Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 65: Subjugation Festival (1)

Chapter 65: Subjugation Festival (1)

Inside Hugos office.

Amidst the pile of documents, Hugo, who was busy with some out-of-place paperwork, felt a presence gradually approaching.


-Its me, uncle.

The voice from beyond the door, accompanied by a knock, belonged to his nephew.

Come in.

Hugo said while squinting his tired eyes from reading tiny text.

What brings you here?

I came to give you a New Years greeting and a gift.

A gift?

The unfamiliar word coming from the boys mouth made Hugo tilt his head in curiosity.

At his age, he should be more accustomed to receiving gifts, and to think he is bringing a gift along with New Years greetings

Despite the slyness, Hugo wore a pleased smile. Shiron bowed slightly in accord with Hugos rhythm.

Yes, its my humble gesture towards the pillar of this household.

Ha, hahaha.

Hugo eventually burst into laughter. It was said that praise always felt good to hear. Although he had heard enough praises to make his ears sore throughout his life, hearing it from his nephew brought a new sentiment.

What is the gift?

I hope you will like it.

As Hugo leaned forward, Shiron placed a glass bottle on the desk. The bottle was filled with a reddish-brown liquid.

Is it liquor?


Shiron softly smiled as he replied. From what he had observed over the year, there werent many gifts available that would genuinely please Hugo.

A suitable gift, yet something not attainable anywhere else. The one thing satisfying both conditions was liquor.

A few months ago, Shiron had sent Encia to Dawn Castle to obtain a whiskey aged for an incredible period in a place where ice didnt melt, too precious to just let it spoil without exposing it to the outside.

The bottle placed in front of Hugo was initially intended for the emperor, but its availability was uncertain, so it was partitioned beforehand.


When Shiron, with skilled hand movements, opened the lid, a unique sweet smell gradually filled the room. Even without any markings, Hugo immediately recognized what was inside the unlabeled bottle.

Its the liquor from Dawn Castle.

You recognized it instantly.

Its been a long time indeed.

Hugo looked at the bottle with nostalgia in his eyes. A luxury he had tasted once during his coming-of-age ceremony. He wanted to drink it when he visited Dawn Castle for the succession ceremony, but Hugo wasnt the head of the household then, and he couldnt ask Yuma for it out of pride.

Im glad you like it.

Shiron saw the smile on Hugos face and smiled along.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

However, at some point, Hugo stopped smiling. He tightly closed his mouth while watching Shirons laughter.

And shortly, a firm resolution embedded itself in Hugos heart, and he spoke.



I cannot agree to this favor.


Even though he hadnt made any requests yet, Hugo began with a refusal. At his firmness, Shiron widened his eyes slightly.

I, I havent said anything yet.

Shiron, you are becoming a bit frightening.

Hugo pushed the bottle in front of him forward. It clearly seemed like he was refusing the gift.

It was last year.

Hugo slowly spoke, pulling his leaning body slightly backward.

When you made that outrageous request to let you become a ruffian, I simply thought you would turn out to be a drunkard or a playboy.


I thought that was within my capabilities to manage.

Hugo closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath. To Shiron, it seemed like he was bracing himself for an upcoming shock.

But it wasnt.

Hugo wore a slightly sorrowful expression.

He believed that he had the duty and responsibility to guide them, the siblings, on the right path in place of their father, Glen.

Being born of the Prient bloodline, a grand destiny deemed to suit the epithet great was inevitably attached to them.

He wanted to provide a good environment for the children, at least until their destinies were settled. He tried to fulfill whatever they wished for as much as possible. Especially since Shiron had awakened the power of prophecy. Knowing the future and choosing to make losses would be madness.


The power of prophecy is not omnipotent and cannot see all futures.

Hugo recalled the words of his late father.

Unless Shiron could see all futures, there must be things, minor details, he couldnt see

Wait, just a moment.

At that time, Shiron pulled Hugo back from his deep thoughts.

I dont know what misunderstanding you have, but I didnt come here today to ask for a favor.


I came to ask for a bit of advice today.


Didnt you say you would become a ruffian? Wasnt that the last request? I expected something of the sort, beginning with a gift out of the blue.

Of course, New Years greetings and the gift are part of the process. But still, its not a request.

Shiron shook his head a few times and stared at Hugo.

Surely, you wont refuse to give advice, will you?

Shiron took a blue envelope from his belongings.

It was an invitation and a letter received through Victor recently.

I was wondering if you could give some advice about the Subjugation Festival. Ah, is this also considered a request, so its not possible?

Shiron smiled bitterly at Hugo.

Hugo, pretending to be flustered, changed his expression.

Then, feeling slightly embarrassed, he cleared his throat a few times.

