Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Prologue: The fine line in the sand

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Prologue: The fine line in the sand

It's ironic to say this as I was one of the most powerful figures in the Omniverse but... That was Divine.

That weeklong vacation with Yggdra did wonders for my wearied body. It also allowed me to have some me time for once and did a miraculous job for my psyche. During the said week, Yggdra led me on to visit the various parts of Inaba, old and modern alike. We tried out many delicacies around the time, attended an impromptu concert, visited a beach, and even dabbled in crafting a blade of our own, personally... We also hang out with that group of students that called themselves the Investigation Team. Funny bunch they were, but very driven in their cause to uncover the culprit behind the series of murders around the town. Yggdra and I left behind a substitute to sponsor them. That and hooked them up with their predecessors. It's funny how both sides reacted when they came face to face with each other.

Though I do admit that I couldn't help but pity the kids. None deserve the fate of picking up a weapon to clash again eldritch horrors, only to sacrifice themselves to prevent the collective subconscious of humanity from killing, well, humanity in the end. Yggdra said that our daughter will come to deal with it soon enough so I need not worry much about them.

They're worlds apart, literally.

Anyway, I digress from our main worldline. Like I was saying, I did have some time alone for myself. Well, enough time away from either being a blushing mess due to Yggdra's teasing or indulging in carnal desire that will leave a succubus ashamed. Nevertheless, I've once again mulled over my plan to unify the world under one banner, the V2 plan. Very soon down my train of thought, I realized that more than half of the pieces for the puzzle are coming together.

We, in relative obscurity, have raised one of, if not the strongest armed force in the world currently. And unless we shaved away half of our IQ, seizing the entirety of Europe under our influence will be a cakewalk. Granted, controlling them might still be a hassle but nothing that ONI can't handle. That said, we can extend our reach oversea more prominently now.

But first, Spain but with the silenced S. With the Spanish Civil war heating up for its climax, ONI has been gathering a treasure trove of data with Dreamer and Mobius having a field day over the corpses of Sardegnian Crusaders. Their autopsies have shed light on the Sardegnian's production method of enhanced human and as expected, it didn't look pretty for any of us. Excerpting from Mobius's words.

"Their way of making supersoldier is crude, wasteful, ineffective, and may I say, inhuman. They're using a part of the magic formations that the traitorous wood elves used to birth Ningyo and forcefully expanded the mana vessel of a female. This painful and deadly process allowed a previously magically inept female to wield spells and magecrafts at a higher level than normal. Yet, the success rate is abysmally low, 1 out of 20 with randomized strength, not to mention the exorbitant price they have to pay to perform the said process. Failure or not, each treatment needs the sacrifice of approximately one hundred souls, and considering there were fifty Crusaders at the beginning stage of the Spanish Civil war... You can do the math."

When I first heard the report, I couldn't help but immediately find something to vent on. This means I headed for the shooting range and unloaded countless bullets on the steel target with Benito Mussolini painted on it. If even I felt like that then imagine how livid Alaya, the Will of Earth, was feeling when such bloody slaughters that blatantly violated Divine Laws occurred under her watch.

So here's the thing, Alaya struck a deal with Yggdra to supervise and control the ever-spreading mana, right? Meaning non-humans and humans that were aboard Yggdra's seed ship will have barricades hampering their access to mana and by extension magic. Humans of Earth, on the other hand, don't have barricades but literal dams, a hard cap on how much mana they can store and utilize at the same time. The restrictions are there due to the fact that Alaya wanted a non-volatile development of the human race. She is fine with guns and nukes, and a few spells here and there but is not fine when humankind askew their years of scientific progress for an outlier that is magic. And with magic being the closest thing to a miracle, you can imagine the chaos it would cause for Earth if left unchecked. Hence the restrictions in the pact between Alaya and Yggdra.

Nevertheless, those shackles will be lessened slowly after a few cycles of Months of Demons. Gradually, science and magic will be combined and proliferate across the entire world, not just being limited to Belka. Though I think Belka will be having the most say in when and how of the latter. Yet, rules are meant to be broken.

