Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Vol 2: National Development – Chapter 12: The Berlin Arms Deal

Vol 2: National Development – Chapter 12: The Berlin Arms Deal

It has been more than a week since we accepted Nicolae as the newest member of our growing family. As expected, she fits in perfectly with her nature as a Shoggoth. The woman has been a bundle of joy to all of us thanks to her tendency to make ridiculous stuff. Ningyo, in particular, found her best friend to be the Shoggoth when the pair went out to play with Elysia.

The trio had a lot of fun out in the city, so much so that when Agent reported to me about their activities, I was forced to spit out my coffee at their audacity. For whatever damn reason, Ningyo has deemed it fit to convince both Elysia and Ningyo to make a Yggdrasil-damn statue of me in the Outer Sanctum. The statue is kitted out with my attire back in the Victory Parade and apparently, it's now a national attraction for being extremely lifelike and has a passive rejuvenation effect. Ningyo was the one behind the design with Nicolae being the builder using material from a nearby metal workshop. Elysia was also an accomplice in advertising the statue and the building process for the people of Berlin. And they did everything in one day! Their action attracted a lot of onlookers and people even host a small celebration when the statue was completed!

But that's not all, somehow, someway, Elysia came across Eden on one of her national musical tours. And now Eden is asking for Elysia to be her assistant in her upcoming tour around the world... What? How? When? I'm honest with Yggdrasil confused as to why all of this happened in a span of a week, without me knowing.

Noticing my utter confusion as I gaze at her, Agent shrugs, explaining. "I deemed these matters to be of secondary importance, knowing that you're still busy with the reactor test results. Hence, I only report them now."

I slam my forehead down on the table at her explanation, and after a minute, I speak up. "Does Elysia know about Eden's side job? Scratch that, Elysia should have figured that out by now which was why Eden asked for my permission. Help me forward the matter to Yggdra, if she deems Elysia to be capable of handling herself, she can tag along with Eden for the tour. Elysia isn't a caged bird, after all, and she deserves to go out and see the world. The tour should also provide her with real experiences under Eden's supervision."

"I will do as you instruct, Master." Agent bows before reporting the next matter that requires my attention. "Section two completed one of their mission yesterday. Hugin and Munin have successfully escorted the Chinese delegation to Berlin via air transports, they're now in the Obsidian Palace to have a meet and greet with the Empresses."

I nod, a please smile now plaster on my lips. "Good to hear that! Any side effects from our operation?"

"So far, there isn't any aside from some rumors about an adventurers band that swooped in to save the day. The Japanese are also befuddled as to why their underhanded scheme failed, they don't even know who was the party involved."

I tap my fingers on the table, apparently, the Japanese intelligence agency is more inept than I thought. "Let's keep it that way, in fact, build up a proper background story on the basis of the rumors. I want the Japs to be lead by the nose."

Agent nods. "I will forward the directive to Eden."

"Good, what about Quellec?"

"Section Head Quellec has made great stride in securing his foothold in Rusviet. Though a bit costly, he has hooked up with a local underworld boss, this has secured him a great deal of access to conduct business there thanks to the boss being part of the Rusviet military cadre. Per instruction, he is setting up an arms company in Leningrad."

"Good, keep me posted on his progress." I stop to ponder before asking. "Did he encounter any trouble yet?"

"None he couldn't handle, Master."

"Good, and the lady we planted in the heart of Ustio?"

"She has been able to forward us a lot of internal information on that front. No suspicion has befallen her yet and she is steadily gaining the trust of the Prime Minister. Currently, she is working on digging up the agenda of the Minister, she cited that the man may have a deeper reason to run the Ustio ragged like this."

I raise an eyebrow, that's very new to me. If you remember, this world is based on a game I played in my past life. In that game, they didn't bother to explain much about the background of the Ustian Prime Minister.

"I see," I cross my arms, leaning back on my chair. "it's a good reason as any to keep digging up more intel. We need to find out whether we can use that intel to further our cause. Let her continue her task, just tell her to keep it under the radar while she's at it. The lady is in too good of a position to be removed."

"I will forward it to our agent."

"Anything else that I need to take note of?" I asked, cutting out the discussion here since it was almost time for me to meet the Chinese and Rosa.

