Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Vol 2: National Development – Chapter 11: A fine addition to the family

Vol 2: National Development – Chapter 11: A fine addition to the family


When the blast door swings open, I and Nicolae are greeted by a dozen muzzles of rifles and SMGs. To avoid both sides from making any unsalvageable mistake, I jump in front of them, hands outstretched to diffuse a situation of my own making.

"Oi! Oi! Chill!" I shout, watching as the gun barrels move away from me to aim at Nicolae as the former's shadow is also swimming on the floor. "She's friendly!"

My last words cause the Grenadiers to pause before their Captain orders a standdown. Only they remain tense on the guns they're holding, seeing that the situation is still unclear.

"Marshal, thanks the Goddess that you're safe." Directing a wary look at Nicolae, the security chief then says with a skeptical tone. "We were thinking that there was a demon in the reactor room."

Feeling that Nicolae is slowly loosening her tension, I turn to share a knowing look with her as both chuckles.

"Why that couldn't be any further than the truth, Captain." I said with a big smile, ending the discussion there. "Though, I hope that not many were afflicted by a sudden migraine. It's one of the reasons why I ordered the medical crew on standby."

The security chief nods as he directed his men and women to clear a path for me and Nicolae. "It's as you expected, Marshal, a few of us did get hit by a bad migraine, though nothing too serious. The medics said that they will only need a day's rest and a cup of milk."

I smile while nodding. "Ah~, milk, the cure-all for any sickness."

My sentence earns nods of agreement from many, even Nicolae herself is of the same mind. I then directed a few more instructions to the chief before making our way back to my mom, knowing that questions must be answered. Though it would be wise to take this discussion in a more secure place in the inner sanctum.


Inner Sanctum. Grand Sanctuary of Berlin. 

After making sure that the reactor tests are left in the good hands of Dreamer, I pull my family and friends to mom's private quarter in the Grand Sanctuary. This time, mama, Bryn, Yggdra, and Elysia managed to free up some time in their schedule to join us. They all gather around a large table with enough sofas and couches to host all of us. Well, except for me and Bryn because for whatever damn reason, I suddenly want to mix drinks and change lives. Welcome to the Random on-the-spot bar.

Under the amused gazes of everyone present, safe for the anticipating look from Nicolae, I start mixing everyone's drinks. When I start to pull out some sweet maneuvers and shaking combinations though, the amused gazes change to muted shock. Bryn is the most puzzled as to where and when did I even manage to pick up bartending. And when it was time for them to taste-test, they all melted in pleasure when the refreshing mix injects a burst of vitality into them. Of course, Nicolae gets her Margarita and Ningyo gets her non-alcoholic drink. 

I watch as Elysia can't help but slump blissfully, as the fatigue from all the physical practice, soul training, and Archive diving under Yggdra's supervision, fade away. "Ah~, I wish Yuki keeps making drinks like this every day!"

Oh, this greedy elf. I snicker as I move to massage the pink elf, making her sink even deeper into the couch. Impressive, I must say.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Others are also experiencing the same refreshing feeling after a tiring day of work so they can relate to that wish. Nicolae looks at me as she caresses the rim of her Margarita glass.

"Margarita... Tasted the same as the ones I loved to order. It was a great drink."

I offer her a smile, knowing exactly what Nicolae's insinuating. "Well, from whom did you think the bartender learn to mix drinks?"

Nicolae laughs refreshingly, nodding while leaving the rest a bit confused. Mama, being the savviest when it comes to drinking, offers me her compliment.

"I must say, this has been a surprise, but a welcome one. And I must back Elysia's words on this one if only you can mix us a drink every night." Having said that, mama then shows a grin before suddenly teleporting right behind me. Hoisting me away from Elysia, earning the elf's protest in the process, mama then holds me in her bosom as we reappeared on her couch.

Did she just waste mana just to have me under her breasts? Yup, that she did.

"Hey! That's rude of you to spirit away my masseur!" Elysia spat out with a fake offended expression. Though the way she worded it caused me to quip back.

"Your what now?!" A bartender or a masseur, make up your mind girlie!

My reaction earns a chuckle from everyone, effectively dispelling the last trace of hidden wariness against the Outer God or well, Goddess in this case? A Shoggoth can be whatever gender they want so... Anyway, mama then says.

"I can't help it, Yuki is such a doll for making us all happy in her own surprising little ways." Mama licks her lips as her eyes glow lightly. "Makes me all hot and bother right now."

In response, Elysia sits right up, her face has an understanding expression. "I know, right? This little treasure of ours just wants us to shower her with love all over." There's a certain intensity in Elysia's gaze that causes my tummy to flutter. Girl, are you that pent up after all those training!?