By forcefully expanding the mana vessel of their Crusaders, essentially breaking Alaya's dams and rebuilding them further down the river, Sardegna triggered Alaya enough that she is actually building a judgment force. And with the fact that the magic formations the Papacy used actually came from the basement of the burned-down Castle Itter, the judgment force will be coming for Belka sooner or later. Because let's be honest, Sardegna needs to have a traitor of Belka to even dream of not just creating the enhancement process, but also has a pocket dimension that has been eluding my Einherjar. I doubt the judgment force will be open for negotiation. Thankfully, we have time, for a short period of building the judgment force in Alaya's eyes is a long time for us mortals. I would rather we deal with Sardegna first before we tackle the traitor or traitors and by extension, Alaya's goons.

Another piece of information that's frankly disturbing is that the sacrificial lambs Sardegna has been using consist of Jews in the majority and various smaller ethnic groups. As if laughing at our attempt at tracking them, we learned that the pocket dimension they're hiding in is named  Auschwitz. Yeah, definitely Belkan, and I am reserving an execution of being strapped to the end of a battleship cannon for the bastard that named it that way.

Now back to Spain. Well, things haven't changed much there, to be honest. Still some skirmishes but no major battle, yet. Japan, however, boy oh boy, have they done fucked up now!

So before I was spirited away on a honeymoon with Yggdra, I did read up a report on ONI rounding up the last of the Japanese spies, right? What you didn't know is that I sent out the first batch of Ravens on manhunts soon after. Trials by fire basically and they completed them with flying colors. Apparently, they hit them so hard that the Japanese operatives failed to remove all the incriminating evidence against a bunch of high-ranking Japanese officials, a few of them sporting the rank of General too.

As such, do you know where am I right now? Have a guess. Hints would be that I am using a telescope to gaze upon the starry night sky, managing to spot large chunks of debris and meteorites orbiting Earth and the Moon... Ok, that's a useless hint now that I think about it.

How about this one then? A certain Sun Goddess with brown hair and eyes will be knocking on the door, or her servant will, in five... four... three... two... one.


I smirk before turning around, twirling my gray kimono with a blood-red flame motif. "It's showtime~!"



Tenkuu no Shiro, the Castle in the Sky, is the heart of the  Imperial Japanese and the Shinto Gods. More commonly known by the name of Laputa, the castle sits dominantly atop the snowy white peak of Mount Fuji and is regularly accompanied by a thin layer of mist or low-flying clouds, hence the name. Rich in natural energy, and mana, and is an important part of Japanese spirituality, it's no wonder that what's left of the Shinto Gods pick this place as their home. As for the worry that Mount Fuji erupting now or in the future, being a stratovolcano and all, it's an unnecessary worry for there's an Asama Shrine at the foothills to ward off eruptions. Such a warding effort is left in the gentle hands of Sakuya-Hime, otherwise known as the Goddess of Mount Fuji and all volcanoes in Japanese mythology. She is also the blossom-princess and symbol of delicate earthly life.

In other words, she's a minor Goddess directly under Yggdra's domain. I met the motherly lady in white when I first arrived in Fuji, she's such a darling for guiding me personally up the path to reach Laputa. Was I not here for official business, I would have loved to sit down by a tea table and chat more with her. For an Earth Goddess, she is very insightful in mortal affairs, she would no doubt be a great asset as a minister so it struck me as odd as to why she isn't. When subtly presented with that question, Sakuya-Hime gave a thinly veiled complaint about the current administration of Japan, one that is comprised of fanaticism and askew superiority. It's one of the reasons why she is relegated to be a Warding Miko instead of presiding over the seat of the Heavenly Court.

It was... Interesting to hear firsthand. Sadly, our time together was short and we had to part ways once I and my retinue were welcomed into Laputa. Note to me, visit the bored lady with a gift package in hand, she deserves better than the out-of-sight Shrine at the bottom of the mountain.

"Something on your mind, my child?" Back to the present, now. "Are you nervous about the upcoming party?"

"I'm just taking in the poetic scenery, Your Majesty." I shook my head. I wasn't lying though, the starlight peeking into the corridors created a view to behold.

The brown hair figure that's walking to my side pulls me to a stop, she then turns around and gives me a flick on the forehead, her divine garment flutters as she says. "What did I tell you?"

I answer while massaging my forehead, directing a surrender smile toward the Sun Goddess in the process. "To discard the honorific..."

"And to call me by my name, just like what you used to do when you were still a child." She then uses the finger that flicked my head to cast a small spell, relieving me of the pain.

