whole size smaller than all of the love interests I have currently, I am very used to the fact that I am huggable and that naughty hands keep copping a feel every now and then.

And I like that despite my protests, thank you very much. After all, that's how the women of my life shower me with their love and care, and Yggdra is no exception here. Being the one that is most intimate with my thought process, Yggdra offers a smiling "Umu." as she continues speeding our vehicle along the highway, putting its high top speed to the best of uses. I must admit that being the passenger in Yggdra's top-tier driving is an exhilarating experience of its own when you combine her teasing alongside it.

Coincidentally, Yggdra is controlling a navy blue 2024 Honda Prelude with gold rims down the streets of Japan's countryside. Passing and leaving behind dust and the roaring of the engine for the slower cars to see and feel in the process. And in case you haven't noticed by now, we're in a different universe altogether for our date. More specifically, it's Japan in October 2011, a timeline where Belka isn't a thing.


"It seems that we're almost there." Yggdra said as she diverted the car to the right of the highway, clearly intending to take the next right turn.

Glancing at the upcoming overhead signboard, I can see the name of the town that is our destination for our date. "Inaba?" I gently asked the word.

"A rural town surrounded by rolling hills, crops, and riverbanks, and it tends to rain quite often. A relaxing and peaceful destination for the duration of our stay, far away from the overwhelming work from our home and the hustle and bustle of Berlin's city life." Yggdra offered her reason to pick the place.

Understanding the reasoning behind it, I offer her a nod, anticipating the upcoming weeklong vacation she set me up to.

"Trust me, you will enjoy it." Smiling in assurance, Yggdra said as she round the turn with a drift, still flooring the gas earlier.

Why had she done that, you ask? Well, the road was cleared and apparently, Yggdra likes to show off, I guess.

Regardless, we soon run out of the last vestige of the city and thus welcome the sight of a paved path running along a river that cut across the upcoming town of Inaba into two halves. With the road here not wide nor safe enough for high-speed driving, Yggdra eases up on the gas to an acceptable level before gaining entry into the town proper.

Funnily enough, right at that moment Yggdra slowed down and drove leisurely into the town, a police car past a corner and followed them slowly from behind. It doesn't take a genius to know that the pair of detectives wearing red ties behind the wheels of the police car are eyeing the Honda Prelude with suspicion and wariness... Well, the middle-aged driver in a dark gray shirt is while the passenger to his right, wearing a black suit is eyeing the car with a wistful expression.

In fact, the passerby around us is pretty much the same, clearly not used to seeing such a luxurious vehicle driving down the road of their rural town. That and the beefy engine sound is also not helping to make us go unnoticed.

Fortunately, with Yggdra being very compliant with the law after a stern reminder from mine not to harass the local law enforcement, the detectives behind us divert their course away from us, presumably going back to work. Yggdra chuckles at their attempt at investigation while I roll my eyes at her antics.

Passing a local Department Store with a signboard denouncing 'Junes', most probably a corruption of the Ustian word, or French in this universe, "jeunesse" meaning "youth", Yggdra then follow the river road upstream till we reach a traditional onsen inn.

Stopping her proud blue car, at the parking lot to the side of the inn, Yggdra gives me a small smile before disembarking first. The commotion from our arrival attracts the attention of a small gathering at the front desk of the inn. Ignoring the curious gaze, Yggdra moves to my side of the car before opening the door with a splendid bow.

"Allow me, milady." Yggdra offered out her hand toward me, taking the role of being the 'husband; in this relationship of ours very seriously.

With a bit of red on my face, I hold out my right hand, letting her take it and help me out of the car. Once outside, Yggdra excuses herself with a smile for a moment, prompting me to give her a soft nod. She then goes to the back of the Honda Prelude, opening its trunk to pick up the content inside. While she's doing that, I allow myself to take a scan of the surrounding area, taking in the cleaner air of rural Japan in the process.