"There's currently nothing else that requires your attention, Master." Agent answered.

"Great! Then keep doing the good work." I stand up, preparing to leave but stop to give one last instruction to Agent. "Oh right! Arrange a meeting between Mobius and Nicolae, letting them hash out their conditions to work with each other. Just make sure nothing gets out of hand, rather, let Dreamer supervises the whole thing. I don't want the world to react negatively to us using Nicolae to skirt the rules."

"As you wish, Master." And with one final bow, we ended our clandestine meeting for the day.


The time to get to the land of mysteries that is Belka was short, yet extremely eventful for General Liu and his lieges. For a period of time, he deliberated the thought that he may have failed his Emperor, yet, the intervention from the Belkans had given him another chance in life. He can now breathe easy knowing that the Emperor's family is now in a safer land.

After the Belkan host arranged them a safe lodging, General Liu finally eased up a bit of his tension, allowing him to sleep peacefully for a night. Though he had to wake up very early this morning, just to secure a meeting with the Empresses of Belka. Personally, he is anxious about this meeting, considering the Empresses aren't humans like the Emperor he serves. Regardless, he maintains a strict facade as he follows the wife of the Emperor and her daughter alongside a small retinue of servants. It's a proper courtesy for them all to go and greet the host nation's leadership.

When they arrive in the throne room, flanked by the famous Belkan Valkyries, General Liu cups his hands and bows while Imperial Consort Ling and Princess Mei perform a proper curtsy in the presence of the foreign Empresses.

"We offer you our greetings and gifts from afar, dear Empresses of Belka." Consort Ling said with her right hand motioning toward the servants behind her. They then bring forth cases of treasure and exotic as the Chinese's greeting gift.

The gift is a lavish one, even by Emperor Cao's standard, yet it's a necessary sacrifice to earn the goodwill of Belka.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

With a cursory scan of the offerings, Hel nods at Lu, letting the latter address the foreign delegation.

"You have our thanks for gifting us with such valuable treasures. Knowing your people's customs, I think it's best for us to talk over tea. Please, have a seat." Lu waved a hand sideways, showing them the already arranged tea tables and seats by the side of the throne.

With permission granted by the host, Consort Ling accepts the offer gratefully before leading her daughter to a table. General Liu follows behind, taking a seat at a different table from the Consort. The Chinese servants retreat, leaving the treasures behind.

Seeing that they've situated, Lu claps her hand to signal the maids to serve drinks and snacks to the guest. "We've come to know that your trip was rife with perils. It's a good thing that our chefs are known to make food with revitalizing effects, I hope you will partake in a light meal and alleviate some of the stress you incurred."

Watching the maids presenting aromatic tea and sweets, Consort Ling lets her daughter Mei enjoy it after a scan. She then expresses her gratitude to the Belkan Empress for a multitude of reasons.

"As a representative for my Dynasty, I really shouldn't be doing this but," Bowing toward Lu, Consort Ling says. "really, thank you for the grace you've shown toward us. If it weren't for your intervention, things could have gone much differently, I'm afraid."

Showing a pleased smile on her face, while Hel gracefully nods, Lu responds. "The Chinese people have always been renowned for repaying grace with kindness, sadly, your kindness is best directed toward my daughter. For it's her that made the call to extradite you from the quagmire you stumbled upon."

Though a bit surprised, Consort Ling maintains her graceful facade and says. "I see, then when I will see to it that I thank the Imperial Princess, personally."

Lu giggles, saying. "Oh, you will see her soon, that I can guarantee. Were it a normal diplomatic visit, I would have been the one you talk business with, but this is not a normal visit, no?" Sporting a grin on her face, Lu leans in the direction of Hel, a hand supporting her chin. Though Hel internally rolls her eyes at Lu's sloppy attitude, she ultimately lets her do her thing just like always.

Consort Ling, struggles to hide a frown when Lu tears open the outward facade they've been putting up. On paper, the trip was for little Mei to study abroad, broadening her horizon under the supervision of her mother and General Liu. Nonetheless, just like Lu has said, the underlying objective is for them to receive protection from a third party and to purchase arms for the Dynasty, a matter best keep hidden from the Japanese for as long as possible.

