Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 138 - Star - The Pack Meeting Part 3




  There was definitely going to be a confrontation tonight. And it was most likely a very violent one. I had watched as Artem and Reece both jumped from the platform. Artem grabbed the old man that he had called Timothy and stopped him from hitting Nico.

The old man had balled his hand into a tight fist and was about to hit his grandson with tremendous force. The entire time, Nico had just been staring at his grandfather with fear and tears in his eyes.

At the same time I had also seen Reece jump from the platform. He was heading in the direction of Nico and Kent's parents. Reece had jumped over the entire crowd that had gathered before and landed smoothly and gracefully next to the other man that had his fist raised.

This man was seconds away from hitting Nico and Kent's mother. Before he could though, Reece had grabbed him by the wrist and yanked it away from the woman, hard.

"GAHHH!" The man cried out from the pain he was feeling. "Let go of me, you asshole!"

I know that was the stupidest thing that man could have said. He had literally just called the Alpha King an asshole. I am pretty sure that is not going to go over well.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" Reece growled into the man's face.

"He called you an asshole, you dumbass." Another random voice from the crowd yelled out in response.

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"That's quite enough out of both of you." Reece growled out to them. "If either of you value your fucking lives I suggest you shut the fuck up." I could feel the waves of rage coming off of him. 

"Really bigshot, what do you think you're going to do with so many people here that are against you? Do you really think that we want you or that stupid upstart in our pack at all. None of us will ever recognize either of you. You're fucking stupid if you think we will ever listen to either of you."

There was a growling laugh that arose from that general direction. At first I thought it had come from the man who was digging his own grave. I thought he was just making things worse for himself. 

I was wrong though. The growling laugh that was steadily growing louder and louder was coming from Reece. 

I had been afraid of him when I first met him, but that was because I had known who he was, what he was. When I got to know him somewhat I learned that he wasn't a mean and angry person. Or so I thought.

The sounds that were coming from the Alpha King right now sounded like something straight from a devil. There was no humor at all in his laughter. In fact, I felt my skin crawling with nerves and fear.

What was Reece going to do to these men?

Right when I thought Reece was going to attack them, he had even reared back like he was about to do something very violent, someone yelled.

Apparently, Trinity couldn't take the madness anymore. She yelled out with so much authority dripping from her words that everyone in the clearing was forced to listen to her. Reece included.


Instantly every single person stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the Luna Queen. I had never thought that something like this would happen with Trinity. She seemed so calm and sweet. How could she be so commanding and powerful?

The force of the power she was giving off was literally making me look at her. I couldn't look away at all, even if I had wanted to.

This was a true Luna. This was the power of the Luna Queen. There was no shifter in the world strong enough to disobey her. She was marvelous and stunning.

"W-who are you?" I heard Nico and Kent's mother ask in a squeaky and nervous voice.

"You want to know who I am? You're finally interested in knowing who the new people among you are?"

Trinity took a step toward me, moving closer like she was trying to protect me from something. What was she about to do? For some reason, I was even more nervous.

"Yes, I-I want to know who you are. You're not from this pack, I know that. Yet you were still able to command us like you have some sort of authority over all of us."

Now it was Trinity's turn to laugh. It wasn't a growling laugh and it didn't scare me as much as Reece's had but it was still something that you would find humor in. Still, there was something in it that held a razor sharp edge.

"Oh, I do have authority over you, but you're right, I am not from this pack at all."

"How can you have authority over us if you're not from this pack?" The man who nearly got himself killed by Reece asked. He had medium brown hard, a balding head, and an unfortunate face.

"I don't need to belong to your pack to control you. I control all the shifters in the world."

To that declaration there was a flurry of responses both positives and negatives.


  "Oh my Goddess."

"You're delusional."

  "She's that strong?"

"There's no way."

"How can it be?"

"Quit lying."

"Is it true?"

There were so many people talking at one and so much going on that the assholes from before had seemed to be forgotten about. At least for the moment.

Artem had let go of Timothy when the crowd had been commanded to stop. Thankfully Reece hadn't lost his grip. He hadn't attacked but he hadn't let go of the man he was holding onto either.

In the confusion of what was going on no one had been paying any attention to Timothy. The entire gathering, aside from one person, was focused on Trinity.

Apparently, Timothy had been focused on his grandson. He had snuck away and gotten closer to the boy without anyone noticing him. We only realized what was going on when Nico started screaming in fear and pain.

When I turned to look at the commotion, to try and figure out what was happening, I saw that Timothy was yanking Nico's head so far back that his adams apple was straining against his throat.

Aside from holding the boy's head back Timothy had shifted his hand so that long sharp claws were coming out of his fingers.

"If you insist on forcing me into this clearing with these abominations, then I will do the only humane thing possible." The old man was growling as he spoke, a maniacal glint in his eyes.

A lot of things happened at once. Artem went to move forward at the same time that Reece let go of Jeremy and rushed forward. Still, neither of them got to Nico in time.

No, the one who got to Nico first was Kent. He was right there to protect his little brother.

Timothy screamed in pain right when Nico's screams were cut off. I didn't manage to see it all since Trinity had stepped in front of me and pulled my head down to her. I was still taller than her by a couple inches though so I looked over her shoulder a little bit.

I saw blood flying and then heard a gurgled scream. After that Timothy was silent and a hush fell over the crowd.

Everyone was stunned by what had just happened, but when the shock wore off several of them decided that they didn't want to stick around anymore. Trinity let go of me and moved to command those who were leaving.-

"Stop, all of you!" Trinity didn't yell but her voice carried. "All of you go back to where you were before. This meeting is far from over."

Each and every one of them stopped, looked at her, then moved back to where they had been before. Not a single one of them was talking and there was fear on the faces of every person I could see.

Trinity was right though, this meeting was far from over. If you asked me it hadn't even begun yet. It had devolved into a fight before everyone had even gotten to see the platform stone. It was pure chaos.

While I looked around the clearing I couldn't stop my eyes from falling on the place where Kent was standing. He was covered in blood and he was holding something in his hands. And I noticed that the crowd wasn't looking at just Trinity or Reece with fear. They were staring at Kent and Artem that way as well.

"Thank you for the assistance, Trinity." Artem smiled as he came back onto the platform and stood next to me. "And you're right, this meeting hasn't even begun yet."

Kent tossed the thing in his hands aside and joined us on the platform along with Reece. I turned to look at what he threw and saw it was Timothy's head.

That turned my stomach a little bit.

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