Though her deliberate tone would suggest a distance, I can feel the warmth and care behind her words and action. I let a smile graces my face, responding. "I will do just that then, Amaterasu."

Hearing me saying her name directly, Amaterasu allows a smile of her own to show. Pulling me closer to her side, she then guides me on till we reach a great door. "It heartened me to hear you say my name, Yuki. It has been

years since I last meet you face to face."

The door is pushed open as she said that with the Tengus standing to the sides announcing our presence. Amaterasu leads me inward, showing off our close relationship to everyone situated in the decorated lobby. Sparing a hidden glance, I easily identified other Shinto Gods and even members of Japan's royalty and their affiliates standing in welcome at the lower seats of the lobby. Much to the surprise of many, Amaterasu guides me to the highest seat, next to her and another that still hasn't been seen. Just from a single action of her taking care of me, her niece, I can already feel gazes of veiled animosity right off the bat. I struggle a bit to hide a cruel smirk at that though apparently, Amaterasu notices something is off. The concerned glance she keeps sending my way makes me a bit guilty for the commotion I will soon bring.

Signaling to her that I'm fine and she should address the rest, Amaterasu nods as she allows me to sit first while she stands to give a short speech for the people under her rule. In short, it's about our respective nations and ties, me as her niece and as the Reich Marshal, the nature of my national visit, and her hopeful outlook about the future of our people and the results my trip would bring. That last part is highly contestable but I let Amaterasu finish her speech, clapping together with the others down below.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Many offer me a toast of their sake bowl while a not-so-small-number steps forth to pay me proper respect by bowing deeply. I would be lying if I say I'm not impressed by their courage and honesty for doing that under the watchful gazes of many. Mentally tagging them as potential targets of interest, I then carry on with the welcoming party that Amaterasu hosted, offering a few words here and there if I must answer politely to those that greet me. After thirty minutes, Amaterasu decides that I have had enough for the night so she claps her hands twice, calling in the servants to start bringing in food and booze for the guest.

Sitting at the highest and most lavish table, Amaterasu and I are soon presented with Japan's finest delicacy. Understandably, Amaterasu takes her role as my aunt pretty seriously by introducing and feeding me with what she thinks I would like. It's a novel experience to have the shot caller of another nation serve you your meal. Of course, the animosity intensifies to hatred and I can't help but chuckle when Amaterasu scrunches up her eyebrows having noticed it.

With experience in dealing with mother hens that treat their offspring like gold, I quickly take a hold of her palm beneath the table, away from prying eyes and causing her hand and cheeks to warm up at my touch. I speak in a tone that only we can hear while also casting an obfuscation spell.

"You're the leader of a big faction, Amaterasu, surely you won't lose your cool over the gazes of insects by the road?"

She chuckles at my dismissiveness of a few people below. "Thanks, Yuki." She offers a rare smile that even I only saw a few times in the past, radiant like the Sun. "Though I must have been out of touch to have you, a girl much younger than me lecture me over how to rule." She jested to lighten the mood, knowing that I also felt the hatred hiding in the crowd.

Smiling, I go along with her attempt to defuse the situation. "What can I say, my family is weird and I must take up the mantle of leadership at the tender age of fifteen?" I then pick up my sake bowl, savoring its taste.

She lets out a gentle laugh at my wording, clearly understanding my circumstance all those years ago. "Weird? Yeah, that I can agree on due to Lucifer's antics. Tender? Well, I'm not so sure about that. Is it wrong for me to take pride and boast about my niece, who is halfway across the planet, and her accomplishments? And don't get me started on the fact that you've lost your first time too, recently. You're radiating so much Yang that it's blinding my eyes just being near you."

I choke on my sake at that last part, clearly unprepared for the conversation to take a nosedive into sex territory. Amaterasu sports a victorious smile while patting my back, successful with her prank. That's right, behind the cold serious facade of the Sun Goddess is a mischievous persona, much like an imp.

"...And here I thought that you've grown too old for sex jokes, Amaterasu." I rolled my eyes when I saw her smile.

"You know me, I may be millennial old, with a body in her teens, but my spiritual age is that of a child." Amaterasu said without a hint of shame.

