Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Side Story 4: First Time is the Charm! (R-18)

RM Side Story 4: First Time is the Charm! (R-18)

"Please watch your steps, the minerals in the onsen can make the floor quite slippery." Yukiko Amagi advised as she led us into the onsen after we all took a shower.

Linking arms with Yggdra as we walk with nothing but our towels to cover us, we soon come to see the famous onsen in all of its glory. A combination of natural and manmade rock formations decorate the onsen, complimented by a sunsetting backdrop. Stepping onto the smooth stone flooring, moistened by the misty onsen, Yggdra helps me over to the edge of the spring, taking care of me to not slip on my feet. There, I come to see the group of female friends that Yukiko has, resting near the edge and away from the pouring gate.

With us only using a small towel to cover our privates, Yggdra and I have garnered gazes of admiration, mixed slightly with a hint of lust as we slowly step into the onsen. Yeah, we have that effect on people, especially Yggdra. Yukiko follows soon after behind us, taking care not to make much noise in the process. We all take a moment of silent relaxation, letting the warm spring water soothe our nerves before the tacit agreement is broken by the little girl from before, Nanako.

"Sisters, how are you so pretty?" Nanako asked innocently with a tilt of her head. Her demeanor really reminds me of Ningyo.

With Yggdra just pulling me closer, accompanied by a smile, and showing no sign of answering, it falls to me to satisfy the curiosity of these girls. I answer, but not before sharing a look with Yggdra to determine how much I should reveal.

"Nanako, right? Will you believe me if we say that our beauty is all-natural? Cosmetic surgery can only get you so far, after all." They looked at me in surprise, clearly not expecting me to be the one that answered.

I chuckle in amusement. "Although my husband converses in my place, it doesn't mean that I am muted, you know?"

My words prompt them to apologize for their assumption, which I just smile and accept, no harm done.

"You may or may not have heard Yggdra's introduction back there so allow me to make you acquaintance. I am Yuki Venusia and this person right here," I look up to Yggdra who is now holding me from behind. " is Yggdra Venusia. Though we behave like a married couple, we still haven't held a wedding, yet. Hence there are no rings on our fingers. Yggdra is the husband in our relationship, you can see that just from the way she acted earlier, while I am content with being the little spoon, the wife if you want to be formal."

"Aww~! You're so cute, dear!" Yggdra cooed before giving my hair a few playful nudges with her shin. I giggle, a bit ticklish by her action.

Seeing our playful nature, the girl with twin-tail says the word that's on everyone's mind. "Wow..."

"I know right?" Once again, the girl with short gray hair gave us a thumbs up as she said that. Kindred spirit maybe?

Peering a closer look at her gray eyes, I can gleam that she is a kindred spirit with the same attraction to the same sex, just like me. Understandably, I must return a thumbs up at her, earning a chuckle from her while I let out one of my own.

Noticing our silent communication, the twin-tail girl facepalms with a shake of her hand. "Seriously, Yui?"

Yui shrugs. "What? It's not every day you can see such a beautiful, and successful lily couple!"

Being used to the gray hair girl, Yui's antics by now, the rest of the girls can only sigh at her words. Each of them probably got hit on by Yui a multitude of times but seeing that they have this harmonious aura around them, I can see that Yui is treading the path of a polyamorous relationship at a steady pace. Good girl.

Suddenly, little Nanako says. "Big sis, what's a lily couple?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

Hearing such a question, Yui puts on the face of a preacher, preparing herself to go on and enlighting Nanako on the gloriousness of Yuri. Or that was the plan until the twin-tail girl bonks Yui on the head, making the latter scrunches up while holding her head.

"What was that for!?" Yui protested

"For being overzealous you idiot! We can handle you messing with us but not Nanako, damn it!" The twin-tail girl admonished Yui and the pair continued on to bicker with each other, leaving behind a confused Nanako.

The rest of the group can only shake their head at this while I and Yggdra smile at them warmly. They're just like us, after all.

"Noisy couple aside, Nanako, a lily couple is only understandable when you grow a bit older. So be patient, ok?" The tomboyish girl with short dark blue hair and eyes said as she scooted closer to Nanako, patting her head. The little girl gives her affirmation, a bit weirded out by Yui and the other girl.

Moving the topic to something else, the tomboy proceeds to introduce herself. "I'm sorry for the other two, they're usually at each other's throat like cat and mouse. My name is Naoto Shirogane, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

We give affirmative nods at Naoto, prompting the rest to introduce themselves and also stopping the antics the couple is making.

"Howdy! I'm Chie Satonaka and my hobby is anything related to martial arts. A pleasure to meet you!" Said a girl with short brown hair. Her brown eyes scan our figures before commenting. "Wow... You two have such great bodies!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

We laugh at her refreshing frankness before the others chime in.

