Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 66: Subjugation Festival (2)

Chapter 66: Subjugation Festival (2)

In a room of the annex.

I cant sleep.

Lucia lay on the bed, gazing at the ceiling.

Today, especially, her eyelids refused to close. Although it should be a time shed usually be deep in dreams, she was wide awake.

While lying still, Lucias hands werent idle. She fiddled with the hem of the blanket. The flutter of excitement she felt seemed to seep out physically.

Why could that be?

If she pondered the question, the answer quickly came to mind.

-Would you like to come to the festival with me?


It was what Shiron had said to her during mealtime. Without any preamble, he had asked Lucia if she would like to accompany him to the festival.

She was better now, but when Shiron initially proposed, Lucias heart thumped wildly, like a child about to receive a toy.

The occasional new stimulus that interrupts the repeated routine was a source of excitement.

Waking up before the birds chirp to train, sparring with Siriel for swordsmanship, playing with a pitiable child who visited the mansion after meals

The latter never got boring, thanks to Shiron always suggesting a different game. Being confined in this large mansion had been somewhat monotonous.

Not that she was particularly keen on taking time off for an outing. It was a hassle to assemble a security detail every time she ventured out. Lucia knew she had to become stronger to reveal her true identity sooner.


When someone else took the initiative to suggest, things changed.

Lucia mightve been unknowingly waiting for someone to ask her out to play.

Therefore, Shirons recent proposal felt sweet, like a much-needed rain after a drought.

Lucia blinked a few times and murmured to herself,

Could it be

Did he know in advance?

No way.

It was unlikely.

Yet she was genuinely thankful to Shiron for suggesting they attend the festival.

That kid has some good sides after all.

Suddenly, Lucia felt that Shiron was like a real older brother. Victor and Shiron were the same age, but even though Victor was royalty, he just acted like a kid.

Unlike Victor, Shiron, only two years older, took care of his younger siblings. Witnessing that made her rely on him. When he introduced Victor to Lucia and suggested they play together, Lucia discovered she could fit in.

At that moment

Lucia widened her eyes in realization.

Is it okay for me to be like this?

Playing with a child,

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Being cared for by a child,

Eating food prepared by a child,

Crying pitifully in front of a child.

And being comforted by a child, even to the point of blushing.

After much thought, Lucia realized.

The risk, when she revealed herself as the reincarnation and as Kyrie, was increasing.

Its my fate. Why is it so rough?

Lucia felt a rush of heat to her face.

It was dark now, and she couldnt see her reflection, but surely her face was as red as a ripe apple.

Think something else, think something else.

Right. I should recall happy memories.

Unable to sleep due to her flushed face, Lucia decided to revisit old memories. Recounting joyful and happy memories never gets old.

Shiron just asked to go to the festival.

Surely, there must be one labeled festival in her minds drawer.

In her childhood.

Not now, but in her previous life. The Silleya tribe, who lived in the northern part of the continent, celebrated the first day of the New Year with a festival.

For a week after the New Year began, those who could fight went out at the same time each day to hunt beasts.

The warrior who hunted the largest beast was awarded ten barrels of honey wine.

Though it was ten barrels, sharing five of them with the villagers was customary.

The villagers drank the honey wine and danced in high spirits. In hindsight, it may have seemed a bit nave and, to put it bluntly, barbaric, but what does that matter? In those days, Kyrie was undoubtedly happy.

Good morning, Sir Johan.

Good morning, Sir Johan.

With dawn breaking, Shiron, carrying a large bag, greeted Johan respectfully, and Lucia, following him, bowed her head slightly.

Good morning. Lord Shiron. Miss Lucia. Are you both ready?

Of course. Look at this.

Shiron turned around to show Johan his packed bag. Johan chuckled at his endearing gesture.

I thought youd be nervous, but Im glad youre so spirited. Now,

Johan looked at the knights lined up behind him.

They were the elites of the Sky Knights, Hugos knight brigade. Their full plate armor and the lethal weapons they carried emitted a formidable presence even from a distance.

A festival and human weapons.

The incongruent combination made Lucias eyebrows meet. The heavy packing, the nature of the festival they were attending today, everything felt odd.