"If that's the case, I'm impressed that Japan still hasn't imploded on itself, yet." Though I said it with a joking tone, only I knew the true meaning behind the words.

"What can I say? I'm that good." Amaterasu mimicked the way I answered earlier, earning an exasperated huff from me. She snickers before saying. "The question now, however, is who's the lucky person that got to pluck your flower, my dear? If your answer fails to live up to my expectation, I will bring the might of the Japanese Empire against their sorry ass." She said with a confident and serious tone while patting my shoulder, locking my gaze with hers.

I raise an eyebrow at her bravado before pouring cold water over it. "Even if it's the Mother Goddess herself?"

Understandably, Amaterasu's brain short-circuited.


Of all the people that I could've spent my first time with, I just have to pick the tipping top existent that is Yggdra. And now, my aunt is having fifty shades of expressions running across her face before finally, she stands up, swipes the sake bottle off the table, and proceeds to drink directly from it, much to my amusement. After emptying the content, Amaterasu slams the bottle on the table before reassuming her prior posture.

"Anyway, have you been wondering why there's a third seat here, Yuki?" So we're just gonna pretend that nothing happened, I see.

I grin at her blushing attempt at diverting the conversation but follow it through anyway. "That I did, Amaterasu. I suppose it must be a person equal to my importance that you reserved a seat for them here."

Amaterasu nods but shows a look of tired acceptance. "That's correct, though that girl seems to be taking her sweet time coming here. And I've advised her many times about tonight's importance."

"What's wrong?" I asked with understanding concern. Amaterasu seems to have a troublesome subordinate, much like me back in Belka.

"She's very dedicated to her work behind the scene to ensure Japan's prosperity. So much so she tends to disregard gatherings like this to the point of being unsociable. Not to mention her way with words tends to cause a person to be... Uncomfortable. Though I assure you she is a softie behind her thorny act."

"Now I'm interested in meeting her." I said honestly. Having read up on the profile about that girl, I must say that I'm curious about the girl that brought a wave of change to Japan, cementing the Shinto Gods' control over the island nation.

I don't need to wait for long, fortunately, as the servants immediately announce the arrival of the last guest for the night.

"Presenting Lady Villia Vivianna!" Well, that's an interesting name, don't you think?

I deactivate the obfuscation spell after making sure that Amaterasu has fixed her garment, allowing the girl draped in a brown kimono to gaze upon us, a smile adorns her face as she waves at Amaterasu. I chuckle as Amaterasu face palms when the girl ignores everything else and strides up to our table.

With her coming ever so closer, I can make out her fine features of her more clearly. A tall, hourglass body with a shapely pair of breasts, bigger than me much to my chagrin, Villia's exotic beauty is enhanced by her dirty blonde hair, gray eyes with pink irises, and lastly a healthy shade of white for her skin. Her steps are confident and have a hint of arrogance as if she's walking amongst monkeys can be felt from a glance. However, the gaze this Villia directs at my aunt is one of genuine care and love. The feeling I got from her is one of orderly contradiction, logical but aspiring to be miracles, disdainful of the world but seeking for it to understand her.


When you combine them all into one person, normies will find it hard to get along with her. Though I can see myself working together with her just fine if circumstances permit.

As the girl takes her seat to the right of Amaterasu, curiously checking the quality of the sake immediately after. The Sun Goddess twitches her eyebrow before coldly admonishing Villia.

"Villia, what did I say about not greeting my niece?"

As if just remembering my existence, Villia immediately turns to wave at me with a smile. "Oh, sorry about that! I was lost in thoughts back there, was busy working on some schematics, you know? Anyway, I'm Villia but my friends can just call me Vill-V! I prefer the latter, to be honest, shorter and rolls off the tongue that way, don't you think? Also, you seem like a girl of science! May I interest you in a tour of my workshop later? I swear it will be fun and we can shoot each other with enough scientific junk to break the facade of our lovely Amaterasu here!"

It's Amaterasu turn to choke now, the jester way that Villia, or Vill-V, introduced herself has also plunged the lobby into silence. This girl got the guts to do that, I'll give her that much, or it's just that she is that unique.

I smile, patting my aunt on her back to comfort her. "You'll get used to it. Trust me, it's not the first time I have had to deal with girls like Vill-V. You will be hard-pressed to get her to tone it down so it's best to just roll along with it."