Lu chuckles when she sees Consort Ling forming a response. "Why the long face? It's not like we don't approve you for your stay here so you have nothing to be afraid of. What I meant by saying the previous statement was that we aren't the person you should discuss this with. Not when this is not just state business but also the military. There's a Marshal in town that would like to have a word with you."

Consort Ling lightly scrunches her eyebrows. "I can't help but infer that you said as if you don't have the authority over our matter, Empress de Venusian."

Lu snickers, knowing the angle the Consort is playing at. "It seems like you're lacking in terms of information about the Reich. The Marshal is second only to us Empresses in terms of power. When the need arises, her authority will overwrite us if it's to ensure the longevity and prosperity of the Reich. Right now, she is in charge of developing the country into a world superpower, while we will be helping her in the background to ensure Belka's stability. If you want to discuss your true objectives, it's best you go through the Marshal first."

Consort Ling is stumped, shocked even. For a country to put so much power into one person's hands, are they not afraid of a coup? "I can't help but think that it's unwise to trust one person with an authority rivaling your own, Your Majesty.

Hearing the words from the Consort, Lu can't help but laugh out loud at the sheer gall of the woman. "Dear Yggdrasil! To think you haven't done your research and yet, still spouting your nonsense in front of me. Truly, I think the upcoming talk should be left into the hand of your General, he's the only person in your delegate to know what's going on."

Frowning at the insult, Consort Ling turns to General Liu, only to see him nodding with a remorseful sigh. Consort Ling is usually a smart and perceptive woman but is limited in the confined of the Forbidden Palace. Hence she has made a grave mistake due to her lack of worldly knowledge, if not because of the recent messy event. She should have discussed more in-depth with the more world-wise General before coming here.

It feels like a slap in the face to her when the Belkan Empress goes on to say. "Tell me, why can't I trust my Marshal when it's my only daughter that's holding the coveted position?"

Knowing that she has messed up, Consort stands up and bows apologetically. Fortunately for her, the Empresses are patient, full of wisdom, and understanding of her predicament so they accept her apology. You can't imagine the relief the Consort felt, having her mistake forgiven just like that. The Consort resolves to improve on her diplomatic arts later so for now, it's best that General Liu takes the helm.


It's a chilly afternoon when the Chinese delegation is directed to a facility under the control of the figure now dubbed Princess Marshal by members of the delegation. Though General Liu still remains closely behind the Consort, the latter has opted for the former to take care of the upcoming negotiation. It's for the best when the Consort has already made a faux pass and has been warned in goodwill by the Belkan Empresses that the Marshal knows everything, even the talk that had taken place back in the Obsidian Castle. To say the Consort is now nervous about the future is an understatement. However, her worry is cut short when the delegation arrives just outside of the designated meeting place, right next to another group that's already there.

"Consort, these people should belong to the Ustian Reformist faction. They are being backed by Belka in their civil war." Consort Ling nods in response to the informative whisper from her General. "The oldest of the group should be General Francis, a close aide to the young Princess of Ustio, Rosa Bonaparte next to him."

The two groups eye each other curiously, if a bit warily, for they can guess the reason behind the other's visit to the Reich Marshal. Before both sides can address one another, however, the door to the meeting room is opened, showing Bryn who motions them to head inside.

"The Marshal is ready to receive her guests. Please proceed inside." Stepping to the side, Bryn lets the two parties move in and orderly take their seats inside the lavishly decorated room with a Belkan military motif. A notion that place a frown on both the Consort and General Liu's faces. Not because they're uncomfortable with the arrangement but because this is a subtle display of the Princess Marshal's standing in the grand scheme of things.

The impression is further emphasized when the Princess Marshal strolls into the room with her guards, wearing a lightly decorated black officer attire that sports a unique insignia only reserved for the Reich Marshal herself. The look is further complimented by the black eyepatch on her left eye and the hanging medals on her left breast. To Consort Ling and General Liu, they can infer that the Princess Marshal has lived up to the name and her victories, just by the way she carries herself. To the younger Mei though, the girl exclaims a bit excitedly. "You're cool, sister!"

Chuckling slightly at the little girl's compliment, Yuki the Princess Marshal answers. "Thanks for the sweet words, little Mei."

Mei tilts her head in response. "Do you know me, sister?"