At the front desk is a group of age teenagers that were talking to the receptionist, students judging from their attires. Of the eight, more than half of them are female and that is including a cross-dressing student. With our sudden entrance here, all of them are now gazing at us, half in curiosity, half in astonishment. Not to toot our own horn but our beauty is too exotic, so much so that it enraptures both genders.

Coming up to my side, Yggdra holds out her right elbow while her left hand is carrying the briefcase containing our belongings for our vacation. "Well, shall we?" She said with a dashing smile, prompting me to link arms with her as we made our way to the front desk.

I lean my head on her shoulder, acting very much like a married couple regardless of our genders. This will no doubt cause some unwanted inquiries but we honestly don't give a damn about the prejudices of this world.

By the time we reach the reception area, the group of students and the receptionist have woken out of their trance. One of the students, wearing a red cardigan sweater with black leggings, steps forth and together with the female receptionist, gives us welcoming bows.

"Welcome to Amagi Inn, customers! I am Yukiko Amagi, how can we assist you today?" The girl in red with dark brown eyes and long straight black hair that is kept neat with her red hairband, said with professionalism ingrained into her body. Behind her, her friends have taken a step back out of politeness for us, keeping in mind not to gaze at us too much. All aside from the blue hair cross-dressing girl, that is.

Though her gaze contains the inquisitiveness of a detective and hidden admiration, not one of negative intent so I let it slide.

Letting Yggdra take the reign of the conversation, I opt to stick to my lover's side as she says. "Thank you for the welcome, Ms. Amagi, I am Yggdra Venusia and this is my wife, Yuki Venusia. We're here for our weeklong honeymoon and we would like to choose the bedroom and service you have to offer for the duration of our stay."

Understandably, my face heats up at the words 'wife' and 'honeymoon', though I show a content smile at Yggdra's assertion of my bond to her.

Also understandably, the group of students exclaims in shock at the blatant proof of a real-life Yuri couple in front of them. Yggdra, while dressed tomboyishly, still can't hide her well-stacked asset on her upper body.

As for the students... Yukiko Amagi sports blush despite her professional look while the rest of her female friends can't help but show a spike in their interest after Yggdra's proclamation. Last but not least is a gray hair teen with a natural leader aura, presumably the center of this student group that is by far the most normal of this group, only giving us a thumbs up and a smile of approval.

The male, on the other hand, the natural blond foreigner is gushing haphazardly about our relationship with his imagination and probably went into overdrive, only to receive a bonk on the head by a laid-back teen with brown hair for being rude. Next to them is a dyed-blond punk-looking teen that is blushing while his mind going off somewhere, he is muttering something about 'Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.".

If you ignore the fact that these students carry themselves with an aura of seasoned fighters, then they are one good circle of friends.

Yggdra is having the same thought as I am so she subtly proceeds to cover me while she addresses the presumed heiress of Amagi Inn. "Wakey, wakey, Ms. Amagi."

Being pulled back to reality and remembering the request made by Yggdra, Ms. Amagi hastily says. "R-Right this way, please! We will have to sign up your names in our registry first."

Nodding, Yggdra leads me to the desk while she works on registering our stay at the inn. While doing that, another car pulls up and although it's a civilian car, it's manned by the middle-aged detective from before with the passenger this time being a little girl. The girl steps off before dashing towards the gray hair girl in the group while the detective follows behind.

"Big sis Yui!" The little girl goes in for a hug and the older girl, Yui, promptly returns.

"Nanako! What are you doing in here?" Yui asked with a smile.

It's the detective that steps up to answer the question. "Ah, good thing we found you. I've got to make a business trip to the prefectural office, and I won't be back tomorrow."

The detective spares me and Yggdra a sidelong glance before continuing with the talk. "Shame it had to fall during your school's Culture Festival. Nanako and I were both looking forward to it..."

Seeing his face showing a bit of remorse, Yukiko Amagi is quick to step in. "Would you like to walk around with us, Nanako?"

"Can I?" The little girl nodded with a hopeful expression, reminding me of Ningyo, to be honest.