"Dear Izanami, I sure hope not!" Amaterasu bite out in exasperation. As for me and Vill-V, we give each other a thumbs up behind Amaterasu's back. Oh yeah, we will get along... Hopefully.

"Anyway, you can just call me Yuki, while I will call you Vill-V. No need for needless honorifics among families. And yes, I'm a girl of science, although I am striving to make it no different than magic later down the line. Given the chance, I would love to get a tour of your workshop, with permission from Amaterasu and you, of course. As for teasing my poor aunt here, it's best if we cut her some slack and do it in private, don't you think? After all, her cute expression is best seen by us only."

Smiling with her head bobs up and down many times, Vill-V replies, much to Amaterasu's chagrin. "I see, I see! You are a woman of culture as well! I would gladly give you the rundown later!"

"Yuki, not you too..." Amaterasu sighed in defeat. Fearing that our joke may have gone too far, I give my aunt a loving hug.

"Sorry about that, Amaterasu. I just wanted you to loosen up while you still can. It has been a while after all."

"Yes, yes," Vill-V mimicked my action with honesty in an attempt to cheer up my aunt. "Yuki is correct. It's nice to take it easy since it's a party for your niece, after all."

Fortunately, our action manages to put a smile on Amaterasu. I trade a thankful look with Vill-V before we take turns serving Amaterasu. Do remember that I am doing this while being the sole niece to Amaterasu. And while we're taking care of Amaterasu, ignoring the party that has reacquired its liveliness, it's increasingly harder to put aside the boiling anger and despite that are gaining traction in the middle of the crowd.

Although I've tried my best to put Amaterasy's mind away from it, I've come to understand that it's high time the situation must be addressed. I turn to my right, seeing that even Vill-V is feeling the need to do so while showing me an apologetic look. I just smile and accept it, clearly knowing that even with the tight grasp that Amaterasu has created over Imperial Japan, there would always be something she cannot control with her current regime.


"I've had enough!" Bellowed a thunderous voice from a table that was a step below us.

Once again, the party is plunged into dead silence as a deep-seated fear slowly surfaced among the invited guests. I, on the other hand, am calm, unfettered by the storming aura the voice possessed. Taking a look at Amaterasu and Vill-V, they're much the same with my aunt being annoyed by the intrusion into her downtime.

"What's the meaning of this," She turned to where the voice was, a cold facade with all of her godly aura wafted about the lobby. "Susanoo?"

Taking a look at the wild, impetuous god associated with the sea and storms, I can't help but lament the fact that the quality of Gods these have fallen by a few steps, those that are outside of Belka, at least.

Though he is stumped for a few seconds by the sharp aura Amaterasu suddenly came up with, Susanoo soon regained his wild aura, saying out loud. "I meant what I said, sister. What's the meaning of this party anyway, huh?! To let that horrendous excuse of a hero fool around, not paying respect to her better? To curry favor with a little girl, one that suddenly arrived at our sacred land without any notice?!"

"Watch your tongue, Susanoo! Villia is the brightest mind in our nation and that girl is my niece, and by extension, your family!" Amaterasu said sternly, disregarding the concerning hands from Vill-V and me. We both share a look but ultimately, the situation must progress before we can do anything of note.

Scoffing, Susanoo stands up, hands waving majestically as if to emphasize what he will be saying next. "That girl that was picked from a gutter will never be my family! Unless she's proved her worth, she's a disgrace to our lineage!" Each of his words is accompanied by the shaking of his wild flowing hair and beard. His body which is reaching two meters and is packed with muscles radiates power in defiance of Amaterasu's will.

With such a show of despite and power right in front of her niece, who is just a normal person, Amaterasu, and Vill-V step forth with the former showing a rare look of fury.

"Enough of your trap, Susanoo!" Exploding out her power, visible in the shape of a golden flame coating her body, Amaterasu addresses Susanoo with spite. "I will not allow you to insult Yuki, and by extension, me with impunity any longer! You've dishonored our nation by lashing out at a defenseless girl that is also our ally! Reign in your power and get out! Reflect on your action or I will make you regret it!" Amaterasu emphasized her threat by channeling the power she gained from her worshippers and materializing her Yata no Kagami, a divine artifact that is a major path of her mythology.

