Rescuing His Captive Mate: Saving The Future Luna

Chapter 174 - Artem - Lunch With The Queen




I knew before Star told me that the Queen wanted to have lunch with me. Tomorrow was our last day here and then we were going home. Honestly, we spent more time here than I thought we would. Also, it was a lot better than I thought it would be. I was glad about that. I didn't want this trip to be a disappointment for my Star.

Still, as good as things were, it was nerve wracking to be going to have lunch one on one with the Queen. I knew how nice she was, and how much she already cared about Star, but that didn't make it any easier on me at all.

I dressed semi-formal, semi-casual for my lunch with the Queen. I didn't want to be accused of being too familiar and casual by anyone in the castle. It was already spreading among the inhabitants of the castle, and the city that surrounded it, that Star was the Queen's niece. That would make things both easier and harder on her in the long run. She was going to be a spectacle to them, something to gawk at and wonder about because she was different. I didn't need to help them out by giving them something else to talk about. 

When it was time for me to go for lunch, a servant came and escorted me to the same room that I had been in before. Once inside, it was just me and the Queen that was sitting there waiting for me.

"Hello Artem" She smiled softly.

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"Hello." I nodded at her and did my best to smile.

"You're nervous, I can tell."

"W..well, just a little. I don't know why you wanted to have lunch with me, if there might be something wrong."

"No, Artem, there is nothing wrong. I just wanted to talk to you about something. Something that I think might be very important to you."

"If it's about Star, then it is important to me. She is the most important thing in the world to me."

"I know, and I am glad that you have been there for her. She is lucky to have found you. Come here, Artem, let's have lunch, and we will talk while we eat."

"Alright." I was a little confused and nervous still, but I went to the table with her and sat down at the place that had been set for me.

The Queen had a meal with several dishes prepared, and all of them were scrumptious and unique. I think she was trying to showcase what the Fae compound had to offer. We ate in silence for a moment, just savoring the meal. Before long though, the Queen started to ask some questions.

"Artem, how long do wolves such as yourself live?" She looked genuinely curious, like she really didn't know. "I know it's close to that of a human, but I am not completely sure."

"Well, it can vary for many reasons. If someone were to die in a battle, obviously they wouldn't live as long as someone who died of old age. As for life expectancy of the average wolf, the oldest we can expect to live is around one hundred and thirty to one hundred and forty, though that is not as common. Most of us will pass on sometime around ninety to one hundred and ten. It really just varies. If a wolf gets too sedentary in their old age, then they tend to fade sooner."

"Do you know how long a Fae lives for, Artem?" Her voice was solemn now, like she was upset by what she had heard.

"I know that if they're not killed by something or someone else they could possibly live forever, or close to it."

"That's right. So, what that means, is if Star takes after her Fae side, she will live a lot longer than you will. As will her children most likely. I am not sure how strong the blood will be with each additional generation."


I hadn't thought about Star living like a Fae. I didn't think that she would become an immortal like them. If I aged and Star didn't, that would mean that I would die and leave her alone. I wouldn't be there to protect her anymore.

I could feel the anger, the fear, and the heartache starting to fill me. It was overwhelming. But I couldn't not be with her. I needed her in my life, and she needed me. We were made for each other. So why then, would fate make us live drastically different life spans?

"Artem?" I heard something, but I was spiraling right now. I didn't want to lose my love. "Artem." The voice called again, and this time, I snapped out of it and looked at the Queen.

"I am sorry. I was lost in thought." I was embarrassed, but the way that I had ignored her in my panicked state.

"It's fine, Artem. This is a lot to take in." She smiled and rose to her feet. "Come with me for a moment, please."

"Alright." I was confused but I got up to follow her.

I watched as Queen Gloriana went to her desk and waved a hand. It was like the desk that I saw was just an illusion because in an instant the entire thing changed. It was bigger in every way possible; it was taller, wider, and had a large hutch over the elaborately carved wooden surface that held many items that looked to be priceless.

Queen Gloriana seemed to know exactly where to look for what it was that she wanted. Everything in the desk was neatly organized and seemed to be in its place. I watched as she reached into a closed cabinet on the hutch. Once inside there, she moved a few things to the side before taking a green leather bracelet out. While she cradled it carefully in one hand, she closed up the desk and waved her hand again. With that wave, the extra parts to the desk disappeared, and the smaller desk was all that was left behind.

"Come here Artem." He gestured me over with a wave of her hand. I walked slowly, like I was afraid. I don't know, maybe I was. I didn't know what the purpose of that bracelet was, but I knew it was a magic item.

When I was standing just in front of the Queen, she held the bracelet out for me to see. It was made of leather, I could smell it, but it looked like ivy. It was green and had little leaves that had been wrapped around it. There were symbols carved into it as well, symbols that I didn't recognize or understand. And it seemed to be thrumming slightly as if it had power of its own.

"What is this?" I asked Queen Gloriana in a hushed voice.

"This, Artem, could be the answer to your problem. It is a magic bracelet that will make your lifespan match Star's, if she were to live long beyond your years you will live on with her and age at the same pace that she does."

"Really?!" I heard the excitement in my voice now as I looked at the bracelet with a renewed curiosity.

"There is a catch though." Her voice was grave as she spoke.

"What kind of catch?" I didn't like the sound of that.

"This is magic we are dealing with, and this particular magic is old and powerful. If you were to do this, it would bind your fates together."

"Is that a bad thing?" I didn't understand her warning.

"To bind your fate is to bind your lives. If one of you were to die while you were wearing the bracelet, then the other would as well. If you knew your end was coming from injury you could simply take the bracelet off; if you had the time that is. But if you were to live until the end of Star's days, if they were beyond yours, then you would perish the moment that she did."

"I could remove the bracelet to save Star if I was injured and then she wouldn't die too. Got it." It was definitely something that would need to be thought about. I don't even know if Star would want me to take this step. I would do it in a heartbeat, but I needed to ask her first."

"Will you accept this gift, Artem? Will you take this ancient magic that I am offering you?"

"I will, but I will not use it until I talk with Star first. I want her to know what the consequences are. I need her to know that this is a risk to the both of us."

"That is understandable and commendable." Queen Gloriana smiled at me. "I am glad that you are open to the option."

I watched as the Queen closed her hands around the bracelet then. After a flash of light, there was a box there instead of just the bracelet.

"I have wrapped it for you, in a sense. This way you may take it with you and present it to your mate."

I had to think about how best to approach this subject with Star. I knew she would be scared of the idea that we would be linked like that. I for one think it would be romantic to link our fates even more than they already are. I was meant to live for her, I would choose to die with her as well. 

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