But Shiron

Lucia whispered, grabbing Shirons sleeve.


Why are we going with these giants to a festival?

Busy places can be dangerous, right? We might encounter beasts Think of it as an escort for unexpected situations.

Thats correct, Miss Lucia.

Johan stroked his mustache and smiled warmly at Lucia.

People there tend to underestimate and pick fights. To prepare for such an eventuality, Ive selected personnel even while returning from expeditions.

I see

Lucia nodded slightly at Johan. He appeared to be in his fifties or sixties, but Johans energy was as lively as any youngsters.

With even a brigade of knights Is the festival of the nobles different?


At Johans gesture,

The brigade of knights began their disciplined march out of the mansions grounds.

Lucia adjusted her bags strap and silently followed.

The venue for the Subjugation Festival, Arwen Plateau, was quite far from the imperial capital, Rien.

It was a distance that required about a fortnights march without rest. However, while the festival that had been held for hundreds of years hasnt changed, the times have.

Now, taking a train to the Arwen Plateau was obvious.

Sir Johan.

Upon reaching the train station platform, Shiron called Johan aside. There was a place he needed to visit before they departed.

Sir, may we stop by the blacksmith?

The blacksmith?

The blacksmith? Suddenly, in such a place?

Both Johan and Lucia were surprised at Shirons request. Shiron responded with a grin.

Yes. Lucia still doesnt have her own sword.


At Shirons explanation, Johan halted with a soft exclamation.

Ah, how careless of me. I know a place. Lets go there.

Johan led the children out of the group.

With brisk steps, they exited the station,

Reached the street,

And arrived at the industrial district where blacksmiths were primarily located.

Welcome. Most of the orders for the knights brigade come from here.

Clang- Clang- Clang- Clang-

The forge introduced by Johan was filled with the unceasing sound of hammers hitting iron. Even though it was lunchtime, the fact that the hammering sound was heard meant it was a reputable forge, constantly receiving orders.

Hey there!

Johan shouted loudly towards the inside of the forge. Then, a man with a thick beard and arms thicker than his thighs came out from inside the forge with quick steps.

Oh, Lord Johan. What brings you here?

Is there any special reason to visit a forge? I came to get a sword.

Haha! I was unaware. Please come in.

The blacksmith led the way inside with a hearty laugh. There were several swords on display for customers. Their lengths, widths, and even colors were diverse. Lucias eyes started to sparkle upon seeing them.

For the Lord we have a newly crafted longsword made from high-quality black iron.

The blacksmith showed a sword from the center of a glass display. The blade gleamed coldly in the light. Even Shiron, a novice, could tell it was no ordinary weapon.

Sorry, but thats not for me.

Johan shook his head at his words.


Its for me.

Lucia took a step forward and looked up at the blacksmith.

The blacksmiths face, which had been slightly excited, became suddenly calm upon seeing the little girl.

Replacing the black steel sword back into its display, he brought out another.

How about this one? Its lightweight, corrosion-resistant, easy for a young girl to handle, and easy to maintain.

The change in the blacksmiths approach made Johans smile fade. Instead of pointing out the obvious shift in attitude, Johan turned his gaze to Lucia.

Miss, which sword do you prefer?

I like the black one from earlier.

As expected.

Johan nodded once and looked at the blacksmith.

Lets go with the black iron sword you showed earlier.


The blacksmith looked troubled.

The black iron sword is not something a child should wield. Its five times heavier than ordinary steel and not easy to maintain. Please dont think Im refusing due to my pride.

Its fine.

Johan smiled widely and gestured to the blacksmith.

Show us here.

Upon his signal, the blacksmith reluctantly handed over the two swords to Johan.

Johan handed the black iron sword to Lucia and held the other in his own hand.

Miss, try swinging it lightly.


Lucia responded and took the black iron sword. She immediately understood Johans intention and acted.


In an instant, the clang of a broken blade echoed as it rolled on the ground, causing the blacksmiths eyes to widen in shock.

Without even exerting strength or infusing it with energy, the little miss effortlessly broke the steel sword. Moreover, her speed was so fast that it could only be described as a fleeting moment.

Seeing this, Johan grinned with satisfaction.

Well take both.

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