With the threat lingering in the air as the warm sun clashes with an unbridled storm, the lobby is soon sparse of people as the partygoers evacuated to the sides, watching the proceeding with a variety of gazes. Finally, Susanoo is the first one to step down, clearly disappointed, rather than angry at his sister. Pulling in his power, Susanoo crouches down and picks up a big bottle of sake before speaking to Amaterasu.

"I hope you know what you're doing, sister, and may your actions ensure the eternality of our land."

Amaterasu, on her part, doesn't respond, Susanoo isn't waiting for one anyway. Rather, he directs a stealthy glance, subtly nodding at me before swaggering out while taking a major gulp of his sake.

Now sitting behind them, I allow a small grin to plaster my face for a second. All is according to plan.

After taking a few deep breaths, Amaterasu turns around to offer her apology. "I have nothing else to say but sorry, Yuki. Clearly, it was a mistake to invite this unruly brother of mine."

"Don't be, Amaterasu. I clearly understand that it's not your fault, the situation was out of control, just like back then." Though I said it in a light tone and with an understanding smile, Amaterasu and Vill-V were weirded out by my choice of words.

"... Back then?" Vill-V tilted her head with a finger on her chin as she asked in place of my aunt.

Rather than explaining, I stand up and walk up to them, my hands coming in for a single clap before I say aloud. "Guards, do bring in the crates I've brought along, please."

Although my action confused the Hell outta them, Amaterasu and Vill-V still allow the servants to let members of my guards, led by Erika and Lola, bring in ten ornated crates into the middle of the lobby. As they lower each of them down with major thumbs, signifying the weight of each crate, my aunt can't help but direct a perplexed look at me.

"What's this, Yuki? Surely you aren't meant to say that all of those contained gold and jewelry?" She is shocked, however, by the cold professionalism I now display, unlike prior warm and familiar expressions.

I answer tersely. "Unfortunately, it's much of the opposite." Before my aunt can ask anything, I tell Erika. "Kick them open."

And that she does. Having unlocked the crates prior, Erika and the rest of the guards kick hard at the crates onto their sides, thus spilling their disgusting contents on the once expensive carpet. What are they you asked?

Well, what else but the dismembered heads of each and every single spy that Japan instilled in Belka?

As numerous gasps are heard all over the room and my guards and the Japanese Imperial Protectors raise their weapons at each other. As Amaterasu and Vill-V recoil in shock and horror and Nicolae materializes herself next to me as protection.

I speak up.

"So? Any question?"


"Why?" Standing to one side with Vill-V trying to calm her down, Amaterasu demanded an explanation for this major incident. Clearly, there's no way that both sides can sweep this under the rug when what seems to be hundreds of Japanese citizens are decapacitated and presented before themselves by members of the Belkan retinue.

Amaterasu flinches when a guest, a mother by the look of it, rushes forth to the spilled heads on the floor, shocked and crying when she identified one of them as her son.

"That is a broad question." I responded calmly while being served sake by Nicolae who was wearing a purple kimono.


"Why indeed?"

My casual way but distant way seems to disturb Amaterasu as her fingers are now digging into her palms.

"Come on, Yuki. Don't antagonize her any further." Vill-V advised with a forced smile. Despite the obvious display of aggression, the girl seems to want more information first before acting out. Smart.

"That's the thing," I point a finger at Vill-V. "You people antagonized Belka first, we just retaliated."

With a snap of my fingers, I signal Nicolae to pull out a recording crystal, one that is easily identifiable by Vill-V. "Familiar? Well, it's the one made by your company no, Vill-V?"

Already feeling a headache and trepidation, Vill-V can only nod while Amaterasu has no idea how to react to this. I shrug before telling Nicolae to deploy the crystal in the middle of the lobby for all to see. What appears in the holographic recording detailed recording of numerous events, starting from the discovery of Japanese spies, the underhand action of many Tengus, the slaughter of ex-Major Emile Grimm's family, and the subsequent hunts for spies across Belka and Reformist Ustio... All the way till today with each event, evidence in the form of photos, signed letters, and classified documents keeps piling up higher and higher in front of Amaterasu as Erika and Lola start placing them down, one at a time.