Ahem. I can certainly do that much. But the Subjugation Festival?

Yes. I received an invitation through a friend recently.

When Shiron emphasized the word friend, Hugo clicked his tongue and opened the envelope handed over by Shiron.

This is insane.

After carefully reading the letter, Hugo sighed in a different manner than before.

It seems the Emperor created the Subjugation Festival to give you an opportunity to showcase your abilities.

I see.

Shiron nodded, agreeing with Hugos opinion.

The festival, taking place in the eastern part of the empire, Arwen Plateau, was a competition ground for renowned warriors from the empire and the continent.

This was not a martial arts tournament.

From what Shiron remembered, the Subjugation Festival was a quest to ward off the continuous waves of magical beasts in the intermediate region of Arwen Plateau.

The Subjugation Festival is an event where the new generation from each family can showcase their power by defeating the invading magical beasts.

Hugo said, folding his arms, seemingly troubled.

However, do not consider the new generation as just fledglings who have just left their nests. Mostly, chosen elites raised to elevate their familys reputation participate. Most of them are likely veterans pretending to be the new generation.


To expect a performance in such a place

Shiron, feeling slightly uncomfortable, rubbed the back of his neck.

Even if the Prient bloodline possessed a distinguished magical power, it didnt mean other families were significantly inferior to the Prient.

Even Hugos wife, Eldrina, was born into a prestigious magical family in the empire. She could naturally use dual casting based on her innate mana affinity.

This applied to warriors as well. They trained their children to wield swords from a young age and made them consume elixirs worth a house.


Even the daughters of Prient married into other warrior families. The Prient bloodline was not exclusive to Prient.

Shiron was scribbling Hugos words in a notebook without realizing it.

Uncle, have you also participated in the Subjugation Festival?

Of course.

Hugo nodded, seemingly reminiscing. It was the year he had just had his coming-of-age ceremony in Dawn Castle. The festival was hosted by the newly enthroned emperor.

Its a story from over 20 years ago, but I remember it vividly. There, I crushed the faces and knocked out the teeth of offspring from other families.

Why did you do that?

They mocked me as a northerner bumpkin.

Upon receiving Shirons question, Hugo, who had been kind, crumpled his gentle expression and said.

Ultimately, its a place where the spirited ones showcase their power, so minor quarrels happen frequently.


Shiron sighed with his eyes slightly open. Wasnt it a hopeful event where everyone combined their strength to ward off the waves of magical beasts? The term wilderness seemed to fit well here.

But it seems like Franz doesnt expect you to perform there.

Because I am too young?

Hugo slowly nodded.

Yes. It would be good if you could perform there. But it doesnt matter if you cant.

But, you are not opposing my participation in the Subjugation Festival.

I wont stop you. If you dont want to go, you dont have to. But, there was a rudeness to Franz before. It could be troublesome if you refuse his kindness.

Hugo sighed, thinking of his ill-tempered friend.

Franz is not a fool to have vain hopes. And he will not create a situation to earn my hatred.

Several nights had passed since then.

Shiron, seemingly deep in thought, stroked his chin with his tiny hands.

I really dont want to go.

It seemed to be a habit from his previous life, but Shiron terribly disliked attending events where he had to just show his face.

Maybe it should be called something like a training event.

Company outings promoted camaraderie among employees, and school trips had the meaning of traveling. But training events? Werent they just inexplicable group stays?

-Depending on your behavior, this assistant can be either an angel or a devil.


He recalled unpleasant memories. Moreover, the Subjugation Festival, though named a festival, was merely a slaughter event where you just had to kill the attacking beasts. It would have been nice if there were something like visible experience points to feel a sense of accomplishment, getting stronger as you defeat more beasts, experiencing real-time [Level Up!] events

Reincarnation of the Sword Saint didnt have such elements at all.

He understood that the Emperor had intentions to promote him, but Shiron didnt need to risk his life to gain fame and respect. His only goal was to kill the Apostle.

But not going also had its issues.

Franz of the Iron Blood was a lunatic. A lunatic more worried about the future of the country than where his child went and got hit. Shiron didnt want to criticize his inhuman aspect since it matched the caliber of an emperor. However, he just didnt want that lunatic to block his path.

Is there a way to just blend in and act moderately

In the dining room of the annex, Shiron spoke to his sister, who was playing with a piece of bread.



Shiron softly smiled at his sister, who was tilting her head.

Do you want to go to the festival with me?

Fe, festival? All of a sudden?

Lucias eyes widened at the seemingly abrupt proposal. The word festival made Lucias heart flutter a little.

What kind of festival? A snow festival? Or is it like a harvest festival?

Um something like that.

It was not a completely irrelevant word.

Shiron smiled, recalling what Hugo had said.

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