Yuki sports a small smile as she takes a seat reserved for her at the head of the long meeting table. Much to the Chinese delegation's shock, she places on the table a golden smoke pipe with a glossy black handle, along the handle runs a golden embroidery of an Eastern Dragon.

It's the same pipe that has been reported missing by the servants just yesternight.

"I know a lot, in fact." Yuki's calm way of answering Mei's question only serves to douse the Chinese with a bucket of cold water. It's only now that they finally realize the depth of this young Marshal in front of them and her power.

Feeling the tense atmosphere, Rosa can't help but take a jab to help the faraway-from-home Chinese. "Seriously, Yuki, can you stop flexing your authority? I think we all know just how dangerous you're by now. Look, their faces are white as sheets."

Chuckling at the reminder, Yuki lowers the intensity of her aura by putting on a friendlier smile. The action causes the Chinese to let out a sigh of relief while the Ustians look at them understandingly.

"First time?" One of the Ustians asks a Chinese, to which he confusedly nods. Letting out a smile, the Ustian comforts. "You'll get used to it."

The short discussion, while strange, ease up the atmosphere for all parties involved. With the stifling mood out of the way, Yuki addresses both delegations.

"Now then, I know the reason behind your visits and I will handle them by the end of the day. But first, I must make this clear, I will resolve matters with the Reformists for they are our allies and have been here first. I can only ask the Chinese delegation to exercise patience and listen in for now. Some segments of our discussion will also shed some light on the matter you're requesting so listen closely before asking anything. Are we all in agreement?"

Rosa, Francis, and the Ustians nod having no against the arrangement. As for the Chinese, though they're a bit uncomfortable when being left for last, they know their place and are glad that the previous faux pass wasn't brought up by the Princess Marshal.

"Good." Yuki nodded, turning to Rosa. "Now fire away, my friend."

It seems like the relationship between Belka and the Reformists is closer than just allies, General Liu thought.

Rosa says with a confident smile as she leans forward with both her hands on the table.

"For starters, we have completely absorbed and secured our gains in the new region we captured. Right now we are working on recruiting more for our standing army while working away on clearing up sporadic demons. As such, we are here to discuss and negotiate the further acquisition of arms and supplies for our growing army. Knowing that you will soon have a surplus of old military equipment, it's best to strike the iron while it's hot."

General Liu and the Consort now understand why the Princess Marshal wanted them to listen in. It appears negotiation for arms can go smoothly if Belka now has surplus equipment. Though it can also go the opposite direction if the Reformists hog all the surplus ahead of them. Something to think about now, rather than later.

Nodding at Rosa's words, Yuki says. "Then you have come to the right place, knowing your current strength, I will say that you need enough equipment for four to five divisions. The questions though, are what is your doctrine, your needs, and your budget."

"What do you have to offer?" Rosa asked this question just because she wanted to do the Chinese a favor. If they know precisely what Belka has, they can plan ahead to grab what they really need. By doing this, she earns herself a grateful nod from General Liu. It also seems like a move that Yuki also wanted her to make as the Princess Marshal now sports a small grin at Rosa.

"Soon, we will have an abundance of small arms, weapons like our service rifle, the Kar98k, and our SMG, the Mp-28 and Mp-35, will be up for sale. Along with that are auxiliary equipment like M24 hand grenades, flamethrowers, helmets, and uniforms... All the way up to things like heavy armament like Pak 37 and anti-air cannons are up on the table. Combat and support vehicles are also available for purchase or negotiation. Though for the Reformists, I don't think you will have much need for a naval ship but will lean more toward the ground and air vehicles."

Yuki then snaps her fingers, motioning to Bryn to step forward and distribute the 'menu' for the Ustians to have a look over. "Here is the list tailored for your faction, in it is what we can offer right now and in the future. Take a read and discuss with each other what and the amount you want to acquire."

Rosa nods, passing the matter to the more knowledgeable Francis as she engages in small talks with Yuki. The Chinese can only enviously look as the Reformists go on a shopping spree. Fortunately, the torture only lasted half an hour for the Reformists had already researched the matter beforehand.

Yuki receives the checklists Francis passed over for review, nodding at their real demands. "You made a good choice by outfitting your current army like this. Five divisions, with three being motorized, one mechanized, and one armored. As your army right now is still green and small, unlike ours, by outfitting them this way you can use them as a good defensive force until you can train them to a higher level. By then, your army should be bigger and more experienced to handle another influx of equipment."