Gradually, Amaterasu can't even stand straight at the increasing mountain of proof that Belka has been pulling out of three more crates. Vill-V soon guides her back to her chair while she herself doesn't even know where to start to salvage this situation. Having no better idea than just accepting the blow, Vill-V opts to move forward to verify the evidence in the vain hope of them being false. Unfortunately, much like the subtle implication that the recording is not a doctored one, the paper trails are authentic enough that Vill-V can't help but curse the inept spies for not burning them and the monkey generals for leaving their names in the documents.

At this stage, Amaterasu is at the mercy of her niece and Vill-V can only hope that her niece will soften the blow, somehow. But then Vill-V remembers that Amaterasu said something about a Japanese envoy who disparaged Yuki's integrity before so...

"Yup, we're fucked." Vill-V said with a smile, her hands thrown up in the air, and along went the documents in her hands. Turning around, much to my amusement, Vill-V bows down at me, clasping her hands in a praying posture. "Please, for the love and bond you share with your aunt, can you let this slide, or at least, be merciful to us?"

Seeing that my aunt is still out of sorts, I give Vill-V a response, partly to not let the silent brew. "If I do that, then those that were killed, or worst, tortured and raped by your spies will be rolling in their graves."

"...Worth a shot." Vill-V said, giving up on the emotional card. Biting her thumb, Vill-V understands that a war between Belka and Japan will be the last of their concern right now. No, she is more afraid of the economic downfall this would bring if Belka declares war. "Haha~... You really threw us a ball out of the left field."

I shrug, awaiting the official response from Amaterasu. Nicolae, though she is helping in protecting me, is building a castle out of dangos, much to my amazement.

The few Shinto Gods, alongside the Japanese Royalty and Generals presented, are seen huddling together to formulate a response and to determine who and why the fuck ups came about. Vill-V, after her failure, just gives up and sits down next to Amaterasu, trying to bring her back to the land of the living.

I, on my part, don't have all day for them to come about. So, with my voice amplified by Nicolae, I give an ultimatum.

"Due to such a severe transgression against the country that's supposed to be your ally, your friend, Belka, we are now awaiting an official response and proper compensation for the damage the spies from Imperial Japan have caused. If the response we receive is deemed inadequate, Belka will declare war right here, right now! Pick your words carefully for it may be the last statement your country will make!"

Of course, such heavy-handed words immediately prompt a protest from a no-name prince of Japanese royalty. "On whose authority you wench!?"

"On my authority!" I responded with a grin plastering my face. With a snap of her fingers, Nicolae magically changed my attire to the one I wear as a Marshal. Now dressed properly, I fully release my authoritative aura, a trick I usually used when I was a Goddess, and force the weak-willed prince to scamper back, crashing on his butt out of fright.

I scoff at him. "Pathetic."

Suddenly, I feel a soft hand on my right shoulder. Turning around, I see Amaterasu, now despondent. Though I want to comfort her, my role as the Reich Marshal is not over yet. "Hoh~? Anything to say, Sun Goddess?"

My aunt flinches at my flippant tone, though she is clearly uncomfortable, she steels herself to look me straight in the eyes. Good, for a Sun Goddess your conviction should be strong enough to handle such lowly mortal affairs.

Opening her mouth, Amaterasu struggles a bit before forming. "State your request," She pauses, not sure how to address me but finally decides. "Marshal."

I allow my grin to settle down before giving her the price for peace. "A formal apology and affirmation of the crimes committed by spies of Imperial Japan, plaster all over the world in all forms of media and language. 1814.369 kilograms in gold. And..." Like thunder to her ears, I continue. "The dissolution of all treaties and agreements that Japan and Belka have made over the years."

Amaterasu almost jumps in shock but catches herself just in time, Vill-V is much of the same but her mind is now running for a plan to pull Japan out of the upcoming stump. The onlookers though, descend into chaos.

"Such heavy compensation!"

"We can't accept this!"

"Allow us to negotiate, Marshal!"

The peanut gallery explodes but I silence them by saying. "Non-negotiable. War," I raised a hand. "or peace." then I raised another.

"What can you do anyway!? You're halfway across the globe!"

I chuckle at the foolish protest. "As I said, I will declare war, right here and now. And when in war..." I give Nicolae a few pats on her shoulder. The lady in purple smiles before materializing blades of purple light at the necks of the Japanese in the room. "you kill their leaders, first and foremost!"