Yggdrasil chuckles, seemingly reading my mind. "Though she is tired, her tolerance for fatigue is rising so she now has an excess of energy and frustration, waiting to be released."

I pale, a bit more afraid for my chastity right now. Thankfully, Bryn and mom step up and bonk their head. Mom chides them. "Are we seriously having this conversation, again!? There's Ningyo here you nymphs!" She pointed at my sister who is showing a very clueless expression.

The sight of them groaning while holding their heads earn a chuckle from everyone. Though Einstein and Mobius fidget uncomfortable, feeling very out of place in the presence of my family. To make them feel involved in this little family of mine, I start talking with them about the reactor test.

"So, Einstein, Mobius, how do you feel about achieving history in the span of a month?" I asked with a small smile, still being held by mama. My head is patted as we continue our discussion.

Being the calmer of the two, Einstein speaks first. 

"To be honest, not as... rowdy as I've expected?" Tilting her head as she ponders over what to say before nodding. "I think it's also because there was an abrupt development that doused the excitement. It reminded us that everything has a chance to go wrong, no matter how small the possibility is. Which is why we're thinking of preparing more contingencies for the future." A glint of determination makes itself known on the otherwise stoic Doctor.

Mobius piggyback her words off Einstein. "What blue said, though in my case, I am more invested in biotechnology so achievements from other fields to me are just decorations to further my ultimate goal, and you know that I am pretty reckless in my work." The green hair Doctor shrugs. "But I will not do anything that will blow up in my face or anybody else, not if I can help it."

I chuckle, taking a jab at her. "Yes, you did show such determination back when we first established the Mansion of Wisdom."

This statement cause Mobius to groan, holding her face in embarrassment as Einstein pats her back with a comforting smile. "Must you remind me of that!?"

I nod, causing Mobius to glare resentfully through the gaps in her fingers. "I'll make sure to get back to you later."

"Try it, I dare you." We both hold a staring contest before breaking into laughter. The others look at us with amusement with mom commenting how I made such good friends.

I am not sure whether she meant that literally or she was appraising Einstein and Mobius's beauty... Probably both.

"Anyway, joking aside, with the reactor running splendidly, we should have the first batch of mana batteries to run some tests with, that and liquid mana for your experiments. Once we confirm the reliability of the reactor and power system, we will move on to plug the reactor into the city's power grid, letting it supply Berlin for a week to gather data. After that, we will be making any necessary adjustments before we make the reactor handle heavier loads. But today, let's just sit back and relax, no doubt you will be needing it for what I'm about to explain."

Einstein and Mobius nod while the rest perk up at my words. It's finally time to satisfy their curiosity.

"Nicolae, will you do the honor or should I?" I turned to the blonde Shoggoth.

"I think you should handle it from here, lady Yuki. I figure they will take it easier with you at the helm."

I nod, putting on a semi-serious face. I used semi because I can't be serious with the pair of melons on my head. I swear mama is having fun right now.

"Alright then everyone, as you would have guessed by now, this blonde lady here is a very, very special guess." I gave a preface to grab their attention, and to emphasize Nicolae's existence. "During the test run of the void reactor, we successfully communicated with the Universal Boundary. When it lifted off the barriers separating our world from the void, it also sent over an overseer as insurance, in case someone abuses the system or something goes horribly, horribly wrong." I spouted a half-lie since Shoggoths do work to uphold the Boundary. You can't just say that Nicolae is on paid vacation, after all. "And really, she will be nothing but a bundle of goodness and sunshine for us, unless someone really pisses her off."

I lift my hand over to Nicolae, introducing her to the rest. "Meet Nicolae Williams, the Universal Boundary's overseer and the last line of defense for us when things do go South. Though she looks and feels like a normal human, she is, in fact, what you will know as an Outer God, a Shoggoth. A race that is famous for maintaining the Universal Boundary and helping in the formation of the current Omniverse."

Nicolae raises a hand and disarmingly says. "Hello there." I quirk an eyebrow, knowing what she's trying to pull so I go along with her.

"Nicolae Williams." I said as we both share a knowing smile. Much to the confusion of a few members of my family.

Yggdrasil and mama chuckle while Bryn and mom massage their temple in annoyance, caught off-guard by our sudden Jediness. Ningyo tilts her head in confusion before giving up and focusing more on the cookies in her hands. Elysia, however, interjects with a tinge of excitement.

"Wait! You mean she has been a part of creating life as we know it?"

I smile at her the exciting elf, knowing for a fact that the Archive surely has information on the Shoggoths. Yet, knowing and seeing are two different things. "That's correct, no doubt Nicolae here has her fair share of creating many universes."

