Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 139 - Both - The Pack Meeting Part 4




  "I will get straight to the point. Most of the people in this pack have behaved despicably. A lot of you have done things that you should be ashamed of. You have imprisoned your family members. You have beaten them and starved them and many of you have even killed them. That is unacceptable." I could feel the rage and emotions filling me while I addressed the crowd of people, but I needed to go on.

"I am here to tell you all now, that will no longer be allowed. If you wish to remain a member of this pack then you will have to massively clean up your lives. The way you live, the way you treat your fellow wolves, all of it needs to change." A rustling ran through the crowd. There were more than one group among them whispering among themselves after they heard my words.

There had to be those among them that couldn't keep it quiet though. There would always be someone to push the damn envelope.

"Fuck you, Artemis. We don't have to listen to you. If you were a proper Alpha then you would have no problem leading us."

"Yeah, I say if anyone needs to fix their shit, it's you."

Two men had come forward and were yelling at me. They were just random to me, I had probably seen them before but they didn't stick in my memory. Unimportant and unnecessary.

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"If you two don't want to be punished next then I suggest you shut up." Kent yelled at them for me before I even had the chance.

"And what are you going to do if we don't?" One of them was laughing as he asked that question. "Are you going to tell my mommy on me? Are you going to put me in a time out?"

"The two of you have been doing a shitty ass job trying to run this place on your own. It's bullshit."

With the yelling coming from the two of them it was causing chaos all around us. There were more people starting to scream and shout their opposition at me.

"Go ahead and try to make me submit."

"Go to hell you worthless traitor."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

There was more but I stopped listening. I was so angry that I was ready to kill someone right about now. Just as I was about to try and move forward I heard another growl, and another.

In a split second I was in my wolf form, large and brown with fierce green eyes. Next to me, one on either side, there were two black wolves. One was Reece the other was Kent.

"Ooh, look at the big bad Alpha go. He had to shift to control us."




"Enough!" I yelled at the heckler before Trinity could do it this time. I needed to step up. I was not going to be a weak and shy little girl any more. I was a Luna, I was in charge here. I was mated to their Alpha. I could do this.

"All of you need to stop this. Do you want to get yourselves hurt?" This caused the heckling men to laugh at me. They really didn't know when to stop, did they.

"She is right. All of you are going to regret what you're doing right now. This is treason." It was Trinity's turn to speak up.

"Treason? Honey, who are we committing treason against? Artemis? Ha, that's a laugh."

"How about your Queen?" I yelled at him.

"We have Lunas here, not queens. Get your facts straight." The lead heckler yelled back at me.

"Yeah, how fucking stupid can you get. Dumbass girl." OK, now they were angering me too much. I could feel the anger boiling inside of me.

I could actually feel several emotions. There was the fear that was pouring off of Nico and the other rescued boys. There was the anger and rage pouring off of Reece, Artem, and Kent who were standing in front of me. There was even anger coming off of Trinity where she stood next to me.

In the crowd I could sense unease, indifference, joy, and sadness. The variety of feelings was making things seem even more chaotic and hectic than it needed to be. All I wanted was to make it all go away. I just wanted to change what it was they were feeling.

While I was thinking these things I saw Trinity's whole body begin to ripple. She was shifting.

I had just seen most of these wolf forms for the first time tonight. Artem's I saw the night I met him but the others were new to me. Reece was a large wolf, even larger than Artem who was a lot bigger than Kent. These men were basically the personification of imposing, especially when they weren't truly men at the time.

When Trinity shifted I thought my mind was going to explode. She was snowy white for the most part. She did have black markings around her face and there were bright blue, red, and purple marks around her neck like some sort of necklace design set into her fur. It was so beautiful.

She wasn't as large as the men but I could feel the power radiating off of her. There was also an intense cold coming off of her, like she was made of a winter wind and snow. There was powerful magic inside of her and it was easy to tell.

While I watched I saw Trinity start to walk forward. She was leaving behind icy footprints wherever her paws touched. When she neared the edge where the boys were sitting she didn't walk in between them, she didn't walk around them, and she didn't jump over them. She walked over them.

It was like there were tiny little white circles of wind floating in the air and Trinity was  stepping on them as if they were stairs. She rose high into the air and looked at the people who were gathered around.

"I will give you all one chance to change your ways. I am not making it a command yet but I will when I have to. For right now I am asking that you see the errors of your ways and do what you know is best for us all." Trinity was talking like a normal person. That was strange since everyone I knew spoke with grunts and growls as a wolf. I had heard my cousins do it enough to know.

Several more people in the crowd had their emotions shift to fear instead of the anger and other things they were feeling.

"What the hell is she doing?"

"How is that possible?"

"What is she?"

"She's a wolf but I don't know of a wolf that can do that."

"She's not normal."

"This is freaky as hell."

The constant talking from the crowd was annoying. Did they seriously think that we couldn't hear what they were saying?

The fear was getting stronger. It wasn't just fear though. Whoever it was that was getting stronger with those emotions was getting violently afraid. That was the only way I could describe it. There was someone who was so afraid of this situation that he was going to attack someone over it. I could feel it. The thing is, I was having trouble figuring out who it was.

That feeling was reaching a fever pitch. There was definitely something wrong. Someone was going to do something bad if I didn't stop them.

All I could think of was stopping this person. Stopping them and flowers. I don't know why the flowers were on my mind but they kept popping up when I thought about his emotions. These flowers were black though. There was something wrong with them. I didn't know what kind they were, I had never seen anything like these flowers before at all.

These black flowers were spiky and small. They had a jagged stem that seemed way too thick for its tiny petals. The smell that came from them was acrid and seemed poisonous.

How could I smell the flowers from a thought?

That was when I opened my eyes. I saw lots of different flowers all around the clearing. There were yellow, blue, red, orange, and of course those black ones. They had different smells to them. The shapes were similar, they had the same number of petals and leaves at least. It's just that the stem thickness and the shape of the petals were different. There were pointed, jagged, and round petals. But other than that they were remarkably similar in my mind. Maybe it's just because I seemed to be the only one who noticed them.

There were more yellow flowers than anything else. Those flowers smelled like fear. I didn't want to focus on that one though. I needed to find and focus on the person next to the black flowers. That person would be the dangerous one I was sensing. 

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