Yuki then gives Rosa a look as she says. "Though I'm impressed with your recent victories, I'm glad you didn't let it get over your head. It takes time to win a war, after all."

Rosa jests. "I learn from the best." Causing Yuki to chuckle, quipping back. "You better or I will punish you for causing me trouble!"

With the jabbing out of the way, Yuki and Rosa finalize their dealing with Yuki ending it by saying. "Just like before, the heavier equipment will be put on your tab." To which the Ustian Princess nods, already used to this kind of negotiation.

It's now time to talk with the Chinese as the Ustians now sit on the sideline. Being semi-involved in the current mainland Chinese developments. Knowing this, General Liu doesn't ask for the removal of the Reformists.

Yuki opens up first. 'Well then, General Liu Zhang, it's now time for us to discuss."

"As you wish, Marshal." The General cups his hands, showing respect to Yuki.

"It's our hope that we're here, first to secure protection for Emperor Cao Long's last surviving family members, and to secure an arms deal with the Reich." General Liu said upfront, figuring that the Princess Marshal doesn't like pleasantry.

Nodding, Yuki says. "It's good that you cut the needless pleasantries since I'm a busy person. For the first and primary purpose of your being here, I will agree to host Consort Ling and her daughter. They will receive the best protection and hospitality the Reich has to offer. Little Mei here will be enrolled in any academy of her choosing and her needs will be taken care of accordingly under your supervision. I also assure you that any unwanted party will also be removed, letting Emperor Cao Long's family be at peace for as long as they remain in the Reich."

Yuki's statement receives grateful bows from all the Chinese. That's one less thing to worry about.

Gracefully accepting their thanks, Yuki goes on to say. "Next will be the arms deal, for this, I will not just give you a comprehensive list of arms and products, I will also show you all their performance." Yuki then turns to Rosa, saying. "You all follow me for a trip."


In a non-disclosed military testing ground, near an unmarked naval base. Yuki and Bryn are leading the delegation for a tour. They then stop at a firing range where Yuki has set up a small demonstration. The same one she has given to the Ustians days ago.

Turning to address the Chinese, Yuki says with two of her hands outstretched. "These here are the weapons currently used by your military while on the other side are the ones we put up for sale. Try them both to compare their capabilities, and determine what you want and what you can get before coming to me. Any question you have, just say it out loud." Yuki said like a true arms dealer, letting the Chinese delegations have a go at the weapons on display. There are also members of the Belkan military nearby to help them operate what they don't know how to use.

Soon, duels of a short between Chinese and Belkan equipment take place. Examples will be Hanyang 88 versus Kar98k, ZB vz. 26 against MG-34, Ruby pistol against our full-auto C96... The shock is also evident on their faces when Yuki even has the Chinese's homebrew 75mm artillery and mortars going up against the 82mm, 88mm, and 105mm Belkan artillery. Even aircraft like I-15 and tanks like the T-26 that the Chinese used are also being compared with the Bf-109 and Panzer II.

The well-prepared showcase made by the Princess Marshal deeply shocked the Chinese to the core. It's made more shocking when Yuki pulls out the equipment that the Chinese severely lack and have them show off their ability.

First, come the armored cars and half-tracks with veterans from the 404th Division demonstrating combined-arms tactics in storming a fortified village while receiving support from CAS, Panzer II, the newer Panzer III M, and the Wespe self-propelled artillery. The stunning display shocked the Chinese while the Ustians delegation is already used to such a sight.

Finally, Yuki ends the demonstration by explaining further the ability of the newer equipment, especially the ones that were presented in the Victory Parade.

"The Panzer III M, as you can see, is an improved version of the original Panzer III with better reliability, protection, and firepower. The transmission is revamped while a stronger engine is fitted into the tank. Additional armors are installed in the front with side skirts that can be fitted on the side. The older short 75mm and 37mm are removed and a new 57mm L/52 gun is mounted in the turret. The new cannon, with new shells, can penetrate up to 135mm of armor 100 meters away at a fire rate of one round every five seconds with an experienced crew."