Nicolae nods in agreement with a proud smile on her face. She also offers her two-cent on the fact. "Us Shoggoth is a very creative and productive race. For us, creating something, new or old, is always a fresh experience. Though we do get tired in the job," She flinched when she mentioned her job. "we never grow bored of it. Hence, we are the best workers when it comes to pretty much everything for our nature is infinite adaptability and evolution."

Elysia is fascinated by Nicolae's words. As a high elf and the one holding the Archive, Elysia has a strong curiosity to see the wonders of the world, and ultimately, the Omniverse. If Yuki has given her a goal to work at, then the sudden appearance of Nicolae has given Elysia an idea to start building her foundation for the future.

"Forgive me for intruding but did you just say infinite adaptability and evolution?" It was Mobius that raise her voice, obviously excited if a bit in disbelief.

Nicolae calmly nods, stating the obvious. "Yes, it's our racial trait."

"A trait that is solely specific to their race, if I may add." Yggdra said. "As a Primordial Goddess, I have come across a few of them when they were firstborn. Their hyperactiveness was fun to watch sometimes."

Nicolae shyly smiles under the motherly gaze of Yggdra. Mobius watches on with fascination in her eyes.

Knowing Mobius and her geniuses, she would have no doubt figured out a loophole to take advantage of. I need to put my foot down on this matter though. "Mobius, there's time and place for everything, but not now. Nicolae is our guest and the overseer for the reactors so reign in your excitement. We can discuss later and see whether she wants to help you with your work or not."

Mobius turns to me with a grateful smile, nodding. "Sorry," She offers her apology to Nicolae. "I am in charge of developing biotech for the country so imagine my glee when you show up."

Nicolae, though, chuckles. "It's fine, you're much tamer in comparison to my colleagues."

Again, Mobius nods with a small smile before settling down, letting the conversation flow once again.

Mom has taken the role of being the questioner for today while mama just watches on the side, more content with hugging me.

"If you don't mind me asking, Nicolae, what does your work entail, currently."

"Right now, as lady Yuki said, I am to oversee and help with the operation of the void reactors. I must say, even for a Shoggoth, the ideas behind the void reactor are crazy!" Nicolae laughs at the last part, a bit of disbelief bleeding into her laughter. She is hiding the fact about my past identity.

Bryn, having known me for a long time, smiles wryly. "What can I say, our Yuki never ceases to amaze."

Nicolae offers a nod of agreement before continuing. "I can imagine. Anyway, I can also help with researching or building things if you would like a Shoggoth's help. Just do keep in mind a Shoggoth can easily be carried away in the spur of creativity so you may want somebody to keep a watch on my work."

A bit confused, mom asks. "This means?" To which I help clarify.

"Basically, if you give her the skeleton of a one-story house with the option of maybe a two-stories. She can build a castle out of it, with plans for a city surrounding it, in one day. That's how much a Shoggoth can do if you give them leeway."

Mom flinches as she is feeling another onset of a headache. Groaning, she says. "Just don't give us any more paperwork if possible."

Nicolae offers innocently. "I can make you an automated computer to handle the paperwork for you?"

Mom facepalms as we all share a laugh at her misery. Yggdrasil knows how much background work mama and mom have been doing just to give a pass for my Marshal's works.

I then clap my hands, pulling the conversation back on track. "Though Nicolae said that she is willing to do some side jobs for us, and she certainly has the power to do so, being an Outer God that is unbound by the rules of this world. It doesn't sit right with me if we let her do everything. Hence, I will lay this out now and only let her do anything related to our technology or industry, and that is only when she agrees to take on the job. She will also be paid accordingly and her every need be fulfilled as long as it's in our power to do so. Since the Universal Boundary has shown us goodwill by sending her over to help us, let's do the same in return, yeah? Treat her right like one of our own."

We all share a look, knowing that leaving Nicolae out of our circle will be both dangerous and inhospitable. That's why we waste no time at all when we say to Nicolae.

"Welcome to the family!" With a welcoming voice, unsurprisingly, Einstein and Mobius also got swept into the chorus in the heat of the moment. Our action earned a subtle acknowledgment nod from Yggdra.

Nicolae brightly smiles, happy that her new destination, and now home, is more friendly and hospitable than she expected. Though she should have guessed it long ago knowing that there are two Primordial Goddesses here. "Thank you very much for accepting!" Nicolae stands up to bow, an action that is soon put to a stop by Elysia who received a telepathic communication from Yuki.

To put it in short, the message is. "Bring the overworked Shoggoth and Ningyo out to have some fun for me, pretty please!"

Though a bit confused, Elysia is swift to accept the new mission given by Yuki. She soon grabs both Nicolae and Ningyo out to play in the city. Unknowingly, the trio will soon be famous later in the city for either making breathtaking attractions or breaking record after record in their fun trips.

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