"It will be weird if I don't reintroduce myself here. I'm Yukiko Amagi, the current heiress of this inn. I am glad to see that you've been enjoying our hot spring so far."

She's not wrong, it's a pleasurable experience so we give her our affirmative nods.

"Then up next is my turn. I'm Rise Kujikawa, an idol on hiatus, it's nice to meetcha! And do excuse our leader, Yui for being too blatant in her interest. I assure you she is usually more reliable than this... mess." Rise then motions a hand to Yui, earning a good-natured huff from the latter.

"Though I would like Rise to word it better, at the end of the day, she is corrected in her assumption. I'm Yui Narukami and this is my maternal cousin and sister, Nanako Dojima."

"Hi, big sisters." Nanako waved at us. Her innocent puts a smile on everyone's face. And that's about everyone.

With the introduction and name out of the way, everyone starts coming closer for a chat as the stranger barrier is taken down. For a short period of time, we all talk about mundane things in life, stuff like stories from the city and the mysterious occurrence of Inaba. And yes, Yggdra and I notice the otherworldy facet that this rural town seems to hide and the mastermind behind it. That doesn't mean we will be going out own way to handle it though. Whatever the case, this group that gravitates around Yui Narukami is the center of everything. The best we can do is maybe offer some guidance and indirect help for the kids.

The conversation soon arrives at the elephant in the room, who are we to be exact? The question is asked by Naoto and we deem it safe to answer some bits and pieces about our identities, fabricated or not.

Yggdra is the one to speak up first.

"I do believe that you all should know about the Kirijo Group, even if you're living in a rural town like Inaba."

Naoto and the rest share a look, unsure where the conversation is heading before the blue hair girl responds. "It's hard not to with the far-reaching influence of the group."

"Well, you can say that we hail from a group with as much, if not more influential than the Kirijo. To be more specific, we are the figures behind Venus Heavy Industry." Yggdra explained, giving them a tidbit of background information about the identities she prepared for us.

Being the Primordial Goddess of Creation, she can easily mess around with a worldline to create identities of her choosing. It's just that our current identities are world-renowned billionaires that stunned the group of teens here.

"I must admit that I expected you two to be some high-ranking figures but to be the owners of the Venus Industry... Now that is both hard to believe but somehow I know that you aren't lying." Naoto said while massaging her temple.

Aside from Nanako, the others are struggling to accept the truth also.

"Should we count ourselves lucky to meet the fabled couple behind the advancement of the world's technology? Or should we be afraid of getting to know them for the trouble it may bring?" Yui jested, earning wry smiles from her friends.

I chuckle, amused by her attempt to cope. "Both. Both are good."

"Wait for a second then," Chie interjected. "can anyone explain why their identities are that important? Like, I know Venus Industry is a bigshot but why exactly?"

Rolling her eyes, Naoto says. "Right, I forget that aside from martial arts, you don't pay attention to anything."

The admonishment from Naoto causes Chie to be sheepish. "Tehe~"

Yggdra then explains.

"Venus Heavy Industry is a company that deals in high-tech equipment of all kinds, medical, electronics, construction, and even weapons... We singlehandedly raise the technological level of Japan and any countries that contracted by ten years. Most notably, we are the ones behind cloud storage services and smartphones, and if you want to take a step further, we supplied weapons for the Americans and Russians in their spiels in Afghanistan. We actually still supplying them with modern weaponry, to be truthful. Which is why I dare say that our influence rivaled that of the Kirijo group."

Their only response to Yggdra's explanation is. "Wow..."

Rise decides to add. "And let's not forget the fact that your company also bought out my talent agency in your bid to advance your interest."

This raises eyebrows from the others.

Yggdra nods, acting out her persona while I just play along to see where this will lead. "We dabble in many things and it will do us good to have a brand ambassador. So imagine our surprise when the candidate for that position is right in front of us."

Surprise at the insinuation, Rise points at herself with her mouth agape, leaving the question unspoken.

"That's right, we are still working on a contract that is suitable for you, Rise. Of course, the contract won't include you advertising our weapons and tools of war. We don't want your image to be tarnished if possible."

"...Moving on from that shocking revelation that I have no idea how to react, just how is your relationship included in the equation?" Rise questioned, changing the topic to something more manageable.

Smiling, Yggdra pats my head, saying. "We love each other deeply, that's for sure. As for the nature of our work, Yuki is the one doing the magic and changing lives while I'm the one that makes sure that she can play around without trouble. Simple as that."

"So you're like a bodyguard to her? You know, judging from your possessive nature thus far. No offense, of course." Chie said before being bonked by Yukiko for being, earning a small laugh from us.

I then reply. "None taken. Yggdra acts like that whenever possible to reaffirm her hold on me. And I chose to endear myself to her whenever she does that. It makes me feel wanted and I like that, to be honest."

