Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 173 - Star - Magic Training Part 3




"Oh Goddess! Oh no! Dad, what's happening?" I was starting to freak out with what was happening. As soon as I broke the silence and started to flip out, the connection to the magic seemed to sever, and I fell the six inches to the grassy ground. "Ouch." My butt collided with the hard surface, and I felt a small ache.

"Are you alright?" Dad was a little worried about me after the small fall I had just suffered.

"Y..yeah, I'm fine." I got to my feet with his help and then promptly rubbed my bottom where it was sore. "What happened? Why did I glow? Why did I float? And why did I fall?"

"Well, you're never short on curiosity." He laughed for a second, then started answering the questions I had loaded onto him. "You were floating and glowing because you had so much magic in you. There must have been a catalyst or something that had helped you to access it. As for the falling, that is most likely because your fear blocked your access to the magic and severed your connection with the earth."

"I'd say it reinstated my connection with the earth." I grumbled as I rubbed my sore rump again. That smart remark earned me a chuckle from my dad.

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"OK, it severed your magical connection with the earth and reinstated your physical connection with it. Is that better?"

"Much, it's a much more accurate description anyway."

"Yeah, I guess it is. Are you ready to try it again? This time you will expect the floating and glowing."

"Yeah, sure, I guess." I wasn't as excited now as I was before, but I was going to try my best to be optimistic. I am sure that not all of my magic attempts would end in my butt thumping the ground.

I got into position and started the process again. It didn't take as long this time to make the magic flow into me. I just remembered the words that I had heard before, the words that I was sure was my mother.

"You can do it, Starry girl. I know you can. I believe in you." 

Once I heard the words in my head, I felt the power coursing through me. This time I knew what it was and what to expect. I wasn't afraid this time either when I opened my eyes and saw that I was once again floating off of the ground and glowing green.

Knowing it was going to happen, expecting it to happen made it a lot easier. I was actually thrilled and exhilarated when I saw that I had done it again. I was getting the hang of it; that made me happy, and I could tell that it was making my dad happy too.

This time, since I didn't let the fear get to me, I was able to float higher. I was about four feet off the ground, still in the same sitting position. Dad, with a big grin on his face, was dancing for joy.

"That is excellent, Star! You've connected with the magic perfectly. I just know that you are going to accomplish a lot with your training."

"Really?" I was excited to hear that he thought I had a lot of potential.

"Definitely. You're already doing amazing. You're pulling so much magic from your surroundings that you're overflowing with it. Now, you can manipulate the power that is causing you to float and move through the air with it."

From there, he started telling me how to move the magic inside of me at my will. He told me how to concentrate on the thrumming that was inside of me and direct it. He was right, I was able to move around, and quite easily as well.

I went from just hovering around to moving through the air swiftly. I had my arms out to my sides, and it looked like I was laying on my stomach in the air. I went as high as I could and brushed the ceiling that looked just like the sky, and then I flew over the pond and grazed the surface of the water with my fingertips. It was exhilarating and wonderful. While I was just about at the center of the pond, I started to fly higher and higher, spinning in slow circles as I went. I was loving every second of this.

Then, someone came into the garden; there were two people, and they were talking in loud voices.

"Get some from over there, and I will work over here. The Queen wants a special dinner tonight, and we need to prepare."

"Yeah, I know." Their voices were deep, grumbling and still somehow childlike.

Their interruption though had broken my concentration. I lost my thumming power, and I was no longer able to hold myself up. Since I had been flying, this meant that I was now falling.

"AHHH!" I screamed loud and high.

"Star!" My dad was racing toward me, but I don't know what he was planning to do.

I was falling fast, and I didn't have time to think about what to do. I just put my hands out in front of me to brace myself against whatever I was going to hit. It looked like I was still going to be over the water when I landed, so it shouldn't hurt, should it?

I was still afraid. I didn't want to hit the ground or the water. How would it affect my baby? Would it hurt him? What would happen to my little boy if I got hurt here?

While these thoughts went through my head, a solution was suddenly put before me. In an instant, a giant flower sprung up on each side of the large pond. The flowers met right beneath me and formed a sort of landing or cradle for me to land in. Only, the flowers didn't just let me fall into them; when I got closer they rose to meet me and gently cushioned me while slowing my descent.

That was amazing. I didn't know that my dad could do that. When I was finally back on the ground, having been carried there by the flowers, Dad ran right up to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Oh Star, I am sorry. I should never have let that happen."

"It's alright Dad, you saved me anyway." I hugged him back, welcoming his arms around me.

"What are you talking about?" He pulled away then and looked at me with a surprised look in his eyes. "I didn't save you."

"Didn't you send the flowers for me?" I asked him, now confused about what was going on."

"No Star, I didn't." He was shaking his head to emphasize his words.

"Then who did?" I was so confused.

"You did." He smiled at me. "You made them appear."

"Huh?" I was even more confused by that. "I don't get it. How did I do that?"

"You have two hands of power, Star." He grinned at me. "You have two special abilities like me."

"I..I..I do?"

That shocked me. I am only half Fae so I never thought that I would have two powers like that. The excitement that my dad was having over it more than made up for my lack. I was just a little overwhelmed at the moment and wasn't able to celebrate.

I learned from my father that my second hand of power was called the flower guardians. Apparently, they would protect me and those that I care about. That is nice, but it would have been useful a lot sooner.

After that incident though, we focused on having me learn small magics. I was able to do several little things that I never would have thought about, like having a group of small flowers carrying a cup of juice over to me. I was able to start a campfire, like dad said I would be able to, and I was about to put it out with the water from the pond without needing to move.

Dad told me that he would teach me more when we got back home, including summoning my flowers at will. He was doing so much for me right now that I couldn't believe it. I had thought that this would never be possible for me. I thought that I was going to be without a loving parent in my life forever, but now I had a dad that loved me and cared for me, and I couldn't have been happier about it.

When our training was over, we packed up the remnants of our picnic and started back toward the room. Dad was excited about moving and was telling me that he couldn't decide if he should take all his stuff or buy all new stuff when we got there. He sounded so giddy that I just smiled and listened to him talk about our future all together as a family.

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