Yuki then goes on to the Wespe artillery tank. "The Wespe, a recent development, can provide an army with quick and deadly fire support anywhere on the battlefield thanks to its 105mm howitzer mounted on a tank chassis. Though it's no doubt more expensive than towed artillery, it makes up for it by maneuverability in an ever-changing battlefield. It will be an important purchase if you want to prevent the losses of field artillery in a retreating battle. The last thing you need is your own weapon being turned against you."

General Liu alongside a few Chinese army personnel nods. They had first-hand experiences in such a stunt when the Japanese attacked Manchuria. They then move on to the landed air assets, the most notable of the bunch is the latest Bf-109 model.

"This is the Bf-109K, refurbished for export to countries such as yours. It's no doubt one of the fastest aircraft in the world currently, sitting at 720km/h max speed at 6km altitude, best used in boom and zoom tactic. It's also armed with two 8mm machine guns and three 20mm autocannons. A respectable loadout for anything short of a heavy bomber, though even a bomber can be turned to swiss-cheese if you land your shots right."

Though General Liu may not be an avid airman, even he understands how ridiculous the 109K is. The look feverish look on the only Air Force officer on his side is also a telltale sign of this being the most advanced aircraft they have ever seen. As expected of Belka, the nation with the most advanced technology.

General Liu then turns to inquire. "These are great offers you're giving us, Marshal. Though I have no doubt the prices will be great, I must also inquire about the naval section in the list you have been showing us. Is it true we can procure warships from Belka?"

With a smirk on her face, Yuki answers. "Let's take a trip to the naval base."


When the large group arrives at the nearby naval base, Yuki leads them to docked ships presented there. Pointing at the largest ones, Yuki says. "These here are the ships we considered obsolete, yet, they can be refurbished with modern equipment and be sold at a lower price to the Chinese Navy. Yggdrasil knows how badly your navy needs an upgrade."

Being talked down directly like, General Liu and the Chinese can't help but put on ashamed smiles. "You're corrected, Marshal, our navy needs an upgrade to deter unwanted elements."

"Then I presented you with one of the Mackensen-class battlecruisers, the Prinz Eitel Friedrich. It's currently armed with eight 350mm L/45 guns, 150mm and 105mm secondaries, and smaller caliber AA guns. However, we can refit them to be armed with the same amount of bigger 380mm guns and 128mm dual-purpose secondaries while its AA suite will be revamped to counter more modern aerial threats. The refit process will also slightly improve its protection and modernize its fire control while still retaining the fairly fast 28 knots top speed of the battlecruiser."

They then make a tour around the ship, ultimately leading them up to the battlecruiser's conning tower. From there, Yuki points at the smaller heavy cruiser to the berthing near the Prinz Eitel Friedrich.

"Over there is Admiral Scheer, a Deutschland-class heavy cruiser with a battlecruiser level of firepower thanks to its six 283mm L/52 guns. It has the same top speed as a Mackensen with smaller 150mm and 88mm secondaries and on its stern are 8 torpedo tubes. We have plans to refit the Deutschland-class to have longer 283mm guns and dual-purpose secondaries with improved fire control. If you have the money, we can also build you more ships of the class. The same offer will be extended to the destroyers and submarines you see over there."

Yuki stops, turning towards the Chinese. "So, interest?"


During the drive back to Berlin and up until they reconvene back in the meeting room, the Chinese delegation has been in a heated discussion to determine what's best for their nation's interest. Finally, having made up their mind, General Liu represents the Long Dynasty to state their terms.

"First, we will like to secure enough small arms and auxiliary equipment to modernize at least half of our army up front. As for the other half, we want to buy the production lines and rights to produce them locally. For heavy equipment, we want to procure at least 100 Panzer III Ms, 40 Wespes, 150 armored cars, half-tracks, and enough trucks to motorize our logistics and army. We also want to modernize our entire air fleet with Belkan aircraft."

General Liu stops to let Yuki processes the order. The Marshal also comments. "How original."

Though not sure why she said it, General Liu carries on to say. "In regard to our navy, we want to purchase three Mackensen-class battlecruisers, six Deutschland-class heavy cruisers, twenty-five destroyers, and fifteen submarines, all modernized. Lastly, we will like to procure production lines, if possible, or the maintenance parts and stations for everything. We will also request the Belkan military to train our service members in the art of war." Having said his piece, the General and all member of the Long Dynasty's delegation stands to bow toward Yuki.