"But not everything is smooth sailing, isn't it?" Naoto asked, looking at my uncovered left eye.

"I'm surprised that it took you this long to ask about my left eye." I giggled.

Yui interjects after giving Naoto a look, causing the bluenette to mutter a sorry. "You don't have to say anything if that makes you two uncomfortable."

I dismiss the concern, however. "It's fine, it's not like it's anything grave. Once you reach a high enough place, someone is bound to be envious of your position." I point at my left eye, the others can see the slowly ticking hands of a clockwork eye as they pay attention. "This... high-grade prosthetic, is the result of someone that hated progress, to put it mildly."

They all sport crestfallen expressions and before they can offer their pity, Yggdra steps in, reassuring them with a gentle smile. "We've made peace with what happened in the past, you girls need not worry your cute heads over it."

I then direct the conversation elsewhere. "Our matter aside, we have told you a bit about ourselves, now it's your turn. And considering that we can clearly see that your group has... combat experience, I trust that you won't shy away from sharing a few facts about yourself. Who knows, maybe we can help, or invest in this case, seeing that you all are such interesting individuals."

Letting out a wry smile, Yui says. "Figured that you would notice something about us, that scanning look you gave us is awfully similar to Naoto and Uncle Dojima."

Knowing that the conversation is not suitable for Nanako, Yukiko takes the chance to lead the girl out for a swim, which is clearly against the rule by the way. Regardless, we direct thankful nods toward the heiress for setting up the stage.

Yui and Naoto then give us the truth about the mysteriousness of the town while Rise and Chie chime in whenever the topic turns to them or Yukiko. After the summary they gave, we finally have a clearer picture of their involvement in the case.

I speak up. "This may be hypocrisy from me but you all sure are playing with fire."

Stunned, Chie exclaims. "Wait, you believe us!?"

I snicker. "What's not to believe when we can do this." I then conjure a privacy ward, the glowing magic circle grabs their attention as the ward expands to cover the onsen.

Squinting her eyes, Naoto asks. "That's magic, right? Are you also a Persona user?" She and the rest can feel the power behind the spell, albeit subtle.

Shaking my head, I explain. "Although we're deeply attached to the moonlit world, we're not Persona users like you."

Yggdra adds. "We're something more than that and compared to us, Personas are just toddlers, considering that they're merely a facet of the real things."

"Should I be worried now?" Yui asked as a dry laugh escape her mouth. "This is clearly way too much for a single day."

I shrug. "Well, we'll be staying here for a week so we have all the time in the world to introduce you all to the supernatural. It will be remiss of us to leave you muddling through without knowing what you're up against."

"And while we're at that," Yggdra offered. "we can also discuss how we can help you in your endeavor. Though we can't directly help you due to the nature of our work, we can offer you material aids and drag another party that used to have the same situation as yours."

Rise questions. "You're saying that there are others like us?"

I chuckle at her. "With us being magic users and you are Persona holders, you surely don't think that there aren't others like you? No, there are generations before you, and the nearest generation answered to the leader of the Kirijo Group, Mitsuru Kirijo. Though the story behind them is one of bloodshed and Death, one that is better revealed by them when we invite them over."

Scratching her cheek, Chie comments. "Something tells me that we're the luckier ones here..."

"Trust me, I'm surprised that your group is still intact, given your deep involvement in the supernatural for quite some time." Yggdra gave her thoughts, earning scared laughs from the females presented.

She's not wrong, considering that these teenagers are fighting god-level figures with no prior knowledge and experience whatsoever.

Deciding to let them cool their head, Yggdra turns the conversation to mundane topics before we call it a night. They are thankful for that and each is willing to hit the bed as soon as possible.

All but Yggdra and me.


"Hah... Hah... Hah... S-Slow down, Y-Yggdra! Ah~!"

Amidst the flurry of kisses and caresses beneath my Yakata, I struggled to form coherent words and thoughts as Yggdra gently, but consistently assault my senses. Us two and the group headed by Yui have retired for the night and the first thing that Yggdra did is to place a heavy privacy ward in our room. After that, the promised time, teased on multiple occasions, has finally arrived.

Giving me one final deep kiss, tongues intertwined, Yggdra then pulls out, leaving me breathless. "Don't worry, Yuki. I will be gentle with you." She said before snaking a hand beneath my dress and panties, slowly, she started playing with my private. Each stroke from her fingers causes intense pleasure to run along my spine.

My moans are muffled by her kiss though while her other hand plays around with my breast, pinching my nipple, thus forming an onslaught of pleasure. Gradually, I approach my first climax as my back arch under her constant but loving assault.

Stopping the hand that is fondling my breast, Yggdra then cradles my head closer to the nape of her neck with a warm smile. With a final thrust of her fingers, reaching my hymen, I lewdly moan as I cum on her fingers while giving Yggdra a love bite. My mind blank out with Yggdra resumed her teasing of my pussy, still very sensitive after my climax.