The detective then scratches his head in relief. "Thanks. Then I'm gonna get going."

Though he said that, the detective then turned toward us. "You two came in that monster of a car?"

I am about to reply when Yggdra gently pulls me back behind her, replying to the detective with a thin smile. "That we did, detective? Are we in trouble for wanting to enjoy a vacation?"

Knowing that he doesn't really have the ground to ask anything, just his curiosity, the detective scratches his head, apologizing. "Sorry, it was nothing at all. It's just that it's rare for people to arrive here in such a high-profile manner. I do hope you enjoy your stay here, however."

Nodding at the detective, thus ending the conversation, Yggdra then gently guides me into the inn's interior, following the steps of a server. Moving past the door, I can hear the detective addressing his daughter.

"Well then, have fun, Nanako!"

"Un! Have a safe trip!"


Settling down by a dark wood table and on the tatami mat, having changed into our yukatas earlier, I sit in the loving arms of Yggdra while we gaze at the evening sky. With the most luxurious room that Yggdra booked being on the second floor of the inn, we have gained ourselves peace and serenity to take in the sight of another world's nature.

Though nature here is still tainted with pollution, more so than our own world, the view offered by the inn has a charm of its own as you can watch the flowing river and swaying tree tops to the side.

"You know," I speak up., thus breaking the soothing silence. "now that I am experiencing this once again, I can't help but want more. Maybe we should bring the entire family on a trip like this sometimes. Away from the hectic atmosphere of our world for a change of pace."

Leaning down to lay a kiss on my head, Yggdra agrees. "I'm glad that you see it that way. Not every day should be spent working for a greater cause. And what, it took me to send you to another world for you to see it."

Rolling my eye at Yggdra's jab, I say. "Well, if I do worry you gals about my workload then you all are free to intervene." I stop before adding. "As long as the situation permits it, of course."

"Must you have to leave a way to retreat every time?" Yggdra deadpanned.

"Yes, yes I must."

We lock gazes for a bit before bursting out in a series of chuckles. Having had conversations like this many times before, we all know where it will head.

"Come on, let's relax your nerves with the best tea they have." Yggdra advised, opting to pick up a cup of warm green tea for me to take a sip.

Allowing myself to be cared for by my lover, a part of me flutter about in embarrassment and happiness as Yggdra slowly coax the refreshing liquid down my throat, taking measures not to make me choke. I've indeed been taken care of by servants and then my family but to have this much attentiveness to each and every action? Only Yggdra can pull it off, knowing fully how to tick every single of my check box.

For a period of time, we keep ourselves hydrated and converse about lighter topics until a knock is heard from the sliding door behind us. Leaning over to one side, thus pulling me closer into her bosom, Yggdra announces. "Come in!"

Gently sliding over the door decorated with sakura embroidery, Yukiko Amagi reveals herself. Her eyes glaze over for a moment after seeing our suggestive position but ultimately regains herself quickly enough.

"Fair ladies, the bath will be available for us to use in half an hour. If need be, I can explain more on onsen etiquettes should you wish?" I have to applaud the girl for still being able to maintain somewhat of a straight face.

Shaking her head with a small smile, Yggdra replies. "That won't be needed, miss heiress. We will be seeing you later then, along with your female friends?"

Nodding with a graceful smile, Yukiko performs a slight bow. "That will be correct, lady Venusia. And please, you can just call me Yukiko. I and my friends aren't ones to be a stickler to honorifics."

"I see, then allow us to be more direct with you, Yukiko." Yggdra said with a smile, while I offered her a nod.

Bowing at us, Yukiko then closes the door before moving away, leaving us to our own devices till bath time.

For a moment, I thought that we would return to the calming atmosphere from before but Yggdra just have to throw a wrench into it.

"I am looking forward to seeing you out of this Yukata." Yggdra leaned in, blowing a hot breath in my ear, almost making me jump in shock.

Finally registering her meaning, I can't stop myself from gulping, mostly because I am anticipating our nights together.

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