Absolute terror now rules the lobby. With me basically performing gunboat diplomacy, they have no choice but to bite down any protest or curse.

"And please, your pitiful country won't survive without us either way so you better think of ways to save your economy." I gave them friendly advice, not sure whether they would be receptive to that though. Well, a few did, those that gave me proper respect earlier.

It's Vill-V that speaks first after giving the purple light blade a few cursory touches. "1814.369 kilograms in gold, when converted into the Imperial system, is 4000 pounds. The same amount of gold Rome was forced to pay the Visigoth King Alaric as a ransom to prevent him from invading their Empire."

I nod at the correct inference. "Well, you sure learned your history. Yes, it's one of the prices in suing for peace."

"I paid attention in class." Vill-V shrugged with a smirk.

Not pursuing that line of discussion any further. I then wait patiently for Amaterasu's response.

"We... Will accept the terms. The papers will be drafted momentarily."

I wave her off. "No need for that, I have the papers right here." I then have Nicolae procured the papers.

Seeing my readiness, Amaterasu can't help but show a sad, almost despairing smile. "You clearly planned this, aren't you, Marshal?" Without even checking the documents seriously, Amaterasu signed away with exhaustion evident on her face.

Her country has committed a great sin under her watch and she is in no position to negotiate anyway. She understands it, Vill-V understands it, and so does the Marshal in front of her.

"I planned it, yes. It's part of being the Reich Marshal, after all." I answered while giving the signature in fine ink.

And with that, Japan and Belka's relationship is now burned and frozen for the foreseeable future.

"Though the deadline for the gold will be a month, I will appreciate it if you give it to me in a week, the duration of my stay here in Japan. That, or if you're uncomfortable, you can send it over to the Reich embassy but by no means, a single ounce of gold must be lost. We will make sure to weigh it properly and check it for impurities." I then stand up, giving a nod to Vill-V who returns it promptly with a smile.

"So, does that mean that tour is still up?" Vill-V asked her spirit still fully intact even after the fiasco.

Smirking, I answer. "I did say, as a niece, that I will take up on that offer if Amaterasu and you are fine with it, no?"

Clapping excitedly, Vill-V jumps up. "Great, then I will come to your place and call for you when the tour is ready, it should be the Reich Continental, right?"

Giving her a nod and a smile, I then turn to Nicolae who already picked up our part of the agreement. "Come on, we're done here. Let's go back and rest."

Amaterasu, who has been silenced thus far to mull over what happened, perks up when she remembers my choice of words. "Yuki, wait!"

I turn around with a raised eyebrow.

Amaterasu bites her lower lip before asking, desperate. "Y-You are still my niece, my family, right? This doesn't affect our bond, right? Please, can you answer that as a niece?"

My eyes can't help but soften at her. As a Goddess, Amaterasu has always been emotionally weaker than most despite her cold facade and her mischievous soul. In short, Amaterasu is lonely enough that me being her niece and from the looks of it, Vill-V being her emotional pillar, are damn important for her mental stability. Shinto Gods, albeit grand and all that, always have their own troubles if you dig deep enough.

I sigh, stepping toward her before crouching down to pull my aunt into a hug.

"As a Reich Marshal, I shouldn't be doing this." I then lock gaze with my aunt, Nicolae aptly changes my attire back to the kimono in the process. "But right now, I'm not."

Gingerly, Amaterasu slowly returns it before tears started to drop from her eyes. Fortunately, Vill-V casts an obfuscation barrier immediately, allowing my aunt to bawl her heart out without trouble.

I mouth Vill-V a 'Thank you.' before returning to comfort the Sun Goddess. Pulling a trick from my mom, Hel, I pat Amaterasu's back gently while humming a soft tune. Five minutes later, my aunt is now deep asleep, exhausted after the emotional roller coaster that is tonight.

"Well, I must say that this is not what I have in mind." I commented after making sure Amaterasu is seated comfortably in my arms.

"Well, life is full of surprises, much like science and magic." Vill-V allowed a smile to plaster her face. "Want me to show you her room?"

I nod. "That will be much appreciated."

While leading her to her room after much eyeballing and confused gazes, I can't help but think it's ironic.

'To first make a world without boundary, the first thing you do is to draw a fine line in the sand.'

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