Unable to form a single word with Yggdra holding me close to her neck, thus making me still bite her, I can only let her lose on my body, now knowing what to do. A part of me is worrying about her fair skin but honestly, I am slowly losing myself, sooner or later, I will be at her mercy, begging for the pleasure she offers.

And I'm fine with that.

It's unknown how much time has passed before Yggdra pulls out her glistening fingers for me to see. I then watched, dazed, as she gives them a few licks, smirking with glee before putting the fingers in my mouth. I am too out of sorts to care but I think my subconscious decides to lick and suck on her fingers greedily.

Seeing the sensual sight, Yggdra then lowers my body onto the bed while half opening my yukata and displacing my panties. Lowering herself, Yggdra licks my breasts before giving my nipples a few bites, earning unrestrained moans from me. After satisfying herself with my bosom, Yggdra looks up at me, saying. "I think you're ready now."

With that as the signal, something big is positioned in front of my wet slit, I can feel its eager tip giving my private a few prods before...

"Un~!" With a wet sound, the rod is thrust into me at a steady pace. Then, the rod that I soon identify with my hazy mind as Yggdra's cock breaks past my hymen with a rush of pain.

Knowing that the act might cause me to bite my tongue, Yggdra willingly let me bite down on her fingers despite the pain it may cause. Oh, how I love her so much~!

Unconsciously, my legs and arms have draped over her body, pushing her deeper into mine. Accepting the invitation with open arms, Yggdra starts pistoning in and out of my pussy, her big cock's movement is visible on my belly as each push leaves me breathless, wanting more and more.

Removing her fingers from my mouth after confirming that I'm no longer in pain, I can't help but feel a sense of loss at that. More... I want to taste her too, just like she is having a taste of me~!

Yggdra easily reads the greediness in my eyes, a laugh escapes her as she leans down to say, all the while her cock pushes through my cervix. "You're insatible~! Just the way I remember you."

Placing her entire body over me, thus rushing her cock into my womb and down to its base, Yggdra allows me to be smothered by her bountiful breasts. Being shown an offer I can't refuse, I take it by hugging her upper body closer to my face. I then open my mouth to latch on to her nipple, sucking it like a baby wanting her mother's milk.

Yggdra purrs at my naughty action. "Ara, ara~! You're just like a child! Let mama takes care of you, my little dear."

With my action stroking her maternal instinct into overdrive, Yggdra moves her cock faster and faster, and with each stroke, milk leaks from her buds in streams that I greedily devour. The sweetness of her divine milk reinvigorates my body and as if the milk contains aphrodisiac, my body heats up more and more till all I can think of is just pleasure and nothing else.

Thus, when I reach my climax suddenly, I am forced to give Yggdra's nipple a sharp bite, drinking her milk as my body spasm. My bite, sudden as it may be, has rushed Yggdra to cum deep into my womb uncontrollably. Thick and hot waves of semen are pumped vigorously into my belly, filling my womanhood with love as our liquid mix together into a fascinating color.

For a second, I blank out as Yggdra collapses onto me, she too is overwhelmed by the pleasure that eluded her for ages. We stay like that for a few minutes, my mouth and tongue still licking and sucking out her milk while her cock is still slowly, but surely, grinding against my inner wall.

Uncontend to end the night after only one round, I control my lower muscles to contract and reaffirm their hold over the thick shaft in my body. Still sensitive from her first shot in a long time, Yggdra fails to bite back a lewd "Ahn~!" from escaping her mouth. Yet, her fighting spirit is successfully reignited as I can feel her dick thickening, becoming bigger than before. A gasp escapes between my sucking, knowing full well what's about to come.

With my body now use to sexual acts and hungry for more, Yggdra deigns to answer my carnal desire as she resumes the attack on my pussy, relentlessly this time. As her cock is now bigger than ever, lubricated by our love juice, I soon reach my peak, clamping hard on her rod, taking her deeper into my cervix and cumming directly in there this time.

So much cum is poured into my pussy that my belly can't help but become a tad bit bigger from our fluid exchange. Oh, mother, I love her so damn much~!

Yggdra pulls out, her rod still straight and vigorous as it fires strands of milky fluid on my body, decorating it with her love.

"Stay with me, Yuki...! The night is far from over, love~!" Yggdra's breathless words, once again, left me in a daze.

Moving away from her breasts to peer deeper into her glowing blue eyes, I wordlessly turn around, laying on my belly. Yggdra's thick and hot baby batter flows out of my womb as I raise my butt upward, positioning my entrance at the tip of her fiery shaft with my hands spreading my pussy open in an invitation.

"Dominate me...!" My sensual mutter didn't fail to place a wide smile on Yggdra's face as she licked her lips in anticipation.

Thus comes bliss.

Neverending bliss.

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