With a small smile on her face, Yuki says. "Daring today, aren't we?"

Standing up, Yuki then asks. "Do you even have enough capital to ask for such a procurement? Surely you also want more in the future so it's best if you have a way to pay for everything."

Without a hint of shame, General Liu admits. "Currently, it's true that the Dynasty is unable to cover everything. However, we ask you to let us pay in installments, just like what the Ustian Princess has requested."

A bit surprised at his boldness, Yuki directs her gaze toward Rosa, and the latter shrugs, expressing that she has no hand in this. Yuki then crosses her arms, falling into a contemplative mood as she ponders just how much she should supply the Long Dynasty.

To be honest, Yuki really hasn't expected them to buy anything but the Army equipment, maybe add in a few aircraft and that's it. Yet, the General here, being entrusted by Emperor Cao Long, place a very big and lucrative shopping list, one too hard to ignore. Not when there are actual benefits when following through with the order and ignoring the pissed-off Japanese.

First, Yuki can negotiate to have them pay with manpower instead of money. At this time, mainland China is facing economic depression thanks to the Japanese influence. By letting them send unemployed, yet experienced workers over to work for the betterment of the Reich. Yuki can create a win-win situation for both parties with Belka can speed up their national projects while Long Dynasty can revitalize their economy.

Second, by signing the arms deal, she can have the Long Dynasty take the brunt of Japan's ambition, long enough till she's done with Europe. When both side's Cold War gone hot, she will let them bite each other till both are tired, finally, she will swoop in with a fabricated just cause against Japan, dealing the final blow. This will put Japan and China, which have been accruing debt due to the arms purchase during the Sino-Japanese war, under her sphere of influence. This means she can't have the Chinese be self-sufficient in arms manufacturing. If they really are self-sustaining because of the arms deal, the Japanese will grow to be an annoying thorn in her side much earlier than expected.

Having made up her mind, Yuki gives her answer.

"Here's my counteroffer then. It's the best I can do so take it or leave it."

  1. The deal is made between the Belkan Reich and the Long Dynasty and only the two parties involved can remedy the deal.
  2. Belkan Reich will provide the Long Dynasty with the previously discussed amount of small arms, infantry equipment, vehicles, aircraft, and vessels. Belkan Reich will sell the production lines for small arms and infantries equipment, while anything else is spare parts and 'maintenance stations'. How the Long Dynasty uses its maintenance stations is up to them. If the Long Dynasty pays a fee, Belkan Reich will train the Long Dynasty's military with modern battle tactics and equipment usage.
  3. Long Dynasty will be paying the cost of this deal and any future deal in yearly installments with interest. A portion of the cost can be covered by sending over unemployed and willing citizens to be hired at a discount rate by the Reich. The Belkan Reich has a responsibility to treat Chinese citizens as their own in accordance with the law and the Chinese people must uphold the law. In addition, if a Chinese citizen is willing to be a permanent citizen of the Reich and is vetted by the Reich, the Long Dynasty can't force him or her to return by any means.
  4. This is by no means a military treaty, only an arms deal. The terms of the deal can be negotiated in the future depending on the world's situation.

Of course, there are many more secondary terms but the four just listed are the important ones. Having read the papers with fine inks, the Chinese delegation shares a look between them before nodding. General Liu picks up a pen, signing away his name before pulling out a dragon seal, an object the Emperor has entrusted to him and stamps it on the deal. Yuki, representing Belka, also does the same but with her Ironblood insignia which is of an elaborate medieval sword design.

To the Long Dynasty delegation, they secured a lifeline for their country, giving them a chance to stave off the Japanese's aggression. Yet, to Yuki, she has laid the first brick in creating a foothold to bring Asia under her control in the future. It will be a long while till she gets there, but it never hurts to prepare now, even though it's a bit of a manipulative preparation.

Future historians will record this deal as the Princess Marshal's first foray into the international community. Others will also hold regular debates as to whether the future downfall of both the Long Dynasty and Imperial Japan are orchestrated by Yuki from this meeting or not. Sadly for them, ONI has made sure that none of the debates go anywhere.

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